Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 45 No. 6 - Beloved Saint Germain with Portia - February 10, 2002


The Hour Is Crucial:
Go Out and Do What Has to Be Done

If you could see the layers upon layers of blueprints that we have on our Darjeeling Council table, in our homes and various places, beloved, you would realize that we are on the move as you are on the move, and there is a mighty intensi­fication at all levels of being. For it is said that those who are here upon earth do stimulate those who are in the heaven-world, and this is indeed what has happened, beloved.

Thus, we see what can be the future of this home of light, this planetary body. And first and foremost, what it can be, beloved, is that action of the sacred fire whereby you have such a kindling fire of violet flame—that comes from Omri-Tas, that comes from the ruler of the Violet Planet and all those who serve the violet flame—that there must be, there can be, there will be a tremendous intensity and multiplication of the violet flame throughout the remainder of this conference.

We salute you, beloved, for we are gratified that so many of you have come to this place, multiplying your numbers, multiplying your hearts and souls. And as you can see and feel the intensity of this light, you know that wondrous things are happening. You see it before your very eyes; you see it before the sun, the stars, the galaxies; and you know that this old world is being turned around. And if we do it fast enough, beloved ones, we may just turn it right back again and right its axis and bring it into the center of God-control.

Children Throughout the World Must Be Educated

Our hearts are as dedicated as yours are, beloved ones. We want to see the children educated throughout the world. We want to see them accelerate. We want to see them out of programs that simply do not work. We want to see the children of the light and all children throughout the planetary home have excellent educational standards. This is a must. And you must go after it and you must be determined and you must make the calls and you must make the judgment calls.

And you must call for the violet flame to simply swallow up and take that energy that they would take and turn upside down into bad methods. And use that flame, use that light from all corners of the universe to bring the right education, the right teachings, the right faculty, the right souls who truly understand what is the Teacher within the heart—who is that “hidden man of the heart,”<1> who is that Holy Christ Self that comes to teach them each morning when they go into their classrooms.

This is the understanding that you have at Montessori International,<2> as it is understood throughout the world. But it is not understood every­where and therefore many, many children do not grasp the fundamentals of reading and writing and arithmetic at an early age whereby they can transcend those early steps and already have them under their belts. Blessed ones, you have known of this for centuries.

I speak again to you of the God and Goddess Meru, who are yet as relentless as ever to bring you back to the center, to help these children come into that enlightenment. Let it happen, beloved, that the poorest children in South America and around the world receive that training. Let them receive it, beloved, for they are wondrous souls of light.

See that the food is adequate. See that your service is adequate. See that everything that can be done is being done and will be done. And then we will applaud you at the conclusion of this race; for it is a race, it is a timetable, it is a monumental work, beloved.

Take Orphaned Children of Light into Your Homes

And there are plenty of lightbear­ers who can do this. But they must not say, “Not I; let the other one do it.” All must say: “Yes! This is a life, this is a precious soul. This may be someone of majesty, this may be someone who will turn the world around. We must educate, we must find, we must gather all of the little ones, and we must bring into the homes of the United States of America all souls who do not have either a father or a mother or both.”

Beloved ones, this is a tragedy of the hour to realize that in this great nation there are not people who will take to their homes children of light who can be nourished, who can be understood, who can be taught, who can come into a love flame and [therefore] not have to feel totally abandoned from the time they are little ones, even though they have much around them seemingly to sustain them. Blessed ones, do not leave those orphans in homes,<*> but take them to your homes.

It is such a terrible burden to a child when that child does not have a father and a mother. Know this, beloved, and act upon it. If these children are to become the leaders of the next decade and the next century, then they must have all of that understanding, all of that love, all of that true teaching that comes to them where there is right and proper education.

We have been hammering on this for many, many, many decades, and we will continue to do so. Just remember, be­loved ones, you who neglect the children as the years pass—five years, ten years, and so forth—how many years will be left before you are ready to take into your home and into your life children who do not have parents, children who simply are orphans?

I speak to you of this, beloved, because it is indeed pos­sible that those who look the other way concerning the orphans and the homeless ones may one day be in embodiment [in the same situation.] This, beloved ones, is not a threat; it is actually reality. It is reality itself that when you do not give of yourself, then it comes back upon you.

There Are Many Areas Where You Can Assist Life

I speak to you, then, not alone of education but of drugs and of diets that are killing the children and of cigarette smoking and all harmful manifesta­tions that have come through. And these manifestations, beloved ones, are among the worst of the worst that have come upon this nation in many, many years.

You have understood this. You have seen what the teens are doing. You have seen how they are destroying their bodies, how they are destroying their souls. This has gone on and on and on. You must turn about, look at them, find them, help them, speak to them. Who will tell them? Who will tell them?

There are many avenues where you can assist life—there are many avenues, beloved. Therefore, enter into an aspect of the workforce that you can contribute to and still maintain your home and what you must do for your family.

The hour is crucial. The hour is crucial.

Is this a disruptive thing in your life? Is this disruptive in your home? Is it disruptive here or there? Well, be disrupted, beloved ones. I say that to you. Portia joins me; I speak to you. And this is the time and the hour to recognize it: You cannot raise bean poles or corn stalks or any other kind of manifesta­tion. You have to raise living, vital human beings who have a heart—before that heart goes out, before that flame goes out, before they have no conscience, no guilt, whether in murder or in any other aspect of life.

Please Do Not Look the Other Way

Know, then, beloved, that you must see the handwriting on the wall and that these things will not go away. So on one hand we have the greatest hope for a golden age of Aquarius in this entire continent. And El Morya sponsors it and those who are in this continent and in this hemisphere are sponsoring it. Then there are those who may never make it, who may become not lawful citizens but those who go out and kill and maim life, for they know not what they do.

Yes, beloved ones, Portia and I count on you to turn around many things. Please do not look the other way. You are in control. You are the adults of the hour. You are those who have the life, the light, the stamina, the will and the joy to help many, many children. It must be done, for too many parents do not know how to parent.

I ask you to take the message of education and of the heart and of learning and of loving and of serving with you. And remember it and remember it to the last breath of life on earth.

Life is meant to be lived, beloved; it is meant to be lived by all people. If half the people or a quarter of the people or some of the people, namely the children, do not have that sponsorship, that love, that nurturing, what will become of civilization? I think you know it already. I think what I have said should suffice.

So beloved, on this day of July Fourth, we come to remind that many are without food in America. Many are the homeless. Many have left their parents years ago—teens moving in packs through this country. You must unharden your hearts. You must go out and do what has to be done. This is your ­civilization. Yes, this is your civilization.

Thus, I commend you now to the Goddess of Liberty, who would also speak to you on the flame of liberty itself.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain with Portia was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, July 4, 1997, at the 1997 freedom class, Practical Spirituality: A Six-Day Conference on Living a Spiritual Life, held at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina, San Diego, California.


1. I Peter 3:4.

2. Originally located in Colorado Springs, Montessori International was founded by Mark and Elizabeth Prophet in 1970 as a private school for children preschool through the twelfth grade. Its goal was to assist children in developing their highest potential, human and divine. The curriculum was based on the educational principles set forth by Dr. Maria Montessori and the ascended masters. At the Royal Teton Ranch, Montessori International incorporated techniques developed by Romalda Spalding, Glenn Doman, Marva Collins and other advanced educators as well as methods developed by our own teachers.