Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 45 No. 4 - Beloved Kali - January 27, 2002


Speaking for the Three Consorts of Shiva: Parvati, Durga and Kali

Love Is the Key to Kali

I am Kali! I move in the earth. I turn over the earth. I go under the earth. And I collect the heads of those who have counted themselves as the ego incarnate.

I come, I move; and at the end of the hour I shall know whom I shall go after for the binding of the substance of that human ego. Be prepared to be stripped of it, for this is my coming. If you accept me, then you will know the absence of self-importance and a tremendous energy of empower­ment that you may or may not receive, but you may in turn look for it, seek it, find it, internalize it.

I am the manifestation of the feminine deity. I am dark; I am deep blue in color. I have no patience for those who move with the ego, but I come to those who would be the Divine Mother. I come to those who would receive Shiva. I come to those who have profound understanding of aeons upon aeons of their evolution, recognizing that this is an hour when the door may open and the door may receive you and the door may also be shut.

Therefore, remember Kali. Remember the dance of Kali. Remember the burning ghat. Remember the ashes. Remember that all that is not Real must go into the flame!

If you would have empowerment, seek it, find it. The vessel of empower­ment is seated in the throne of grace, in the majesty of love. Love, then, is the key to Kali.

I Come to Shatter All of the Old Molds

I am ferocious, for I go after my own. Understand this, beloved. When you see me moving about, know that I come to shatter, to shatter, to shatter again all of the old molds, that you might find that Spirit of the living God, that you might find Reality, that you might find all that is there that has been waiting for you.

Take the nature of your feminine divinity. Expand it until an entire cosmos knows you as Kali. Know me as that Kali, beloved. Know me as that fierce one. For I get things done. And I am the annihilator of all and anything that is not worthy of keeping.

I am here, beloved, for you have much, too much, too much baggage. Strip yourselves of that baggage and go with the one-eyed God, that point of the Cyclops,<*> that point of Elohim—All-Seeing Eye of God, All-Seeing Eye of God. See the perfection and wholeness; do not see imperfection or coldness.

Enter in, then. Now move deeply. I bring you down to ­levels of the subconscious and the unconscious mind. I dare you to descend to those levels. I dare you to shoot arrows of violet flame to consume those levels, making them habitable to yourselves. Recognize that all that is in you must come up for transmutation, must be cast into the fire; and you must let go of human pride. Let human pride be no more; it will be your undoing.

Seek the Highest Path

Therefore, beloved, know that at all levels of being there is estab­lished a way and a path. Seek the highest path. Seek the path of the bodhisattva. Seek the path of your Holy Christ Self. Seek the path not of the ego but of the not-self.

I remember your beginnings and I remember what they were like. I shall see you in your endings, but I pray that your endings will be eternal beginnings forever. May you ever know and forever know those eternal beginnings, that you might move and move again and again.

Why is there a trinity of deities all female? It is because within ourselves we carry such a momentum of intensity of sacred fire. Therefore we are called and we respond to Lord Shiva. We respond because we understand the layers upon layers upon layers of the human consciousness that are consumed, and the records that follow suit.

I have a very good reason for being on earth, for the dead and the dying need my healing, my presence. And I set them straight, beloved. I am not a cruel Goddess, but I am a Goddess of no-nonsense. I am one who can take you to the stars. I am one who moves with El Morya, the chohans, the Elohim. I am feminine ray in manifestation. I am circle upon circle upon circle of divine Being. I know eternal life, as I have said, and I know death and hell.

Which one do you suppose is real? Which one, indeed, beloved. Is eternal life real? It is only real if you keep it real, compound it and make it real, that the incorruptible might realize that the corruptible must be slain.

Know this, beloved: there is no transformation unless you enter into transformation. And transformation is self-transcendence. And self-transcendence is entering into the pearl of great price, entering into the heart of God.

If you would seek and find the pearl, if you would find the door that opens to the one who would enter in and know eternal life, call upon me, knock. I may or may not open the door; but there is a very strong chance that I shall open that door.

All the Children of the World Need You

I must be fierce, beloved, because the humanity is self-indulgent. I do not expect you to be self-indulgent. I expect you to come with such a fierce determination that all shall tremble in your presence, as many tremble in my presence. You will get used to it, beloved.

Know then, beloved, that if you would be the consort of the Trinity, of the three, then you must mold yourself in the likeness of that one. For the wife of the deity is a servant as well as a mighty conqueror.

This is not a figment of imagination—the Hindu deities move among you. Some of you have even gained that self-realization; some of you are deluded in thinking that you have it. But all have the potential for expanding feminine being. Do so, beloved, for all the children of the world need you. Therefore I send you forth. Feed them! Heal them!

I will not be patient with those who do not care for the sick or the dying or the children or the homeless or those who have nothing. No, I will not! I will say to you, “You are not ready. You are not ready for the fire. You are not ready for death or hell or eternal life. You are not ready! Therefore, I, Kali, will dispel you from my circle and call you back in another era when you are ready to give your life to others utterly.”

Some would rather have a soft messenger; some would rather have a hard messenger. I would prefer a precise messenger who knows where things and when things must happen—the timing, the timetable, the attunement with cosmos and the universe and galaxies. I would rather have that one than someone who is neither hot nor cold.

Darkness Is upon the Land but You Can Brighten It

I, then, come, and I say, beloved: Darkness is upon the land, but you can brighten it. Darkness may be here or there, but in your heart you can carry a conflagration of white fire. Let the white fire consume, then, what might be, what could be. Let the white fire consume, then, all that must go if the darkness of earth is to become its brightness.

Remember, it is the mothers of the universe, it is the ­Shaktis, it is those who care about life—they are the ones. So follow them. These are the feminine deities. All need them. All worship them. All become ultimately one with Shiva. So let it be done!

So understand, even if you do not have understanding, that even in the West there is that presence of the fierce Goddesses. Run with them! And know that in the heart and core of being you may find universal enlighten­ment through the Mother flame of the cosmos.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Kali was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, July 4, 1997, at the 1997 freedom class Practical Spirituality: A Six-Day Conference on Living a Spiritual Life, held at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina, San Diego, California.

*Although we associate the name Cyclops with the one-eyed giant of Homer’s Odyssey, the Elohim Cyclopea said in a 1961 Pearl of Wisdom that there had at one time been a “great spiritual race, the Cyclops, with the third eye depicted in the middle of the forehead.” Therefore, the reference to “the Cyclops” in this dictation may be to this spiritual race.

In Hindu tradition, every masculine personification of God has a feminine counterpart, or Shakti. The masculine aspect is inactive in creation without the activating force of this feminine principle. Thus Shiva’s action is crystallized in the world of form through his female counterpart.

Shiva’s Shakti appears in three primary forms—as Parvati, Durga and Kali. Parvati is the gentle mother and wife. Her union with Shiva is a prototype of the ideal marriage. A beautiful, gracious woman, she is often depicted with Shiva in domestic scenes or seated beside him in discourse. Shiva and Parvati are sometimes portrayed with their son Skanda. Skanda is also known as Karttikeya, the god of war, and is identified in the Chandogya Upanishad with the sage-god Sanat Kumara.

According to Hindu mythology, when the lovely Parvati was unable to win Shiva’s love, she set aside her jewels, donned the garb of a hermit and retreated to a mountain to meditate upon Shiva and practice austerities. After embracing the life of a renunciate for some time, Shiva finally accepted her as his wife.

Hindus believe that Shiva and Parvati live on the summit of Mount Kailas in the Tibetan Himalayas. Hindus revere this majestic mountain as the most holy mountain in the world and regularly make pilgrimages there.

Some artistic representations of Shiva show him as half-man and half-woman. According to legend, Shiva was determined that there be no separation between himself and his Shakti. He therefore decreed that his right side be Shiva and his left Parvati.

Shiva’s consort Durga is called the Goddess Beyond Reach or the Unfathomable One. Terrible and menacing to her enemies, she is known as the destroyer of demons and is a fierce defender of God’s children.

Shiva’s consort Kali, the symbol of dissolution and destruction, has black skin and wears a necklace of skulls. She shatters delusions of the ego and destroys ignorance, even as she brings blessings to those who seek to know God.

Like Shiva, Kali dances in the hearts of devotees who have purified themselves by renunciation. One Bengali hymn captures the prayer of worshipers of Kali: “Because thou lovest the burning-ground, I have made a burning-ground of my heart—that thou, Dark One, haunter of the burning-ground, mayest dance thy eternal dance.” (Taken from Shiva! Sacred Chants from the Heart of India, booklet accompanying CD; available through Summit University Press,

ERRATA. Pearls of Wisdom,vol. 44, no. 52: Confucius delivered his July 1, 1997 dictation at the 1997 freedom class Practical Spirituality: A Six-Day Conference on Living a Spiritual Life, held at the Sheraton San Diego Hotel and Marina, San Diego, California.