Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 44 No. 37 - Beloved Arcturus and Victoria - September 16, 2001


Stars and Stripes of Our Cosmic Consciousness
Part 1


Hail to the light of cosmos!

Hail to the light of freedom!

We are in the flame of sacred fire. We are in the light of far-off worlds. We are the stars and stripes of cosmic consciousness in the flags of all of the nations and in the banner of Maitreya and in the banner of the World Mother that flies with every national flag as the result of the dispensation of Saint Germain to anchor the flame of freedom in the capitals of the nations. <1>

We are the cosmic consciousness of the freedom of the Elohim to create. Freedom is the freedom to create. If, then, you are denied that freedom to create, we say you have not rediscovered the flame of freedom--the great discovery of Almighty God which in his love he has shared with his sons and daughters throughout the creation.

The violet flame is the flame of alchemy. The violet flame is the sacred fire. It is the power, the wisdom and the love to change that which ought to be changed and to seal, as the creation, that which ought to be sealed. And this is the choice of a free people. The daily choice to be or not to be is the choice to consign to the flame of freedom that which ought not to be and the choice to ratify by that flame that which ought to continue for eternity.

You say this is the power of God. Indeed it is the power of God, but God is in you. God is the fire within you. And therefore God, exercising the energies of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, is the fire of freedom creating, preserving and destroying--the continual undulations of the fire of creation sending forth, sustaining by the power of the spoken Word, and again using that Word to recall energies of creation misused. And thus, the fulfillment of love is the freedom again to create or to destroy, to preserve or not to preserve. And in your hands that gift of freedom is a fire, a living fire.

We Come to Ask the Question...

We come, then, to this system of worlds, touching down to this point on Terra. We come to ask the question. We ask it of the Lords of Karma and of the ascended masters who guide the destinies of nations. We ask this question: Are there sons and daughters of God who will continue to fan the fires of freedom on earth and in the planes of Mater on the planets in this system of worlds?

We ask that question, and do you know why we ask that question? Because we also report to the Cosmic Council, which long ago convened to determine the fate of the evolutions of earth. It is a tale twice told, many times told, that the Cosmic Council decreed the action of the Destroyer, the action of the fire of the Holy Spirit, for the consuming of this round and this lifewave. <2>

Now I ask you the question: Why do you really suppose that that decision was made by the Cosmic Council? It was, of course, that men and women of earth had failed to remember the identity of the Self as God. But it was more than that. It was that there were no longer free souls willing to ensoul freedom. There was no longer the freedom to pursue the path of initiation.

These Worlds Were Created as a Platform for Evolution

I tell you this: these worlds were created by God, by the Elohim in answer to the edict of God, to provide a platform for evolution, for attainment and self-mastery. They were not created that an evolution and a lifewave might play with the energies of God for entertainment, for the pleasure cult and for the death cult. The Almighty is not interested in the preservation of life and the option for life among the systems of worlds where freedom is denied, where freedom is not the sacred goal of evolution.

All of the striving and the overcoming in all of the rays has its culmination in the seventh-ray action of freedom. If all of your willing, your wisdom and your love, your purity in the law and your science and your devotion in religion do not culminate in freedom in the religions of the world and in the governments of the nations, then the planet and the evolution has lost its cosmic purpose. Without cosmic purpose, where, then, is the opportunity for self-mastery? Where is life, where is freedom, where is the soul?

Fear not, then, those who kill the body, but fear those who destroy the soul in hell. <3> These are the words of the Master of Peace, who paved the way for the era of freedom. Yes, peace is necessary for freedom. But without freedom, there is no peace. It is a false peace.

The Challenge to Define Freedom, to Defend Freedom

And therefore, let men and women and children in the Aquarian age understand the nexus of the cross of life. What is the nexus? It is the point of the crystallization of the God flame in this mandala of this planetary evolution. The cosmic cross of white fire that is over the earth as the mandala of a fiery destiny, the converging of the lines of force at that center of the cross, is now the crux of freedom.

Here in Terra, then, the purpose, the geometry and the design of this very moment of the release of the Christ consciousness of the Elohim is the challenge to the evolutions of Earth not only to define freedom but to defend freedom. Where freedom is lost, I can prophesy to you that the decision of the Cosmic Council will be the same as it was thousands of years ago when Sanat Kumara, that freeborn soul from Venus, came to keep the flame of freedom.

There is no life without freedom! This is the land that is free and a people who are freeborn. But can that freedom endure if it is not the freedom of all of Earth’s evolutions? The world cannot exist half slave and half free. <4> Who are the slaves and who are the free? There is a changing of roles as musical chairs. Those who have freedom allow themselves to be in bondage. And those who are in bondage to one form of tyranny claim their freedom to be in bondage to another form of tyranny, to another form of the shackles of the fallen ones.

The Elohim Release the Proclamation of Freedom

In the light of freedom, I AM come! And I AM come to roll back the bondage of souls in East and West, North and South who have thought they were free and yet who are prisoners of the mortal coil, who are prisoners of their karma, who are prisoners of one another, who are the objects of manipulation and know not that they are being manipulated.

I proclaim the freedom of the electron!

I proclaim the freedom of the atom!

I proclaim the freedom of the molecule!

I proclaim the freedom of the cell!

I proclaim the freedom of the body of God on earth and in heaven!

The Elohim release the proclamation of freedom and the conditions of freedom!

We are not interested in the conditions of peace or in peace pacts or in peace pipes smoked with those who are the adversaries and the aggressors. There is no meeting ground with those who are vying for peace without freedom.

Freedom, the handmaid of Peace!

Peace, the flame of the Christ!

Christ, the Mediator of God!

God, the law of free will to all evolutions everywhere!

I AM come. I AM come only moments following the surrender of that land, the last remaining territory of freedom where there is an ascended master retreat of freedom. <5> I anchor the light of freedom in the etheric plane in the chakra of the Elohim’s freedom of earth. I come from Angola; I come from that place where Cuban troops, pawns of the sinister force, pawns of World Communism, have entered. <6>

Forces of Good and Evil

Do you suppose, do you suppose that there is any connection between the fact that the retreat of world freedom is there anchored in the etheric plane and the fact that World Communism has vied for that soil? Do you suppose there is any connection? Or do you move with the intelligentsia? Do you move with those who do not see cause and effect sequences? Do you move with those who say there is no conspiracy, there are no fallen ones, there are no devils, there is no false hierarchy, there is no black brotherhood? <*>

Carry on, I say. Carry on, fallen ones. The judgment is upon you. I AM with the children of God who refuse to

believe the lie and to be condemned by that lie. <7> If you believe in the path of freedom and of free will, then you must admit that by the law of the choice, mankind is free, defended by God to choose Darkness or Light, to choose between the black brotherhood and the white brotherhood, between the false teachers and the true teachers of mankind.

Given the choices and given the odds, given mankind’s preference for indulgences of the carnal mind, can you not understand that over thousands and hundreds of thousands of years of evolution in this planetary home, there have been souls who have chosen darkness, tyranny, bondage, the carnal mind, who have failed to choose to be Real, who have failed to choose to be free?

These ones who have chosen, then, the dark path of ultimate self-annihilation have organized that false hierarchy, that black brotherhood, and they are known to us as the fallen ones. If you do not, then, recognize that there are forces of Good and Evil and that there is an enemy, you cannot know the enemy. And if you will not recognize the enemy, then you will not fight that enemy and you will leap into the jaws of that enemy.

Establish Freedom within Yourself

First of all, then, let those who are sincere in the love of freedom enter the path of initiation. Let them enter the path and let them establish freedom within themselves. Let them understand that the battle must first be fought here.

You must define the enemy within yourself. You must define the consciousness that limits you, that binds you to the laws of mortality. You must see the enemy as sloth, self-indulgence, self-centeredness, pride and ambition and all of the sins that have been clearly outlined by the great avatars of the ages. The enemy is within. It is within the consciousness that has not surrendered to the will of God.

Then you will summon the forces of light of your own Christ-potential and the energies that God has vested in you, and you will swiftly put down the enemy of freedom and thereby define your wholeness and your oneness as an individualization of the God flame, as an individuality and as an identity in God.

From that point of wholeness, then, you will examine the next mandala of your initiation, the mandala of your nation, and you will say, What is the enemy? And you will look again and you will define the enemy within.

You will see the social consequences of the choice to amplify the carnal mind in the four lower bodies. You will see the consequences in government, in education, in the economy, in the laws, in the people themselves, and you will begin to invoke the light of the Elohim to conquer that enemy within. And by the power of the spoken Word, you will conquer that enemy. And then you will look without, you will look to earth, you will look to the planetary body and you will say, What is the enemy of world freedom?

There Is a Conspiracy of Darkness

Now, the carnal mind that was within is still within, but it is within individuals. It is within those who have aligned themselves as a power bloc of fallen ones both in and out of embodiment, both in and out of the governments of all of the nations--the infiltrators, the spoilers of mankind’s freedom. Because they are both in and out of embodiment, because one and all, they have chosen the left-handed path, there is a conspiracy. <**>

It is a conspiracy of darkness and deceit, self-betrayal that issues from self-deception. Thus the conspiracy, though it may not be conscious among those who walk in the same path of self-degeneration, is nevertheless present. And by vibration, by energy coils, by commitment, all those who have chosen the left-handed path are one, no matter what the plane of existence, whether it be in the physical, the astral or the mental. Wherever there is a choice, wherever there is a choice for darkness, for hatred, for annihilation, that consciousness is one--one as a mass, a forcefield of dark energy that now, in this hour, hangs over the land, the very land of Angola, usurping the flow of energy from our etheric retreat.

There Is a Conspiracy of Light

Even so, all who are in Christ, who have chosen the Real Self, all who are in the light of Buddha and of the Divine Mother are also one. And in this oneness is their strength, in this union is that light of overcoming. This, too, is a conspiracy. <***> It is a conspiracy of light reflecting light. It is the manifestation of the law of equality, of equal measure, of things equal to the same thing being equal to each other. This is congruency.

Lightbearers are congruent with the mind of God. And the ones who carry the darkness, they are congruent with the minds of the self-deceived and the self-hypnotized. And therefore there is a connection, there is a reason why the world movement of Communism (that despite the arguments of the Communists is one and is not separated from nation to nation) has seized upon Angola.

to be continued


This dictation by Arcturus and Victoria was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, July 1, 1976, at the freedom class Higher Consciousness, held in Washington, D.C. Excerpts from this dictation were printed in “The Elohim and Their Retreats,” in 1978 Pearls of Wisdom (PoW), vol. 21, pp. 441-44.

* The terms black and white in this Pearl refer not to race but to the auras that surround these individuals.

** conspiracy, from the verb conspire (first definition): “to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement; scheme” [Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, tenth edition]

*** conspiracy, from the verb conspire (second definition): “to act in harmony toward a common end” [Merriam-Webster’s, tenth edition]

1. Saint Germain, November 23, 1975, “Enshrining the Flame of Freedom in the Capitals of the Nations” (see p. 206 n. 1, this volume).

2. Thousands of years ago, mankind’s departure from cosmic law became so great that all light had gone out in Earth’s evolutions and cosmic councils decreed the dissolution of Earth. Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days (Dan. 7:9, 13, 22), volunteered to come from his home star, Venus, to embody the threefold flame on behalf of the evolutions of Earth--who had willfully ignored and forgotten the God flame within their hearts. One hundred and forty-four thousand souls from Venus volunteered to come with him to support his mission. They vowed to keep the flame with him until the children of God on Earth would respond and turn once again to serve their Mighty I AM Presence. See Sanat Kumara, “The Dispensation Granted,” in 1979 PoW, Book I, pp. 82-86 (available on PoW on CD-ROM); also printed in Sanat Kumara, The Opening of the Seventh Seal (Corwin Springs, Mont.: The Summit Lighthouse Library, 2001), pp. 11-15.

3. Matt. 10:28.

4. Abraham Lincoln, Speech to the Republican State Convention, Springfield, Illinois, June 16, 1858.

5. The retreat of the Elohim Arcturus and Victoria is located in the etheric plane near Luanda, Angola, Africa. This retreat focuses the energies of the seat-of-the-soul chakra of the planet and is dedicated to the freedom of all mankind through the alchemical action of the flame, the mercy of the great law, and the love of the Father-Mother God. For more on this retreat, see “The Elohim and Their Retreats,” 1978 PoW, p. 445.

6. Communist takeover of Angola. In November 1975, Portugal granted Angola its independence from colonial rule. A fierce civil war ensued as rival groups sought control of the nation. Thousands of Cuban troops, with logistical support from the Soviet Union, backed the left-wing MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola) in its successful military campaign to gain power. By mid-1976, the Marxist MPLA government had received official recognition by the Organization of African Unity and the United Nations.

7. II Thess. 2:11, 12.