Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 44 No. 36 - Beloved Great Divine Director - September 9, 2001


Meditation in the Moment of the Birth of a Nation


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I am come in the light and the fire of the lineage of the House of Rakoczy. <1> I thank you for your tribute to this heritage that descends even from the Ancient of Days, your tribute in your meditation on the “Rakoczy March.” <2> Truly it was inspired from the very core of my own causal body; and the intricacy of the flow, the timing and the spaces are as the cosmic intervals of initiations that move step by step quickly, quickly as notes up and down on the piano of a cosmos and of a soul.

And so you see what mastery is required of those who would hold the balance for a mandala of so many forces and forcefields and integrating spirals and energies that crisscross throughout a cosmos. This is the meaning of divine direction. For the consciousness of divine direction holds within itself an awareness of cosmic cycles, cosmic moments when out from the Sun <*> come forth sons and daughters of light to be born, to be victors, to ascend, to liberate a planet and a people and to rescue the downtrodden, to set the captives free.

There are those among the cosmic beings whom I represent who are entirely responsible for focusing the Cosmic

Christ consciousness of divine direction. And we must have the accuracy of the timetable of a cosmos available to us and therefore we must contain it within our own consciousness. When you call to me, when you call to the Great Divine Director, I would like you to know that there are many cosmic beings who answer to this call, for they serve in the mandala of this divine direction.

The Moment of the Consecration of Your Own Soul’s Declaration of Independence

And so you see, cosmos is interdependent and we are all complements of one another’s victory. And therefore I even bow most humbly before your own Christ Self and your own souls who have responded to my flame as you have given the novena of invocations to the Great Divine Director, and this in answer to the request of my own beloved chela Saint Germain. <3>

Because you have faithfully given these calls, spirals of divine direction have entered into your worlds and you have embarked upon a new flow. Because you have given the calls, spirals of divine direction have been sent forth into America, and, what’s more, spirals of divine direction have accrued to my own cosmic consciousness. It was because of this, because of the devotion of the chelas of Terra, that I so desired to be with you in that moment of glory which is the glory unto God for all that we accomplish together in these planes of Mother and in these planes of Father. I am with you now in the moment of the consecration of your own soul’s declaration of independence.

While others rally for lesser causes, you have come to the city, to the city Washington, to celebrate the cause of the Great White Brotherhood, to celebrate the cause of freedom in the human spirit. Freedom--the opportunity to have free will, to choose rightly or wrongly, but the opportunity to choose.

We defend the freedom of those who are meeting elsewhere in the city. We champion their rights as God does and as you ought to also. For only in manifesting a stand--whether to the right or to the left of God’s law it does not matter--will individuals understand the rightness or the wrongness of that stand. It is the same with karma. Until you take the contemplated action, you do not have the return of karma, which is the instrument of the Lord’s teaching and never of punishment.

The Lords of Karma Deliberate the Flow of Energy Back to the American People

And therefore the Lords of Karma are meeting even now to deliberate the flow of energy back to the American people which the American people have given unto their Lord and their God and their nation in this week of celebration. What a pity it is that the media have been used to spread abroad the concept that Washington would be so filled with people that there would not even be room to move or to have vehicles. And all of the nation has been hearing these reports for so many months that people made other plans and went other places, and therefore they did not come to the throat chakra [of the nation] <4> to be liberated in the hour of the dedication of the will of God.

Fortunately, you have come. Fortunately, the Mother of the Flame had the foresight to insist upon the conference in this city despite all reports that it would not be possible. And so you see, to the lightbearers is given the key to the city, for you are here in person, in physical person.

And you see, hierarchy must select the most qualified this day among all who have come to this city, for it is the key that we will give--the key to the city, the key to the capital of the United States of America. The key is the key to the incarnation of God. The key is the key to the initiation of the spirals of the Mother’s consciousness. The key is the integration of the flow of Buddha and of Mother. The key is to the next 100-year cycle and to those who will come to power and who will take embodiment and who will help to uplift this nation through the light of the teachings of the Mother flame within you.

The Mandate to Move to the City of the Angels

Precious ones, we have hope. We have hope this day, for we have seen your consecration, we have seen your determination, we have seen your love. I come representing the Lords of Karma. Therefore, you may count my words as the words of that body of seven beings <5> who determine the flow, by God’s grace and by God’s direction, of karmic cycles in Terra.

We have heard the ratification by Keepers of the Flame of the mandate of Jesus Christ to move the Mother and her children to the City of the Angels. We have joyfully received your contributions and your pledges given at the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity meeting. We joyfully and gratefully accept your commitment, Keepers of the Flame, in the amount of fifty-nine thousand dollars given by you in this very conference, pledged by your hearts. This is the confirmation, this is your vote of confidence. And we of the ascended hosts now have a turn to applaud our chelas!

The Beacon of the Lighthouse and the White Stone of the Mother

There is a light that comes forth from the beacon of the Lighthouse. And as the beacon turns, the light shines upon a world and it enlightens and illumines the dark night. And by that beacon, souls will take flight and will come home to the center of the I AM THAT I AM.

Keepers of the Flame, we will also commit our causal bodies, as you have laid your lives, your fortunes and your sacred honor <6> upon the altar of Saint Germain. So we also will place upon that altar a multiplication factor that is as the white stone <7> of alchemy, the very philosophers’ stone, that stone that is the action of the Mother for the multiplication of Mater. And you will see how the Lord God will take up this substance, will consecrate it, and will use it now, even now, for the victory.

I call to Keepers of the Flame, then, to intensify your invocations to me and to Cyclopea for the locating of that property in Los Angeles. <8> I ask you to give your invocations so that we might see what can be done by God and man to bring our activity and the flame of the Brotherhood to that city in this year. We make no promises, yet we set forth opportunity and the certain promise of the Lord: The call compels the answer!

You must have the faith, the absolute God-conviction that by your decrees and your fervent calls that place should come into manifestation even by precipitation, even if it did not exist at all before you made your invocations. This indeed is the faith of the chelas of the Master Alchemist.

And speaking of the Master Alchemist, he is here! Ladies and gentlemen, Keepers of the Flame, I give to you the Knight Commander! <9>



This dictation by the Great Divine Director was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, July 4, 1976, at the freedom class Higher Consciousness, held in Washington, D.C. Throughout these notes, PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

* the Great Central Sun, the point of all physical-spiritual creation.

1. House of Rakoczy. The Great Divine Director founded the royal House of Rakoczy of Hungary and established a retreat of the Great White Brotherhood, the Rakoczy Mansion, in Transylvania, where Saint Germain had transported the flame of freedom prior to the sinking of Atlantis. The Great Divine Director is also known as the Master R, the R standing for Rakoczy.

2. “Rakoczy March” is Hungarian Rhapsody no. 15, by Franz Liszt.

3. For the novena to the Great Divine Director, see Saint Germain, “Divine Direction for the Path of Your Choosing,” 1975 PoW, no. 32, pp. 160-62, 164; available on PoW on CD-ROM (1958-1998), <#>CDR002.

4. The messenger has explained that certain major cities in the United States represent the chakras of the nation. The throat chakra of America is focused in Washington, D.C. She said that the city that focuses the throat chakra is always the seat of government and of God-government of the people. It is where the voice of the people and the blueprint of the nation is to be manifest.

5. On December 30, 1993, the Dhyani Buddha Vairochana announced that he had become the eighth member of the Karmic Board. The other members are the Great Divine Director, representing the first ray; the Goddess of Liberty, representing the second ray; the ascended lady master Nada, the third ray; the Elohim Cyclopea, fourth ray; Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth, fifth ray; Portia, the Goddess of Justice, sixth ray; and Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy, seventh ray. Vairochana explained that his role on the Karmic Board would be “to assist those who have light who are sincere but who have strayed from the track of reality, considering that their karma was too hard to bear” (1994 PoW no. 3, p. 30).

6. Thomas Jefferson, Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.

7. Rev. 2:17.

8. The move to Los Angeles. In 1976 the messenger moved the international headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse and Church Universal and Triumphant to a campus in Pasadena, California. She also established the Ashram of the World Mother and the Los Angeles Teaching Center in downtown Los Angeles. In 1978 the headquarters moved to a 218-acre estate in the Santa Monica Mountains near Malibu (Camelot). The headquarters is presently located in Corwin Springs, Montana.

9. For Saint Germain’s July 4, 1976 address, “Our Service in the Next Hundred Years of America’s Destiny,” see 1977 PoW, nos. 50-52, pp. 239-56; available on PoW on CD-ROM.