Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 44 No. 34 - Beloved El Morya - August 26, 2001


An Open Letter from Beloved El Morya
September 7, 1964

Elizabeth Clare Prophet


Even in the laws of our land it is said that ignorance is no excuse. We receive traffic fines for laws that we ignore. Those who live on earth today are subject to the laws of karma even though they do not know anything about karma or reembodiment or the sins they are committing. They are bound by their own mistakes, and the karma of those mistakes returns.

Now, I hope that when I read El Morya’s letter there is no thought from anyone in the audience, “Oh, I didn’t know.” I hope you will all concede that you have known this, and that it is a review--a final review.

El Morya’s Pearl of Wisdom called “A Report,” written in 1962, was on criticism. <1> I suggest that you all look into this Pearl. It is part of the body of knowledge which it is our duty to make our own and to live as supporters of the cause of the ascended masters. For until we make this knowledge our own, we cannot expect but that the masters will have to repeat the lessons that have already been taught.

The masters have told us in many dictations this year and last year that they could not give us more advanced instruction because certain individuals in this sanctuary and some who have attended the conferences were holding back the instruction through some feeling or thought in their own worlds which had not advanced.

Now, I think we can all take this admonishment to heart. For until our lives are pure hourly and daily and our full attention is upon God, we can all admit that at some time or another our consciousness has been less than in a positive state. But some of you will realize that you are more a part of this state a greater percentage of the time than you are standing for the light.

And so I hope we will all work with Djwal Kul, whose Pearl this week is on introspection and assessment, delving into our own consciousness, our own selves, into the subconscious; examining our motives, our feelings and our acts; and praying for the transmutation of all that should not be--all those negative currents which steal our energies from the matrix that should be formed among us as one body of light-servers. <2>

You know that any subconscious feelings of fear or criticism of any kind take part of the energy flowing from our mighty I AM Presence and therefore we cannot give our all. And so it would be my request to you today to go back to the teachings that you have already been given so that we may all go forward, the activity might go forward and the instruction shall be forthcoming which shall indeed set the entire planet free.

These are the words of our beloved El Morya:

An Open Letter
from Beloved El Morya

This letter is dictated to all who feel the need to give vent to that which they call “constructive criticism”:

As Lord of the First Ray, I have had considerable experience down through the centuries with this form of energy. Let it be reiterated that thought requires energy. And when it takes the form of judgment of another’s acts, it is always an open door for the forces of negation to flow through the necessary rupture that results in the aura of the critic.

As the light ray surcharged with criticism pierces the aura of the one transmitting the energy and aims directly at the one criticized, the tiny aperture that was created to release the arrow forms a rent in the critic’s own tube of light. In turn, this opening permits an inflow either of subtle seeds of doubt and mistrust of the motives of the one criticized (and this is somewhat a moot point since it is usually these qualities that are at the root of criticism in the first place) or of a blatant manifestation of vagabond, tarry substance that is overwhelming even to the critic himself.

All of this energy, then, must be thrust aside and expurgated from the aura of the critic, for it is most uncomfortable. In a desire to expel this unwanted substance from the aura, the individual spews out through the aperture he has made in his own tube of light--where the not-so-radiant beam of criticism has passed--a flow of this substance that follows the trajectory of the arrow of criticism to the target mark of the one criticized.

Let me point out, then, that this often develops into a form of spiritual warfare whereby the innocent become victims of a far greater measure of negatively qualified energy than was ever the intention of the originator thereof when the thought was first spawned in the brain and feelings of that individual.

Criticism Finds Its Justification in the Ego

It cannot be denied that the subtle serpentine-like qualities of this type of energy usually find justification in the ego of the one sending them out, so that in truth a form of self-righteousness and self-justification is assumed by the critic, somewhat in the mode portrayed by Mark Antony, who stated, “I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.” <3>

I remind you, then, of Saint Peter’s words, “If the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?” <4> When condemnation and judgment arise in human consciousness, it must always be recognized that the one who is the target of the energy also has a divine Presence as well as access to our octave of light. This is especially true if the individual is linked with us through some form of ordained service, such as a position of spiritual responsibility to the earth and its people.

Although we admit that many of our servants have not always expressed the fullness of that perfection which we wish for them, we must also declare that many of us, before we were ascended, did make and mirror many minor errors for which the great Law in its mercy and tranquility did allow until in time, as experience patterns unfolded, we did come to a pure self-adjustment of our own accord. This always follows if the heart be pure and the motive divinely appointed.

Do you think, O mankind who would assert some form of criticism of mankind’s dress or outer wearing of apparel, that this is a mountain to stand in the way of the service of the Christ?

Do you think that men’s stereotyped social ideas concerning what is a right action for a religious service are binding upon the divine appointee for all time?

How could progress ever manifest if no one were able to institute change, innovation or new approaches, especially if that one be appointed by God to do so?

Let Critics Consider Whether the Fault Lies within Themselves

Let them consider, when they do not derive the satisfactions they expect from religious service, whether the fault lies within themselves and their own consciousness, and then I think they will not be so ready to subvert others to their nefarious modes of criticism or to sustain a molehill concept until it becomes a mountain of negated affliction in their worlds.

Now, I am seriously considering the suspending of two individuals (who have been outwardly associated with this activity for a few years) for a prescribed period of weeks or months in order to allow them time to ponder the great privilege that has been theirs, so that they may decide whether or not they wish to continue to submit themselves unto rule as authority derived from us.

Authority in Spiritual Matters Is Derived from On High

Beloved ones, in spiritual matters authority is not derived from the consent of the governed but from on high. And in spiritual orders, the lesser have always submitted to the rule of the greater. This is the concept of hierarchy and it is the divine right of spiritual initiation, which gives to mankind the rulership of many things when he is faithful in a few.

We cannot confer authority upon those who do not first give obedience to the very authority they seek. For there is no other power but God, and his mandates are also our law.

I would point out at the suggestion of Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy, that when individuals enter into a state of criticism they begin to encircle themselves with a tower of masonry, for each stone of criticism that they make becomes situated around about themselves. And the more their attention is placed upon it in concentration and sustaining that feeling over a period of months, perhaps even a year or longer, the more mortar is supplied to bind the bricks of criticism together and the higher the tower rises. By and by, this invisible but powerful tower becomes a landmark on the horizon, readily apparent to some but often not recognized even by the builder himself.

Conspiracy Practiced in the Name of Justice Cannot Be Condoned

Of all human roles, the role of the betrayer is deemed the worst by mankind. Conspiracy practiced in the name of justice where the avenues for redress have been so apparent as in this forthright and honest activity cannot be condoned by the Darjeeling Council. Our beloved messenger and his magnificent co-server, whose recent elevation into a joint office with him has made her role doubly important, have not practiced even what one could term a recommended aloofness from the student body of this activity, one and all. And because of the openness of their conduct, they have perhaps made themselves more vulnerable than had they chosen to conceal their personal lives from their confrères.

We make our position clear here in the hope that the band of servers comprising the Washington sanctuary will recognize their rightful place in the hierarchical scheme. It has not been our intention that the local group should dictate the policies of this worldwide activity nor that any other individual group [do so], for we are directing a world action from our level. If this is to be toppled into a cocked hat by the altogether human action of criticism, condemnation and judgment, the very foundation that we have laid would be upset as by a giant upheaval and our whole structure would be unstable.

We Vest Our Authority in Our Messenger

We point out, therefore, that we have in the past and shall continue to vest our authority in our beloved messenger, who durst not himself issue forth a mandate without first receiving our approval. It is true that we have vested in his hands many matters of judgment where his own judgment and excellence have been proven, for this is the acumen of self-mastery that must eventually come about in all. Those who practice ascended master love and God-control enter into the authority of the ascended masters’ octave. And the superior intelligence of the universe functioning through them cuts them free in freedom’s name from all binding actions, even from those of the hierarchy itself.

Guidance is only needed by the child until, in aspiring to higher initiations, he finds in that Christlike maturity of his being the answers to his many problems. I have hoped in every past release concerning the subject of criticism to end it all. And yet, if I were functioning in the human octave, I think my disappointment would be great.

But I assure you that if you disapprove of the actions of our appointed leaders in your realm, we do not. And I refer most especially to their conduct and performance in the carrying out of our will to the best of their current ability under outer limitations and a constant bombardment of negative force carried in the world.

I say, may all of you join with them

  not as insects to bite and sting

    but as angel beings to praise and sing

     and upward rise on angel wing.


I thank you.

”An Open Letter from Beloved El Morya” was dictated on Monday, September 7, 1964, to the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet and was read by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the Sunday service on September 13, 1964, held at the Dodge House, Washington, D.C. The introduction and reading followed Mark L. Prophet’s “Comments on Criticism,” printed as Pearls nos. 32 and 33, this volume. Throughout these notes, PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. See El Morya, October 26, 1962, “A Report,” in PoW, vol. 5, no. 43; also available in PoW on CD-ROM (1958-1998) and PoW Online (1958- 1974).

2. See Djwal Kul, September 11, 1964, “Pieces of the Personality: Disengaging Internal Sources of Power,” in PoW, vol. 7, no. 37, available in PoW on CD-ROM and PoW Online.

3. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, act 3, scene 2, line 79.

4. I Peter 4:18.