Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 44 No. 31 - The Beloved Elohim Hercules - August 5, 2001


The Descent of the Antahkarana of Power


Did you think, O mankind of earth, that we would stand by and see the desecration of the will of God? Did you think that you would not hear from the Lords of Flame and from the beings of the first ray of the dawn? Did you think that we would remain silent?

So long as we exercise the power of the spoken Word, so long as there is a messenger dedicated to that will of God, we will speak out! We will let it be known that the grids and forcefields of the mind of God are being lowered into this planetary body as the antahkarana <*> of power. Let mankind try, if they will, to go against these rods and cones and forcefields of our love of that will.

That will comes forth and the antahkarana descends now! It is the edict of the Almighty, and we are but his emissaries--as you are. We are the servants of the will of God, and there is but one God and one Lord and one Maker of heaven and earth.

We come to serve these evolutions, for we have long ago chosen the path of Christhood. O silly and foolish mortals, you think because you have come lately into the path of Jesus Christ that no one before you has ever known his name and no one before you has ever attained to the ascension in the light.

Well I tell you, Jesus Christ and Gautama the Buddha have lived forevermore <**> in the will of God, and therefore by our communion in the Christ, we won our victory aeons ago. Have we not also the right to be, as you have the right to be? Will you deny our existence?

Try and see, if you will. I can assure you in this moment that your denial of the reality of the ascended masters can only mean the denial of yourself. For we will not accept that energy; we will allow it to return to you. And you will find that there is, after all, only one Great Self, and if you deny that Self in manifestation anywhere in the sons and daughters of God, then, so, you pronounce the edict and the judgment of your own being.

Therefore I say, choose wisely what thoughts and what feelings you send my way. For I am an Elohim and I encompass stars and galaxies in my awareness of God. This you may also do. And this is not blasphemy, for in your devotion unto God, God is most willing, I assure you, to give unto you the allness of himself.

A Focal Point for the Crystallization of Will

See, then, what God hath wrought! He hath brought forth now in this hour that focal point for the crystallization of will in earth as you have not seen will in aeons of lifetimes. I tell you, the coming of that will, will present an obstacle course for those who are not able to surrender to that will each day. I tell you that those who are the rebellious generation, who have the laggard consciousness and who constantly thwart that will, will find themselves extremely confined. For by the antahkarana of power, there will be a swift return of their rebellious consciousness.

Let the warning go forth, then, that those who resist the will of God will find that the very rebellion which they have projected upon the cosmos will return to manifest within their own microcosm. And they will find their own cells in rebellion, their own molecules and atoms, the organs of the body, and then they will find the tearing asunder and the splitting of the four lower bodies. What do you think is the cause of insanity? What do you think is the cause of darkness and of the diseases that plague mankind? It is rebellion which they have sent forth, and it is the boomerang of karma.

Learn this, O mortals: The light is oncoming! Either you will preserve your identity in that light, or you will find yourselves--by your own edict and none other--canceled out by that very light which you have misqualified. I AM indeed Hercules, and none may question that individualization of the God flame! For to question the identity of the Christed One is to question the source of the Christ, God himself! This indeed is the blasphemy--not the claim to Sonship, not the claim to Godhood, but its denial!

I am a scientist, and my invention comes forth from the will of God. By the invention, you know that the scientist exists. So by your presence in the universe, I hope, by God, that you also know that God exists as the inventor of your manifestation. And by my presence here, may you determine once and for all that God is very, very real, and there are octaves of light and levels and planes of consciousness that you know not of.

Standing in my presence, then, see how you can be that awareness, for a moment, of the Elohim. See how you can feel consciousness expand, reality expand--light and new dimensions and hope of transcending this mortal coil, this mortal frame.

Love Impels the Masters to Chastise Their Chelas

O beloved, O beloved, I release the power of God to shake you, to quicken you, to roll that energy through your grids and through the density of darkness that you have chosen to hang upon your grids! As wash upon the clothesline, so you have hung all of the substance of your subconscious on the precious grid of light that God has given you, the place prepared where you can be the energy of Christ.

O beloved, I come with such intensity because of only one, one concept. It is love and love alone that impels the masters of the will of God to chastise their chelas, to quicken, to shaken, to goad, to spur you on, to keep you working day and night in the victory so that you can lose all of the pettiness of your self-concerns and come to the place where you can truly run, rejoicing, to greet your Lord who has said, “He that will not take up his cross daily is not worthy of me. He who seeks to save his life shall lose it.” <1>

We desire that you should preserve life, integrity and the things that count! After all, what counts in life but loving, but being free, but being whole, but knowing that you can walk home to God and knowing that he will receive you, knowing that you are acceptable in his sight.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O God, my redeemer! <2> This is the prayer of the one on the path of Christhood. This is the imploring of the soul to know this one, this one hope: that effort is worthy of grace, that consciousness is worthy of being in the presence of God!

Hercules Opens His Retreat to Chelas of the Will of God

I am also opening my retreat to chelas of the will of God who have made their way to the Will of God Focus, <3> who have given the calls to the blue ray consistently day by day. If you will undertake a novena of invocations to Hercules, then by cosmic law I am compelled to draw you into the fiery core of my devotions to that will. And then you can look forward to an even greater stripping of your consciousness of that human will that you thought you had surrendered long ago.

Precious ones, this is the key: If you would be a chela of a master, an archangel, an Elohim, of Helios and Vesta, then make it your life to give daily invocations, extensive invocations to that master. Do not be surprised if that master will make you wait two years, three years, five years. But then suddenly, when you have given those calls faithfully without fail, you will find yourself in the presence of the Guru and you will hear the word, “Welcome, my son. Welcome, my daughter. Thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many. Enter into the house of the Lord.” <4>

The Sealing of the Antahkarana of Power

Now is come the moment for the sealing of the antahkarana of power by the legions of Hercules who are gathered now at certain key points: at the North Pole and the South Pole, along the equator, along certain lines of longitude and latitude. And now the grid of light is moved into place and sealed by the seven mighty Elohim.

Now let the earth respond and come into conformity with the will of God in every aspect of life! Now let the chelas of the will of God accelerate the blue ray! And let us see if the air and the fire and the water and the land and the souls of a people can be brought into inner alignment with the law of God. This is the first step of the light revolution!

In the sun of the light of Alpha and Omega, I AM and I remain Hercules of the will of God!



This dictation by the Elohim Hercules was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, July 3, 1976, at the freedom class Higher Consciousness, held in Washington, D.C.

* antahkarana [Sanskrit, “internal sense organ”]: the web of life; the net of light spanning Spirit and Matter, connecting and sensitizing the whole of creation within itself and to the heart of God.

** forever, eternally

1. Matt. 10:38–39.

2. Ps. 19:14.

3. Will of God Focus. Hercules is referring to a small sanctuary dedicated to the will of God on the grounds of the Motherhouse in Santa Barbara, California. This focus was established in response to Saint Germain’s dictation given September 19, 1969, at the Motherhouse, where he announced, “El Morya is walking upon the very soil [of this property] in order to establish here a focus of the will of God, not only for Santa Barbara but for all of California, for all of America and for all of the free world, extending, then, beams of hope into...the countries behind the iron curtain.” This focus of the will of God was consecrated on October 10, 1973. Subsequently, in 1979, a will of God focus was established at the Ashram of the World Mother in Los Angeles. Other Summit Lighthouse centers have also established focuses to the will of God.

4. Matt. 25:23.