Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 44 No. 23 - Beloved Helios of the Sun - June 10, 2001


Escape to the Sun


Children of earth, out of the sun you have come. From out the Great Central Sun, life gave you birth. And to the sun you must return for the crown of life that the light of the sun, that the sphere of consciousness might make permanent the wholeness of being.

Souls aflame with love, the love of Aquarius is a fiery love of intensity, a love that comes forth as the sun of Christ, the sun of your heart burning in the noonday. So is the intensity of the love of Aquarius. And so by the intensity of the sun can you measure the intensity of that hatred which opposes the light of the sun.

Every devotee of the Mother walks carrying a portion of the cross of the Aquarian age, the cross of the world momentum of hatred that is being drawn forth from all subconscious astral planes to the surface as every form of human viciousness. It must be drawn out, it must be consumed. And during the process of the cycling of the figure eight from the sun in the center of this system to the sun in your heart, there is the need for you to bear the cross.

I come, then, with a very special mission to speak to you that you might run and not be weary, that you might walk and not faint <1> in the way of the overcoming in the stations of the cross. By the great mystery of surrender, you escape to the sun and to the fiery core of your being. And only within the center of the sun is there a reprieve from that cross of hatred. You need not fall or faint in the way, for when you are centered in the fiery core of being, then you can carry that cross.

When Saint Germain gave to the Messengers that solemn and sacred gift of carrying the cross of the Master, he said: “In the days and the hours when the cross becomes a burden, you have but to call to me and to say, ‘Saint Germain, I bear thy cross,’ and I will come to you and uphold you. And I will carry you over the waters of the astral plane because you have willingly taken my cross.”

Carry the Greater Weight of Darknessto Experience the Greater Weight of Light

Consider, then, each of the lines of your Cosmic Clock, <2> each and every Master carrying a cross of light and a cross of mankind’s karma. The Ascended Masters can only carry the cross of light; it remains for the chelas to carry the cross of the perversion of that light. Understand, then, that the twelve initiations of the hierarchies of the sun are in order that some may carry the greater weight of darkness so that they may experience the greater weight of light. This is the meaning of the pursuit of higher consciousness.

I AM come in the fiery core so that you will understand that there is a cross to be borne for Christ at the point of the Son, for the hierarchy of Aries and for me. I AM Helios, and Vesta with me--together we are in your heart. We provide the escape for those who will volunteer to carry the weight of world karma, of the exaltation of the ego, the human ego. We provide the escape for those who are willing to walk with us as sun god and goddess, focal points of the ancient hierarchies of Mu and Atlantis.

We say, in the hour of the testing and the travail, call to us and say, “Helios and Vesta, I bear thy cross!” And then in that moment there will be the exchange. And for a moment the cosmic cross of white fire, which is the overcoming of cosmic beings in this way of hierarchy, will descend to your heart, and for a moment we will take the dark cross of human misqualification. And then in another moment and in the twinkling of an eye, <3> all will be again as Above, so below.

Each one of you has a special love for a special Master. See which Masters are on the Clock and enter into this ritual. For mankind are weary and burdened and they are not able to continue. They faint in the way and in the heat of the karma of the Dark Cycle. <4> They are sick in heart and mind and soul. Mankind are weary, O chelas of the sacred fire. If their souls are to be gathered in the great harvest <5> of the Lord, you will have to enter in and make the sacrifices that they have not the maturity to make.

They do not understand the meaning of sacrifice. For some of them it will take thousands of years of evolution in other planets and in other systems of worlds for them to come to the place where you are, sitting at the feet of the Ascended Masters. Consider, then, the interim. Consider when souls of light have ascended yet humanity have not responded.

An Energy Sphere to Cycle Energies of Light

In our Temple of the Sun in the center of the sun, there is a cosmos, a diagram, a computer of every soul in this system of worlds, every evolution, the chain of hierarchy. Moment by moment we are aware of elemental life, children of God. We are aware, then, of the birds of the air and each little elemental and the cycles of energy. This is solar awareness, awareness of the sun-self in the soul of every living creature. And therefore it is possible for us to understand the great curve of the universe and the charting of the cycles.

I have come to earth to set a focal point, an energy sphere anchored within the etheric plane which will cycle energies of light through the mental, the astral and the physical planes as you make the calls and the invocations. This sphere of cosmic consciousness is for the counteracting of the dark crosses of the weight of world karma--twelve dark crosses to be borne by the disciples of Christ, one dark cross in the center of the three on the hill for Christ and his vicar.

The Great Love of Hierarchy Is the Cosmic Interchange

This is our calling; this is our challenge. If Keepers of the Flame do not accept this challenge, we perceive that there are no others who will accept it, no others to whom the torch can be passed. And therefore we look at the conclusion of lifewaves and evolutions of Terra if the torch of the sun is not seized as the torch of life and if the runners do not continue to run. Someday, when you have made your ascension and rejoined your twin flame and you focus the Father-Mother God in the center of a system of worlds, you will remember that Helios and Vesta came to give you the understanding of the immensity of cosmic accountability, the vast planning that is involved in determining the fate of these several systems.

We must draw our conclusions and you must draw your conclusions. The great love of hierarchy is the cosmic interchange. By your conclusions we determine our conclusions; by our conclusions you determine yours. Point, counterpoint, interaction--the Great White Brotherhood ascended and unascended is one. Because you are, we serve. Because we are, you have the opportunity to serve. Each forward step in cosmic consciousness attained by an Ascended Master means greater opportunity for the chelas. Each forward step in initiation that you take, the Ascended Masters have a greater opportunity to enter into your world.

The Initiation of the Great Divine Directorby Alpha and Omega

And now I have the very good fortune and joy to announce to you a forward step in initiation in cosmic consciousness by one very dear to you, your very own, the Great Divine Director. The Master R <6> has come to this platform this evening to receive and be received of earth’s evolutions. And the ceremony of the bestowal upon him of a great sphere of cosmic consciousness by Alpha and Omega does now take place before you so that, by your acceptance of his attainment and your participation in this ritual, you may give acknowledgment and praise and honor and therefore also be afforded the opportunity, as chelas of Saint Germain, to move ahead and to draw out from this mighty sphere of light greater initiations in the charting of the cycles of the Great Divine Director, who is the originator of cycles in the planes of Mater. Will you rise now?

As the Great Divine Director kneels, Alpha and Omega place upon his head a new crown--a starry crown, a golden crown of light bejeweled with focuses of God-mastery in the planes of Spirit and Matter. It was the Great Divine Director who made the request that this ceremony might take place here on earth rather than at the Court of the Sacred Fire on Sirius. For his great desire was only to leave a record of attainment that you also might know that your attainment is nigh and that the very close love and associations of the chelas for the Master are the certain key to the victory of earth.

There are attending angels, a ring of Elohim and archangels and paeans of praise and choirs of rejoicing as in the hour of the Buddha’s enlightenment. You are witnesses of a great glory, a greater glory than any to which your understanding has been set. May this be the record, the memory and the love of your heart for the moment when you are crowned with the crown of life by Alpha and Omega. <7>

Your Escape to the Sun

I speak to you softly this evening, perhaps not in the manner you would expect of Helios of the Sun. I speak softly so that you will understand that I speak from within you, from within your own heart chakra. And as I AM within your heart, I seal your heart with the light of the sun so that you may also go there as a place of refuge, as your escape to the sun--a sun not so very far away but a sun that is real.

And I tell you, should the worlds dissolve and all of the planes of Matter be consumed in the great conflagration of the mind of God, there would yet remain these suns that I have placed within you, yet suspended in Matter. Indomitable is the will of God! Indomitable are his love and wisdom! By these three, we forge the victory of cycles.

I AM Helios. I wrap the earth in the swaddling garment of skeins of solar sunlight. I wrap each one. And I tell you, do not underestimate the Antichrist <8> that opposes your light, your endeavor, your organization. By love, implicit love, inherent love, your union will remain. Your union will be as fiery burnished steel, row upon row, row upon row--steel, sword, sacred Word, separation of light and darkness, consecration, sternness, strength, courage, honor, life upon life as waves of Keepers of the Flame go forth to conquer a cosmos. “As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal.” <9>

In Every Aspect of Distress,Sing the Mantra of Helios and Vesta

Be mindful, then, of the law of cycles. Be mindful of your fiery destiny and remember to sing the mantra of Helios and Vesta. <10> In every aspect of distress, sing the mantra and find us in your heart able to cope with any and all adversity.

I AM Helios. I have come. And I will tarry with Vesta in this city through the turning of the cycle of the destiny of the nation of nations to focus here the new light of Mother in the new day of the one-hundred-year cycle of the Virgin’s appearing within you.

Ladies and gentlemen, children of the One, the ceremony is concluded. We withdraw to the sun.


Helios and Vesta!

Helios and Vesta! Helios and Vesta! Helios and Vesta!
Let the Light flow into my being!
Let the Light expand in the center of my heart!
Let the Light expand in the center of the earth!
And let the earth be transformed into the New Day!


This dictation by Helios of the Sun was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, July 2, 1976, at the freedom class Higher Consciousness, held in Washington, D.C.

1. Isa. 40:31.

2. For teachings on the Cosmic Clock, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Cosmic Clock: Psychology for the Aquarian Man and Woman,” in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 173-206; The ABC’s of Your Psychology on the Cosmic Clock, 8-audiocassette album; and Seminar on the Cosmic Clock: Charting the Cycles of Your Karma, Psychology and Spiritual Powers on the Cosmic Clock, 2-audiocassette album.

3. I Cor. 15:52.

4. For an in-depth explanation of the Dark Cycle, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Prophecy for the 1990s III,” in 1990 Pearls of Wisdom, pp. 63-64, 71, 73-86, 120-21. See also Saint Germain, April 15, 1990, in 1990 PoW, pp. 225-27.

5. Matt. 13:30.

6. Master R is an appellation of the Great Divine Director. The R stands for Rakoczy, the royal house of Hungary which he founded.

7. Rev. 1:8.

8. I John 2:18.

9. “As ye deal with my contemners...” Julia Ward Howe, “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” stanza 3, song 687 in Church Universal and Triumphant Book of Hymns and Songs.

10. “Helios and Vesta!” song 49 in Church Universal and Triumphant Book of Hymns and Songs; also printed as “Father-Mother Light Mantra,” decree 20.21 in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Section I (printed on p. 219, this Pearl).