Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 44 No. 11 - The Seven Archeiai - March 18, 2001


Practical Spirituality
We Come as Cosmic Mothers


We, the Seven Archeiai of the Seven Rays, enter this place. We receive you, beloved. So now receive us, for we, in the balanced manifestation of the ray of the Divine Mother, come to succor you and to bring you to the very heart of your God-free being. [31-second standing ovation]  Won’t you be seated.

We come for completion, for the clock strikes but at the half hour and we would see it strike at noonday and at midnight. Many of you do not carry your momentums to the zenith of the heavens, to the zenith of the high point of God-realization, which can be seen in your Mighty I AM Presence.

Therefore, we are Cosmic Mothers and we come to you. Determine what you shall do for the benefit of humanity, for the benefit of yourselves personally, for your children, for many. Then see to it that you accomplish that which you have determined to do. There must be fulfillment. There must be the circle of fire that moves. There must be the action of the figure eight. There must be God-consciousness.

Come to us, O blessed ones, for we would give you liberation. We would give you a transfer of light through your chakras that you might see how you have not fulfilled the law of eternal life for having allowed yourself to tarry at the first half of the clock, at the bottom of the circle, on the 6 o’clock line. <1> And until you return to the zenith, you will know that there is yet travail in the world and travail in yourself. And that travail comes from the nonrecognition of oneself as a whole being, as having wholeness in God, tremendous wholeness in God.

As you enter this Path, set aside the ways in which you have previously seen yourself as human or important. Enter in. Enter in to the manifestations of God that are rings upon rings upon rings [of the Causal Body]. Do not look at yourself, pat yourself on the back and say, “See what a wonderful job I have done!”

Well, God is the doer. You know this. Therefore, let the empowerment of Elohim and the Archeiai come to you. Let that empowerment descend through all of your being. See yourself as the not-self that you were. See yourself as the Self that is God incarnate, for God truly is incarnate within you.

Move in the sea and the sky. Move throughout the worlds. Move through the hearts of the people. Move within those who have lost their spark, who no longer desire to move with the Ascended Masters. Let there be the dividing of the way. Let there be those who choose this way and those who choose that way.

We Mother All Evolutions

As for us, we, the Archeiai, know that all evolutions of earth, every last one, must be mothered, must be nurtured. They must come to the grand inner conclusion of life and say, “I have filled my cup. I am made whole. The elixir of Christ has touched my lips. I know the meaning of God within me and I move in courses vast, in kingdoms beyond my ken. Yet God is everywhere and I AM that God.”

That God in manifestation is a heart flame that shall never be extinguished, that shall always be there. It shall be there for life that needs life and that cries out for intercession.

We, then, will come and stay for a very long time with mothers, with children, with everyone in pain. We will come to fill their cups, to make them whole, to exorcise from them the elements that were planted at various levels of their beings by the seed of Satan and the fallen angels. You are all prey to these things. Therefore, call to us, for we are indeed the Seven Archeiai.

We come, therefore, as mothers, sisters. We come for an important purpose: that you might know that God, in the person of Alpha and Omega, has given to you this day, throughout the world if you will take it, a tremendous momentum to conquer self. Wherever you are, wherever you live, God has given to you, through us, through Astrea, a tremendous momentum to conquer nonbeing, to conquer all that never should have been.

The Lessons of Love

Thus, beloved, as you have Seven Chohans, as you have seven rainbow rays within you, you may receive elements of those seven rays through the Archeiai, through the Seven Chohans. Take this opportunity. See what can come of it.

See how you can transform your children, educate them, clothe them and find means to have enough food to place on the table. Find means to give them a quality life and give them that very special something that is the inner understanding of the living flame of the Christ, which is exalted on the altar of being.

The greatest lesson you can teach your children is the lesson of love, the love that burns upon the altar of being. Too many are in pain. In fact, millions are in pain this day. Send fire, the sacred fire of love. Send the ruby ray of love. Send the love of each of the seven rays and know surely, surely, that thy God shall deliver thee.

This is an hour, beloved, and a span of time that shall continue. As we, the Archeiai, move in the earth, we will find every living soul who may generate new dimensions of consciousness and self-transcendence and so rise higher and higher in order to bring their progeny to those levels.

Know, then, beloved, that there is no real reason why you should not accelerate, O mothers of the world and children of the world, except it be your own limited capacity to do so. Those of you who have changed worlds, who have been in other dimensions, you know that you have come to see major changes as a result of the service you have given. Now go and teach all mothers and children how they can rise and enter in to their oneness with God, their oneness with the I AM THAT I AM.

Yes, there is pain, beloved. But know this: pain is important. It is very important. Without pain you cannot understand suffering, your own or another’s. Many among you have never known suffering, while others have carried such a burden of suffering--sometimes self-created--that you have not been able to get back to the levels you knew in previous lifetimes.

Receive Our Gift of Love

Thus many mothers move within and across the earth. This is our glorious gift and our glorious annunciation to you. Receive it, beloved, for all of you who are mothers can bring to the fount of everlasting life every child, every other mother, every husband, every father, every son. Everyone, beloved, may know this through the heart of the Divine Mother and through your heart.

Let this become a worldwide event. Let it become just that, for that is how much momentum of the Holy Spirit we bring to turn around this world. We do not expect darkness and cataclysm but only light! light! light!

The Goddess of Light, the Queen of Light and the Goddess of Purity salute you, for we, with all feminine beings of light, are determined that this world shall know love as it has never known it before.

May you be the infilling of that love, the instrument of that love, the great wonder of that love, the great joy of that love! May you be all of this, O mothers of the world, and you will see how you will triumph. And then the world will triumph, for you will have taken heart and will have courage and determination. And thus it will be. Thus it will be. Thus it will be.


This dictation by The Seven Archeiai was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, July 5, 1997, at Practical Spirituality, a six-day conference held in San Diego, California.

1. The Messenger has described the tests of the 6 o’clock line as “disorder, disorganization, demoralization, absence of supply, power struggles, infighting, as well as a loss of vision, direction, the sense of mission, a lack of goals, goal-fittedness, the will to be, to win and to survive—all of these are a perversion of the attributes of God-harmony and God-integration. They are perversions of the Divine Mother, the Law of the Abundant Life and the cosmic honor flame that demonstrates the power of the hierarchy of Cancer and of individuals who pass their initiations of Christhood under that sign on the 6 o’clock line.”

2. Rom. 13:10.




The Radiant Word
I Come to Impart My Essence
A Dictation by the Divine Mother Omega,
Given July 5, 1997, at Practical Spirituality, in San Diego, California


I, Omega, mark the cycles of being--your being and that of a cosmos. I come in a cyclic manifestation, with a regularity that you might not notice. I come, beloved, for at certain points on the great wheel of life you must have the substance of my essence--my very essence that I now impart to you.

I impart this essence and I place it in the secret chamber of your heart. It is a tonic, something to strengthen you. It also marks time that continues as time and then becomes an eternity when you hardly notice the change.

I AM Omega, Mother of cosmos. I come. Shafts of white light are upon you. I do not discriminate. I love. Love is the fulfilling of the whole law. <2> I know the whole law.

I know the whole law of your being. Be not concerned. Yet be concerned enough to do something about matters within the psyche that must be tended to. This is your job, not mine. It is your calling, not mine. Thus, come into alignment in the geometry of being. Above all, come into my heart and do not fear.

Do not fear, O blessed one. I speak to you individually. If you must have tears, then have them now, for I would give you comfort and consolation. Do not fear, for I am always near. Do not fear the night. Do not fear the interlopers who move here and there. There is only one Reality, not a thousand or a million realities. There is only one: the Reality of you and God.

God is pervasive forever and evermore. Let your troubles flow into a mighty stream of light. Let that stream become a Niagara Falls, as you see your tears, your burdens, washed away. You are entering a new day. This is cause for rejoicing. It is cause for entering in to the beauty of God.

I come then, beloved, that you might find that there is an adjustment that must take place at inner levels of your being. I mark the time of 2:00 a.m. on the morrow, which is the hour of Pisces on the Cosmic Clock. In that hour, I trust you will be asleep so that adjustments in your physical, mental and desire bodies might cause you to know wholeness.

This is one of the reasons for which I come. There are a number of others that I shall not share with you. But I shall give to you the essence that I came with. I come to pour it into your heart, into your mind, into your soul.

Let many do as you do to chart the way, know the passage, meet others, rescue them, teach them. Let them know that the Divine Mother is very close to you in the earth, that the Mother of the Flame is also close to you in the earth. Let them know that there is a way out--truly a way out of all the negativity of the ages. Seek it. Find it. Internalize the light. Move on, for many await your coming.

I, then, have decided to remain for a period of time with-in the earth, from the core to the outer surface. And this I do to bring you all closer to the inner fire of being. Let the fire burn the dross. Let the fire become a blaze of the Holy Spirit. Let the fire bring you ever so close to that Holy Spirit and its activity.

I, then, AM Omega. From the Beginning unto the Ending, I fashion for you the T’ai Chi. You are never alone, for there is always another in polarity with you.

Let earth, then, know the white light. May you also know it. Whether it is a moment in the midst of darkness, whether you are here or there, know that periodically and frequently I, your Mother, will be there for you when you need me. Only call and know that we all know the sounding of the Om of Omega, and we shall move by that sounding.

Precious hearts, if you are burdened, sad, ill, or if you have much karma, remember that it is your responsibility. Mine is to help you. Yours is to forge ahead and say, “This too shall pass. I shall conquer!”

Thus, as the winds move on and the tides rise and fall, I, Omega, bid you a fond adieu and look to see you once again this autumn at your very next conference. For I have other things to bring to you that must wait a quarter of a year.

In the love of the white fire core of Being that comes from the heart of Alpha to you, I seal you. And I seal this conference in the everlasting arms of God. So be it. Go forth and rejoice, for God has called you. Therefore, do not fail him. Do not fail him. I know you will not fail him.

Adieu, my beloved. I go nowhere, for I am always with you.