Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 44 No. 9 - Beloved Lady Master Venus - March 4, 2001


The Cosmic Potential of the Children of God


O beloved hearts, the thrill of the soul, when at last it realizes that it serves not just a god of the earth but a Cosmic Being, that the entire planetary chain, the whole of cosmos, with all its curtained and obscure majesty, is the domain of God and that all of the God within is also his realm! Each monad faithful to his purpose can at last recognize the wonder of his love in the intensification of cosmic outreach and cosmic inreach.

The mysteries of the atom are wondrous to behold and the domain of the miniature is a marvel of creation that rivals the macrocosmic universe. Hence, humanity serves and is served by a Cosmic Being. God is a Spirit and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth. <1>

How beautiful are the feet of the omnipresence of Spirit upon the mountain of man’s being, <2> for man in reality is an aspiring mountain. Whether or not he realizes it, he does aspire. Sometimes he is captured and magnetized by the tiny concepts that hold him in bondage. But he is able to break those cords of bondage again.

It is almost a wonder to behold that man, bound and bowed down in the encircling of his divine potential by human bondage, is able to break those bonds. Then the Spirit, soaring free into the untrammeled heights of the air, beholds a cosmic prayer penetrating cosmos everywhere, a vapor trail of light from souls who penetrate the night to find out and hold in sight the divine potential of every man.

Wondrous to behold and enthralling those who know--even as the mystery enthralls those who know not the wonders of God--the wonders of creation and the wonders of his love remain goals in the sights of every man and woman who can grasp the significance of attainment. Made a little lower than the angels yet crowned with more glory, <3> the cosmic potential of the children of God bound in human form is and remains very great.

Those who practice endeavors of darkness and do the work of satanic powers upon the planet will one day come to naught. Their efforts will be rendered a zero, and all their investiture of energy in negation (because negation is nothing) will vanish away and be no more. Yet during the time that humanity and these beings coexist upon the planetary body, there is the ever-present threat that individuals will submit or be intimidated by a sense of oppression.

Are there witches? Are there black magicians? Are there those who practice the sin of necromancy? All of these activi-ties will come to naught. They will be no more. The sad travesty that exists here is that humans, in whom lies the crowning potential of the divine, will allow themselves to be brought under the power of these banal influences of negativity, which are as nothingness in the eyes of God.

Love God in One Another

 Will you then, today, recognizing the many snares laid for humanity and the great cosmic trust invested in you by God, recognize that the trailing garments of many divine beings can bring you aid, as though flowers were falling in a gentle shower from the realm of God in heaven upon you? Thus, assist the divine plan by tying into the world of divine beings and beholding the one God living in all.

One of the great problems that exist in the minds of some involves allegiance, in that individuals feel that their allegiance is solely to God, and so it is. They do not understand that when they love the God within the heart of an atom, their selfsame beautiful love can love the God within the whole cosmos.

Is God separated from himself? I tell you, nay. Your hearts tell you nay. And all who love one another in the bond of cosmic light are able to recognize that it is God within one another that you love, and thus no desecration. You have not betrayed your allegiance to him when you love others, for did not Jesus in his great Palestinian embodiment tell you to love one another? <4>

What folly it is that dogma should become a dividing wall and also a wailing wall, as others lament the fact that it is so. When hearts are turned against one another through trivia, when mortal affairs take precedence over divine ones, when the human struggle is intensified in matters of the survival of the ego, so much that is divine and eternal is lost to the individual.

It cannot be lost unto God, for it is immortal, even as God intended by the gift of his holy image to convey immortality to man. From the fountain of the beginning, outpouring from his heart were great strands of cosmic intent and intensity, divine love flowing forth in cadences and measures of beauty that men in their lesser vision have denied.

This Age Has Not Yet Received the Lord

There are those remaining in the world of form who paint Iscariot as a son of Belial, as one who betrayed the Master. They do not see that they themselves, by carelessness and crassness, equally betray the Master--and in an age of greater enlightenment.

Cosmic potential delivered by the grace of God through the akashic records to seers and prophets in your time has rendered unto humanity today the same beauty as was received in golden ages of the past. Yet this age has betrayed its Lord and has not yet received him.

Do you understand that in the midst of all that has been darkness, great souls have still communed with the tall pine trees upon the hills? They have lifted up their hearts to God, despairing only of man but not of nature. They have felt the ethereal sense of beauty that penetrates the skies of earth when the solemn and beautiful branches of physical foliage enhance the vision of the eyes of men.

And Nature, parading before his gaze, shows him the clarity of the divine intent in all that is Nature but which he denies within the domain of the wondrous creation of his mortal form, endowed as it is with the powers of mind from the Lords of Mind.

The fountain of creativity within man has been turned, through the power of vain imagination, to the creation of darkened designs in the world. And the world, spelling out those designs to its own doom, does not reckon with the judgment of God. Yet those who fall beneath the level of common decency by entering into satanic delusions are no longer able to fear. Their actions without fear, blunted, as by a narcotic that blunts the senses, blind their eyes and ears to their own doom that foreshadows them and will not forsake them until they exist no longer.

That which they have done against the living God is a desecration to their souls and repudiates the fountain of cosmic intelligence and intelling, the stream of divine perception and the uplifted wings of God, which are inherent within their soul. By his denial, man comes at last to that realm where he is equally as guilty as Herod of the past, as Pilate and as those who sought to slay the infant Messias.

With them, he is indeed guilty and shall come into that same pit where all will lose all sense of balance, falling at last to the point where nature redeems the broken substance and brings back the soul once again, through the fires of transmu-tation, to the fiery heart of God, where all the dross, grossness and iniquity is no more. Only the divine potential remains. The individuality is destroyed.

The Crystal Realm of Immortality

O humanity, existing with such great God potential, en-able in this particular solar system the emanations of your beloved solar orb to penetrate out into space to bring the awareness and grace of Alpha and Omega and Helios and Vesta into your world as the cosmic gossamer beauty of life, which cannot always be fully cognized in your present gross form.

As you etherealize your beings, living more in the divine consciousness, you will reach that stage of interior development where your soul and the solar light of cosmic purpose will bring you to a crystal realm of such beauty and perfection as is worthy of immortality. Then you will stand together with your peers upon the sea of glass, the sea of crystalline perfection.

For only perfection can and ought to be crystallized. All else ought to remain boiling, bubbling, blazing and moving into that perfection of the solar sea of glass depicted by John the Revelator as within the New Jerusalem <5>--the new consciousness, the refined nature of man’s being, Godlike in its totality and retaining within it the vestiges of his light.

Single-Eyed Vision

I am Venus of the Sun. I am Venus of the planet Venus. Together with the holy Sanat Kumara, I send waves of light and love constantly to the earth. And with the assistance of that blessed soul, Paul, the Venetian master, I increase the sense of beauty to make humanity who yearn for it behold at last the intensification of earthly beauty that is within the eyes of God and within individuals.

I intensify to those in mortal form the concept that the eyes of God are even within themselves, for there is a focus of the eye of God within each individual. This was referred to as single-eyed vision by Jesus, when he said, “If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” <6>

Oh, the oneness, the sweet oneness of vision, when all humanity, beholding in the lustrous eye of God the entire intent of his perfection, purpose and plan, beholds an end to struggle. And the perfection of the golden age of immortality, born in the foreverness of the consciousness of God, mani-fests at last as the kingdom of heaven amongst men.

In the eye of man is the focus of the Divine One within. With singleness of vision, singleness of purpose, no sense of struggle can exist. And when all hold the similitude of the purposes of God within their own eye, the divine purpose can be a reality, for none in that city will be without the candle of cosmic illumination. <7>

None will be without vision. No one will seek to eclipse the acts of another. All will work for the same purpose--the purpose of the kingdom of God, the City of God amongst men. Not through human sociological struggle and all that is of the dragon of darkness, but through the immortal Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin and the stain of the world, <8> will the stain be covered by his life in which all share.

Become Joint-Heirs with Christ

When man comes to a place in his own endowment where he frames within himself the selfsame desires and purposes of the Christ, he returns through the veil of time to the point in time and space when he is, in effect, crucified with Christ, risen with him and ascended with him. Thus, though men yet await the moment of perfection upon earth, they will one day become joint-heirs with Christ in the fullness of the universal compact signed and sealed by hierarchs of cosmic purpose.

The domain of the Great White Brotherhood, having spelled an end to all mankind’s illusions, spells an end to war and struggle and violence, replacing all in the world of form with the desire for valor in the hearts of men. All who seek the excellence of God will perform according to that excellence in each Monday’s domain and throughout the days of the week.

Then, repeatedly, throughout the days and months of the calendar year will come forth each stone of whited perfection in the temple of God, until all will stand (as in our great temple upon Venus) as a replica of the stones cut out without hands, <9>shining in the perfect image of their Creator. In the domain of the Christ consciousness, they are whited stones in whom once existed the darkness of the world but in whom now exists only the crystalline and beautiful light of the Christ.

On this great pyramid is kindled the universal flame of perfection, the true iliad of perfection, the true flame of illumination. All man’s human designs, fading away as a mist, at last perish from the earth, and all that remains is the clothing of the saints, the garments of the Lord.

Thus shall earth become a friend to Venus and to every solar orb and to the people of the universe in whom is kindled the vision of the Son of God, the light of God and the great power of the light we have called Maximus. <10>

This dictation by Lady Master Venus was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on October 17, 1971, at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1. John 4:24.

2. Isaiah 52:7.

3. Heb. 2:7.

4. John 15:12, 17.

5. Rev. 4:6; 15:2.

6. Matt. 6:22; Luke 11:34.

7. Rev. 22:5.

8. John 1:29.

9. 2 Cor. 5:1.

10. On August 11, 1979, Serapis Bey explained the meaning of the name Maximus when he said: “His is the outpicturing of the mathematical formula of the Great Pyramid. And when I meditated upon the form of that pyramid within the heart of God, I found it in the Great Causal Body of the being known to you as Maximus. To maximize the light of the Mother within us is the meaning and the calling of his name.”