Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 44 No. 7 - Elizabeth Clare Prophet - February 18, 2001


Mother Teaches Summit University
Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Part 3


President Roosevelt once said, “The only fear we have to fear is fear itself,” and that’s probably one of the most brilliant statements he ever made! Therefore, as we turn to our personal and collective action, you need to anchor in your beings the explanation and teaching I have just given on how to deal with fear.

 I would like us to join together now in a confession of sins, a private confession. I consider it to be a very important exercise because, apart from writing a letter, which is another level of consciousness, this is a heart-to-heart talk with God in which you make your confession of sin and follow it by calling upon the law of forgiveness.

Your confession will have the enlightenment in it of all that you have learned of the teachings, all that you now know about God--your realization of God’s love, his de- liverance, his sending of his only begotten Son as the propitiation for the sin you are confessing. You have the knowledge of the threefold flame, the blessedness of your I AM Presence and Christ Self and the realization that the violet flame has been given to us in the end times to consume the fears we have harbored.

Be Specific in Your prayers

As we prepare to surrender these fears into the flame, we need to be mindful of what we are putting into the flame and how the flame will work. A prayer full of generalities will not work because you will have failed to take responsibility for your own substance. Some people cannot admit that they are wrong now or have ever been wrong, so when they confess, they just say, “O God, forgive me for all my sins.” That is an irresponsible confession, as it does not contain enlightenment.

God cannot vaguely come down with a surgeon’s knife and remove a vague tumor in your astral body. Therefore the most important sins to confess are the individual sins that you cannot talk to anybody about because they are so terrible. Of course, they are not that terrible, but the devil has you convinced that they are.

If you do not talk to anybody about them, including God, you will never get over the sense of guilt, for when you can’t get something out of your system, that record in your electronic belt becomes an anti-sun. Then more fear, more guilt begins to revolve around it, as the sinister force rubs it in through the demons and discarnates who plague you in the night and tell you over and over again what a miserable sinner you are.

If you are not able to name a sin, perhaps you have noticed in your character avarice, greed or possessiveness toward material things, based, of course, on the fear of not having them in the past. In this way, a sense of the records of the past will come through even if you do not have specific recollections.

You can confess the sin of avarice, for example, and ask for it to be cleansed through all previous incarnations. Then you can systematically visualize the twelve stations of the Cosmic Clock in your mind. Starting at the twelve o’clock line, you can confess the sins of condemnation and criticism and judgment of other parts of life that you remember, and then confess the sins you don’t remember but that you sense you may have a momentum of in your consciousness.

Obviously, criticism denotes fear, for fear of your own incompleteness makes you criticize another part of life. Thus you can find fear on every one of these twelve lines and it’s a very interesting exercise to do. Following your confession of the specific sins that come to mind, you can then make a general prayer for the sins you cannot remember, because your Christ Self remembers, with the help of the recording angels who see what is recorded in the cells.

An Age of Psychiatry

The Catholic Church instituted confession to help the soul unburden itself of the points of sin that through guilt had become anti-suns in the electronic belt. Today, because we do not go to confession, repent of our sins and then transmute those sins, the collective accumulation of fear and guilt has resulted in an age of psychiatry and a time of great inner disturbance.

All over the world, people are disturbed because the day of judgment is nigh It is a fixed star, and we are getting closer and closer to it. Everybody senses that they are moving toward a day of reckoning when they will stand face-to-face with the Mighty I AM Presence. Therefore every day that passes in which their sins are not confessed, put into the violet flame and then the temple purged by love, there is an increase of fear.

The fear in the cells grows because it gathers more of itself. Those anti-suns within the temple become a vortex that collects astral substance. When you start with one point of fear, by its very turning, by its very magnetism, it draws to itself the identical vibration from the astral plane.

Now you understand the basis of human sympathy, sympathetic attractions and sympathetic relationships. People with the same kinds of fear are attracted to one another, associate with one another, hang around together, and usually wind up spending their lives together. It is most unfortunate.

Sympathetic Attractions

Look at how people move in groups. Take the racetrack crowd, for example, the people who follow the horses. The gambling crowd is another such group, for certain kinds of people band together. I have never been to the racetrack, but I was in a restaurant once when people were coming in after the races, and so I did a character study of racetrack people.

They all had the same vibration, the same consciousness, the same fear that propelled them to bet on horses. Their fear had become so great that to win and thereby calm their fear, they could permit great cruelty to horses by drugging them to push them to win races. Thus the fear had turned into a lust for money so callous that it allowed cruelty to animals. Of course, when people squander their money on bets, they also neglect their families, neglect their souls and duck out on reality. It all comes back to fear.

Look also at the upper echelons of society. The medical profession hangs around together, as they all have a certain fear that has to do with the body and its diseases. We know that some doctors--I won’t call them medicine men--have a very healthy attitude of light toward patients and are true healers and instruments of God. Others have a death consciousness, and their means of treatment by drugs, and so forth, does not acknowledge the presence of God.

There are many levels of consciousness in the world. Professional people, by their very momentum of service and science, move in the same circles. Because fear is present in the human psyche and the entire collective unconscious, the type of fear in people who go into the medical profession will be a similar kind of fear. Their momentums of light will also be similar.

Compassionate Attractions

A truth of our existence is that the momentums of light in people create compassionate attractions and the momentums of fear create sympathetic attractions. People have a sprinkling of both, and those who have a certain kind of fear usually have a certain kind of light. Although some people may, of course, have a total absence of light, it is on the basis of their light that people tend to associate with one another.

When you come into the Ascended Masters’ teachings, you make new friends and prefer to be with people who have a certain quotient of light in their temple. You may also become bored or uncomfortable around people who have less light, and in this way, your circle of friends may change.

Your old friends notice your absence more than you notice theirs, and you come to realize that they were dependent upon your light. Their sympathetic liking of you was based on what they were getting from you--your light. When you are no longer present, they are not happy with the situation because they feel the absence of light and sometimes they strike out against the one who has withdrawn the light, showing that they really didn’t love the person, the son of God, who had the light in their midst. They wanted the presence of the person because of what they could get from him, and again it was the light.

When you find this to be true, it’s a sad realization, but don’t be sad about it, for aren’t you glad that people want the light? At least they love the light or, to be honest, they lust after the light, for there is a pull, whether for positive or negative reasons, toward the light on this planet. Sometimes the best thing that can happen to people is to have the son of light withdraw from their midst, for then they’re forced to seek their own light and those who are of the light will do so.

“The Trouble with You Is...”

We will start the period of confession with a meditation and an invocation. Then I’m going to leave you to complete it on your own time. Don’t complete it, however, until you feel that you have totally removed every last vestige of fear. Remember those elements of self-doubt or guilt that plague you in the night or come to you when, as a child of light, you are under the burden of world condemnation. Like Johnny one-note, they hammer away on the same note.

Even loved ones, people in your family--God bless them and forgive them, for they know not what they do <1>--as well as those around us in life, whether as employees or friends, seem to delight in telling us what’s wrong with us. Some people will always say, “The trouble with you is...” and on they will go like a broken record, but it may last for ten or twenty years.

You will never be able to get over what the trouble with you is, because it’s almost a rebellious reaction by the person telling you, for it’s a karmic interchange. You can go somewhere you’ve never been and a new friend will start complaining about you for the very same thing. So it wasn’t unique to the person who began the complaint but it is now unique to you because you’re carrying that record in your aura. The demons travel with you. They will hop on somebody else’s back and mouth their mouthings against you.

Now that does not mean that you are wholly innocent. You may be receiving a message from angels of light or your Christ Self that you refused to hear from the Guru centuries ago. Your best friends may be telling you what you need to know and refuse to hear, and you still refuse to correct your ways.

Therefore we should always listen to our accusers and find out whether there is any merit to what they say. Either it’s a lie fabricated out of the whole cloth and we are innocent, or the lie that’s being told may have some foundation in fact somewhere in our present existence or in a past one. If it is true, it doesn’t matter who speaks it. We must deal with that cutting sword because the object of our purging and self-purification is to become part of the sword of truth and to be on the cutting edge of truth--to be able to stand the truth whether it’s hurtful, whether it’s hateful or whether it seems to destroy the entire base of our identity.

“I Will Remember Their Sin No More”

When you are in confession and you are with God, God is in command and you are in command. You are saying, “I recognize this sin. I want to put it on the altar and I never want to pick it up again.” You don’t respond to the tormentors of Job. You respond to your own conscience, your own inner teacher, your Christ Self, and so it’s a healthy assessment.

Once you have confessed your sins to Almighty God, once you believe in his perfect love, then you can say to all your accusers, all the demons of the night, all the fallen ones, “You have no power over me. I have confessed that sin. I have laid it upon the altar of the Almighty. It is no longer part of me, for I have forsaken it. I have received forgiveness. God has transmuted my sin and fulfilled his promise given to Israel, ‘I will remember their sin no more.’” <2>

God has promised to forget our sins in this era. This is his promise to the children of God, and this is why in the old days people used to refer to the violet flame as the forgetfulness flame. Eventually somebody said, “Well, God can’t forget, so we can’t call the flame the forgetfulness flame,” but believe it or not, they were actually calling it that when I came into the activity!

Nevertheless, it is the means whereby our sins are forgotten. They are erased from the memory body of our cells and ultimately when we ascend, they will be erased from the memory body of the universe. So, “I will remember their sins no more” is an accurate statement.

The Inability to Forgive and Forget

I have to give you one more point about mechanization man. They have an absence of love, an inability to love, for they live by human sympathy. Corollary to the inability to love is the inability to forgive and forget. You will find in mechanization man or in individuals who have forsaken the threefold flame and been cut off from God that they will never, ever forget your sins.

As long as you live they will tell you about the terrible thing you did to them ten or twenty years ago. It’s the most amazing thing. You have long ago accelerated into the light. You have sent billowing love throughout the cosmos, and you meet someone you once knew and they’re still as angry as they were twenty years ago. They are still carrying around their unwillingness to forget.

Without love, there is no forgiveness. Without forgiveness there’s no ability to forget. When people hold something against you year in, year out, or nations carry on their vendettas century after century, continually engaging in wars, you are seeing either a race of mechanization man, individual mechanized man, or those who have been cut off from the Source because they have literally murdered God in their own temple.

People put out the flame of life by their hate and hate creation. Although they are cut off, they continue to exist in the physical dimension because the physical forcefield continues; life continues because of its decay rate, its disintegration factor. I am suspicious of people who don’t forgive and forget. If you look a little further, you will find it is because they don’t truly love. They are dangerous people--dangerous in private life and public life. This is a bit of wisdom that comes from years of experience and from years of having God teach me to observe characteristics through those experiences.

We Have a Responsibility to Forget

The force will not forget, but our God forgets. Therefore you also have a responsibility to forget. What stops us from forgetting? Our own fear. If we don’t root out the fear in our cells and in our electronic belt, it remains the focal point of our guilty memory of the deeds that were a manifestation of sin. Therefore, I must declare to you in the presence of Portia and Pallas Athena today that if you refuse to forget and continue to fear, you will be indulging in sin.

A corollary to this teaching is that before you can forget sin, you must take responsibility for it--the responsibility to transmute it, to go back to the scene of the crime and plant a tree of life where once there was a tree of death. You must sow seeds of righteousness where you sowed seeds of unrigh-teousness.

To forget sin by saying, “Oh well, it wasn’t real. It doesn’t matter. It’s not important,” and just go on without any sense of responsibility is not truly forgetting. It becomes a sin on top of a sin that reinforces the record of your karma and stops your progress. The reason you confess and are able to confess is that you have a deep and heartfelt sense of responsibility for what has been done, and you want to right that wrong by rising into your higher consciousness.

You ask God to set aside that sin so that you may go up the ladder to your Christ Self and act in the name of the Christ for the transmutation of the records. Lack of responsibility for fear and sin is another mark of mechanization man and the fallen ones. People commit murders with total irresponsibility and irresponsibility is the mark of the rising crime rate in this nation. We’re going through an era of absence of responsibility. However, we go to the altar of confession because we are responsible.

Invocation before Confession

In the name of the beloved Mighty I AM Presence of all life, in the name of the beloved Holy Christ Self, we come to the altar of confession, O God. In the name of the living Saviour Jesus Christ, we come to confess our sins by our love of God, who first loved us and established within our temple the threefold flame of life upon the altar of being, who sent forth the beloved Christ Self to be the mediator and the propitiation for our human karma.

We bow before thy living flame. We invoke fearlessness flame. Blaze forth within this temple and in every cell, beloved Ray-O-Light. Legions of fearlessness flame, enter every living cell of this temple. Bind now those centers of fear. Blaze forth the light of God that never fails.

By the authority of Christ within me, I say, bind fear. Bind its cause and core. Bind the moment of its inception in my life. Cast out death. Cast out strife. Cast out doubt and fear. Mighty I AM Presence, send forth thy ray of love, for this my command made in the name of my own Christ Self is made in perfect love for thee.

I would prepare thy temple, O living Word. I call forth the whirling spiral of the Central Sun of love from the very heart of the secret love star. I call for the mighty action of Surya and Cuzco. I stand upon this very forcefield at the altar of my confession. I ask for the light of God that never fails to descend now into my temple. Purge now every vortex of fear. I surrender it, O God. Let thy living flame of love pour through me as the mighty River of Life.

Angelic hosts of the Lord, come forth. Mighty secret love star, I call forth the whirlwind action of the sacred fire, the whirling Central Sun of Almighty God. I call for the whirling action of the Sun behind the sun of my own heart flame, and of every living cell within my temple.

Lo, I AM the action of the sacred fire! Lo, I AM the presence of the Lord Christ! Lo, I AM the soul that rises to be one with this Christ Self even as I bow before the altar and place upon this altar of sacred fire all misqualified energy!

In the name of the living Word, I call forth the light of God that never fails. I confess each act of fear and sin, known or unknown. I take responsibility for each and every act, thought, word and feeling that has ever passed through my chakras. I take full responsibility for them and I denounce the misuse of the living Word. I cast it into the sacred fire. I give unto the Lord now this substance and by the very fervor of love of my heart, lo, I make contact. Lo, I arc the flame of my fire unto God, even as the flame of God’s fire has arced unto me.

Lo, I am the completion now of this mighty flow of sacred fire! Lo, I am the light of God that never fails. I come before the throne of Almighty God. I bow before the throne of grace. I understand, O God, that without love, there is no forgiveness or forgetting of sin. Therefore, O God, I bring to the altar the gift of love, my perfect love, which is thy perfect love for every part of thee, for brother and sister, for every part of life everywhere.

This, my offering of perfect love, is the foundation of my call, my prayer, my affirmation and my decree for love’s forgiveness. Therefore, let perfect love magnetize the flame of forgiveness within every living cell. Let forgiveness erase and break the spell of fear and doubt and death.

Lord God Almighty, I surrender. I surrender the momentum of my human creation. Let the violet flame come into my life step-by-step and hour by hour until I am free. When I am free, let me serve to set all life free with thy message of living truth, of love perfected in love. And when I have served to set life free, then, let me ascend to thee, O God. Let me ascend to thee. Amen.



This is the conclusion of the lecture “Perfect Love Casts Out Fear,” delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on November 20, 1980, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.

1. Luke 23:34.

2. Jer. 31:34.