Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 44 No. 2 - Beloved Lady Master Venus - January 14, 2001


Higher Consciousness
The Rise of the Feminine Ray in America


O life, sweet life, unfolding as love within the heart, O music of the spheres, O harmony of souls, I call unto Venus, star of love. I call unto the Causal Body of lifewaves who have sealed all their living and their giving in their surrender of the self unto the Self in love.

Venus, sphere of love, home of my heart’s longing, I salute thee. I salute the flame of Sanat Kumara. I am in Terra for the consecration of love as freedom, that earth might rise to be the twin star of Hesper.

I come for the celebration of the rise of the feminine ray in America. I come to give the counterpart to the release of Sanat Kumara and the Seven Holy Kumaras anchored in Maui, the place of Mother and of Mu, <1> by the action of the priests and priestesses of the sacred fire. The release of the feminine principle, the seven aspects in the seven rays, was begun there in the intonations of the Word by thousands of priests and priestesses of Mother, of Mu.

We come, maidens of Venus, with spring baskets--baskets of floral offerings, baskets to catch the release of light and fire. We would catch the bursting of fire, as the fireworks on the Fourth of July. We pursue the Holy Kumaras, catching with our baskets the light of their release as the bursting of cosmic consciousness, as though we could contain the fire.

We are the handmaids of the Lord. We come as chalices, as the chakras of Being, to capture the light of far-off worlds. This is the role of woman. This is the way woman will rise in America and in every nation, by taking the light of Alpha, seizing it, cherishing it in the heart, the soul, the mind, the third eye, the Word and the peace and purity of the One.

The Role of Woman

What does it mean to be feminine? Must we not define the principles of femininity to understand the rise of that ray in this land of enlightenment and self-awareness?

The women of America and of every nation are demanding freedom, are securing laws and working for amendments to have the right to be woman. What is the right to be woman?

I have enjoyed that right for thousands of years unchallenged. I AM the light of the feminine ray, the image of power and compassion, strength and tenderness, the image of maternity. The image of life flowing is mine by attainment and mine to give. It is yours to receive by attainment.

This attainment cannot be secured by outer laws, polemics, blame, censure or disdain; this freedom is won through self-sacrifice. Only when woman learns to lay down the life she cherishes will she find it again, but finding it in God means to find herself liberated in the fullest dimension of the limitless consciousness of the one flame.

Laws are a temporary action by man to protect, to secure and to safeguard, but when attainment is won, no law for or against that attainment can compromise or gainsay its manifestation. Love is the fulfilling of the Law. As Francis said, “In giving we receive; in dying we are born to eternal life.” <2>

Let woman go within. Let her discover the true meaning of the womb, for the womb is the place of the birth of the Christ consciousness. The singular role of woman is to have a cosmos all inside whereby sons and daughters of God come to self-awareness. The consciousness of woman is the womb of time and space.

The Feminine Potential to Be God

Paltry gains are women’s rights. Woman, you have a cosmos to implement your mastery. Women of the world, we of Venus would have you come of age in love.

Souls of all mankind, yours is the feminine potential to be God. Woman must release and accept the opportunity for man to release his feminine potential, which is his soul aspiring to be free. Woman must give to man the opportunity to be free, if she herself would be free.

Let woman be free from her own wiles of manipulation and control. Let her be free from Eve’s consciousness of temptation. Let her ever focus the light of Mary adorning the Christ, paving the way for the path of initiation.

Women of America, free man and you shall be free! Free the manifestation of the light of God within your families and your communities. Defend your freedom by the fire of the Holy Spirit. Let God, the masculine principle of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be your defense. The light invincible is the certain defense of your freedom.

Women must soar in purity. The sculpture of Venus, conceived in the heart of an initiate, is the conception of the mastery of love without adornment. Woman must pass through the test of the ten and the tenth station of the cross. <3> Woman must be stripped of the adornments of the ego. Woman must be free to be a goddess, free in abundance, free in opportunity, free in mercy because she understands that the fount and the source of her life is the masculine principle of her identity.

The Feminine Aspect Is the Liberator of the Age

Life, life moves on. Our prayer of the rose of the Immaculate Conception is that the limitations and the confines of consciousness, the molding of woman into something less than liberator be overcome by the law of transcendence, by cycles releasing unto cycles until, content in the awareness of God, the only desire of woman is to beget God consciousness.

This desire meets with the response of God desiring to be God. And woman, as the handmaid of her Lord, gives birth to the Saviour. And the Saviour is the saving energy of the Christ, which raises the fires of the Goddess Kundalini, raises the light and the flow in the fountain of purity, and by the touch of her hand and the warmth of her smile, mankind is free.

The feminine aspect of man and woman is the liberator of the age. Mighty conquerors are the Goddesses of the heavens, conquerors of time and space, conquerors of flow. They become the instruments of the Lord’s expansion of consciousness. In poetry and in art, in science and in law, the feminine aspiration enables man to become whole.

All strife and division within the self, within society, is the result of the confusion of roles--the roles of man and woman, the role of the soul, the direction of the soul to the center of God. Let the roles be defined according to the path of initiation. Let the equality of the creation be the relationship of father and mother, brother and sister, disciples uniting hand in hand in the love of twin flames--equality yet diversity of roles.

Woman cannot portray the role of man; she has her own role. It is not necessary for a woman to be like a man any more than the currents of the base chakra are equated with the currents of the crown chakra. Both are necessary, and in the convergence of these energies, the Buddhic light, the Christ consciousness is born. Polarity defines roles and therefore not to be like man but to be his opposite shows forth the handiwork of God.

Woman Has Rebelled Against Her Role as Mother

First and foremost, women in this age have one of the greatest opportunities of all ages: to be hostesses for the coming of the Christed ones who have volunteered to incarnate in Terra, Christed ones who plead before the Lords of Flame for incarnation that there might be freedom on Terra.

Woman, then, has rebelled against her role as Mother. Will she then be Father? Will she be the Christed one or the Holy Spirit? The fourth aspect of God self-awareness is Mother, the crown of the Lord’s rejoicing. Why has the rebellion of fallen woman demanding the freedom to express the lesser self, the carnal mind, the baser instincts, been defined as the woman’s movement for liberation?

The path of liberation is the path of initiation set by God. It is a ladder to be climbed. Step-by-step, chakra by chakra, woman must master the energies of the sacred fire. To be co-creator with God, the role of Mother, to release the potential of Father and Son and Holy Spirit--all this God has accorded to woman, and all this woman has rejected in her ignorance.

In her desire to be free, to choose to be or not to be, she has chosen to slay the Manchild aborning in her womb, and this she calls freedom. Instead of being the giver of life, she plays the role of the murderer of God and says, “I am free.”

How can there be such a misunderstanding of freedom in our sister star, we ask ourselves? The answer given is that when rebellion itself, rebellion against the light of the Christ within, is not first cast out, there can be no reunification with reality, no understanding and no vision. Unless and until woman surrenders to her God, she cannot see her fiery destiny. Therefore, in rebellion is the sin of witchcraft practiced against her own, her very own offspring, the offspring of the Lord and of the seed of Alpha.

This misappropriation of freedom must be reversed, for the women of America and the world are sowing the seeds of the destruction of their own freedom. And the karma that is already upon women who have walked in this way is the groaning and the travail of a planetary home crying out to give birth to the Christ consciousness, crying “Mother, Mother, Mother, set me free. Give me life. Give me wholeness. Give me opportunity to know myself as God.”

How is the heart of woman hardened to the cries of the child in the womb? Is it selfishness? Is it self-love? Is it a death consciousness? Is it a mass hypnosis by the fallen ones? Is it the death wish? Is it that, in seeking freedom, she seeks freedom to die and for her own to die?

What is the madness of the hell that woman has created for her habitation?

My Prayer to Save Woman

O my God, O my God, O my God, I kneel in prayer at the altar of the Most High.

I send my love to God and I ask that God return it unto this generation as the distillation of the wisdom of his heart. I ask that the heart of God might instruct this generation, that man might come to the rescue of woman, that the men of America might shake woman to her senses, shake her from the frenzy of this insanity.

I call to men who remember their service as Knights of the Table Round, defenders of purity and honor, those who sought the Holy Grail. I implore you to defend the virtue, the integrity and the honor of the Mother, the Mother Flame of your heart, that woman might be called to her high estate, that you in calling her there might then be the recipients of the grace that can flow from her hands.

It may be that woman has betrayed her calling, and in the betrayal of her calling she has betrayed her man, but I have no recourse but to call to man and say, Rush! Run to elevate consciousness. Help the woman who is struggling with the dragon that has come to make war with her offspring, to defeat the seed of God, to deprive the children of the new birth in freedom.

The Lord God sent Michael the Archangel to slay the dragon. Will you not, O men of America, champion the cause of Archangel Michael? Will you not raise the sword of blue flame to cut free woman and thereby cut free your own soul potential?

If woman does not know her calling, will you not tell it to her? Will you not support her? Will you not elevate her to a place of devotion, the rightful place of the woman of your life and of your love?

I appeal to the hosts of heaven. I appeal to the hearts of you who have life and form and opportunity for overcoming. You who have life, will you not pray for those who seek life through you, that they might have a safe passage into the octaves of the physical plane?

I see the little children crucified upon the cross of human hatred. I hear the echoes of their cries, as Christ cried on Golgotha, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” <4>

Souls of America, reverse the course of the black stream, and let it become the crystal stream of the River of Life. Let the stream flow from the centers of God within you. Let it rise. Let man and woman raise their heads. Let them look into the eyes of the Ascended Masters without shame, without guilt.

Look into the eyes of an Archangel and know the judgment of the Law within you. Look into the eyes of innocent children. Can you stand their gaze? If you cannot, then be upon your knees that God might restore the innocence that is the inner sense of true freedom.

I AM Venus. I carve the image of your feminine principle. For each one I sculpt the true design of light, the inner blueprint of what your soul, liberated, looks like in the cosmic mirror--the nobility of countenance, the strength, the stature, the very light and halo of the Gods. America, return to your fiery destiny in the feminine ray!

I call, I call, I call to Wien. <5> I call to the point of the crystallization of the spiral of love. I call to the souls. I sing to the souls. I sing the song of love, and by my love I call you home to the center of the Om.

I place my prayer, my faith and my hope in the charity of your hearts. I know it is not misplaced, and by the love of the pink rose of my heart you will respond to the rose of your own heart, and all will be well. All will be restored and the resurrection and the life of the Christed ones will be secure. Their life will be the healing of earth, the healing of all wrong.

This is the way. Walk ye in the way of love. I am in the one-ness of our flame within you. Sanat Kumara sends love and hope and fire, and the light of Mighty Victory. O son of Flame, O Mighty Victory of Venus, look upon Terra and let this people know the meaning of victory--victory unto the One!

So, let it be. So, it is done.

This dictation by Lady Master Venus was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, July 1, 1976, at Higher Consciousness, held in Washington, D.C.

1. See Sanat Kumara, “Raising the Consciousness of the Mother Flame,” 1999 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 42, no. 24.

2. Two lines from “The Prayer of Saint Francis.”

3. The test of the ten is the test of selflessness, the test of the ten-petaled solar-plexus chakra; On the tenth station of the cross, Jesus is stripped of his garments.

4. Matt. 27:46; Mark 15:34.

5. Wein, German for Vienna, is pronounced veen, as the first three letters of Venus, and the Venusian evolution first descended in Austria.