Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 43 No. 46 - Beloved Lord Maitreya - November 12, 2000


Harpstrings of Lemuria
A Meditation on the Glorious Mission
of Our Brotherhood

Hail to the light!

I AM come in the flame of the Ancient of Days.

I bring you greetings from my retreat in India. Lo, I AM Maitreya, bearing the banner of bright love from the very heart of Sanat Kumara.

I bow before the Lord of the World. I bow before the Eternal Mother. I am in the golden pink glow-ray of your heart’s glory. I am in the sublime realization of the oneness of the master and the disciple who, together, sing the song, “Drink me while I am drinking thee.”

O my beloved hearts, we are here. Himalaya and I have come in this hour with Babaji, holding a flame of the ascended and unascended Masters, of the Cosmic Christs and of the blessed Manus of earth’s root races. I take this opportunity to bow before the Christ Child to pay homage unto his glory and to wish you one and all a most joyous Noel.

The rejoicing of the hearts of the World Teachers is mine to convey to you as they anticipate this cosmic interchange announced by beloved Chananda. <1> We see the precious little children of America, of India. We see the lifewave whom we have adored. We see the incoming lights. We see the Buddhas, the Holy Christ children. We see those of the ten thousand avatars who have taken incarnation and the one who shall come.

In the sacred fire of the message I bear, I bring you tidings of goodwill. I bring to you the wisdom flame of holy angels and of Bodhisattvas and of those numberless numbers of white-robed saints who are the devotees of the Mother out of the retreats of India.

Choruses of jubilant pilgrims welcome you, my beloved, to the land of India. They hail your coming as a new day and a new era. And there is much excitement and activity in Darjeeling as preparations for the Mother’s coming are under way. Joyous is the flame of the Brotherhood, and we would raise up our devotees worldwide into a new consciousness and a new service for the reintegration of all children of the light with the original seed of Alpha, Omega, Sanat Kumara.

The Meditation of the Buddhas

Lo, I have come. Lo, I AM here. In the name of Gautama, I bear a portion of the ruby ray. I meditate upon the ruby rose and on the flower of your heart unfolding.

Maitreya has come to Camelot to meditate with the Mother and her sons and daughters and I place myself opposite the Messenger, in the chair reserved for the ascended Messenger. By his leave, I place myself there in meditation until the last word shall have been spoken on January 1, 1980.

My meditation is upon the glorious divine plan and the fulfillment of the mission of our Brotherhood in these two lands and from these focal points unto the capitals of the nations where our forerunner, the blessed and most noble Saint Germain, has placed his freedom flame.

Around that banner of freedom souls are gathering, souls are responding. Thus, from every nation they must come ere the prophecy of those who are to receive the Everlasting Gospel is fulfilled. And so I shall meditate upon every star-fire heart the world around who shall enter the light ere the century has struck its closing bells, chiming the ending and the beginning.

Here I shall be. And I invite you to meditate with me upon the golden pink glow-ray of the Lord Christ and the Lord Buddha, for the cosmic interchange of these avatars, East and West, is of the Body and Blood of the Lord as the golden and pink light.

They have asked me, as I am so privileged to figure in their configuration of the eighth ray, to be at the nexus of their planetary meditation, my beloved. We three shall pay homage unto the Ancient of Days as we also celebrate the hosts of the Lord from far-off worlds, who even now are processioning towards earth, bearing their light and their path of initiation of the eighth ray.

The Opening of the Seventh Seal

The Lord Sanat Kumara has sealed his book on the opening of the seven-sealed book, <2> ready and waiting for the entire decade and the children of the light to open his book and to let it be the open book again to the Book of Life. <3>

Oh, how precious are his words. We bow before him as he delivers to the Messenger his great truth for the liberation of every soul upon this earth through the hearts of the nearest and dearest chelas. He has reserved that light for those who have chosen to walk with the Mother in the supreme year of testing, 1979.

Many were called in the previous decades to come forth and be prepared in this hour for this supreme delivery of the Messenger’s mission. Precious hearts, some tarried and could not endure, for the cares of life compelled them into other activities. Some did not care enough. Some who would become attached to the person of the Messenger in idolatry would thereby find it necessary to ultimately destroy their self-created idol lest it destroy them--all of this the illusion of their own dweller-on-the-threshold.

We wish the best to all who have taken their own paths. We pray that God’s gift of free will might bring them another opportunity to serve our Brotherhood. Therefore, we send light. Therefore, we send light. Therefore, we send light.

Himalaya’s Blessing of the Root Races

Himalaya now blesses the root races of the earth, the fourth and the fifth.

[12-second pause]

He blesses the angels who have embodied to serve among them. He raises the Mother Light within them and prepares their temples to receive the Mother:

O blessed teaching, O blessed dharma,
            thy light is the light of all worlds.
O blessed brotherhood of the Himalayas,
            we have come, the Mother and I.
We stand with you to challenge the false hierarchy
            of the Himalayan brotherhood.
We come to invoke the sacred passion of the Lord.
We send our Messenger
            for the pronouncement of the judgment
            upon all who have held back thy mighty light.
O Himalayan brotherhood, O souls of light of India,
            we send forth the edict
            for the binding of the false gurus
            who have gone forth into embodiment
            into the land of Afra,
            who have crossed the seas to sell their wares
            to unwary chelas and would-be chelas.
O holy ones of the Himalayas,
            we come with the opening
            of the mighty stream of the Mother Light
            for the cleansing and the purging.
O mighty flow of the Ganges,
            flow now the world around.
Let thy tributaries of Mother Light
            be the clear crystal waters
            cleansing earth and her evolutions.
Lo, I AM here for the deliverance
            of the sons and daughters of the Mother.
Lo, the Mother is coming home, home to India--
            no longer to roam from the light
            of the Holy of holies.
We have awaited thy coming, blessed Mother,
            for thousands upon thousands of years.
Many have come in thy name to keep thy flame.
O blessed Mother, come home.
Bring thy children,
            bring thy children to our arms of light.
We welcome thee. We welcome thee, one and all. Come home.
Blessed hearts of freedom, Our prayers rise
            to the altar of blessed Omega.
Universal Mother Light, piercing Mother Light,
            Maha Kali, all devotees of earth bow before thy light.
Maha Kali, come, then, sweep now into Camelot.
Place thy arms of loving light around each child and child-man.
O Mother of the World, O Mother of the Universes,
            O Isis unveiled, O Cosmic Mother,
            now let thy light swallow up the dark.
Let it be dissolved by the fohatic key that I AM, that thou art.
O thy blessed hand, O thy blessed heart,
            through thee we now impart a sacred fire
            and the demons of the night are swallowed up.
Where the fire goes forth and trembles the earth,
            in that fire is neither time nor space.
Therefore, where the fire is, evil is not
            and the identification of evil is no more.
I send the fire of the Mother into Terra
            for the checking of destructivity.

The Mother Receives Her Own

Hearts of fire, see it flow. See it glow. The fohatic key of the Mother is for the protection of her children. Lo, we are one. Lo, we have come. And the Mother and Maitreya and the magnificent brothers and sisters of the ruby ray, bearing each one the ruby rose, come to comfort, come to bring the light of the Maha Chohan.

[Master chants for 10 seconds.]

They shall not pass! They shall not pass! They shall not pass! They shall not pass! They shall not pass! They shall not pass! They shall not pass!

[23-second pause]

Babaji summons his devotees unto light. He declares that he directs all devotees of his flame and his path to the altar of the Universal Mother.

Om Mata Om Mata

The Mother receives her own. By her flame they atone for every sin and sinful sense that they have entertained in her absence.

Om Mata Om Mata

Rings of light ripple from the epicenter of my heart’s meditation and from the heart of the Mother. Concentric rings of light rippling out form the interconnecting figure eight in the inner sanctuary. All within this forcefield receive now these light-emanations of our figure-eight manifestation; they shall be sustained unto the fulfillment of an action of the light sent from far-off worlds by the heart of the Ancient of Days.


The Universal Light knows no bounds. It carries the sound of the Om unto infinity. And with the sound of my intonation the rings of light rippling across a universe carry now the vibrational tone of the souls gathered here in order that that tone might vibrate in consonance with its corresponding cosmic tone.

Therefore the sound that is heard is of the flow of the figure eight. From the sound of the tone of the soul unto the sounding of the tone of the Mighty Spirit of the I AM of each one, chords of light announce to the universe that your soul is at Camelot for the celebration of the decade of reintegration by the path of the ruby ray, the eighth ray and the seven rays that have gone before.

[Master chants for 20 seconds.]

I have sent forth the compressed sound of all of these chords of light into the single sound of this Body of God in the earth.

Lo, I AM Maitreya and the Guru Ma in the nucleus of the atom of lightbearers sealed in the heart of Saint Germain, violet flame, Zadkiel, Amethyst, Holy One from the Sun, Arcturus, Victoria in the light, Kuan Yin.

[Master chants for 12 seconds.]

From the God Star light of Sirius, Surya and Cuzco send forth the initiation of the light of the interaction of the white sphere unto the blue sphere. <4>


I AM Maitreya. I bring peace, peace, peace, peace in the heart of the chela--peace as the mighty all-consuming flame, consuming all unrest, disquietude, anxiety.


Vaivasvata Manu Vaivasvata Manu

Himalaya Manu

[48-second pause]

We seal the community of the brethren. We seal the community of light worldwide. We seal the hearts in the flame of Maitreya and in the flame of the Guru Ma.

O blessed light of community, light invincible, light that is love, shine on. Shine on, for thy dispensation is come.


Peace be unto you, our most beloved.


This dictation by Lord Maitreya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on December 29, 1979, at the five-day New Year’s Class, Harpstrings of Lemuria, held December 28, 1979, through January 1, 1980, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.

1. Beloved Chananda’s dictation immediately preceded this one. In it he announced the intention of the Indian Council and the Darjeeling Council to open an ashram to the World Mother in India and establish a figure-eight flow between East and West. In the summer of 1980, the Messenger opened the ashram in New Delhi.

2. Rev. 5:1–4.

3. Phil. 4:3; Rev. 3:5; 13:8; 17:8; 20:12, 15; 21:27; 22:19.

4. See the meditation on the blue-fire, white-fire sun in Sanat Kumara’s series of 1979 Pearls of Wisdom, “On the Opening of the Seventh Seal,” vol. 22, no. 36, pp. 339–341.