Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 43  No. 42 - Elizabeth Clare Prophet - October 15, 2000


Mother Teaches Summit University

The Teachings of the Cosmic Christ 1
Part 4


We have been reviewing Lord Maitreya’s first dictation to The Summit Lighthouse, given through Mark Prophet in 1960. Let us now go to the conclusion of the dictation where Maitreya is speaking about the golden age.

“I, Maitreya, command it, unfurling my banner, that this golden age shall be because the Eternal has spoken it, and he shall not fail.”  There’s the command. Maitreya has unfurled the banner and the Eternal has spoken. He shall not fail. He shall galvanize the age.

God will not fail to the level of the etheric, and God is really not concerned about a golden age between the etheric and the physical planes. He will not bring in that golden age just for the sake of proving that his Word is right and that his Word does not fail.           

God would rather sink a continent to chastise one chela than create a golden age in objection to the free will of the individual. He wants us to have the ultimate experience and experimentation with our individual free will. He wants us to know what we do to ourselves when we destroy ourselves with nuclear weapons or with anything else. He wants us to learn everything that there is to learn about being God in this octave.

God has no attachment to a golden age per se. He is unattached, desireless. He has only one desire, that you become God. But he will not impose that desire upon you, he will give you the opportunity to choose to fulfill his desire.

     That is the explanation for the occurrence of calamity and cataclysm. People cannot understand why God lets suffering happen, yet it is because he values the life of your soul and the integrity of his commitment to you, his covenant of free will, more than he values the end result. In the Buddha’s teaching this is called non-attachment to the fruit of action.

God is more interested in the ritual of life as you live it than in the final outcome. If he were more interested in the final outcome, he would have created differently. He would have made a perfect physical universe with perfect people in it. But the only way you can get perfect people is by creating robots.

Then the thread of contact becomes not that which gives life to a free independent monad. No, then the thread of contact is the string of a puppeteer. You, the puppet, do exactly what the puppeteer-god says. If God were attached to having a golden age peopled with physically perfect beings, the only way he could make it happen would be to deny them free will and just bring it all about.

Of course, God himself would be extremely bored in such an exercise, just as you would be bored. And the vibration of boredom causes the death of souls in a communist or socialist state because everything is done for them. It’s total boredom. What is there to live for? 

We live because we have options, choices with which to exercise our creativity and ingenuity. Choices are exciting and because we have free will, we never know what’s around the corner.   

The Fourteen Etheric Cities

What you need to realize is the only golden age that is final and secure is the one that descends to the level of the etheric octave. Each lifetime, if you lead a good life and have light in your aura, when you pass from the screen of life you will go to the etheric cities and temples of light.

Fourteen cities of light are situated in the etheric plane over the oceans and the deserts of the earth and they are golden-age cities. When we go there and live there among the angels and the Ascended Masters between embodiments, the memory of former golden ages is renewed in our etheric bodies.

Then, when we take embodiment, we try to bring back what we saw and try to improve our society, for we have the very immediate memory of perfection, God’s perfection. That’s why we have hope and why little children are so full of hope and the sense that they can do anything and that they can change the world. We seem to retain that expectation through about the age of twenty-five or twenty-six when most people get married, have a family and get very much into the economics of maintaining that family.

They may get very greedy about maintaining it at a certain level and the more money they make, the more money they spend and the more money they need to make in order to live at a higher and higher level. So the point at which our great idealism begins to flounder is when we start wanting the things of this world. Up to that point we’re independent, free, hopeful and, if it has not been indoctrinated out of us, we do have the memory of the etheric cities.

They clearly contain the patterns and the inner blueprints of what we are intended to build in our physical cities. One of the greatest cities in the world for outpicturing the alabaster cities of light is Washington D.C. This is due to Saint Germain and George Washington who lowered this matrix into form.

If you look at the plan of the city, it goes back to the great cities of light that were in the Amazon basin in the great golden age of South America.             Washington has all of its central buildings in the theme of white, and if you eliminate the kind of buildings that have been built for greed and for expediency and you look only at the original structures, you will see something very much like what you have known in the etheric temples. That was Saint Germain and Godfre’s dream for America.

The Thread of Contact Can Be Broken

The thread of contact with God is broken by rebellion and disobedience. But, you know, it’s not even broken by that, because the Gurus love us so much that they will tolerate our little rebellions and our little disobediences and still not let go. Yet if you multiply a single rebellion a thousand times, what does it equal?  It equals the rejection of the person of Christ incarnate in the Guru.

 Ultimately the breaking of the thread of contact is by your denial that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, that God has made himself incarnate in his avatars and ultimately in your flesh. There’s no way that you can say God is in me but he is not in the Guru. It’s simply not logical, not geometry. If you say God is where you are but you deny him in Gautama Buddha or Jesus Christ, you have made your carnal mind a god.

 So the requirement of hierarchy is that you accept God incarnate. When you deny God incarnate through continual rebellion and disobedience to the teachings, to the commandments and to the person of the Ascended Masters, the moment comes when the thread is broken.

In my messengership I have dealt with an individual over the past years who has been a chela with us for perhaps seven or eight years.      A number of years ago he decided to go and make his way in the world based on his need and greed for money, pride of person and the desire for name and fame. That did not break the thread of contact.

He went forth, he sought his way in the world and many events intervened. Then he was given the opportunity to serve again. He did serve and was again disobedient to the rules and the disciplines of our retreat. Even that did not break the thread.

But one day, when there had been a succession of opportunities and rebellions over a long period of time, the Darjeeling Council made a decision. Godfre conveyed that decision to me and said that I should go and dismiss this person from service to the Brotherhood in this organization.

I obeyed and in the course of the dismissal I began to read The Dialogue of Saint Catherine of Sienna to this individual. The Dialogue contains the communications of God the Father to Catherine’s soul and is published under the auspices of the Catholic Church.         

It explains very clearly that the soul’s most important relationship is to the person of Jesus Christ. All that we do for the love of Jesus Christ as the Guru and the love of God counts for grace and accrues as grace. All that we do for other motives does not increase the soul’s attainment.

In this case it came down to the opportunity to reestablish the Guru-chela relationship. The individual denied the relationship. He expressed the desire for it by saying that he wanted the light, but under no circumstance would he place himself in the position of being disciplined as a chela, as he again desired to make his way in the world.

Therefore, after all this opportunity, including the fact that God did not simply chop off the thread of contact with the initial rebellion--after all of this, what it came down to was that the individual denied the Ascended Masters in the person of their Messenger, the one sent.

He denied the Path and said, “I will do what I will do. I will serve God independently of the teachings, independently of the personal representative of the Brotherhood to me.” That personal representative is sent to give the opportunity to pummel, teach and train a soul. In fact, its whole purpose is that the Guru, by holding his Electronic Presence over the soul, enables that soul to reject its own carnal mind, its own pride, its own rebellion.

What really happens in the process is that the Guru supplies the chela with the identity of the Christ to which he cannot attain until he has slain the dragon of his own carnal mind and can therefore rise into the identity of the Christ.      You can’t have two identities at once. Either you are the Christ or you have enthroned the carnal mind.

If you have enthroned the carnal mind, you can’t know yourself as Christ until the carnal mind is dethroned. While you’re dethroning it, the moment you slay it, it’s like killing the only identity you have. If the only identity you have is your human ego and it has to be slain, then someone has to hold your hand at that moment and sustain the consciousness of the Christ with you and for you.

The moment you slay the beast and it is gone, your Christ Self comes into alignment and you gain your new identity. However, there is a split second when you lean utterly upon the one sent—the person of the Guru who is one with your Christ Self. That is the point of the relationship of trust. That is where trust is required, because when you are slaying the carnal mind, you lose the ability to know the difference between the carnal mind and the Christ Mind.

The carnal mind is so loud in declaring itself to be the living Christ within you that unless you lean upon the arm of the Lord, unless you have that one to lean upon, you’ll go mad. So whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.

The gods are the fallen ones who have enthroned the carnal mind within them and they’re all insane by the very act of having enthroned the carnal mind.

So not just by rebellion, not just in the disobedience that can be considered to be the foibles of the child of God, is the thread cut, but in the ultimate act of denying the existence of the Guru. It is the final act of denying that the Word was made flesh, denying that the Ascended Masters are here and that they are teaching.

That is a very serious moment. And that moment came to this individual after opportunity had been given to restore the state of grace for literally tens of thousands of years, and the state of grace is having the thread of contact.

I walked out of that meeting, having dismissed this individual and I looked up into the sky and saw the ritual take place—and it is a ritual—of breaking the thread of contact. It is never taken lightly. And I must tell you that if you are of a pure heart and a sincere heart, God will never break that tie because you have made a mistake. Remember that.

He will only break that tie because you blaspheme the name of his Son in your own Christ Self and in the Christ Self of the Messenger and of the Ascended Masters. When you look at the thread of contact, you see a scintillating chain of light, one link after another just like a linked chain, but the links are of light and every link of the chain is a person or a pure Son of God—an Ascended Master and his chela.

Everyone in earth and in heaven is a link in this universal chain of being, and you have the right to remain a link in this great chain when you are obedient to the next link, who happens to be your Guru of the hour. The ceremony that took place was that the hands of God came down and undid one link, took out that link and put the other two back together. The ritual of removing an individual as a link in the chain of being does not come about without consultation with the individual’s Christ Self and a review before the Lords of Karma. It does not come about without ample opportunity for the individual to understand what is at stake both on inner and outer planes.

The Guru-Chela Relationship Is the Only Reality

So it has happened and has happened before and keeps on happening over the centuries. That is essentially what happened when Lucifer was cast out of heaven. His link in the chain of universal being was removed. Why does God do it?

Because if he allowed the one who rebelled against Being itself, against the order of hierarchy, to remain in the chain, the chain would be contaminated. God would then allow himself to be destroyed, which he will not do. This is why I say that the Guru-chela relationship is the only real existence, the only reality. Outside of it you are not a part of the universal chain of cosmic beings, angelic hosts and masters.

Maitreya comes in this dictation to souls who on inner planes were part of that chain and are a part of that chain now. However, he said that we had forgotten how to invoke the angelic hosts, our calls had fallen into disuse and the Great White Brotherhood would restore to us the power that is able to consume our fears, the power of communion with the saints and communion with the angelic hosts.

The greatest miracle of the age is the restoration of your being when you utter the name I AM. When you utter the name I AM, then you are a conscious link in the chain of being. Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, has told us that we had great light and a great association with hierarchy in the past and that our biggest problem today is that we have forgotten who we are and that we are a part of this vast universal order of being.

We have forgotten how to make use of the fact that we are a part of that chain, forgotten how to make the calls and how to give the teaching. Therefore that is the basic purpose of this Church, this religion, this movement and this representation of the Cosmic Christ.

Maitreya’s dictation is a great way to start this quarter of Summit University. I’m very grateful to have heard it with you and we will conclude with the final section. “It is you, blessed ones, who have somewhat failed,” says, Lord Maitreya, “but it need not continue to be so, for the purpose of all religion, the purpose of all life, is to manifest its eternal destiny.

       “I would turn the coin upon the other side. I would show you not the image of Caesar, but the image of God!  It’s so beautiful, it defies worded description.”

That surge of energy you just heard was used by the Guru to defeat the carnal mind. Your carnal mind is your image of Caesar and the image of God comes tumbling down into your soul because Maitreya released the ray to shatter the forcefield of the carnal mind.

Talk about technique! It’s a karate technique of light because it comes in suddenly. The fallen ones don’t expect it, the demons standing by the chelas don’t expect it, the soul of the chela doesn’t expect it. That’s the great talent of all the Gurus—their timing and their sense of the unexpected.

Maitreya’s ray catches you completely off guard and does not pass through your mental body, your reasoning mind. It reaches you independently of your mind and that is precisely its purpose. It wants to unseat your dependence upon the mere mental body. To depend only upon the reasoning mind to decide what to do with your life and what to do from moment to moment is a great, great danger.

      There’s a higher mind, and that thrust of light bypassed the reasoning mind and got right into your soul and released a response of love from you that went back to God independently of your reasoning mind. It all happened like a clap of thunder. It’s very, very exciting.

That is the conclusion of our message today. And I would recommend that you listen to this dictation again from start to finish and take your final notes on it. You will have a test on it on Friday. We’re not going to ask you anything that’s not self-contained in the message. But it is important that you take notes.

I myself could not come to Summit University and take one of those tests without studying. It’s impossible; there are too many fine points of the law. So it doesn’t matter whether you’re a Guru or a chela or a Master or not quite a Master, the point is, God’s laws must be studied. We all have to study the Word.

Now we’ll stand for our invocation:

In the name of the light of God that never fails, I call for the Eternal Word from the heart of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, from the heart of the Mother. Let the Word descend now from the great I AM Presence of each one and the personal Christ of each one. By thy flame, O Lord Maitreya, by thy flame, O Lanello, impart the essence of thy Word that thy Word be made flesh in these beloved chelas of God.

In the name of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the cause to which we are dedicated, in the name of the Ancient of Days, Amen.


 “The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

 This is the conclusion of the first lecture “The Teachings of the Cosmic Christ,” delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, January 8, 1979, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.