Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 43 No. 41 - Elizabeth Clare Prophet - October 8, 2000


Mother Teaches Summit University
The Teachings of the Cosmic Christ
Part 3

Lord Maitreya was the one whom Jesus called Father, as Father and Guru were synonymous terms to Jesus, and it was Maitreya who released the Our Father, or the Lord’s Prayer, through Jesus. In the public record, we have only one prayer that he gave Jesus and as this dictation was being played, I asked Maitreya why he had released only one prayer.

He said, “It’s the psychology of the human consciousness. When you release one prayer, you are certain that it will be given. If you release a hundred prayers, each one assumes less importance until each one of the hundred is one one-hundredth of the single prayer.”

The psychology of how to sustain the light and the teaching for two thousand years comes out of that teaching. And two gospels of the Bible, Matthew and Luke, give succinct instruction on the Lord’s Prayer. <1> That single repeated prayer is the great mantra of the Piscean age.

In my stump lecture I give the revelation of Jesus’ teaching to me on the Lord’s Prayer. The prayer is formed of the seven commands that follow the Seven Elohim in the order of creation. To me it ranks as one of the all-time great revelations of my entire life--the revelation of the inner meaning of the Lord’s Prayer according to the seven rays.

The other all-time great revelation that I treasure is the dictation by beloved Jesus through Mark Prophet of the prayer “It Is Finished.” Mark typed that prayer on the typewriter in his little basement office in Holy Tree House. I was next door in my office when he came to give it to me.

Jesus told Mark that it was the prayer he had given on the cross. All we have recorded in the Bible are the words, “It is finished,” and he “gave up the ghost,” <2> but the prayer that Mark wrote down is the prayer that was spoken on the etheric plane by Jesus’ soul and lowered into manifestation through Mark.

When Mark brought me what he had just received, typed almost as quickly as Jesus had spoken it, I felt that the whole purpose of my chelaship had culminated in that one event. The joys of chelaship as well as its trials, tribulations and tests were all worthwhile to be able to simply stand there and receive the prayer.

I realized that without a chela the Guru can give nothing. The chela who receives the prayer seals it for all others who will come after him and give it. You do this also as you receive the teaching and as you sit in this classroom, for if the classroom were empty, I would not be teaching, the Brotherhood would not have the dispensation to teach and the Cosmic Christ and the messages of the Cosmic Christ would remain up in the etheric plane.

The teaching would be taught only at the etheric retreats to those between embodiments or to those who are asleep, out of their bodies. Although this doesn’t do much for the physical universe, it does sustain God’s consciousness in Matter in the etheric plane. If it were only in Spirit and not in Matter, then we would have quite a dilemma, because there would be no focal point for our souls to become aware of God in the Matter universe.

The great gift of the Ascended Masters is that they maintain their retreats on the etheric plane. The etheric plane itself accelerates so that at the line of demarcation between Spirit and Matter it has accelerated to the extent that when crossing over that line, there is no change of vibration between the highest frequency of the etheric plane and the plane of Spirit. We have reached Spirit except that where it is plus in Spirit, it is minus in Matter.

God’s Mastery in the Use of the Word

I trust you will understand that the point of coming to Summit University under Lord Maitreya is to learn to be a world teacher. You come not just to receive the teaching but to study how the teaching is imparted so that you also can impart it. If you have heard a message many times, the purpose of listening to it again is to understand how it was delivered, how a flame is conveyed by a word.

You heard Mark’s intensification in that tape and it was Maitreya intensifying the energy, which then intensified the voice of Mark Prophet. You may not like to use a mundane word like “technique” when listening to an Ascended Master dictating through the Holy Ghost, but the Holy Ghost has techniques.

God has techniques he uses for reaching our souls. He has great mastery in the use of the Word. And in the communication of the Word, he determined to release an intense amount of power here, which increased the volume. Increasing the volume in turn increases an arc of energy that contacts your heart. As a result, when that portion of the dictation is played, you can feel the light flow and your human creation melt.

In that melting process you may find tears coming to your eyes and feel a certain emotion in your being that has nothing to do with emotionalism. It has to do with the fact that the fire of the Holy Ghost is breaking down the recalcitrant emotions that have rebelled against God for so long that they have forgotten the real feeling of God.

What Is the Master Like?

We don’t often enjoy such an experience, such a moment. It is a very important part of the dictation and one in which we really see the character of Lord Maitreya. We are always looking for glimpses of what the Master is like in dictations. What is Morya like? What is Saint Germain like? How would you describe them to a friend? What are the qualities you would identify?

Maitreya reveals himself here unmistakably. I will repeat the whole sentence: “It is not needful for men to withdraw from the world as though it were not the Father’s, but it is needful for men to transform the world.” That gives you a sense of his character. He is not just an ascetic Buddhist who sits in a room and meditates on the void. He is a very active person and his flames of wisdom and compassion are equally intense.

He tells us to give up the desire to be an ascetic and to decide instead to go out and save the world. He says that men, like eternal gardeners, have the wherewithal to transform the world and make it into a Garden of Eden. We can transform the world. We can create a paradise of beauty by using the scientific knowledge and blessings that have been given to us.

Lord Maitreya says that we should use religion not as a means for personal aggrandizement but as a mere ordered service directing our consciousness to our Higher Self, the I AM Presence, the Christ Self, so that the Higher Self, the higher consciousness, might respond.

“And in the response from the heart of God,” he adds, “there may go forth the wisdom ray, and that ray from on high may show them”--and here’s the big statement--“how to transform the world, how to transform their lives, how to remove their fears, how to walk the earth with dignity, how to wear robes of righteousness, how to be able to have the sight that sees and perceives a cosmic being and recognizes oneself as a cosmic being.”

The How-to Guru

Now you understand that the Guru Maitreya is a how-to Guru and that the teachings of the Cosmic Christ are practical and down-to-earth. The do-it-yourself theme is really the theme of the American people and it is a quality you see in lightbearers throughout the planet, whatever nationality they may be--Russian, Chinese or European. That do-it-yourself consciousness reveals unmistakably that the soul is in contact with the World Mother.

Soon I will read to you some of the teachings on the union of Maitreya and the World Mother given to us by the Roerichs. The Darjeeling Council and beloved El Morya prophesied the coming of Maitreya and they know that the coming of Maitreya is also the coming of the World Mother. The presence of both is necessary for the liberation of the children of God and for the teaching to be delivered.

The Mother occupies the position at the bottom of the cosmic clock, the six o’clock line, symbolizing the lowest descent of life into physical form. The base-of-the-spine chakra is the lowest place in your body to which light descends, the place of the Mother, the fount of life. That’s why our spine reaches down there and why our body is designed in the way it is.

The light of the Mother is the creative force that gives us the knowledge of how to do things in matter. It tells us how to create, how to build our buildings, how to have our families, how to teach our children, how to mount the spirals of the path of the spine--the path of the kundalini.

The how-to ability comes from the Mother. She gives birth to the Christ and the Christ consciousness she imparts to her sons and daughters is the how-to consciousness. When you become the Christ, the definition of your Christhood is that you have the how-to consciousness, because by definition the impractical disciple is not a disciple.

The whole teaching is about the practical building of the Community of the Holy Spirit and the knowledge of what to do when people are hurt or in need. This dictation says that it is also the purpose of religion. We are to let the soul go up, contact the God Presence, the Christ Self, and in that contact the wisdom ray is released.

Then, when you have the wisdom ray, you know how to discern the need of the hour. That’s the true religion the Great White Brotherhood has sponsored and the extent to which religion has lost the how-to message shows its corruption and its penetration by the priesthood.

Today we get religions that can no longer tell you how to do anything. They cannot tell you how your soul can balance karma, make its ascension and get back to God. Therefore it’s not religion any longer; it’s just the husk, just the outer ritual that has become idolatry. So you might say that Maitreya has come to restore the how-to of the Mother and Cosmic Christ.

How the Masters May Step through the Veil

Maitreya says: “The Great White Brotherhood is an organization of the Spirit. It has, through the centuries and the ages, endowed various individuals with power. It has formulated plans and concepts in its sacred conclaves in order to show men how to find the pathway back to light.”

So the purpose of religion is for the soul to find the pathway back to light. He talks about the day when our concepts will be on television for all to see. I see that that day has come with Saint Germain in “The Man Who Would Not Die,” with the Messenger giving the teachings and the names of the Ascended Masters. <3>

But Maitreya goes a step further and talks about cosmic beings who will someday speak their directives through these very avenues and channels. Then, “Because the subject matter is correct, mankind will be assisted into their own eternal freedom.” Paving the way for the Ascended Masters to step through the veil is always through the Messenger and through the chelas. First of all, you speak on television; you are there as the receptacle, the temple of the Brotherhood. Then the Masters come themselves.

The Thread of Contact

Maitreya talks about parent feelings, that we all have parent feelings toward various people. He says that this is of God and it is how you realize your status as a mediator. You only become a mediator because you have been initiated by the Great White Brotherhood and your contact with God has been restored.

Morya calls it the thread of contact, and you will see that phrase throughout the mystical writings. The thread of contact is a very important concept because, first of all, the crystal cord has itself been reduced to a mere thread by the misuse of light, and the crystal cord is your thread of contact to your I AM Presence. It is your tie to the Brotherhood.

Why does he use that term? Because he wants you to see yourself as a globule of light, a soul suspended in the sea of maya, but placed somewhere on earth with a lifeline to your great I AM Presence. The Great White Brotherhood personifies the God flame to you in the person of your Christ Self, in the person of the Ascended Masters, until you can see God face-to-face.

Another reason El Morya uses that term is that the Masters want you to know that the thread is easily broken. It has been broken. When Adam and Eve were sent out of the Garden of Eden, the thread of contact was broken with hierarchy and with the Guru.

Resentment of the Guru

Maitreya gave us a very interesting concept when he said in a recent dictation, “Did you think that I had been evolving and taking initiations so that I could come?” <4> He explained in that dictation that the reason he had not come before was because of the hatred and resentment of the people of Lemuria ever since they had been deprived of the light and the power of the Guru.

They wanted the Guru’s power but they did not want to give obedience to the person of the Guru. Southern California is filled with such people today and so is Northern California--the whole coast of Lemuria. One and all, they have come back to this point in time and space to meet the Guru Maitreya, to meet the Ascended Masters, to meet the Messenger and chelas.

Whether Messenger, whether chela, you become the in-strument of the judgment of those who renounced the Guru two hundred and fifty thousand to ten thousand years ago. Some people stormed away, denounced and rejected Maitreya on Mu and they have not had a Guru since that time.

Today they are being given the opportunity to take the Ascended Masters’ teachings through you, through me, through the tapes, the lectures, the books. Knowing that gives me a deep sense of commitment and responsibility. I don’t want to be humanly perfect, but I want to do the best job that I can do to present the teachings in the best possible way.

I want to give every soul who is coming to that place of opportunity but who does not know it the perfect occasion to accept the guru, the Ascended Masters and the teaching. I don’t want to bungle it by being a poor example and I am sure you feel the same way.

The Standards of Those Who Represent God

When you are a chela of the Great White Brotherhood, your life needs to reflect the qualities and the virtues that people expect. No matter how dense and dark people are, they expect those who represent God to have certain standards.

I find it very amusing when I go across the country to be interviewed that people always want to know about money. “Where did you get the money to buy this property in Malibu?” one man asked. “How come you didn’t go out and buy property in the desert?”

Well, it’s a funny psychology in America, for obviously a lot of people in the churches and a lot of gurus have taken advantage of people, which is shameful. Nevertheless, this is a capitalist nation. Anybody can be wealthy, have Cadillacs, all kinds of cars, all kinds of luxuries and they will not be criticized. They will be extolled as the heroes of our culture.

But a person on a religious path has to have absolutely nothing but sandals and a begging bowl. If he has any more than that, he is suspect. Our path is to teach people the abundant life, for it is the false teaching of the false gurus that the children of the light and the emissaries of God have no right to the abundance of God.

You see, the fallen ones want the abundant life for themselves. They’ve created the pleasure cult and the success cult that says it is all right for them to cheat, lie, steal and make huge amounts of money, but it is not all right for the children of God. They should be poor, which will somehow make them spiritual. Well, that is not what the Ascended Masters teach. They expect you to multiply abundance and use it to the glory of God.

“For Judgment I Am Come”

Various representatives of the Brotherhood have noted that the judgment has come at this point in time and space. I can bring you writings from other movements to show you that many people have pointed to Southern California in the decade of the eighties as the place of the coming of the mystery school of the Great White Brotherhood and the coming again of Maitreya, of Djwal Kul, of Morya and of the Gurus. But their coming, unfortunately, is always for the judgment and that is why Jesus said, “For judgment I am come.” <5>

Each time the Guru-chela relationship, the teacher and the teaching is present, all who have rejected it in the past and have therefore been outside of the circle of oneness, outside of Eden, must come into that circle once again and see it for what it is. They will have their human rebellion exposed and they will see the great glory of God. Then they will have to choose which one they will serve.

It is happening. It is happening not only in the quiet privacy of your own soul but also on a community level, a national level. That’s the point of the path, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.” <6> You see, the rebellious ones broke the thread of contact, and when that thread is a frayed piece, the soul sinks into the deepest levels of the astral plane.

It remains for the Gurus and their chelas to go on pilgrim-ages into the astral plane to rescue those souls. The levels of the astral plane to which the peoples of this earth have fallen are as deep as the Pacific Ocean. If you go out into the streets, into the entertainment industry, to those in the drug culture or to those in a very heavy vibration of greed, you will see people who look totally normal, well dressed, often wealthy or churchgoers, who abide in a level of the astral plane that is simply unfathomable to the child of light.

They are almost as far removed from the soul who still has the thread of contact as the God Star, Sirius would be to the physical earth. There are such vast, vast differences in planes of being on this earth, and as you go into the cities you just wouldn’t dream how far removed from contact with their God Presence individuals are who have rebelled and rebelled and have not valued the thread of contact with hierarchy.

When Jesus was taken down from the cross and put into the tomb, he went into the astral plane. On Friday night, all day Saturday until the morning of Easter Sunday, he was in the very depths of the astral plane, preaching to the souls who had lost the thread of contact with the Cosmic Christ, Maitreya.

Lord Maitreya sent Jesus to test the people to see whether or not they would do what he said so that two thousand years later they would be ready for the Guru of the Guru, the Cosmic Christ, Maitreya. It is now two thousand years later and I have noticed in my personal life and in our entire staff and organization that the initiations and the demands of Lord Maitreya are definitely a step beyond what we have known before.

They are definitely very intense and very demanding. Maitreya demands obedience and he demands great love, great self-sacrifice. If you want a relationship with the Lord God who walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the garden, you can have it. But you need to understand that it’s not like the religion of the world. It’s not so easy, not so simple. It’s the straight and narrow path that leads to eternal life.

A Discipline from Maitreya

Thus Maitreya comes. You might contemplate the event that happened yesterday when you were fasting, having been told not to fast. It was a question of obedience. It was a question of something that really did not matter to me personally, but the Masters have set the rule that there should be no fasting on Sunday.

This is because you are all in a figure-eight relationship to me and to the Brotherhood when you are at Summit University. You are taken on, so to speak, as novice chelas. It’s not a final initiation; it’s not something you can’t undo if you decide not to become a chela at some point, but your very presence here puts you in this great figure-eight flow.

When I stand upon the platform with the Body of Light to deliver a Sunday morning dictation, the Ascended Masters do not want me in a figure-eight relationship to an audience that is fasting, especially one of over a hundred people. When you are fasting, you are definitely going into your astral records. They come up for transmutation as you physically fast, as you flush out toxins. Those toxins have an astral vibration and they carry drugs out of your body that also have an astral vibration--drugs that you have used for illnesses or for psychedelic reasons.

To stand on the platform and deliver a dictation means that I, in the figure-eight flow, take on that whole consciousness and you take on the light. The Brotherhood has said that they don’t want this happening during a dictation or during a conference because they want the astral body sealed. Otherwise the light that they give will be absorbed by the astral level of your being, which by definition is impure. Instead, they want the light to flush out the mental body in order to restore in you the Mind of Christ. Then the light should be anchored in the etheric body. They want you to have God-control of that light, which you do not have when you are fasting.

So, although there was no dictation, Maitreya’s message became very loud, even if not spoken. The message was, “Take heed, all you staff--all who have been here and who have had the teaching of the Brotherhood this year. Maitreya’s coming demands that you be fastidious about following the directions that have been given, for the staff must set an example for new chelas.”

It was a clear example of how, in the real love of the Guru-chela relationship, it is important to the Brotherhood that their chelas be completely in alignment through loving obedience. Rather than stack up one more dictation, one more release of light and teaching, they are basically saying that obedience is better than sacrifice. <7>

If we do not learn to obey the outer rules that we have been given, we won’t learn to obey the commands of our I AM Presence and our Christ Self. If you don’t heed what the Messenger says, God always takes it as an indicator that you will not listen to your heart when your heart speaks or your God Presence speaks. That’s why we have rules in the first place. Rules are just like the little hurdles you make horses go over when you’re teaching them to jump. It’s training. That’s all it is.

Whether the rule is right or wrong is not the point. Whether you have the determination to jump the hurdle and not knock it over is the whole point. Then the hurdle will not defeat you because in your human pride you think it’s a silly rule and you say to yourself, “It’s a silly hurdle. I won’t obey that one because it’s not furthering the path of my soul.”

It is furthering the path of your soul because you are informed and you are in training. You are in a universe that is a vast geometric grid of energy with the mathematics that translate at our level into rules like the Ten Commandments and the commandments of Jesus. Rules are necessary. In dealing with two hundred people, you have to make rules so life can function.

You must see them as hurdles preparing you for the great leap--direct contact with Maitreya. Direct contact eliminates the hurdles, eliminates the intermediary steps. That’s the goal of the Messenger--to get out of the way so that you have direct contact with God.

God is not going to give you that contact when you are likely to make the karma of disobeying him face-to-face, so he just puts out representatives. He puts himself in the guise of the Messenger or people on staff and says, “Follow them for a while and let’s see how you come to grips with your inner consciousness.”

to be continued

This is part three of the first lecture, “The Teachings of the Cosmic Christ,” delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, January 8, 1979, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.

1. See Matt. 6:9-15; Luke 11:2-4.

2. John 19:30.

3. “Saint Germain: The Man Who Would Not Die and Who Knew Everything,” 1-hour TV show on video.

4. The Messenger is referring to Lord Maitreya’s dictation of December 31, 1978, in which he said: “Did you think that it was a process of evolution and that Maitreya had not yet passed his initiations?” It is now published as “The Initiation of the Law of the One,” 2000 Pearls of Wisdom, nos. 35 and 36.

5. John 9:39.

6. Josh. 24:15.

7. 1 Sam. 15:22.