Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 43  No. 40 - Elizabeth Clare Prophet - October 1, 2000


Mother Teaches Summit University

The Teachings of the Cosmic Christ 1
Part 2


I have been speaking of the need to meet the person of God and so now here is the God-man, Mark Prophet, in 1960, receiving the first dictation of Lord Maitreya to The Summit Lighthouse. I will begin by reading the invocation, although I would prefer that you heard it in Mark’s voice. Following this, we will play the dictation.

“O thou adorable God Presence, thou great magnificent seed of eternal fire planted in our hearts to expand its radiance in our lives, we bow in grateful adoration to thee for thy presence in the universe and in ourselves, sustaining us every moment of every hour.

“We invoke the presence here of our beloved Saint Germain, of our beloved Lord Morya El, of all the Chohans of  the Rays, the ladies of heaven, the angelic hosts, the Great Karmic Board, the magnificent Goddess of Liberty and all who have to do with the sacred fire. And we ask that they surround each one of us with their great love, which automatically erases all our thoughts that are not in correspondence with the eternal purpose.

“We ask thee, O Eternal Father, thou great I AM Presence, that thou make of our hearts and consciousness an ever-living chalice so that we may receive the radiance and the benefit of that radiation of our own dear Maitreya as he comes to us and speaks of his love and his compassion for us.”

[Replay of Lord Maitreya’s 1960 dictation: <1>]

The Image of God


      Greetings, children of the Most High. With a mantle of divine perfection and eternal light, I do cover you this hour with the infinite Presence of your Father and mine.

      To understand his perfection is to become as he is. To be aware of his light is to manifest it. To think as God thinks is to be as God is:  Life, Light and Love.

      Peace be unto you in the name of the Cosmic Christ and by the mantle of the Buddha. May each of you recognize yourselves as unfolding spiritual beings created by God and destined to become radiant centers of light in his eternal garden of ever-living Eden. Peace then be unto you.

      Long ago when beloved Jesus, who spoke to the children of Galilee in Judaea, uttered his words of wisdom, he said, “Show me a coin. Whose image and superscription is upon this coin?” And they replied, “Caesar’s.” And he spoke to them and said, “Render therefore unto Caesar those things which are Caesar’s, and unto God those things which are God’s.” <2>

      Mankind, trying to ferret out the eternal purposes by mere intellect, have often misunderstood the intent of this. And they seem to feel that their human identity, their outer self, is a separate world from their divine being.

      I would like today to show you a little of the eternal purpose, using this same illustration. It is true that the coin has two sides, but it is also true that both belong to God. Both belong to your own mighty and beloved I AM Presence.

      While I am speaking to you now, legions of angels are in the atmosphere hovering over this place, and they are pouring their radiance out into the city of New York and into your midst. How many of you are aware that you have the power as sons and daughters of the Most High to call upon the angelic hosts who are real and tangible?  How many have forgotten their eternal purpose?  How many today are able to do as beloved Jesus did in Gethsemane--speak unto the Father and receive angelic comfort?

      You also are children of the Most High. Some have forgotten that. And in the forgetting, your powers have waned and you no longer seem able to invoke that protection which mankind knew in their Edenic state. This the hierarchy of heaven would restore to you--not only today, but forever.  

       We of the Great White Brotherhood, we of the light, would restore to man the power that removes shadow, would restore to you the power of the communion of saints and the communion with the angelic hosts.

       These angels have a reality. Men have smiled, and yet many today walk the streets of this world because of the intercession of angelic beings who ministered to them and restored them to health when they were upon self-created beds of pain and misery.

      These angels are real. They are tangible beings of light and fire. From the heart of God they go forth, winged messengers of light, love and power. They are yours to command as they are mine, but their commands must always be commands of light.

       When you meet those who sit upon your highways and byways in penury begging for coin of the realm, and your heart is opened and you reach within your purse and you take therefrom a coin and place it in their hands, why do you do this?  To be seen of men?  Or because your heart reaches out and you recognize that they are in a state less than your own and you would raise them to a higher state?

       Yet mankind know that the mere giving of coins does not in itself solve the problem. But to restore these individuals to wholeness, to a straight spine, to a right mind, to a proper understanding—this would remove this blight from your land and from the world.

      And therefore as way-showers of light down through the centuries, magnificent cosmic beings have arrived on the scene of time. They have been projected on the screen of life like motion pictures, and yet they were living men and women. They have shown forth the way to light.

      Many have gone forth from realms of light. As voices crying in the wilderness, men have heard them. And yet the world has remained in shadow.

      Today many of the wonders of Atlantis are restored to this earth. Your televisions, your radios, your use of electricity, your modern conveyances and communications--all are so reminiscent of the beauty of Atlantis.

       But beloved hearts, children of God, mere physical accomplishment and the mere use of physical science in itself is not the greatest wonder of the ages. The greatest wonder of the ages is the miracle of your own being, your being which saith—because it is empowered to say it—“I AM.”

      When you thus utter the name of God, that is the wonder of the age, the miracle of being, the sweet mystery of life—that consciousness with which you are endowed and by which you recognize one another and by which you may raise your eyes and your lives upward toward the sun and perceive its rays as they pour out the dawn of each day to each life. This in itself is the miracle of the ages.

      And the gift of life given by God is sacred. It is sacred because that gift of life is connected with the sacred fire. And when the fire is removed from your physical forms, then, of course, there remains but the inert atoms. Yet they, too, have life. And these remain, but there is no animation.

      Therefore, that which moves you and causes you to have being is your own Mighty God Presence. Revere and adore this Presence. This is your Father and my Father. This is your God and my God. This is the God of every master and every cosmic being. This is the fire on the altar of heaven before which every knee does bow and every tongue does confess, saying, with great love and adoration and knowing, that it is I AM.

      To say I AM is the full power of God. To feel I AM is to be at peace. But to be I AM is to manifest the eternal in form, in substance and in dimension. Victory comes to those who are able to perceive their light not as belonging unto Caesar, but as belonging unto God.

      It is not needful for men to always become ascetics. It is not needful for men to withdraw from the world as though it were not the Father’s. But it is needful for men to transform the world because they, like eternal gardeners, are given the wherewithal to transform the world and make it a Garden of Eden, a paradise of beauty, using the scientific knowledge and blessings which are given to them wisely and well, using religion--not as a means for personal aggrandizement or a means whereby the ego can assuage some of its own conflicts--using religion as it was intended to be, as a mere ordered service directing their consciousness to their Higher Self, that that Higher Consciousness may respond to them, and in the response from the heart of God there may go forth the wisdom ray, and that that ray from on high may show them how to transform the world, how to transform their lives, how to remove their fears, how to walk the earth with dignity, how to wear robes of righteousness, how to be able to have the sight that sees and perceives a cosmic being and recognizes oneself as a cosmic being.

      The Great White Brotherhood is an organization of the Spirit. It has, through the centuries and the ages, endowed various individuals with power. It has formulated plans and concepts in its sacred conclaves in order to show men how to find the pathway back to Light. It has established churches, temples, mosques and sanctuaries throughout the world. Many are on the periphery of light, and some are nearer the heart of the sacred fire. But these were ordained for one purpose.

      Priestcraft and mankind operating in the realm of greed and selfishness have perverted its purposes. But the eternal purpose of God cannot be trifled with. Only in human consciousness have men perverted the plan of God. At higher levels it remains inviolate, pure, magnificent and glorious, with the glory of the Eternal shining out its radiance at every hour. Through all time and space it permeates and pervades life, and it restores health, strength and vitality to the universe.

      For the universe, the physical universe, is but a reflection of that great, magnificent macrocosmic world of God held in his arms and in his hand as a chalice of beauty, where he can pour forth the essences of his Spirit and direct those essences to take hallowed forms and beings of grandeur and glory--bodies indestructible, minds filled with divine wisdom, power and glory, and the kingdom that is coming.

      Throughout Christendom the cry has gone forth: Thy kingdom come!  Thy will be done upon earth, even as it is in heaven! <3>

      This mantram of the ages uttered through the mouths of thousands of the children of the Eternal, though they know it not, has produced a call that has reached the very heart of heaven, rending the human veil and bringing power to this earth--the power of the sacred fire that blazed upon the altars of Atlantis and blazes upon the altars here today in order that it may make you cognizant of your destiny eternal.

      Mankind focus their attention upon the ephemeral. Mankind look and behold the glittering lights upon the streets of New York and the rest of the world. Their eyes become riveted to the power of their television sets. And yet who shall declare that the day may not come when our face will be projected thereupon?  Who is able to say that cosmic beings shall not some day speak their directives through these very avenues and channels?  And then because the subject matter is correct, mankind will be assisted into their eternal freedom.

      What is it you seek, children of mankind?  Is it not freedom from want?  Is it not freedom from fear?  Is it not peace, victory, light, love?  Do you not desire to be loved?  Do you not desire not to be rejected?  Why is this?

      Most of you (almost all of you, I think) have a feeling at times—what I would term a “parent feeling.”  This is of God. You have a feeling of a parent, of a mother or a father, toward some part of life. Remember, dear ones, that the Father has a parent feeling toward each of you. The eternal Father is your father and your mother.

      Therefore, it is so needful that men realize the status of a mediator--that they realize that there is their own Presence and that, in a sense of the word, they, too, are mediators as they take the light rays from the chalice of their own being and radiate them forth upon the world, acting, then, even as I AM in dispensing the light of God.

       In a sense, I could use a homely illustration of a beautiful meadow with green grass and lovely flowers of every description, of a beautiful little girl walking in the meadow and plucking these flowers and filling a basket with these flowers, symbolic, then, of the grace of God.

       And because she is a mediator of the sun eternal which blossoms through these flowers, she takes these flowers home and into her community and city and passes them around among the children and the people of the city. And so the essence and the sweetness and the fragrance of the flower is scattered, and many are able to share the bounties of the light and the sun. This is intended to be.

       You are all mediators, if you will--mediators of the eternal light of God, even as I AM, as the Christ was.

       Remember the words of Jesus when they said, Who are you?  “Before Abraham was, I am” was his answer. <4> And so, beloved hearts, you too can say: “Before Abraham, before Adam was, I AM!”

       For before discord came into being upon this planet, God perceived all perfection in all life, and he has never failed to the present hour to perceive only perfection here. It is you, blessed ones, who have somewhat failed. But it need not continue to be so, for the purpose of all religion, the purpose of all life, is to manifest its eternal destiny.

       I would turn the coin upon the other side. I would show you not the image of Caesar, but the image of God!

     The image of God is so beautiful it defies worded description, and I could only convey to you by my feeling and my radiation how glorious it is.

       Who can describe the Eternal?  The philosophers of the ages, the great orators of all time, even Daniel Webster and the Roman and Greek orators and philosophers, could not describe it. None of the great ones have even undertaken the describing of the Eternal; they have spoken of his attributes.                                   And today I would only add my light to this sanctuary and to this world by increasing the intensity of that light and commanding in God’s name I AM: Increase, increase, increase! O thou light of the eternal wisdom of the sacred fire, and let the children of this earth come to know more of God’s beauty. Magnify it ten thousand times!

       I, Maitreya, command it, unfurling my banner that this golden age shall be because the Eternal has spoken it, and he shall not fail.

       The light of God shall not fail. The light of God shall not fail, the light of God shall not fail—and the Mighty I AM Presence is that light!

       O children of God, see mirrored within your own eyes, within your own heart, the eternal radiance—and faint not, but be about your Father’s business, and you shall galvanize this age. You shall fill the tabernacles and temples with worshipers who shall worship in Spirit and in Truth, who shall recognize their own divinity and shall realize that the farce of the ages is because men have looked at Caesar and have not looked at God.

       I thank you.

[End of dictation.]


Hail Maitreya! Hail Maitreya! Hail Maitreya!

 Hail Lanello! Hail Lanello! Hail Lanello! Hail Lanello!

 Hail the Ever-Present Guru! Hail the Ever-Present Guru!

What Was the Initiation?

In this dictation Lord Maitreya takes the coin that Jesus took, and the sides of the coin, God and man, become the theme and the means to illustrate the initiation of the dictation.   I would like you to raise your hands and tell me what you think is the initiation of this dictation. What did Maitreya come to do in his very first dictation of this century through the Messenger Mark Prophet? 

Student:  To tell us that we are God.

Mother:  Keep going.

Student:  You can hold the immaculate concept for your twin flame.

Mother:  I’m looking for a word. It’s coming along. Let’s hear the word. Who’s got the word? 

Student:  We become the mediators for the light.

Mother:  It’s one word for the initiation.

Student:  Restoration.

Mother:  Who said restoration?  Please stand up. You said restoration. I’m going to read the statement of the initiation in the dictation: “We of the Great White Brotherhood, we of the light, would restore to man the power that removes shadow, would restore to you the power of the communion of saints and the communion with the angelic hosts.” That is the initiation of the dictation.

The contact has been lost; that is why it has to be restored. First of all, we have lost our contact with the power that removes shadow, which is the power of the I AM Presence, and we have lost the communion of saints. The communion of saints is your direct contact with every other Son of God who has ascended, hence the Ascended Masters. You are a saint on earth communing with the saints in Spirit.

The communion with the angelic hosts is a different communion because the angelic hosts of whom he is speaking have never taken embodiment; they are not in the category of saints but they are beings of God. Some angels have taken embodiment.

This understanding of the restoration of contact gives you the purpose of our entire movement, the purpose of our two witnesses, the purpose of your chelaship. It takes the Cosmic Christ, the Great Initiator, to come into our midst and give the dictation that announces that the Great White Brotherhood is restoring the contact. This is our whole purpose.

The Need for the Word Made Flesh

The restoration of contact could not come without an edict from Alpha and Omega given through Helios and Vesta, through the Four-and-Twenty Elders, through the Lords of Karma. It has to go through the whole chain of command, then the Cosmic Christ, Lord Maitreya, is summoned as the instrument to release the initiation and he releases it through the one in embodiment who represents the inner guru.

Upon that point hangs all the other commentary in the dictation that some of you were giving me. Saying that we become the mediators of light is a corollary to the thesis of the restoration of the contact. This restoration is what the chelas of the Ascended Masters have that no others have. No other church, no outer organization today has this initiation unless it’s sponsored by the Ascended Masters.

We need to realize that unless it is spoken in the physical plane, a personal initiation does not automatically come from God through his emissaries, through the Cosmic Christ, through the Messenger to be made physical and become the law of the physical plane.

Until it is spoken, it does not happen. That’s the great mystery of the Word.      The Word of God must be spoken in the physical plane. The level that the Word reaches is the level that it goes out at, and if it only gets to the etheric plane it only affects the etheric plane. If it gets to the emotional plane it affects the emotional plane of the whole earth.

Therefore, for the Word of God to act in the physical world in physical affairs, it must be spoken through a physical voice. That is the whole reason God keeps prophets and messengers and sees to it that he overshadows them for the release of the Word.  

Why Look at Caesar? 

The final sentence of this dictation tells us about the farce of the ages—that men have looked at Caesar and have not looked at God. Had they looked at God they would not have lost contact, because through eye contact they are connected with whatever they are looking at.

So this is the farce of the ages: people have looked at the Caesars—the fallen ones in their positions of power—and they have worshiped them. They have followed their ordinances and their laws in preference to God’s laws. The result is that they have lost the contact, and now Maitreya, in the person of the Christ, comes to restore it.

Once you have the restoration of the contact, you have the power as sons and daughters of the Most High to call upon the angelic hosts. Before Maitreya even announced the restoration he made the statement that we have forgotten our eternal purpose and  “in the forgetting, your powers have waned and you no longer seem able to invoke the protection mankind knew in their Edenic state. This the hierarchy of heaven would restore to you.”

     To restate this, we see that we have lost the contact in two ways. One, by looking at Caesar instead of God. Two, by not exercising the spoken Word to invoke the angelic host. The power of the spoken Word then fell into disuse and when that occurred, the power waned, for it has to do with a momentum.

A tremendous momentum is gained in the giving of decrees and you will notice after you’ve given them many times that there is a much greater action of the light than when you first gave them.

Your Capacity to Retain Light

I would like to mention to you that there are many purposes for the giving of decrees at Summit University. One of the purposes that Lord Maitreya wanted me to mention today is that some people come to the light who are children of God, having the heart of God and yet having a very heavy karma.

That karma can be so heavy that the child of God may sit at Summit University for one, two or more quarters, yet when he goes back into the world he will not be able to sustain the flame or retain the Guru-chela relationship, the flow of contact with the I AM Presence, simply because of the weight of his human karma.

Percentages do not tell us how much karma we have. If you balance 51 percent of your karma, you may, if we could weigh it in pounds, be balancing two billion pounds of karma. If someone else balances 51 percent of his karma, he may have balanced only one billion pounds because everybody has a different amount.

So when people ask me, “How much karma have I balanced?” it depends on how much you have. If it’s 24 percent or 36 percent, it could still be great deal more than someone else who had the same percentage, for it depends on what you came with.    So Morya and Maitreya, who work so diligently in the initiation of chelas, want you to know that you are given the hours of decrees here to afford you the maximum opportunity to balance the necessary karma to retain the light you receive at Summit University.  

Your capacity to retain light is in relationship to how much karma you have, how much darkness is in your world. When you look at why people fall away from the teaching, it is important to know that people have their karma and people have their will. You can have a huge karma, but with a determined will you can keep it sealed in light and keep yourself in light. In this way, a great quantity of karma does not mean you will not make it on the path.

Morya says that some people with a light karma and little will often do not make it, whereas people with a great karma and great determination can overcome more quickly. Nevertheless, density in your body due to density of karma can be a determining factor.

The Power to Speak the Name of God

Angelic hosts are ours to command. They reinforce light; they stand where we stand and become, therefore, a counterweight to our darkness. When we invoke the angelic hosts, they place their electronic presence over us so that we live in their presence while we are balancing our karma. It is a great act of mercy and if we don’t call for them, we don’t have that benefit.

Just as our desire to restore an individual to wholeness is the greatest gift we can give to one who comes begging, so God desires to restore each one of us to wholeness. Here the accomplishments of physical science are not the wonder of the age. The greatest wonder is the miracle of being empowered to say I AM! 

When you utter the name of God that is the wonder of the age. It’s not just being, it’s the fact that you utter the name of God I AM that makes being a great miracle. The gift of life is sacred and that sacredness is the sacred fire. To say and to feel I AM is one thing, but to be I AM is to manifest the eternal in form.

We don’t have to be ascetics or withdraw from life, but we must transform the world and make it into a Garden of Eden. We can do this because we are initiates of the Cosmic Christ and because we have the restored contact with the power of the I AM Presence, the communion of saints and the angelic hosts.      

The Ten Thousand-Times-Ten Thousand

It is interesting that in his first dictation Lord Maitreya speaks of the Garden of Eden, for he did not reveal himself to be the Lord God in the Garden of Eden until about three years ago. Another nucleus in this dictation is the final paragraph in which he makes an invocation for an increase of light to be magnified ten thousand times.

It was in 1961 at the July Conference that Lord Maitreya released the power of ten thousand-times-ten thousand.  He said that every decree we give would henceforth be multiplied by ten thousand-times-ten thousand. If you multiply it out it comes to one hundred million, so one hundred million individuals are affected each time you decree, and that dispensation was released by the Cosmic Christ.

I never knew until this moment—and Maitreya is telling me this now—that that multiplication factor of ten thousand-times-ten thousand is actually the x-factor of his own Causal Body. It is Lord Maitreya’s personal gift to his initiates and the initiation really is that Lord Maitreya is saying, “Each time you decree I will take my Causal Body, the Causal Body of the Cosmic Christ, and multiply it one hundred million times.”

     That is why the decrees we have given over the years have been so effective. Because we are chelas of a Guru, the Guru has said, “I will give you the greatest gift I have to give, which is the gift of myself. As long as you are my chela, you are welcome to have that gift.” 

We are chelas as long as we keep his commandments. “If ye love me, keep my commandments” <5>is the very simple requirement of the Gurus. If we do what they ask, we can remain in that relationship.

The Eternal Plan of God

Lord Maitreya tells us that the fallen ones have no power to deter the eternal purpose of God. In their human consciousness, men have perverted the plan of God, but at higher levels “it remains inviolate, pure, magnificent, glorious with the glory of the Eternal, shining out its radiance every hour.”

We keep hearing in the dictations today that the divine plan, the eternal plan of God, cannot be deterred. It has a cosmic timetable that is set in the matter spheres in the upper etheric plane. If you can, visualize the planes of spirit and the planes of matter so that you see a line right through the Christ Self. What’s above it is spirit and what’s below is matter. That line always symbolizes the line of the Christ, meditating between spirit and matter.

The four planes of matter are the etheric, mental, emotional and physical and, of course, there are gradations within each plane. Everything physical is not seen. There are areas of the physical plane that we term invisible that are classified with the physical. The densest plane to which our souls descend is the physical octave.

     Between embodiments we may be in the astral plane, the polluted plane that contains the levels of hell and purgatory. The lower astral plane contains the darkest reaches of the bottomless pit. These planes have a way of interpenetrating one another. They are not just placed one on top of another, but we draw them that way for the purposes of discussion. They interpenetrate our temples right now.

Up there is the kingdom of heaven, and the light descends to the kingdom of earth. So God lowers his divine plan and the top part of the etheric plane is the only plane in matter that’s totally unpolluted. The top part of the etheric plane contains the four parts of being, fire, air, water and earth and is where the divine plan of God is perfect and right on time in the cosmic timetable.

When it comes to the lower etheric plane, we start getting into the etheric records of the human consciousness and where there are records of the human consciousness expressing free will in opposition to that plane, the timetable slows down. And from here on down the plan is off course until finally in the physical plane we see all kinds of things that have no relationship whatsoever to a great golden age.

When God releases a fiat or a commitment, such as “God has decided to save the earth,” that fiat is carried by God and the Ascended Masters to the upper etheric level. That is as far as they have the authority to lower it. From this point down it becomes the free will of man, the free will of individuals in embodiment.

We who are in embodiment control what happens in the physical plane, the astral plane, the mental plane and the etheric plane, so we have to get into physical embodiment to make God’s will truly be his will on earth as it is in heaven.  And Maitreya cites that very line of Jesus’ prayer when he says: “Throughout Christendom the cry has gone forth: Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done upon earth, even as it is in heaven.7

to be continued


 “The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

 This is part two of the first lecture “The Teachings of the Cosmic Christ,” delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, January 8, 1979, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.

1. Lord Maitreya’s first dictation, “The Image of God,” is published in the 1984 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 6.

2. Matt. 22:21; Mark 12:17; Luke 20:25.

3. Matt. 6:10; Luke 11:2.

4. John 8:58.

5. John 14:15.