Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 43  No. 14 - Elizabeth Clare Prophet - April 2, 2000


The Victory Way of Life
Mother Teaches Summit University
On the Mastery of the Nine O’Clock Line
Part 1


Today we are discussing Mighty Victory’s dictation of December 29, 1974. There are two dispensations in this dictation that you should note, and when you listen to a dictation you will always want to keep a record of the dispensations in your files, for the Ascended Masters have given us hundreds of  them over the years.

A dispensation consists of a grant of energy that often comes all the way from Alpha and Omega to the cosmic councils, from the cosmic councils to our own Karmic Board, from the Karmic Board to Lord Gautama, Lord Maitreya, and so forth. It’s a grant of energy that can be a coil or an electrode to be sealed in the planetary sphere or in the hearts of those who have the highest attainment on the planet, or sometimes it’s sealed in the hearts of the entire evolution.

It can be invoked for the duration of the dispensation, and since the dispensation has already been granted you’re not asking for a new dispensation, you’re just confirming that it be anchored in our octave. It’s quite different when you ask the Lords of Karma for a special favor that you would like to have accomplished that has to go through the process of becoming a grant. A dispensation is something that has already happened that will work for you right now.

The first dispensation in this dictation was given for 1975, but it’s a continuing action. Mighty Victory says: “Sunder unreality and let the razor’s edge of the Mind of God part the veil for the stepping through of your own beloved Jesus the Christ. In this hour of victory and cycles turning, there is a new stepping-down of the consciousness and the electronic forcefield of Jesus the Christ, bringing that beloved avatar closer to the outer awareness of mankind.

“This stepping-down of his Electronic Presence is accompanied by a stepping-up of the awareness of the Christ consciousness in the hearts of the people. Therefore you will see in this year, 1975, as mankind pursue the Holy Spirit in nature, in invocation and in love, a turning to the Master Jesus.”

The Year of the Holy Spirit

Nineteen seventy-five was the year of the Holy Spirit. If we were to put the twentieth century on the cosmic clock, we would put 1900 on the twelve o’clock line, 1925 on the three o’clock line, 1950 on the six o’clock line and 1975 on the nine o’clock line. Hence we are in the final quarter of the century, which is the quarter of the Holy Spirit, the quarter when all that has gone before needs to be manifest physically.

In truth, both good and bad are becoming physical. All the pollution, all the misuse of energy is coming home to our doorstep. Both the waste of energy, the waste of our materials and all the good that we have worked on together are coming due. So it’s a very important moment.

This dictation was given on December 29, 1974, as we were getting ready for the influx of the light of the Holy Spirit. So Mighty Victory is speaking of the Holy Spirit. He is telling me now that this stepping-down of the consciousness and electronic forcefield of Jesus the Christ is for the entire final quarter of the century, not just for the year.

We see it happening. I feel that this class of the yellow flame <1> was a very important turning point in the century and a very important part of the fulfillment of the stepping-down of Jesus and the stepping-up of the awareness of the Christ consciousness in the hearts of the people. And I think it’s important that we make the most of our opportunity to carry this light.

Victory talks about the squeeze on the mental body that this light produces, as the Christ presses down, as Jesus presses down. The stepping-up of the awareness in the hearts of the people forces the carnal mind to the surface and forces the souls of mankind to look at the carnal mind in the light of the Christ consciousness, in the light of the beacon of golden-yellow energy.

People are forced to see the carnal mind for what it is and to either put it in the flame or to go back to its level and become it. But they must continually make the choice.

The Second Dispensation

The second dispensation happens in the moment when the legions of light come in numberless numbers to merge with the individual auras of mankind.

          Victory says, “Every lifestream connected with Terra, embodied or disembodied, every man, woman and child in whatever plane of Matter receives now the ministration of an angel of victory. And that angel of victory steps into the aura of the individual to reinforce the rising spiral and momentum of victory. So let the armour of victory be upon mankind.”

He is implying here that the presence of the angel and the consciousness of the angel becomes an armour to guard the consciousness of victory and the love, wisdom and power of victory. He says, “Now the transfer is made of the Electronic Presence of the angel of victory,” but he doesn’t say that it is a continuous manifestation.

It appears to be a one-time dispensation for this dictation, but because it happened once, you can call it forth again. And as we keep on calling to the legions of victory, we can ask them to stand in the aura of every lifestream connected with Terra, embodied or disembodied, every man, woman and child in whatever plane of Matter. We can repeat the very words of the dictation and call for the dispensation over and over again. If enough people call it forth, it will be acted upon.

It is interesting that “We Shall Overcome” is called an ancient motto. We thought it started with the civil rights movement, didn’t we?  Mighty Victory salutes the legions of victory and the legions of love and you can visualize them as the golden angels of victory, the pink angels of love. As they merge, you get the consciousness of the golden-pink glow ray that comes from the heart of the sun.

Victory Comes to Shatter Veils of Darkness

Returning to the beginning of the dictation, we hear him say. “Unless there is love, there can be no victory. Love is an illumination of the fires of the Holy Ghost….The realization of who I AM, who you are, is the consciousness of victory. If you were to retain the continuous awareness of Self twenty-four hours a day, you would also retain the awareness of victory.”

Conversely, therefore, if we feel self-condemned and have a sense of failure or another form of depression, we lose the awareness of Self; we don’t know who we are and we find that we have lost the awareness of victory. Knowing the I AM Presence, then, equals knowing that we are victorious.

Victory comes for the purpose of shattering the veils of darkness, temptation, sorrow and maya that cause us to be out of alignment with the inner geometry of being. He calls for the magnet of the Great Central Sun to draw our chakras into the power of the immaculate vision of the Cosmic Virgin.

“Let energy move to the center of the all-seeing eye. Now,  I say, behold your God. Behold the God of Selfhood and know that you are God in manifestation and that the manifest action of God is man, woman victorious.”   In other words, for Mighty Victory, there is no other manifestation of God than the victorious manifestation. He is saying that if it is not a victorious manifestation, it is not God.

Opposites in Polarity

Now here’s a very important point. Victory says,  “I am the balancing factor of Victory in the Libra scales of the plus and the minus.” We realize, then, that the challenge of victory on the nine o’clock line is also the challenge of the cosmic honor flame and of the cloven tongues of sacred fire of the Holy Spirit.

The challenge of the nine o’clock line is always to balance the two opposites. You have to master Alpha and Omega because they are the twin flames of the Holy Ghost and the two sides of the scales of Libra. Now Alpha is the positive and Omega is the negative, yet the negative is still in Spirit, fully the consciousness of God.

The perversion of Omega is negative in the sense of being bad, or an energy veil. The energy veil is the perversion of Omega, the perversion of true Matter. We find that the perversion of true Matter and true Mother creates the polarities of good and evil, light and darkness, joy and sorrow. But the truth is that sorrow is not the polarity or the polar opposite of joy, it’s the perversion of the polarity of joy.

Darkness is not the opposite of light, it’s the perversion of the opposite of light. Spirit and Matter are a true polarity. Spirit and maya, or illusion, are not in polarity. We find, then, that the challenge of victory is to perceive all the perversions of Omega, or  Matter, that attempt to call themselves the polar opposite of God, or Spirit.

Here you get into the philosophy of the fallen ones. They say that you have to know evil to know good and that evil is the opposite of good, whereas evil is really the perversion of the opposite of good. God-Good is in polarity with himself and never has to compromise the All-good, the All-light to be in polarity with himself. The cloven tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit are the perfect polarity of the Father-Mother God.    

The Polarity of Light and Darkness

Thus the philosophy of the fallen ones is that the perversion of Mother is in polarity with Father, and this is where it becomes perverted in the human consciousness. We tend to find that people are attracted to their likeness--we say likes attract and we say opposites attract. Now if you are attracted to light, you are in the reality of the polarity of the Father-Mother God.

If you allow yourself to be intrigued by darkness, however, then you are falling into a very dark pit of allowing darkness to polarize your light. When you get yourself into polarity with darkness what happens is that because the light is the greater energy, there will be an exchange just like the exchange that occurs at the end of a dictation.

Consequently, when you mix with people or vibrations that are dark, you will take on the darkness and the people of darkness will take on your light. The person with light always has to sacrifice and to give up the light. Now I’ve heard people tell me who know nothing about the path that they can move among darkness and not take it on because they’re strong enough to resist it. It is not a question of strength, it’s a question of physics.

Light, like water, seeks its own level and when you put yourself on a level with darkness, you will soon become that darkness and your light will be swallowed up by that darkness. It’s inevitable.

Now a very interesting thing happens when people of great light who are not on the path yet who have light in their souls allow themselves through seeds of darkness--very tiny seeds in their consciousness like seeds of pride or ambition--to intermarry with  dark souls. And not until they’ve gone through years and years of being alongside that soul do they ever really realize that the only light that soul ever had was the light that they had given to it.

I’ll give you a startling example. Take Jack Kennedy. His lifestream was that of a son of God. No matter what you think of his politics, his consciousness was attuned to the Christ. He had a lot of mental programming but he had that flame and the source of his charisma was his Christ flame. That’s why the people loved him. The American people responded to his light.

He married his polarity, not in light but in darkness, and the only light that Jacqueline Kennedy ever had was the light that was reflected upon her from his aura. As soon as he passed on, she began to look like a shell that had no light of its own. It’s like the moon. The only light the moon has is the reflected light of the sun.

Now this is an outstanding example of the polarity of light and darkness in our society. While she was with him, during a certain curve of energy that she was able to extract from other sources, she was the most sought after, most photographed, et cetera, woman in the world and yet she was not a soul of light.

So you see how people who do not have their own light can take on and use the light of those around them. After many years, I have found out that much of the light that people had around me was the light of the Ascended Masters that was flowing through me. And as soon as they were removed from the teachings and from the aura of the Masters and the Messengers they no longer looked the same.

So it’s a very delicate matter to discern what is a point of real light and what is a point of reflected light. You need to give yourself the opportunity to study, to discern, to know vibration and to come into contact with the Holy Spirit. Surprisingly enough, the dark souls on the planet are often the most glamorous, the most appealing, the most electrifying and magnetic personalities, yet they do not have light of their own; they do not have inner light.

Through thousands of years of evolving among the sons and daughters of God, they have learned how to get that light and how to make it appear as if it were their own. In the process they can appear to be very glamorous, for they use everything, every technique that is possible--the physical, the astral, the mental—to do so.

They have a certain spark and brilliance, but it’s the brilliance of a dying star. It’s like the last flash of a potential that does not come from within and is going to die, going to fall to the earth as a meteorite.

So I’d like to show you that the real mastery of the Libra line is the mastery of the polarity of the Father-Mother God and the mastery over the perversion of that polarity in Matter—all the negatives that are the misuse of the light of the Mother.

Questions and Answers

Some of you have raised your hands, so go ahead and ask your questions now.

Student:  Why is darkness so much stronger than light.

Mother:  Well, darkness isn’t stronger than light. The law of physics states that as water must seek its own level, whatever vibration is in you, your light goes to that lowest point, the lowest common denominator of energy. If you share your light with someone, your light is going to be colored by that person’s consciousness. It’s just like pouring water into a purple glass. While the water is in that glass, it looks purple. Everybody knows it’s not because you can pour it out again, but in appearance the stream becomes tainted.

Student:  What is the polarity of joy?

Mother:  Well, it’s an alternate quality of God. You might see it as the masculine and feminine attributes of joy. There might be another name for them, but in the sense of learning to understand the active and the passive qualities of the Father-Mother God, we can postulate an active buoyant joy and a passive quiet joy.

The thing to remember and to have clearly in your mind is that the polarities switch when you go from Spirit to Matter. The law of polarity is that you have Spirit in polarity with Matter, but every time you have a division, another two-part whole is formed because God will never be incomplete.

So Spirit always contains within itself its own polarity. God is not in heaven without his minus factor and God is not on earth without his plus factor. So you find that this process of division keeps on concentrating the wholeness of God, for in reality all is one; the whole cosmos is one.

Taking joy in its first breaking down, we’ll talk about joy in Spirit as the plus factor and joy in Matter as the minus factor. Now that would mean that joy in Spirit is active and joy in Matter is passive. What we want to understand is that the roles of Father and Mother reverse from Spirit to Matter.

For instance, if we look at the Buddha as Father and we see him in his posture in Matter as the meditating one, he looks passive. We see Mother in Matter as active, like Kali who wields her sword and runs around defending her children from all the demons.

Then you turn it around and you look at it in Spirit and you think of God as the tremendous authority of the Law and the tremendous energy of the cosmos. So in the plane of Spirit, you think of God as the active one. God the Father is active; God the Mother is passive. So what I’m saying is that they remain absolute but relative to whether they are in Spirit or in Matter.

In America we have some understanding of the role of Kali. We find American women extremely active and aggressive in all kinds of social movements in defense of the people, in defense of their children. We see that men in America can be more passive, in the sense of being in a contemplative state of consciousness--studying and working quietly behind the scenes and directing immense forces to bring about a situation where woman can be active.

So you have to know when you are in the role of Spirit-active or Matter-active. Spirit-active is masculine. Matter-active is feminine. Spirit-passive is feminine. Matter-passive is masculine.

The Higher and Lower Chakras

Let’s look at the chakras. We have seven chakras. Chakras above the heart are spiritual and masculine; chakras below the heart are Matter and feminine. Depending on whether we are man or woman, we qualify these chakras differently, and by the time we get the blending of the figure-eight pattern of Spirit and Matter right within our own body consciousness we find that often the man comes out very active in life by earning the living and being the Father principle and we find that the woman becomes passive.

But what it really comes down to is that if we are in the flow of the cosmic stream of energy, each time there is a flow of energy, like the rising of the caduceus or the flow of energy from the Great Central Sun, there is an exchange from active to passive and we have actually changed identity.

If you want to contemplate this, the timing and the spacing of the flow of the electrons means that every so often the particles of light of our whole consciousness would be vibrating back and forth between Father and Mother. One moment we’re active; one moment we’re passive. If we weren’t, we’d be in a state of imbalance. But we have balance, our bodies are even in balance. We have two eyes, two lungs, two arms and two legs and this interaction of the caduceus is what sustains the flow of the masculine and the feminine polarity within us.

Ultimately we could bring this acceleration to such a peak that we become like the Elohim, who are both masculine and feminine and totally balanced in one consciousness, one focal point. They polarize with their divine complement but their polarity is one of an immense focalization of the equalization of these factors.

We can talk about this in terms of learning the waltz. The instructors we had last quarter were the international champions of the waltz here in Los Angeles and what we noticed from their instruction was that in doing the one-two-three, the first step is always very long: long-short-short. The first step is the masculine or active thrust.

     Well, when you are waltzing with your partner, first the man takes the long step and then the woman takes the long step to bring you back to the position of wholeness. So in each of these steps, first the man is active, then the woman. Alternating gives the balance of the caduceus.

What we learn from the concept of energy flow is that we all have to be adaptable; we get to be father and then to be mother. To be both the masculine and the feminine when the occasion warrants will cause us to be in balance with the rhythm of life.

Nobody can be passive all the time or active all the time because life is giving and receiving. So we have a certain sense of crisis in our roles in America because it’s time for the balancing of the feminine energies in both men and women. Even though women sometimes want to be masculine and men sometimes want to be feminine, it’s kind of ridiculous because the key is right here in this teaching. Everybody is feminine in the soul; everybody is masculine in the mind and the meeting of the two in the heart is the alchemical marriage where the birth of the Christ takes place.  

So I would like you to know that when you come to the mastery of the Holy Spirit, this is what you will be dealing with--the mastery of the masculine and the feminine. This is the challenge upon us in this twenty-five year cycle.

to be continued


 “The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

 This lecture was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on January 25, 1977, at Summit University, held in Pasadena, California.

1. New Beginnings in the Flame of the Holy Spirit.