Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 42  No. 52 - Beloved Mighty Victory - December 26, 1999


The Victory Way of Life
The Science of Life


      Peace, beloved ones. Is there room in the chamber of your heart for me? Are you receptive to your own God-directed consciousness of victory?  Does the rhythm of determinate effort, consecration and reconsecration to immortal purpose beat within your heart?

I AM come this night to feed the flame of victory in your being, to consecrate your effort to Christ-illumined seeing. Peace, then, blessed ones, whose struggles to understand are legion. Let go of the struggle to understand and learn the science of life--the science of life that understands the Law [and is able] just to be.

Just be. Feel the love of the Creator’s consciousness in descending currents of cosmic wholeness. The mystery of Christ-regeneration has escaped the age by and large, but it lingers and is nourished in the hearts of the comparative few who understand the meaning of devotion to the uttermost--devotion to a purpose that does not yield one inch of ground to the Adversary of infinite purpose.

Co-measurement is the word, the vital essence referenced by the Brotherhood that captures the mind and feeling of man and causes him to see and know that he is a son of God, destined to inherit the earth by reason of his meekness in struggle.

The victorious power of God rises into active pulsation when the human ceases to struggle. And then the Divine takes over and the fiber of the will of God infuses the mortal form and raises the corners of the mind until all four corners are exalted. No longer is there a sense of struggle but a sense of victory!

This is the very consciousness of the Master Jesus, both today and during his Galilean ministry of service to the earth. [His] demonstration of cosmic love did not begin with the appearance of the star in the East but was a promise long fulfilled, coming to fruition in the time of David. As the Psalmist declared, “Thou wilt not leave my soul in hell, neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.” <1>

What is the meaning of this for man? Men fear death, yet prior to birth, where were they?  Where were they one hour before birth? 

The physical form in the womb of the mother, quivering with the energies of her heart, does not pulsate to the divine rhythms of the individual’s consciousness until the inflow of the holy breath from the heart of God. Then pneuma <*> begins and Life pulsates within. And the flame of God within the individual consciousness is flung to the wind, which takes and bears that flame among men, wherever the individual desires to go.

The Mystery of Surrender

When a consecrated life is reached and surrender is born in the consciousness, one no longer desires to direct the flow of the life energies. One becomes aware that the will of God has from the beginning made inherent within the consciousness of each lifestream a destiny and pattern to be fulfilled.

Therefore the consciousness of God does command that those who are obedient to the purposes of life and the purposes of victory will understand the rhythm of the Divine One. [They] will understand that this is the power of the Sun behind the sun, the noble effort of God that will outbreathe and outpicture as that pattern in those who surrender themselves to the will of God.

[They will] understand that surcease from struggle, when the consciousness is surrendered to God and not to any other spirit or consciousness, is a definite activity of light that infuses the soul with the consciousness of God-victory. God-victory, God-victory, God-victory, has a different meaning from that of the individual who declares to mankind, “I have won the race.”      

What is this spirit, then, that is acting within man?  Is it the spirit of one who desires to assert his power over his fellowman?  Or is it the power of God active within him that knows the way, every step thereof, and determines to take the child-son by the hand and lead him, not to keep him confined to the status of a child or a state of consciousness in which he is dependent upon God but to push him out of the nest of divine consciousness as a full-grown bird, a fledgling no longer, ready to fly with wings of infinite victory into the holy sky of cosmic purpose.

God Does Not Blunder

Men do not understand purpose. They do not understand the meaning of life; they do not even understand the meaning of themselves. They blink an eye and wonder why life does not obey them. And they are fully aware of the fact that they have blundered again and again, although people sometimes say to each other, “You must not think that you have blundered, for that is a negative thought.” 

Well, precious ones, if this is so, what man must understand is that God does not blunder. Therefore man must learn to decipher the engrams of God’s thoughtforms and consciousness for and on behalf of himself individually, so that man may outpicture the life that was his immortal destiny from the beginning, that is his immortal destiny now and that will be in days to come the fullness of the life of purpose that God holds for each one.

Unless men and women are ready to surrender, there is no hope for them save round after round of mortal consciousness. And the struggle and the straying go on. And I think, if you will pardon the expression, the braying goes on rather than the praying! 

I tell you, there is a time to smile and you can smile at the self you once were. [You can] understand that you need not be as you once were, as did Balaam the son of Bosor who was rebuked by the dumb ass speaking with a man’s voice. <2>

The Will of God Is Supreme

Understand, then, that the will of God is supreme. Had Jonah understood it, he would not have lain within the whale’s belly and the great fish would not have been prepared to swallow him up. I have used this term [whale] because of your familiarity with it and I did not actually intend you to understand that Jonah was swallowed by a whale but by a great fish, which “the Lord had prepared to swallow him up.” <3>

    Understand, then, that what I have in mind for you is something greater than that. It is the process of initiation, which was mentioned this very day in the address of Holy Amethyst, who was, as some of you know, the angel of comfort who appeared to the Christ in Gethsemane’s garden and assisted him when he “sweat, as it were, great drops of blood.” <4>

How many of you have sweat great drops of blood in the struggle to understand, in the struggle to pray, in the struggle to decree, in the struggle to study to show thyself approved unto God?  How many of you have, in this day and age, actually been in a state of consciousness that caused you to recognize that you must put forth a more than ordinary effort?

Now, do not be confused. Why do I say at one moment that you must cease to struggle and at another that you must put forth the effort?

I say it unto you because you must have faith in your victory. And the faith that is generated within you will inspire you to do the things that you know to be the will of God [and to know] in full faith that God is directing you even when you do not see his hands.

This [faith] was spoken of by Jesus unto Thomas when he said so clearly, “Because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they who have not seen and yet have believed.” <5>Ponder this mystery in your heart, blessed ones, and understand tonight that as I am addressing you, I am also projecting my consciousness into the  great golden record room in the Grand Teton [mountain in the Teton] Range.

A Meeting in the Grand Teton

Tonight a solemn conclave is going on there, a meeting perchance, but not really per chance, for it was called by special decree. And, blessed ones, that meeting  taking place right now is intended to bring about certain plans for the endowment of man and the endowment of the youth of the world.

[These plans would set forth] an understanding of the problems of this age and the power that true religion plays in releasing man from his sense of mortal obligations so that he can absorb the concept of his spiritual responsibilities. Do you understand what I mean?

If individuals would struggle for their spiritual attainment as they struggle for mortal bread and for status before men, their victory would be won quite soon.

Christ’s Tests in the Wilderness

We come now to the forty days in the wilderness. When the Christ was an hungered after forty days of fasting, the Evil One came to him and said:  “Command that these stones be made bread” and “Cast thyself down, for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee…lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.” <6> 

And the Word came back in ringing denunciation, without struggle, in a simple, forthright statement, for the Christ felt no sense of struggle or the desire to contend with the Evil One. He did not resist evil in the form of a vicious attack. He abode within the format of the sacred Word and he uttered the Word with firmness and his lips tensed with firmness as he spake out of the God Flame of his heart and said, “Get thee behind me, Satan, for it is written, Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” <7>

    You thought I said that!  But it was the Master Jesus who beamed these words to you so that you might hear the vibratory action of the firmness with which he spoke!  It was intended that you should emulate him, even as we have done and have obtained our victory by the emulation of every avatar and every Son.

For all whom God has loved enough and all who have loved God enough have ascended, as did Elijah in a chariot of fire, back to the heart of God. Are these not, then, all worthy men? Worthy, that is, as spiritual men? 

“There Came Two Angels to Sodom”

And what of the angels who came to the house of Lot and entered into the house while the children of Sodom “encompassed the house around?” <8>What of those beings who, by spiritual power, caused blindness to come upon the [men of Sodom] and did lead Lot out of unrighteous Sodom?

[They] did carry him high up and out of danger while the atomic substance of the atmosphere was ignited by the Word of these great Master Presences who came forth from the Karmic Board to render judgment in the name of God to the cities of the plain, Sodom and Gomorrah. What of them?

    They were manifestations of the One, as were the gentlemen who came of old to Abraham and spake unto him the words of promise saying, “Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac.” And Sarah laughed by the tent. And the Lord spake unto her out of the voice of the Master and said, “Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying shall I of a surety bear a child?” <9> 

And she said, “I laughed not.” And he said, “Nay, but thou didst laugh. And this thing shall surely be.” <10> And it was. And the child of promise was born. But what thoughts filled the heart of Abraham when he was sent to the altar to offer this son of promise unto God? 

What of that moment?  What did he think when he raised high the dagger to strike a blow to the son of his heart?  He stood ready and willing to obey. But has God required it?  Did God require it?  I tell you, nay.

    And so, the sacrifice of identity men make, the sacrifice of self-reign that men make, consecrating themselves to God and his will, is not at all an act of desolation or of death. It is an act of consecration to life and life’s purposes.

God will restore the reins of life to the individual who has demonstrated his willingness to achieve victory, who has become mature enough in consciousness to deserve to hold the reins. It is an act of mercy indeed that God himself stands ready and willing to assist each lifestream in attaining his victory and accepts the sweet surrender of his soul and rejoices because of his consecration and devotion to God’s purposes.

You must understand, precious ones, how real all of this is and how unreal is the sense of struggle proclaimed by many of the adherents of the various religious faiths of the world who do not understand the teachings and tenets of the faith they seek to promulgate.     They do not understand the meaning of vicarious at-one-ment.

They do not understand the meaning of faith. They do not understand the meaning of consecration. They do not understand yet their prayers rise and their hearts are touched by feelings of the Divine. A soul hunger is within them and they yearn to understand and to know more.

But they stand ready to rebuke the child of flesh who is attuned to the cadences of the Spirit because the individual who directs to them the word of Truth does not uphold the tenets of the faith that they were taught from their mother’s knee.

But what of the Cosmic Mother?  What of the eternal Truth?  What of the fruit of the Spirit?  What of immortal life?

They do not recognize, then, that holy Truth is not always readily perceived through the apertures of life manifestations. They do not realize that behind the appearance world is an invisible world of cosmic promise, and the life that stands behind the veil is more real and transcendent than all life standing here on the mortal side of the veil.

Accrue a Sense of Victory

Tonight, however, I have said enough on that subject and I am interested in causing you to accrue a sense of victory, regardless of whether it is by the acceptance of my flame of victory, by the acceptance of the flame of victory of Jesus the Christ, by the acceptance of the flame of any Master anywhere, or by your own direct apprehension of the flame of victory from the heart of your I AM Presence.

We are not concerned with a sense of struggle over doctrines and tenets. We only seek to illumine you and to create a concept of beauty in your hearts that will enable you to understand higher Truth. If you desire to hold on to a particular tenet or idea that you have held  for many a year and you choose not to relinquish it or cognize that there are greater revelations to be made, that is well and good.

If you can make your ascension and achieve your victory with the knowledge you have and the flame that now burns within your heart, heaven is not here to terrorize you or to threaten that which you desire to hold close. We only desire to expand the dimensions of your consciousness, because from what we can see of your life-record, we believe that you need the cosmic sense of victory of the avatars of God and the blessed teachers of the Great White Brotherhood.

We believe that you need the flame we proffer to you tonight. [Congregation rises.] We believe that you need it and that it will provide additional impetus to the hunger of your soul and will help you to find your way to the eternal magnet of God’s heart and the love that that magnet generates. (Won’t you please be seated in God’s name.)

A Golden Ball of Victory

Blessed ones, you stood for your victory tonight when you rose to your feet. Do you realize, then, that although there was a certain mimicry of motion as individuals followed others who were rising to their feet, by that mimicry of motion your Holy Christ Self consented to that which I am saying?

Therefore cosmic law permits me (in absentia, as it were, because you have not voted upon it) to give you a golden ball of victory. And I have asked that the great presses of heaven be struck and that there issue forth  [for each one] a golden ball of victory. And I desire to give it to you tonight.           

I do not intend that you should receive it during this service. I desire that you should receive it in the aloneness of sleep; therefore I have asked that an angel of record come tonight to those who have the faith to understand that I speak truly, and that they may then look to receive during the night within the forcefield of their identity a magnetic golden ball charged with the vibratory action of my victory.

I give you this gift tonight because you have made the effort to come here and have demonstrated by your faith in remaining that an activity of light and cosmic consecration is taking place. For the invincible cosmic honor flame of God intends that man should not vegetate or remain to become crystallized as Lot’s wife did but should find his freedom, not through rebirth but through consecration here and now to the purpose that beats his heart.

    Understand, then, that the flame of victory I wield is a tangible offering. Understand, then, that the flame of victory that I AM is a consecrated effort on behalf of all the mankind of earth. It is not a puny, paltry manifestation of someone’s consciousness. It is not an activity of this Messenger; it is not an activity of which he is capable.

It is an activity of which no man is capable unless he be in the ascended state. And it is an activity that should cause you to clench your fists and say, “I AM determined to win my victory, so help me God.” 

This is a plea before the bar of infinite justice and it is heard by the Lords of Karma, who sit not so much to judge as to provide the impetus of opportunity to all.    

Hold in Abeyance

May I say to you this night what would be a little mystery to the average individual?  You do not know this and therefore I desire to proclaim it. So great is the karma-making apparatus upon this planet for most of the lifestreams embodied here that we find it necessary to enter plea before the Karmic Board again and again for a condition we call “hold in abeyance.”

      Consequently, individuals’ karmas are constantly being held in abeyance and they do not descend except in part. This is to afford them an opportunity in the name of Divine Love to find their way back to the Father’s house without the terrible weight of oppression of their own iniquities fully resting upon them.

However, the Masters have found occasionally that some individuals seek to perform acts of destruction against the children of light. And therefore, knowing that the children of light could well go down because of the tremendous viciousness of human thought and feeling, we have found it necessary on occasion to enter [a second] request with the Karmic Board.

 Such an individual’s record is then brought to us and we write upon it “Put back into circulation.”  And at that precise moment the great hammer and judgment of the Law falls upon the lifestream and they find that there is indeed recompense from God. This is [the meaning of] the saying, “Vengeance is mine. I will repay, saith the Lord.” <11>

    Understand, then, that the Law of Love chastens and the Lord “scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.” <12> He prunes mankind when they become too ambitious in an evil way, so that they may be curbed and that which they do may be stopped as the precipitate of a continually rising tide of evil in the world of form.

    We desire to see the world free from evil, the terrors of black magic, the destructive activities of witchcraft and the awful brooding of mankind on the assassination of political figures in the world who may, in some cases, represent the will of God for the people.

Again and again individuals throughout the world have become victims of the terrible horror and blight of assassination. At the present time certain activities in this country are coming to light and shocking many individuals. I would like to say to you that this very Messenger recently made a trip down into the South on behalf of the Hierarchy in order to direct certain currents into circulation in world affairs that were instrumental in seeing that a certain indictment was returned.

The Brotherhood of Guardian Watchmen

You must understand that the Brotherhood has many messengers who perform various services but few who stand before you, as this one does, to give forth the living Truth in vital, flaming substance from the octaves of light. Individuals may also consider themselves to be messengers of God in everything that they do.          

They may consider that if they till the soil they are acting the part of the great Sower, who goeth forth to provide sustenance to mankind of earth. And yet I am certain that many of you are aware of the demographic problems facing mankind which, predicated into the future, reveal that it may be impossible without changes in mankind’s habit patterns to sustain life, simply because there would not be enough food to sustain the projected population.

You must understand, then, that the mighty Law of Life is always activated on behalf of the mankind of earth for the governing of human affairs. The Great White Brotherhood is the watchdog--although I am sure that they would not care to be called watchdogs and I have used the term purely in order to fit the [word] pattern that mankind themselves use.

They are, then, and I choose to use another term, the guardian watchmen over all mortal affairs and they have a power that is known as the power of cosmic veto. [It is] an overriding power. When individuals continue to direct themselves on a course of evil and follow a downward trend, [the Brotherhood] is able then to use this power of veto and to direct cosmic currents of karma in such a manner as to change the course of history.

    However, this power of the great Karmic Board is limited within the domain of mankind and balanced against human free will. It is a very delicate and subtle subject, scarcely understood by most among mankind and best understood by the members of the Karmic Board themselves.

Study to Show Yourselves Approved unto God

Now, then, I have given you some instruction that I trust will be of some assistance to you in generating the fear of God that is the beginning of wisdom. <13>  “Perfect love casteth out fear, because fear hath torment,” <14> but you must understand both thesis and antithesis.

You must understand that the Law and the science of words, human semantics and divine semantics, are able to convey a host of ideas to mankind in order to challenge their consciousness to study to show themselves approved unto God and to learn how to use the blessed mind that God has given them in a proper manner.

You must understand, then, that human deductive reasoning, when properly employed, teaches mankind to use the powers of the mind. Inductive reasoning is also effective. And so the syllogisms of mortal reason become exercises in consciousness.

However, there is a reason and a system of reason, which men can learn, which is far above the reason of mankind. It is the a priori reasoning of the soul of God. It is the reasoning of the soul within, which is not limited by the dimensions of the senses and very easily goes forth into space and comes back with an answer.

These are the arrows of light that fly through space to a cosmic goal and return unto the individual who sent them forth as boomerangs of light, conveying an essential message to the soul that shows the individual how he may obtain his victory through hope. And hope is a consecration of God’s law, for hope, when it is properly identified, also enables man to objectify that which he had hoped for.

Understand, then, that the mind and heart of man can become saturated with the laws of God until those laws of God, by showing men how to hold a sacred vision, are able to magnetize and draw such love into the world of the individual as to sweep the earth and remove the currents of oppression and depression that are occasionally borne by the winds of deceit and confusion.

    Men must understand that they ought not to be subject to any other spirit than the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Truth. They ought not to accept any other spirit save the Spirit of victory. They ought not to accept any other sense than the sense of victory. And I tell you, this is not a case of playing a game of charades.

It is not a case of self-deceit or a case of mortal reason. It is a case of divine reason becoming encased within the human heart and expanding the flame thereof until a new and fresh start can immediately be commenced with every downfall.

    The moment you fall down, the moment you feel a sense of weakness or oppression, the moment a cloud of darkness appears in your mind, the moment you feel that you are not expressing the fullness of the Christ, at that moment and not another you should seize the opportunity to assert the power of your divine victory.

Call unto Me and I Will Answer!

Call unto me and I will answer!  Call unto me at that moment and ask me to give you my flame of victory and see if I do not flood your being with light!  Call unto me and recognize that I AM there!  I AM here and I AM there and I AM ever responsive, coming from the farthest corners of universal consciousness to bring you that selfsame flame of cosmic victory that I brought to many, many sons of God in past eras.

Understand, then, that even before I ensouled the flame of victory, one [Son of God] went before me who is now a truly magnificent being in another system of worlds and another universe entirely.

I tell you that my name, Victory, is also my office. And I tell you that tonight I am willing to give you an opportunity to be of assistance to me in the world of form. [Congregation rises.]

[I am willing to give you the opportunity] to spread the concept of cosmic victory everywhere you move, to spread the concept of Christ’s victory--his victory over sin, his victory over death, his victory over shadow, his victory over all outer circumstances and conditions.

    Will you accept the flame of victory I bring? Will you utilize it in your daily living from now on?  [”Yes!”]

The Purpose of This Activity

Are you ready and willing to understand that this is not an ordinary activity?  If it had never existed but to assert the power of victory at this moment, it would have justified its reason for being.

It has a greater raison d’être, however, and it will certainly be manifest as you, the adherents of this activity, understand that its real purpose is an invisible purpose: To fulfill the Mind of God among men, to externalize the plan of God and the radiance of God to overcome the darkness of the world.

[Its purpose is] to let the light of God stand supreme, raining the golden latter rain of Cosmic Christ illumination from summit heights upon mankind so that the sons of God may indeed see the vision of Christ’s perfection, that they may speak with a new tongue, loosed from the power of darkness, and clearly obtain for all who will, the power of freedom’s flame and God illumination.

    That Christ be glorified is now my desire and it should be yours. And if it be yours as it is mine, then the Universal Christ, the light of the world, will be glorified in you now and forevermore.  

I say, let divine intelligence increase and let it be multiplied. Go not forth to deceive mankind by the illusions of your consciousness as some have done. Be not harbingers of false doctrines or teachings. Go not forth to submit to spirits of darkness and shadow that masquerade in sheep’s clothing. They are wolves, I tell you, and you must beware of them.

Go forth into the world of form and bring mankind the awareness of the clarity of our vision, of the clarity of your own. Represent us in the world of form as ladies and gentlemen of cosmic intelligence and make men proud of the work that is being done, even as men are proud of the work that your own beloved Saint Germain accomplished during his manifestation as Sir Francis Bacon and in his release of the Shakespearean plays.  -

Make men proud of all that is of light and of the glory of God that they may come gladly and willingly into the fold, not thinking that you are deceitful people or foolish people deceived by the peepings and mutterings of some strange spirit but guided by the clarity of the vision of the living Christ that has arisen within you with healing in his wings and the vision of hope to a world that waits for the sunrise of its victory now and forever!

I thank you because I love you. And I trust that when my voice ceases to speak and my vibrations cease to activate your hearts as they are now doing, you will realize that just behind the veil of Be-ness I stand!  And you can call to me and I will answer in the moments when you need me.

Victory to the world in the name of the living Christ! In memory of the Master Jesus, drink ye the cup of his consciousness, of his Spirit. Go forth in emulation of him and be lights everywhere you move. So shall God be glorified not by one son but by many and the hearts of the captives shall go free.

[The holy breath sounds.]


The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mighty Victory was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on March 27, 1967, at the Class of the Ascension, held at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

* pneuma, soul, spirit

1. Ps. 16:10.

2. 2 Pet. 2: 14, 15.

3. Jon. 1:17.

4. Luke 22:44.

5. John 20:29.

6. Matt. 4:3, 6; Luke 4:9, 11.

7. Luke 4:8; Matt. 4:4.

8. Gen. 19:4.

9. Gen. 17:19; 18:13.

10. Gen. 18:15.

11. Rom. 12:19.

12. Heb. 12: 6.

13. Prov. 9:10.

14. 1 John 4:18.