Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 42  No. 51 - Beloved Mighty Victory - December 19, 1999


The Victory Way of Life
Become the Master of Yourself


Hast thou seen the Pleiades?

Hast thou seen the bands of Orion?

Hast thou beheld creation’s fire?

Then thou hast seen Victory!  Mighty is the fire of creation touched by the hand of God, and every earth peals forth her note of beauty in the orchestration of our Father, your God and my God.

I AM Victory and victory belongs unto you!  I AM the servant of mankind in the name of God. I desire to serve you [by assisting you] to obtain the priceless heritage that God has reserved for those who love him  enough to win their fight against the forces of opposition. [These forces] would tear from them their wings of light, which God gave to all that all may rise.

Be still and know your I AM Presence!  Be still and know the great Source, for the Cosmic Clock shall not become unwound. The great life-power of universal law will continue the creative round, and those who drop out of the holy place reserved for them by God--the place of sacred uniqueness that is the uni-tie between man and all creation--will be but wandering stars, to whom is reserved the mists of darkness forever. <1>

The light of God does not fail. And if men choose to deny the possibility of their own freedom and victory, it is man who walks into the dark. And I declare it: They shall not take God with them, for the Lord dwelleth in the light, and the secret place of the Most High God is the place of light. And the soul of man is intended to be a palace of light twinkling with myriad magnificent stars of consciousness.

The Magnificent Realities of Life

You recall in the enigma of Revelation, the [Book of] Revelation of John the Beloved, how the angelic beings are often compared to mighty stars. <2>  Let me tell you of the star that is the focus of your Divine Presence within you. Let me tell you of your mighty threefold flame, which to some of you may appear as but a remote place upon the map of being.

O precious ones, when the realities of life, the mighty realities become interpreted by the soul as it ascends to the fount of divine wisdom and obtains the sacred keys, the revelations you will receive about yourself--and I say this to you all--are so magnificent as to compel you to turn your gaze forward, for nolonger will you desire to look at former things.

Former things shall have passed away and all things will be ever-new joy, as the face of victory is turned to you and you become aware of the mighty purposes of creation within the fount of light in thy mind, the fount of illumination that by the transforming power of the Holy Spirit makes of the finite mind the Mind of God and makes of the mortal mind the Mind of Christ.

God Celebrates the Independence of Man

Do you realize, precious ones, on this day throughout the land when men are shooting off their rockets and exploding various devices to celebrate the Fourth of July, the independence of the nation America, that God himself is also engaged in the practice of celebrating the independence of man from all forms of self-created tyranny?

 For it was an act of God in the early days of this nation America that interceded on the part of the roughshod men and women of the thirteen sovereign states and caused them to have the stamina, the courage and the will to victory. You must understand,  precious ones, that the power of God entered in to the hearts of these men to formulate their rising courage in the face of an entrenched tyranny and a mighty temporal power.

You must understand that there was a uni-tie between the hearts of the individuals who dwelt in the different states of that blessed union. You must understand that today, with the passing of time and the remoteness of historical events in the mind of present-day man, much of the glory and the power, much of the struggle and the winning has been bypassed.

Thus the youth today, and I am sorry to say, even some of the more mature have unfortunately lost sight of the struggles that were necessary in the winning of victory for the nation America. You must understand, then, that the spiritual struggle, which is of such cosmic worth, must go on, that high resolves must become not crystallized mental thought but vitalized cosmic action.

You must recognize that great Cosmic Beings and mighty Masters of Wisdom came down to the planet and in some cases spoke directly through the voices of the men of the time and reinforced their courage by directly moving their lips to speak the words of God and of Liberty.

You Are Sparks of Freedom

Similarly, in this day and age and in all ages, there is always a point of contact between the higher octaves and the planet itself, else the light would go out, else darkness would come, else the vanities of men would so smother the flame that there would be no oxygen to supply it and to assure it a continued existence.

The flame today needs to be fanned by many sons of freedom and liberty. You are sparks of freedom who are intended by God to function not only in the sociopolitical domain but also in the spiritual domain. [In the spiritual domain] especially, you can help to quicken the sons of earth who have lost their way. [You can] show them the pathway that leads to the mansions of light, which are above, ever above.

You must understand the pull of senseless activities, which in this present age are causing mankind to be discouraged and are multiplying the terrors of the dark. You must understand how these things are generated, as the Old Man of the Hills told you, <3> by a reaction from the powers of darkness who lash out against the spiritual forces of light, who would regenerate mankind and bring in the golden age.

The forces and powers of shadow, who function behind the flesh forms of individuals by tricking their minds and emotions, have created a commercial Gargantua today that threatens to engulf the entire planet in an opposing and contradictory force to the socialist and communist countries of the world to directly bring about the destruction of world society.

They do not care, my beloved brothers and sisters, whether or not they destroy the earth. They do not care whether or not they create chaos. They do not care whether or not the Spirit of Christ is fashioned in this day or the great carpenter of Nazareth is able to build and reconstruct a new world. Nay, they would prefer a shambles, which would mean the utter destruction of all planetary life.

They would rejoice in the destruction of mankind. For I want you to remember that if they were able to destroy the life that you now have upon this planet and to cause mankind to abide in other realms outside the body in the naked state of their souls, so to speak, a gnashing of teeth would indeed come to pass. For not enough individuals would be left upon the planet to assure mankind reembodiment, and many would have to wait for centuries in the wings of the great stage of life until the earth could be gradually rebuilt.

Also, if their activity became ultra-destructive, it is possible that they could render the earth completely uninhabitable for so many generations that it would be necessary [for us] to transfer the lifewaves of this planet to another home in which to start all over again the arduous business of mastering life as you know it from the age of prehistoric man to the present day.

Life Is Precious

Look you well, then, to your victory. Look you well, then, to your life. It may seem to you that you are but a firefly flitting across the swamp of life and you may say, “But in a few short years, I, as myself, shall no longer be in this embodiment.”

Let me tell you, precious ones, life is precious!  Let me tell you, precious ones, that the gathering of opportunity is the summation of your life. Let me tell you, if you were to see the activity at inner levels that accompanied your birth, your natal day, you would realize that a universal conspiration <*> for the manifestation of each one of you caused you to come forth into this realm. [It caused you] to gather the substance of previous embodiments and focus all within the records of akasha and tie that to your four lower bodies so that you might move here to take advantage of cosmic opportunities and understand the need to draw yourselves into the fullness of cosmic purpose to fulfill the divine plan, the purpose of your All-Father.

Wise, then, is the one who understands the need to perpetuate and preserve life wherever possible, as long as possible, because each individual life is sacred. Sacred is the opportunity that gave you birth; sacred is the opportunity that gives you the opportunity to win your victory.

You Need Your Flesh Form

You must understand, then, that it is up to you to reinforce the great power of life within form. For life within form has purpose; life within form has divine purpose. While it is true that life is intended to be a schoolroom opportunity whereby you can master experience here to win your victory into higher realms (where you will not require this fleshly body but a new body of light), yet until you have won your perfection, I assure you that you have need for a flesh form.

Therefore do not take lightly the possibility of discarding the form that God and the elementals have so carefully and beautifully builded. You must understand that your body, which is the temple of God, houses an immortal soul intended to become an illustrious being of light as is your own Master Morya. If, then, you correctly understand your destiny, you will esteem the cosmic purpose for yourself individually.

O how treacherous is the thought--and I assure you that we teach this in our schools upon Venus--that robs man’s immortal birthright from him and makes him feel belittled. Belittlement is one of the most horrible, awful and treacherous forces that has ever been generated in the universe by the nefarious consciousness of the sons of darkness.

Let me point out to you, then, that you should never attempt to belittle any individual upon this planet but attempt instead to raise mankind up, for so do ye the work of the Venusian Masters and so do ye the work of the Lord Christ. The work of raising up mankind is perpetual and the help that cometh through you day and night is a work of magnitude that spans the foreverness of God.

You Are Intended to Be the Fullness of God

You must recognize that you are co-workers and co-servers with the powers of light, for so it was intended. You must recognize that you are children of cosmic love, for so it was intended. You must recognize that your destiny is [to attain] absolute mastery of self and the power to walk the earth as a God fashioned in the very image of God, for so it was intended!

You must recognize that you were intended to be the fullness of all that God is. And if this seems so high to you that you cannot imagine yourselves in this role, then call unto me and I will give you my momentum of victory that overcomes the world and all  its thoughts of belittlement and smallness--its thoughts of limitation that seem to squeeze you into the mold of finite qualities.

I AM Victory!  And I tell you that your victory is at hand!  [Audience rises.] 

I AM Victory and I tell you that the powers of light and the cosmic councils are determined that mankind should escape from the awful traps laid to rob them of some of their rightful powers: the power to escape from all the traps laid in past generations, regardless of whether or not they themselves were karmically involved; the power to escape into the great Temple of Mercy at Peking and to understand that Kuan Yin sits there in this very hour and meditates on how she may draw to herself the souls of men.

[She would] send them forth into the world as her sons and daughters to create the quality of mercy and sustain that quality in life until all the cruelty was taken out of man, transmuted from his consciousness, and he was set free! (Won’t you please be seated.)

The Spirit of Overcoming

O gracious ones, how lovely is the Spirit of overcoming!  The [powers of light] are they who have overcome. These are they who have overcome. These are they who have overcome! 

What have they overcome? 

Mortal thought, mortal density, the accretion and accumulation of years of wrong sowing.           If this be true, we give no power to the opposition. But recognize it you must; you must recognize the opposition by turning to us with each thrust made against you.

If you cleave unto us, if you hold our hand, if you enter our consciousness, if you permit your consciousness to enter ours, if there is unity between us, then I do not think any power in heaven or earth can separate you from the love of God!

But you must understand that every positive statement must be reinforced by the power of action within your world.      You must understand that it is not enough for us to utter a statement for and on behalf of your victory. [You must] accept that statement and believe in it, act upon it and be tied to it and united to it.

This, precious ones, is one of the reasons why down through the centuries and even as recently as twenty or forty years ago, various dictations came forth from our realm and octave promising victory unto mankind and giving them certain inalienable rights. These rightshave indeed been given but they have not beenclaimed.

I want you to know, precious ones, that we have made our promises and fulfilled every one of them, but there has been and will always be a dual tie to all promises. We may not make our promises without having certain conditions met by unascended mankind.

You do not think, surely, that we are required to  promise you that we will give you our support and assistance and then turn around and function at your level to receive that assistance, do you?   You certainly do not expect that we should give you our energy and our love and then [be obliged to] move your hands to take it.

Your Responsibility Is to Master Yourself

I tell you, you have a very definite responsibility. Mankind’s lack of awareness of this has been and still is to expect us to perform for them all the acts that were given to them to perform for themselves by volens, volens, volens--will, will, will! 

Will must be generated within you for strength, strength, strength, and power, power, power until you become the master of yourself rather than let yourselfbe mastered by outer conditions. [These conditions] will bring you into bondage and keep you there if you do not watch out!

You have heard it said that parents would frighten their children by saying, “The goblins will get you if you don’t watch out!”  Well, I want to tell you today that this is more or less true, but the goblins are within the consciousness of man and they ought to be vanquished therefrom by the immortal power of victory!

Teach your children that they are required by the Law of God to serve with alacrity, to understand as did Samuel of old that when God speaks, man must answer. <4> The compelling power of universal law is resident within man but it will not act unless he calls it into action.

God has implanted a certain segment of himself within you that is a seed of spiritual will. And every quality of God is within you although you do not realize it. It passes unnoticed and unrecognized while you look at your weaknesses and say, “This is me.”

It is not you!  It is not part of you!  And I tell you today that if you do not rid yourself of those concepts, you will be placing yourself in the realm of stultification and stratification!  And mankind will type you and they will say, “This is that type of individual.”  And it will be so. And they will cast you in a mold and it will be true because you will have done nothing to take yourself out of that mold.

Therefore, because the time is short and the power of light demands it and the great cosmic law requires it, we are hopeful that we will find responsive individuals who will have faith in my statements in this audience and in the student body who will hear and read these words. For I come from a mighty evolution of Cosmic Beings and from the realm upon Venus where the Seven Holy Kumaras dwell and I know whereof I speak. I know whereof I speak. I know whereof I speak!

The Flash of a Comet’s Tail of Cosmic Dust

The great council at Darjeeling, the Royal Teton Council and all the councils of the Great White Brotherhood, including the mighty Council of the Pleiades, have determined that earth shall receive the flash of a comet’s tail of cosmic dust, as it were, which shall activate among mankind some of the divine principles, which they will then bring forward to be redeemed.

Those who do not redeem them may find that the power will act in reverse and that they will turn somewhat the other way. It will be almost a reactive power. But we are determined to release it because it is necessary, because the time is short for the era of the golden age to be brought in by those who have the wisdom to build it. And we must call mankind out of their lethargy and make them aware of the need to establish their victory within themselves as a focus of immortal life that we can use and use quickly!      [Audience rises.]

You cannot know, it is impossible for you to know the energy the Ascended Masters have expended through the centuries. And I tell you, it is impossible for you to know the energy your Saint Germain has expended in this class, although he did not speak on the program, in order to generate within your blessed hearts some of the wondrous momentum of freedom that he has and that you need and that the Law requires you to keep.

I say to you, then, in the name of Almighty God, do not let this class pass by without making a resolve within yourself that cannot be broken!  And note the word resolve.  It means to re-solve your problems. It means to overcome the conditions that brought unhappiness into your world!  It means to determine that your pursuit of life and happiness will bear some fruit upon the Tree of Life as well as upon the tree of liberty.

Men want liberty. They want freedom and they desire it and command it to come forth. But I tell you, one of the most important things for you to do is to recognize the responsibility you have toward liberty and freedom and to see that that liberty and freedom are keyed into the vibratory action of Life!  For Life is God and God is Law and God is Love!

I hear people saying, “We have patience,” when they have none. I hear people saying, “We have love,” when they exhibit no love. I hear people say, “We are children and students of the light,” when they have little light and the light that is in them is but darkness.

The time has passed when men can go on fooling themselves year after year. This is a year of victory by the power of Divine Love. And you had better get rid of all of the conditions that are affecting your world, your health, your mind and your status in life if you want to obtain your victory. Or the first thing you will know is that the sands in the hourglass will have run out and we will have no one to represent us, no one to carry our torch, no one to guide mankind who, dwelling in a darkened world of abomination and desolation, will find life not worth living.

This Is the Hour of Decision

I tell you, then, this is the hour of decision. This is the hour of affectation, not the affectation of little mortal things that do nothing for your soul but the affectation of eternity. If you were able today to see the Pleiades in all their brilliance and glory, to see the great temples of the Brotherhood at Shamballa, to enter in to the vibratory action of God in the secret and sacred places of the earth where you have never been, I tell you, your hearts would beat with joy and pride in the creation. There would be no mutterings against Almighty God and the Prince of Peace but only the receptive, humble attitude that would say,

O my God, let me live.

O my God, let me give.

O my God, let me strive.

O my God, I AM alive.

Don’t you see, precious ones, what your victory means? 

Your victory means everything to you. Your victory is your life!  It is the divine plan fulfilled for all the centuries of striving. Every angelic being has labored for this. Every one has strained until the very ropes themselves that connect the higher octaves are taut and tense with the hope of glory. Cosmic exhilaration flows over this great network, yet the response is small.

Let me see a change in you. Let me see a change in you. Let God see a change in you; he created you. Let Saint Germain see a change in you; he sustains you. Let Jesus see a change in you. He gave everything that mankind might have his teachings and [the example of] his life.

I tell you, the day is here when you must recognize that God has thundered as from Horeb’s height and thundered in your midst. You may hear a mighty peal of thunder and I tell you, it is the mighty thunder of the Apocalypse. It is the coming forth of the Four Horsemen. And I tell you that you must manifest your victory now or your victory will be gone for ages, ages rolling on and on.

I have spoken and God has spoken through me!  It is the reflection of the solemnity of the council. Yet there is joy and mirth in us, for we hope there is worth in you.

God bless you. God sustain you. God love you. Assert your independence, for your I AM Presence is your independence. Depend upon it and let it depend upon you. In this mutual relationship such joy will come forth that will sweep the earth, and then this activity will flourish as a vehicle and instrument of God to be absorbed in the end as a mighty activity of light into the Great White Brotherhood, which gave it birth with hope, with joy, with worth, with mirth.

I thank you. And I say, Victory is my name.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mighty Victory was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on July 4, 1966, at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

* conspiration, a joint effort toward a particular end

1. Jude 13.

2. See Rev. 1:16, 20; 2:1; 3:1; 6:13; 12:4.

3. On July 2, 1966, Orion, the Old Man of the Hills, spoke about the intent of the dark forces to undermine both the economy and the values of America. He pointed out that if the eternal values were not kept, the children of God in America would not be able to keep their freedom.

4. 1 Sam. 3:1-18.