Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 42  No. 40 - Beloved Sanat Kumara - October 3, 1999


Take Hope in the Spirit of the Resurrection


      Salutations and greetings from our vibrant planet, so alive with happiness, so alive with understanding and comprehension, so alive with the joy of love.

I AM directing to planet earth this day the vibratory action of the amplification of one thousand Easters to bring to mankind the Resurrection Spirit in place of the pain, anguish and sorrow of the passing of men from the screen of life. The hopes of men have been dashed to pieces countless times by the loss of one dearly beloved by individuals and by mankind. But the great love of God, in its ceaseless outpouring, does not fail to comfort mankind in all their grief or to reestablish the mighty flame of continuation within the focus and forcefield of their consciousness.

There is no death, beloved ones, anywhere in the universe. If at all there can be said to be a death, it is the transmutation of misqualified energy. For misqualified energy must yield to the power of the divine radiance as it comes forth from the Great Central Sun to correct and mend the faults of men and to vest them with robes of power and dominion over outer conditions.

The world abode in the historical mode from its conception to the present hour in recurrent turmoil, and tumult has reigned where peace ought to stand fast. Beloved ones, I AM come this day with the Resurrection Flame of one thousand Easters to imbue the consciousness of mankind with renewed hope--hope that will overcome the thrust of all the despair that has ever been generated within their consciousness either by fear or by torment.

Fear and torment have no place in a consecrated world. As I hold the vision in my heart of men and women who are not in a condition of absolute perfection, not a multitude pressing to the summit where the radiant Christ Presence stands, I am aware that all mankind are lacking. By touching the hem of the garment of Christ consciousness, they will feel the flow of immortal power, which in its divine efficaciousness will assuage all that has brought them distress. [It] will wipe away every tear from their eye, give them the ultimate compassion of their victory and assist them to find, in the historical moments of the future, those crowning achievements that will wipe the past from the screen of life and bring to completion the fullness of the divine plan in accordance with God’s holy will.

The Need for Men and Women of Spiritual Vision

As I muse now upon the wonder of the lifestreams dedicated throughout the ages to the consecration of keeping the flame of God’s holy will, I am reminded of a great pageant in which one comes first upon the scene, followed by another, in an endless procession of victory.

I would call to your attention, beloved ones, that history brings forth many infamous characters whose lives do not remind one of nobility but indeed outpicture the sorrow and sordidness that mankind should shed and shun. I therefore call to your attention those noble men and women imbued by God with the power of the Holy Spirit who have contributed to the essential advancement not only of this age but of every age.

I would call the attention of the chelas and of mankind to the fact that the noble civilization that existed on Atlantis prior to the Fall was directed by men of great spiritual vision and accomplishment, men who, by stretching forth a hand, could put an army to flight. I would call to your attention, then, beloved ones,  that at the present time and to this very hour few upon earth can command the elements, let alone command the elements within their own nature.

The victory of mankind is the plan of God; it is his holy will that men should rule in the temple of being. The earth itself must achieve its victory; and if the earth is to achieve its victory, it must be able to overcome the discordant vibratory actions of violence and hate that man has scattered abroad in the atmosphere, which waste away as the destruction at noontide <1> and are a vacuum of great harm, causing man’s attention to be diverted to destructivity and failing to inspire him to accomplish in any measure that for which his soul cries out.

Therefore I AM come this day to remind mankind of the essential element of love that must be called forth in the cup of consciousness. Mankind’s body, mankind’s brain, mankind’s feelings, mankind’s intelligence must become like the Holy Grail. And the mighty light within him must permeate the shell of his being and gleam forth from him not only in outer appearance but in action as the will of God called forth and carried forth in all of its purity.

I would call your attention to the fact, beloved ones, that ere I came to speak to you this morn, there was a specific action of the Mighty Elohim of Purity and his divine complement Astrea, whereby this great nation was encircled by the mighty circle-and-sword of blue flame, affording tremendous protection to the emotional body of all dwelling upon this continent, for it [the encirclement] spreads abroad, expands to the north and floods forth to the south, from pole to pole, to crown mankind with nobility and essential brotherhood.

Overcome the Tendency to Fall Back into Old Habits

As I stand here now, desiring to amplify the benign qualities in mankind’s consciousness, I am reminded of the fact that mankind has ceaselessly fallen backward, as it were, into old habits and habit patterns. I would therefore call to the attention of every forthright student that there is a way man can overcome this tendency and propensity to fall back into old habits. [It is] by holding forth the mighty light that is within him and permitting that light to take dominion at the specific moment when a great temptation stands at his door and demands his attention.

Ladies and gentlemen, you do not rise up over temptation by succumbing; you rise up over temptation by overcoming, and you overcome by denying the power of that temptation to overcome you. [Speak] the words of the Christ when he was tempted upon the mount, “Get thee hence, Satan!  Get thee hence, Satan!  Get thee hence, Satan!” <2>

With this consciousness you will be able to speak to that discordant and sometimes subtle temptation, the voice that whispers “Thou shalt not surely die,” <3> by declaring, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” <4>

To translate vital and living truth into action in the world of men is to give them their victory. They can never achieve their victory by transferring into their consciousness the mass hysteria and by succumbing to violence and feelings of discord toward their fellowman. When the cares and burdens of the world rest upon your consciousness, how can you see the light clearly?  How can you see to remove the mote from your brother’s eye when the beam of discord is in your own? <5>

Mankind’s Tendency to Criticize

Beloved ones, it is only by plucking out the beam of unfulfilled spiritual desire, by removing from your consciousness the idea that you have not yet achieved and by recognizing instead that within you is the mighty tide of Life by which you will be able to fulfill your spiritual destiny. As long as you have the idea that you cannot and have not fulfilled your victory, you will add to the momentum that pulls you down rather than that which exalts the God within you.

Beloved ones, the tendency to criticize abides in mankind and causes mankind to criticize themselves. And, I tell you, when man criticizes himself, it does not take long before he decides he is guiltless and that someone else is guilty. And this propensity on the part of men to transfer their criticism for their own failures to others is so strong that it is like a snowball rolling downhill gathering momentum, until after awhile lifestreams do not seem able to control their emotions at all but in absolute human viciousness and unfairness act as judge and jury to one another, convicting one another of conditions for which they often stand blameless in the eyes of God.

I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, all mankind’s criticism ought to cease. It does not matter whom you are criticizing; you are criticizing part of God. And if the individual is acting in accordance with the law of human control, then I tell you, by criticizing him you will only be pulling him down into a greater degree of degradation. If instead you exalt the God within yourself and the God within that individual, you will raise him up.

I call this to your attention today because it is essentially the factor of criticism that is responsible for the condition in your land at the present moment. The assassination of your president is, in one sense, a direct action of criticism that flowed through many, many minds generating and fomenting tremendous hatred. It takes as its focus one who is susceptible and then that individual carries out the nefarious act of the many. The thought processes of the many are carried out by the one.

Individuals then point their finger at that one and say, “Behold, what a despicable man!”  And yet, beloved ones, this was also done in the case of [Judas] Iscariot; for mankind, to the present hour, point their finger at Iscariot and say of him, “He is a despicable betrayer of good and of the Christ.”

I tell you, beloved ones, man ought to recognize his right to improve. Those who believe in reembodiment and who affirm that people do return to the screen of life to right the wrongs they have done and to continue in progressively outpicturing their God-design must recognize, in all fairness, that men and women do improve. Death itself is no seal upon their improvement nor a guarantee that they will improve in the next embodiment, neither is the passing of a day; and yet it can be, for a day can dawn when an individual sheds from his consciousness the cocoon of ignorance and rises into the virtue of righteousness.

Therefore it behooves each lifestream to recognize that the power of criticism is one of negation, which tears down and destroys, as Saint Germain has told you, all that is noble and good in the one doing [the criticizing]. When you recognize that you can exalt men by praising the God within them, you will then be taking a mighty step forward that will raise the entire earth.

I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, very few in the various religious activities and political groups of the world today are aware that this is so. They do not know; they only see that the wind blows by its action upon material objects. They feel the wind passing by, but they do not know from whence it came or whither it goes.

I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, you are most fortunate to have this knowledge and to understand these laws. Mankind today does not understand that the issuing forth of wrong thoughts from the multitudes is a destructive activity that causes them to reap a harvest of destruction across the land and darkens the very sky with violence and hate. Mankind does not understand that by amplifying the power of good and the power of spiritual attainment for all, they conversely and righteously give the world a thrust forward, which is able to exalt mankind en masse into the victory of their ascension.    

The Beauty and Nobility of the People of Venus

As I stand here today, I am aware of the mighty power  generated on our lovely planet, Venus. I am aware of the great beauty reflected in the countenance of our people. I am aware of the splendid nobility that rests upon their brow. Some of your sculptors during the Grecian era attempted to capture this nobility.   

I would like to call your attention to Bartholdi’s Statue of Liberty, which in itself is a fairly true and accurate representation of some of the ladies of our planet. For I tell you, although it might be the opinion of mankind that their countenance is a trifle masculine, it does not detract from them, for it only denotes the balance of the masculine and feminine elements within their world.

      You see here a state of imbalance, but God intended these manifestations to come into a sense of balance whereby they would not detract from one another but add to one another. And the complementary aspects of men and women were intended to find their completion through the cycle of the twin ray.

Mankind, however, has not understood this and has wrongfully distorted it down through the centuries. Nonetheless, your beloved Saint Germain has frequently brought individuals together whenever it was possible, in order to bring out the best qualities in each lifestream, the complementary aspects that in themselves afford mankind the blessing of the twin existence in manifestation.

Now this is all for a purpose. And when men understand that it is the soul that controls the outer form, when they understand that it is the intention of God to permit the soul to completely control form, they will understand that Nature herself is blameless, that Nature herself is pure, that the planet upon which you live is immaculate and that it is intended to be a shining star in this solar system.

The Effects of Discordant Thoughts and Feelings

I would like to call to your attention that all of the thorns of life that manifest in Nature today are the result of Nature’s absorption of mankind’s discordant thoughts and feelings. These discordant thoughts and feelings have set brother against brother and nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom. These discordant thoughts and feelings have set religions against one another that ought to be a part of one vast brotherhood. Doctrinal tenets, divisions and all manner of evil have flooded forth in a competitive spirit among the various groups intended to manifest wholeness and unity.

Ladies and gentlemen, the political scene and the religious scene are a gnawing frustration to the mankind of earth. Those whose hearts are dedicated to the principles of cosmic unity, of oneness upon earth as it is in heaven, sometimes find that this frustration becomes an obsession. I would like, therefore, to urge  men to shed this feeling, for it will not in any way further their ends or bring about harmony of hearts. If men are to have harmony of hearts, it will be because they have readied themselves for the divine advance.

I would like to call to your attention that your beloved Jesus and your beloved El Morya, [5-second break in tape] [your] beloved Kuthumi and your precious Mother Mary have all taken their ascension; they have all pressed forward to their victory. They have all accepted it and chosen to go on rather than to remain upon this planet.

Those who have elected to remain here for various reasons and whom the Karmic Board has actually approved to remain are few. In some cases, because of a lack of understanding, individuals have chosen to remain even when their ascension was offered to them, accepting for some time to come a role in this world that was not always in their best interest.

When individuals are offered the victory of their ascension because of divine merit and grace, it is wise that they accept. But I wish to stress that man should not judge this matter, for according to the record (and I point this out to you this morning with great accuracy), some have been given the offer of their ascension and have also been given the choice to remain when it was recommended by the Karmic Board that they should remain for the benefit of the earth. In these cases the individual was given great protection so that he would not lose the achievement already merited and won but would continue on in the great light.  

Measure Yourself as a Potential Son or Daughter of God

I would like to call to your attention, beloved ones, that I am speaking to you on a ray of light projected from our planetary home. I would like to call to your attention that as it [the ray of light] passes through the effluvia of human creation, it finds a great deal of clutter in the atmosphere of earth due to discordant thoughts and manifestations but continues to pierce the gloom of human maya and bring forth this instruction for the admonishment of mankind.    

I would like to point out to you that I have come with a  measure of instructive data. I am bringing forth a certain amount of spiritual information on points of the Law this day that is invaluable to students who are interested in the deeper points of the Law and who may gain a greater understanding of their own mission through our instruction.

You see, beloved ones, many yet upon this planet (and, I’m sorry to say, some among the students) have not been able to accept the reality of their ascension. They have not yet accepted the possibility of their victory. They are far too deeply immersed in their sense of inadequacy because they are wedded to their outer self and have not yet relinquished their hold upon it. They have not yet accepted the wonderful radiance of their divine design. They have not yet accepted the fullness of that which God holds for them. They have not seen through his eyes but only through their own eyes.  

To these I say, Forsake looking upon yourself as a man. Do not measure yourself as a man but measure yourself as God sees you, as a potential Son or Daughter of the Most High God. Measure yourself as a victor, not as a conquered one, and you will find that the thought processes generated within you will bring you into greater attunement with us and with the lovely Lady Venus.

You will find the power of the Mighty God Presence descending in flaming victory upon the altar of your heart. You  will find that discord will drop away from you as dross in a fiery furnace. You will find the power of light and light’s perfection magnified within you. You will find that the conditions of the world that seemed unendurable have become bearable. You will find that all unhappiness can be transmuted to happiness.

You will find that the doubts and fears concerning your future will begin to vanish from your mind. [And] as you awaken to the light of the dawn of one thousand resurrections, you will realize that God is resurrected within you each morning as you open your eyes. [You will] realize that with the coming of consciousness to the screen of life you will once again become fashioned in his image but you must accept this for yourself each day, each moment and each hour.

Reaffirm Your Belief

It is not enough to accept a thought once. The statement was made and recorded in Christian literature to the effect that mankind should believe on the Lord Jesus and they would be saved. <6> I call to your attention the power of this great truth in this wise: to believe once is not enough. The belief must be reaffirmed each day. The belief must be reaffirmed each hour. The belief must be reaffirmed each moment.

The reason for this is because the contradictory thought of Antichrist abides in the atmosphere of the planet, generated from the mass mind and consciousness, and because man is positioned here, it continually seeks to rob him of his spiritual victory.

Therefore, once again I would like to call to your attention that you must continually reorient yourselves until such time as the great magnet of heaven, because of its proximity, speaks to you, saying, “Come up higher.”  You see, beloved ones, until the bar of iron comes close to the magnet, it is not seized and pulled completely into the heart of the magnetic field.

Therefore mankind, ere they reach the position where their ascension is assured, need to constantly slough off all outer conditions and position themselves in consciousness close to the heart of God. This lifting up of consciousness is a wise maneuver, and all who are wise will drink of the cup of holy wisdom and will  afford themselves thereby a leap into the spiritual identity that is their portion.

Blessed ones, as I speak to you this day I am aware of the facts that occupy your consciousness yet I cannot succumb to the pressures of these outer thoughts. I cannot succumb and I cannot answer you this day concerning these outer thoughts, for they are what occupy your consciousness.

Your desire to have me speak to you individually and to directly answer your questions this morning would not afford you the victory I desire to give, for these questions stem not from your great God Self, which is without questions, but only from the human self, which itself has fear and doubt. By shedding this fear and doubt, by casting it into the great fire of God’s love and letting it be transmuted, you will find the answers within your own being.      And then I will be able to speak to you on a future occasion perhaps, when the information I give will assist you toward your victory and then you will have a blessing that knows no defeat.

One out of Many

In the name of God from out the Great Central Sun, with all the blessings of our planet and our people, I confer upon the earth this day the electric vibratory action of the planet Venus. I confer upon America the God design that is her portion. I call to your attention the radiant cloud, the blue field, the stars within the cloud and the burst of light that comes forth--one out of many. <7>

Mankind and America must behold this oneness out of many. They must recognize that this land must be made great by their endeavor. It is not enough for them to read the record of those who have marched from coast to coast in exploration and achievement; it is necessary for each one to find his victory within the borders of his own kingdom.

The people of America must unite as never before to throw off the yoke of tyranny and communism. The threat continues; the decrees and calls of the students have born fruit, yet it is not enough. The tide must rise higher and higher in opposition to all that is so completely opposed to the light of God.

I would like to point out that even in Russia there is a stirring today in the hearts of certain leaders and an awareness that much is to be desired in their own system. A feeling of envy occupies their consciousness as they gaze upon America and its system. They will not admit this even to themselves and yet silently within their hearts they are aware of it and therefore are inclined to stand somewhat in awe.

Therefore there is a strange juxtaposition in the world today, as some of the leaders of that great land Mother Russia stand in awe of all the advancement and progress that has been given to America and to the free world. Yet they have accomplished in their system certain benefits for their people.

I would like to call to the attention of mankind, however, that these benefits are limited in comparison to the great benefits that come about through freedom and through the amplification of God’s power in man.

The nations devoted to the glory of God, the nations who desire to have leaders who are God-imbued men shall certainly advance and move forward, but it is necessary that they guard as never before the citadel of their own being and the citadel of their national security. Mankind cannot afford any longer to be complacent. They cannot afford to look back lest they become a pillar of salt on the world scene.

I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, all Saint Germain has worked for and served [to accomplish] on behalf of freedom is at stake, and it is at stake for you and for posterity. Beloved ones, you would not wish to awaken to the bleakness of  that day on which you were denied your freedom, I am sure. Therefore I urge all to acknowledge the great power of Liberty and Liberty’s portion, for Mother Liberty stands today as the Mother of the World.

She stands today holding in her hand not only the great book of the Law, the Law of Life that I AM, but she stands with one hand to bind up the wounds of the world, to heal those who are ill in body and mind, to confer substance upon those who lack substance, to bring the flame of illumination to those who are ignorant, to carry the great torch of freedom to every corner of the globe and to assert the dominion of the Lord over the whole earth.

This is the law of Liberty. This is the Law of our planet. May it be the Law of your planet.

I thank you and bid you good afternoon.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Sanat Kumara was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on December 1, 1963, in Washington, D.C.

1. Ps. 91:6.

2. Matt. 4:10.

3. Gen. 3:4.

4. Matt. 4:4.

5. Matt. 7:5; Luke 6:41.

6. Acts 16:33.

7. One out of many, e pluribus unum, written on the Great Seal of the United States.