Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 42  No. 39 - Beloved Sanat Kumara - September 26, 1999


O Substance of the Golden Age, Descend!


      O flaming ones, as I enter the atmosphere of the planetary body, carrying with me the holy love of the gracious Lady Venus, I am mindful of the contacts that I had with some of you long ago. I am mindful of the power of the precious love star upon the planetary effluvia.  

I am mindful of the brilliance of that star, as its magnitude is contrasted with the lesser lights of human aspirations, and I view now, within the temple of my being, the great record of hope for and on behalf of this planet. Little known and scarcely remembered in the dim perceptions of mankind is the great love of the mighty divine forces that have sustained as well as created this blessed orb of light upon which you dwell.

As mankind enter the portals of birth they are scarcely made aware of the transcendent opportunity that enfolds them. Oh, if they would but open the eyes of their inner consciousness to behold the power of the love star in its transcendence, it alone would raise them and focalize for all men upon the planetary body the outpouring of the power of God, enabling men to assess their opportunities and evaluate life in a different manner.

Some cry out that the unfortunate factors of mankind’s existence, due to the economic strategies employed in the labor markets of the world, have not afforded them enough opportunity. Yet I am certain that all whose heart’s yearning has reached a level of desire great enough have been given the opportunity to be cut free and to bring forth the realities of heaven within their own consecrated forcefield.

It is not needful that mankind manifest a tremendous outward appearance of wealth, and yet we are not opposed to it. I would call to your attention the manifestation of many avatars whose hour of birth occurred in conditions less than opulent, yet the treasures of infinity were locked within the God-power of their existence.

The power that fashioned them began to express itself very early in life. So it came to pass that those around them observed carefully the manifestation of what, in their eyes, was a very peculiar quality. It was a light behind the light of the eye, a firmness in the step that knew in consciousness where it was going. It was also a passion for the holy yet simple things of life that mounted in fervor and released the power to heal the oppressed.

All of this manifested in the consciousness of beloved Jesus.    And it came to pass, as he moved in the carpenter shop of Nazareth, that all of his acts were acts of grace and sweet perfection. And yet it is not a myth, for the same immortal God-flame that resided in the temple of his being abides in all upon this planetary body; and the mighty threefold flame of life, which brought to fruition the marvelous attainments of a God-free being in him and in others of the ascended host, abides today to set all upon earth free.

I AM Come to Infuse You with Love

I AM come today to infuse you once again with the power of light and the power of love and the power of God that is within you. For only by your acceptance of the precious radiance of your Divine Self shall you be enabled to rise out of the mass consciousness and gain your own attainment through the power of Victory.

“Art thou he that should come, or look we for another?” <1> was spoken unto him [Jesus]. And his ringing words, spoken in return, go down on record as an assertion of cosmic power: “I AM he!  I AM he!  I AM he!” When mankind recognize and assert the power of their own Mighty I AM Presence within the temple and forcefield of their being, by declaring forthrightly “I AM he,” they will resist evil. [By] recognizing that the manifestation of the God-flame [is] within them, [they] will take dominion over all outer conditions, and the God qualities of freedom and immortality will come into manifestation.

Mankind, through the power of contagion, have accepted from one another a lesser role and have assisted in reinforcing this role in one another’s consciousness through the pointed finger of scorn. The exhibition of human creation--the hatred in the pointed finger--is ever directed back at the one pointing it at another, for all life is one. And it is by pointing the finger at the Ascended Masters and recognizing their attainment and aspiring to “go and do thou likewise” that mankind shall set this sweet earth free.

Do you know the wonder of this earth?  Layer upon layer of starry substance impregnated with holy and precious essences of God’s own body, the world of light and form [is] molded and fabricated in a framework of immortal substance and is magnificent in its wrought design and in that which it shall be. Held in wondrous God-design by the mighty Elohim of creation, it affords an opportunity for the races of creation to win their freedom over substance and self.

Concerning the Secret Actions of Men

We of Venus, in our consummate love for the people of this planet, are directing this day a mighty cosmic light ray upon the planet earth to accelerate the action of cosmic power and freedom among mankind that they may discover the things that are done in secret by individuals who are misleading the people of the world. Therefore, by the infinite power of holy and cosmic Love, I AM radiating through the consciousness of mankind and keying into, in accordance with a specific design, a cosmic action related to K-17’s realm of discovery.

The specific action initiated this day will enable the truth to be discovered concerning the secret actions of men done consciously and practiced in order to deceive. And [this truth will] be released in greater abundance than ever before, so that the integrity of the Gods [of the Great White Brotherhood] may be developed upon this planet by means of thegovernments whereby from top to bottom of the individualized social strata the power of holy truth will be manifested.

We create then this day an action upon your planetary body that is for the purpose of the perfectionment of the planet. The religious action of this planet has been intensified, and we now release into the political world an action to bring about greater understanding and create higher standards of perfection. It is fitting and proper that we do this, for the calls of mankind have actuated a response from the heart of God.

This response, this cosmic action, is what you have called for. Quite frequently mankind are not aware of what they ask for or of what they ought to ask for. Hence, in the darkness of their own mind and consciousness, at times full of despair as they perceive the weight of personal karma set against them and recognize the oppression and strands of darkness woven into the planetary body through wrong thought and feeling, they are inclined to wander away from the action of the cosmic light.  

Purify Your Use of the Eye of God

Let this cease, O beloved ones. Purify the mighty eye of God within your consciousness. You must understand what I am saying to you. You must understand that the eye of God is, of course, pure, but it is your use of the eye of God that you must purify. Therefore I say to you, recognize the patterns of life’s perfection around you; recognize the patterns of life’s perfection within you. Recognize the dominion of love.

When you pay allegiance to human discord and say, “This has power,” you are in some way or another taking from yourself the very treasures and vestments of eternity. [But] when you pay allegiance to the great God-flame within you, the “I AM” truth of being, you are adding to yourselves the blessings God intends.

No mere words, released without the pressure of light behind them, will be able to give you the necessary impetus to overthrow the idols of tyranny that have been exalted upon the hills of humanity for far too long. Mankind has set up in full view the power of Caesar, the power of human triumph, the power of mortality.

Move backward to the strata of the earth in the form it had before it was habitable. Consider the energy in this vast ball, this vast sphere. Consider the glory and the wonder with which the world was originally imbued and endowed. Recognize in the manifestation of the flowers that bring delight to your heart the mighty essential fragrance that flooded the first golden age.

Recognize also the meaning of gifts of flower-offerings to one another. Consider how there is a charge of precious love-substance in the gift of floral offerings to one another. Consider, then, how even without the flower symbol the gift of love bears a fragrance between hearts.        Consider, then, our offering today as an action of Divine Love to cut mankind free.

Those who are not familiar with cosmic action may not realize what is transpiring as I am speaking to you. Those who are familiar with cosmic action will recognize the need at certain points in the cyclic records for the great God-power to assert a specific dominion in the consciousness of mankind in order to put before them the possibilities of opportunity.

Through their acceptance of the role then given to them, through their acceptance of the mighty tide of light, the civilizations of the world come forth robed in greater understanding. And as this understanding permeates the entire structure of the planet in the newness of life that people of this earth are capable of, there is a revitalization and an essential release of immortal substance into the fabric of the Body of God, so much so that the wholeness then manifesting becomes a source of perpetual joy.

The Problem of Discordant Music

    At the present time upon the planetary body, the very music is frequently as though someone were to crash cymbals of discord to jar hearts around the world. And the youth of the world are trained in the beat of this discord, preferring it to the marvelous angelic releases and the subtle qualities released through Saint Germain’s efforts by musicians who abode upon this planet not too long ago as you reckon time.

The very subtle tones of beauty, the marvelous releases that have thrilled and delighted the hearts of many ought to be enjoyed by the masses of humanity, yet the jungle beat of human discord  still floods forth to wreak havoc and destruction among mankind. The great power of the love star must be utilized and called into action to affect the music on this planet and the hearts of its people.

We welcome the release in your newspapers of the information on the nefarious action of cigarettes as a signal to alert the people, but there is a crying need for more. Much more is practiced as a network of deceit upon mankind, and it must be released [to the public] so that the fabric of freedom may be woven from the hearts of those now occupying the planet.

Consider What You Can Do for the Planet

Beloved ones, consider for a moment how you individually came forth through the portals of birth to occupy for a brief span your place upon this planetary body and then stepped through the veil once again. Consider, then, the drama that was here before you were, and the drama that shall come after you have again stepped through [the veil]. Can you individually afford to neglect the opportunities presented to you? 

Bear well in mind that your opportunities are multiplied by your collective service to the great light. I would point out to you the words of the Christ, “He that would be great among you, let him become the servant of all.” <2> And, therefore, there is not one in this room or upon the planet who could not render a service of greatmagnitude on behalf of the entire earth.

You may say to me this morning, “Beloved Sanat Kumara, this we cannot do, for we have not the talents.”  I say to you, You can at least pray for the entire earth, if you can do nothing else. And I think through the power of prayer you will discover that there is more, much more, that you can do. Do you know, blessed ones, as you begin to turn within to ask yourself what you can do for mankind and then turn without to extend hands of loving service to mankind, you will be multiplying your powers of accomplishment and attainment. And this will flood forth through the entire social structure until all of the foundation stones of past ages will find a temple beautiful rising in the structure of the present age. The wonderful substance of immortality woven into that structure and the necessary requirements of the hour will be brought forth by the powers of heaven.

We Long to See the Earth Reflect Greater Light 

Here upon our planetary home, the tones of love are those to which we have grown accustomed and discord does not manifest. As we gaze across the starry reaches of space between our orbs, we long to see the earth reflect greater light. It is not the light generated by electric power that we desire to see twinkling in the sky; it is the light of your hearts as Divine Love is multiplied that we desire to see.

Do you know that the power of Love can generate a tangible action of light that will flood forth from this planet into space until all who behold the earth in the sky as we do will acclaim the wondrous attainments of the people of earth and say, “Behold, the earth! The Christ Light floods forth from the earth. It wells up like a great well from the depths of the hearts of its people. Behold, in the sky it is a nova, a new star. The substance of immortality blazes there. The earth has attained at last!”  

And cosmic neighbors whom you know not will rejoice in their hearts. Pointing to your starry home, they will declare, “At last they are free!  At last the triumph of the ages, begun long ago, has come to fruition. At last the earth has ascended into the heart of Love!”

O beloved ones, the historical turmoil into which a young babe is born must abate. The sullied garments of the past and all the present distress must shrink in dimension until they occupy no space at all. The power of Love must issue forth from the Garden of Eden within the heart of man. There, at the conjunction of the four rivers, the streams of triumph must flow forth north, east, west and south. The water of life for which all thirst must be given to all.

When this is done, the hearts of the Masters will rejoice. The hearts of the angelic host will rejoice, and all who have ever served this planet, down to the tiniest elemental who fabricates the etheric form for the blade of grass upon which your feet rest so lightly, will feel the flame of perfection blazing here.

I Set before You Goals to Be Fulfilled

You do not know now, nor will some of you know for some time to come, what it means to ensoul the body of a planet. You do not know what it means to rule in the spiritual Hierarchy. You do not know what it means to feel the Love of God flow from points of light in interstellar space. But you shall know! You shall know, for I set before you the goals to be fulfilled! 

Your fulfillment of those goals is an opportunity never to be forgotten! To forget it is to lose your destined patterns of immortality. Immersion in the idle talk of the hour will not produce your perfection, but to hear our words, to feel our vibratory action and to turn to the God-flame within your being and assert the dominion of that flame as the tangible reality, the [living], breathing perfection of the moment, thisis Life because it is Life drawn from within.

Spinning the golden thread on the loom of the present hour to produce the fabric of the golden age must come from the heart, not from idle wheels, for the cycles pass, or from idle looms, for the warp and woof are being created. Must mankind continue to weave shadowed substance into the fabric of the hours?  Can they not forsake the misqualification of centuries? 

I believe in you. I believe in you, for I see your God-flame. I see the God-flame of all; it does not matter how encrusted. It does not matter the extent of your human creation. If you will consciously turn to the greater light and make the simplest call of which your hearts are capable, it will commence the action. And then if you will keep on keeping on, bearing in mind that eternity is worlds without end and your freedom is essential to progress, you will win. We decree it!

O people of earth, we will soon return our vibratory action to its rightful sphere. The assistance we have given your planet this day shall remain, for the action of the ray that we have called forth shall not fail. The responsibility continues to be yours, for all who bear the breath and flame of Life within them, whether or not they areoutwardly conscious of it, have pledged in solemn convocation before the Lords of Karma a certain action of perfection ere they were presented to the world of form.

 - If broken pledges stand before them, it does not mean that the pledges cannot be mended and welded by the power of Love. With God all things are possible. With man in cooperation with God, all things are possible.

 - On behalf of Lady Master Venus and those of our band upon this planet, we send forth our Love. On behalf of the great Angel Deva before me who is ensouling the thought of the people of Venus, I send forth my starry radiance. On behalf of the secret love star of our planet, I say, Let it blaze and blaze and blaze! And let the earth feel that pulsation now and know in truth the meaning of Love.

 - O substance of the golden age, descend!

 - I thank you and before the Holy Kumaras bid you a gentle adieu.



 “The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

 This dictation by Sanat Kumara was delivered by the Messenger Mark L. Prophet on January 12, 1964, at Dodge House in Washington, D.C.

1. Matt. 11:3.

2. Mark 10:43, 44: “Whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister. And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be the servant of all.”