Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 42 No. 32 - Beloved Sanat Kumara - August 8, 1999

Freedom Rally 1970

The Circular Blue Sea

Gracious and peaceful children of the Sun, upon our planet there is a circular blue sea upon which the golden  radiance of the sun does shine, and the azure light that pours forth from that sea is a radiance so fair that all who gaze upon it have a renewed sense of the simplicity of God. No complicated thoughts fill their minds, only the unity of water and sky.

Will you, then, children of Terra, forsake now the thoughts that so frequently burden your blessed shoulders?  Will you forsake those thoughts until the thuds of the burdens falling off can be heard all around on the ground where you sit or stand?  Will you forsake your burdens?

Let them go. Let them fall. And in the sweet and simple idea of this circular blue sea with the light of God shining upon it, blazing forth the purity of the sacred fire through the azure-blue crystal waters, reflecting into your consciousness the simplicity of a little child—water and sky, the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the water—your minds, then, bathed in the purity of the water substance, are also aerated by the fire of the sun passing through the sunlit air.

In the simple images such magnificent responses are invoked in the soul. For little children, when their dreams are young and tender, do not think of complex geometrical formulas; they do not dream of huge and complex psychological blocks in the subconscious realm nor do they engage in the perverse fantasies that so often occupy the minds of more sophisticated men.

We believe upon our planet that with the coming of maturity men should be more childlike, and in this childlike attitude better able to perfect and protect the purity of God’s ideas. We do not believe that maturity should bring complexity. We believe that it should result in a natural flow of the simplicity of divine design.

Those who complicate find their burdens increase; those who simplify find their burdens cease. For light itself is the perfect solution to all mankind’s problems, and habits created by multiplying a simple thought process into an involved one often become the chain that holds mankind back from the beautiful freedom they seek.

I Will Consult the Heart of God

Will you feel a special action now as I initiate contact between this earth and our planet. I am going to do something for you tonight that I will also share with the children of men the planet round. I will feed my love into all the nations of the world and I will, in perfect keeping with the idea of your beloved Saint Germain, the God of Freedom, consult the heart of God in the beautiful simplicity of that heart and in the dream of perfection that he not only foreknew but also holds inviolate, incorruptible within his entire consciousness.

Can you imagine, blessed ones, what it means to be a little atom of substance in the atmosphere or a cosmic ray piloting its way through space at incredible speeds, charged with a divine thought?  Do you have any idea what it means to be a messenger of God, to be a messenger of a single, solitary thought from his heart, not an arrow of outrageous fortune but an arrow of light which, coming in contact with any substance, produces the feeling of God happiness?

Oh, how thirsty the world is today for happiness!  How people long to find peace at the end of a day of turmoil!  How their souls cry out for the peace of the chimes of the Angelus. The day has ended. The heart is bowed in prayer. The harvest lies upon the ground. All mankind’s fears and cares are found no longer, only love and peace abound—a cosmic prayer breathed out in space. <1>

We, then, saturate the world tonight with a beginning momentum of that which we are about to do. And as we start the quickening process in the hearts of the relative few who are here, we see that you will become seeds to scatter far and near this mead of heaven, this precious elixir that men may quaff, and in the quaffing thereof receive food and drink, meat for their souls, the calm of a certain knowing of the Father’s plan and the capitulation of the ego that has for so long held up its arms in a fight-or-flight mode, whereas God has solely desired to produce the abundant consciousness of heaven within the forcefield of man’s being.

We Would Aerate Your Consciousness

Let your precious brains no longer struggle. Let your being, your emotional bodies no longer reach out in agony but feel the will to release the flexing of the muscles of feeling, of consciousness, of being. And in this sweet release, know the repose that is the repose of a flower as it opens from the bud and yearns to drink in more of the sunshine and air.

We would aerate your consciousness tonight. We would free your consciousness from all fear and blame, for blame is one of the great problems of the world. Whenever something goes wrong, someone is to blame. Oh, how man seeks to pin upon another the very responsibility he himself should share with the whole world!

I say, then, to you tonight as you look into this calm pool of azure-blue water, as you feel the golden radiance of the sun pouring down, let your whole body, each pore thereof, suddenly become a miniature city of light, a city of purity and beauty where God is. In the center of each cell the centrosome now responds and glows. It glows, and the water element suddenly responds with a feeling of gratitude for the kiss of the sun, and as the body cells are quickened each one and one by one, more and more of you becomes saturated with God-Reality.

Oh, those fears shall vanish. They shall pass away in a holy conflagration of fire, for fire will melt them. Fire will melt with a fervent heat all the ideas man has had of failure, and he shall suddenly perceive that inasmuch as God did not want him to fail, why, then, should he fail? For the will of God is supreme. The will of God rules throughout Nature.

Why should the dream of God, then, be denied by an individual?  Why should it be denied to an individual?  Why should any man have fear that he will fail when God is in him? and if God is in the cell, then the cell must respond to the Goodness that God is.

And if the Goodness that God is can penetrate all substance in the world and bring the power of his penetrability into the density of substance, then I believe that substance must relinquish its hold upon the dark shafts that have penetrated substance and created a caked condition whereby calcification will soon produce the bane of rheumatoid arthritis and all manner of other acts of pain in the forcefield of the flesh body and even in the substance of the mind. For the mind itself with the approach of age seems also to become calcified and covered over with effluvia—layer upon layer of substance.

And oh, because of the hardship and struggle that men have engaged in, they feel from time to time that they cannot summon any more energy to fight the encroachment of calcination, of the enclosure of substance in banal ideas.

Imprisoned Energy Cries Out for Deliverance

Precious ones, how many amongst mankind are afflicted and affected by some member of their immediate family?   Now, I am quite sure that you do not wish to become the affected or the afflicted one in the family. Understand, then, that wherever you are, when any challenge comes to you, it comes to you because energy has been imprisoned, dear hearts of light. And when energy is imprisoned, it cries out for deliverance.

When men and women, therefore, have fear in their world, it means that they, somewhere along the line of life, have accepted fear and because they have accepted fear, that fear to which they have given power and reality has become a part of their consciousness. Then that little concentration of energy that is fear, that represents fear, does manifest from time to time to poison the whole body. For you see, all the light, all the power and all the energy that you use must always pass through the lowest common denominator of substance in your world.

Do you understand that when light enters your world it rushes first to this point of concentration?  It rushes first to the point where negative energy and misqualification occur and it always attempts to heal that which is lame, halt and out of the way. Then, you see, when the concentration is very great in some lifestreams, it must first be healed before the energy of light and of God can flow into the other cells that are already free, to stimulate and release in them the power that will make the whole body glow with vibrancy, with health and with reality.

Do you see, then, precious ones of the light, how humanity again and again, by the acceptance of painful thoughts, by the acceptance of fearful thoughts, by the acceptance of negativity projected at them by others, continues to create and re-create all the substance that has kept them bound through the centuries? They will never know their freedom, then, unless they learn that the power of God must be invoked, that when it is invoked it must be permitted to do its perfect work by going forward into the forcefield of their own body—their own body of feeling substance as well as the body of the mind, the mental portion of their being.

When they let this energy of God, this light of God that never fails, go forth and do its perfect work in them, it soon will stimulate the live cells still more, until the vibrancy and beauty and energy of perfection can function in their world as it has never functioned before.

The Holy Family

I AM Sanat Kumara. I have stood and gazed upon the perfection of God in my beloved divine complement, the lovely Lady Venus. And I tell you, when you see the Divine Woman stand before you, the love that you feel increases a millionfold and onward into infinity. For truly, a beautiful woman endowed by God with all of the fires of the soul is the perfect matrix into which his love does pour through you and produces the perfect fruitage of a Daughter or a Son of light.

Do you understand, then, that here upon this earth in its present moment of evolution the holy family is a very real aspect of divinity?  Those who are so inclined and to whom light has directed that they become fathers and mothers in the world have the opportunity to become a part of the holy family through their own associations and exercise of the opportunity to welcome incoming souls into a state of God-magnificence, where the glory of the Presence can exercise its prerogative of directing and perfecting the youth who are then given into their care.

Those who choose a life of celibacy and beauty devoted to God have covered their head with a snow-white radiance of purity. To them is given the opportunity, then, of evoking the Christ consciousness not only for themselves but also for those who have elected to bring forth and train children. Let all who devote their life to God in celibacy understand that they have a solemn responsibility to pray and serve the cause of those who are devoted to the bringing forth of children.

I want you to understand that to teach the young the right and glorious manifestations of good thoughts, benign thoughts, thoughts that can rightly be entwined with the flowers, is the way in which a child should go. When the thoughts of a child cannot be entwined with the flowers, cannot be utilized in the weaving of garlands of hope, then something is wrong.

For the child will grow up bent and inclined to selfishness, [inclined] to pull into its own world material substance and gain, to seek sensation and pleasure in outer things. But those who have been taught the meaning of the flowers of the Spirit will identify with God; from them we will create the substance of which saints are made.

I speak, then, of Thérèse. I speak of Saint Thérèse [of Lisieux] whose joy and devotion to the Holy Presence [and Holy Face <2>] has resulted in many healings throughout the world. And what we are interested in is the creation of a consciousness of sainthood in men and women who may not look anything like a saint, for a saint does not appear as an outer manifestation.

Many times the manifestation of a saint is a gentle fragility located within the consciousness. We find it sometimes in the roughest and, I say, the toughest hewn consciousness, and we glory in the fact. Whom God has blessed with the gift of Sonship and sainthood, let no one then condemn, for God is in them and he has raised them and he has honored them and he will respond to their prayers.

Understand that man will accomplish the fullness of God-manifestation not by outer things but by the inner activities of his being.

A Mighty Ray of Light

Let all understand, then, that we, in coming to you, expect alertness on the part of every student of light to whom is given the privilege of hearing our discourses. For we are concerned with developing in your hearts a perfect pattern, a perfect pattern of light that will always respond, that will always be quick and alert to discover [meaning in] whatever we are saying and to evaluate these points as a means of obtaining your freedom.

I tell you, beloved ones, we are considering today the problems of the world. We are considering the problems of the world that have troubled humanity for many centuries. We know and we understand how the manipulators of the world have continually sought to control the mass mind. We are aware of the demoniac and diabolical forces that flow forth in the world. We are aware of the darkness in the world. We understand it.

But we know that God is your victory over all of this darkness. We know that God is [the means to] the victory over all darkness everywhere and that God in you will keep you alert and awake to your responsibility, to your solemn responsibility to understand and to fashion your consciousness as though you had in hand a chisel and were actually making out of a block of marble in its uncreated state a perfect statue—a perfect statue of beauty and glory from on high.

We are now in a position where we are about to project a mighty ray of light to planet earth. And it is utterly necessary that each of you be alert and awake so that you can participate in this glorious event as I call forth the Seven Holy Kumaras from our planet to transform their energy into one great transforming center and to beam from that center to the planet earth a power of transcendent love that has not manifested upon this earth for over one million years.

I want you to understand that the initial impulses of the Deity sent forth to this earth were very great, that the love God established on this earth in the beginning was so potent that to this day it is radiating and radiating and radiating throughout all nature, creating a continuance of all the natural processes, with the exception of those that have been aborted by the human consciousness and through cosmic decree by the Lords of Karma.

Let me then say to you tonight that we are ready to give a special impulse to this planet in order to literally inundate it with the power of transforming love. The energy we are about to bring forth is evoked already by the calls of the students of light. We want you to know that the calls you have made have born fruit, that the Karmic Board has already expressed, in answer to your calls, a wish to evoke more light and more love upon this planetary body than has ever before manifested.

The Potency of Love

We have also considered the possibility of just what that love would do to the earth. I want you to understand, beloved ones, that when love comes forth in mighty potency and meets human energy and misqualified substance head-on, there is sometimes an eruption whereby that misqualified substance feels the need to release from itself all of the impositions that humanity have foisted upon it.

Thus, substance itself, by the God-given native intelligence within it, must by cosmic law unburden itself of the rings of darkness that mankind have established around it. And when this occurs, sometimes it results in various so-called natural cataclysms, and mankind finds, then, that conditions occur upon the planetary body that are not to itsliking.

Not too long ago, with the release of such light, a tremendous cataclysm occurred in South America as a warning to humanity. Yet I want you to take particular note that when that cataclysm occurred we directed it, according to our own wisdom and judgment, to rather obscure and remote parts of South America for the simple reason that we wished to keep it away from the larger cities, where the same catastrophe would have resulted in a great deal more confusion and pain and suffering.

Yet take note also that very few among humanity paid  attention to it, except the few in public office who desired to rush forth with some outer assistance to those poor and blessed people who received this initial outburst.

Use This Energy as It Is Allotted to You

Now, as we are giving forth tonight a tremendous outpouring of cosmic light, I want you to understand that it is a great boon to the Ascended Masters’ students of light, because you, precious hearts of light, can use this energy as it is allotted to you if you will only be most careful to see to it that you do not in any way misqualify this energy. When it comes to you, accept it in the chalice of your being as a great outpouring of Cosmic Christ purity.

Accept that energy. It is intended to be used for humanity and to uplift humanity by inundating with the love of God every outer condition misqualified by dark substance. Whenever you walk down the street and you see people arguing in the marketplace, ask your Presence to release your specific momentum of allotted energy [to heal that situation] and see how much more will rush into your being to replace that which you gave forth. Watch how the activity flows forth and you will know that according to the needs of humanity,  so God meets those needs.

We want you to understand that just as Jesus took in his hands the loaves and fishes and broke them and fed the multitude, the five thousand, so we will also feed the millions and billions on this planet with light substance. And it can be done through you, for you will scatter yourselves across the face of the earth, from time to time being here or there, and you will remember that you have the power to project your energy as a light ray anywhere upon the face of the earth when you do it for the sake of God’s holy cause.

Whenever you are aware of outer binding and blinding conditions whereby humanity is in grave danger, exercise, beloved hearts of light, the privilege given you tonight and call to your Presence to direct that energy allotment from our planetary orb, Venus, into the affairs of Terra and see that that light becomes a concentrated force.

When all who are in these rooms are correctly using their energy, what do you think it will mean to the Hierarchy of light to know that all of these people are directing their energy and attention and their allotment of cosmic energy into the world of form?  I tell you, it will give you an awesome sense of the responsibility that you have. And I want you to know it will also bind you to us and to the cosmic Hierarchy in cosmic service whereby we can become a functional unit—one serving another and all serving together to free mankind.

As this idea, then, spreads across the face of the earth and as the energy allotments are proportionately distributed to humanity, all of the people who serve the light will become increasingly aware of the cosmic responsibility they have to bend mortal affairs toward the vine of immortality. As they become aware that those on this planet have a solemn right to exercise their privilege given to them by God to become living Christs, to function as Christ did in the healing of the ills of humanity, I tell you, it will become most effective. And mankind will finally become aware that there is a powerful force working for and on behalf of freedom here in this world of form.

And then we will hold the vision of humanity coming from the north, coming from the south, coming from the east and coming from the west to sit down in the kingdom of God with the balm of love in their hearts and the power of transcendency overflowing the cup of life into their individual worlds and showing them the reason for purity, the reason to love each other, the reason for fearlessness flame, the reason for healing, the reason for seeking to accept and know the will of God.

All of this radiance, all of this power, all of this glory that is the glory of God will then literally inundate the world of form, and mankind will find that the light of God that never fails will be as a great sea of love and light, covering all nations with power and glory and enfolding all in that holy radiance that is the great Ultima Thule <3>—the final manifestation of love’s perfection as it ascends to infinite dimensions. Do you understand the meaning of my words infinite dimensions?

Multiplying, then, the power of love upon itself and squaring it to the nth degree, mankind will be able to geometrically produce such light as can be felt wherever it is needed. I tell you that mankind will rejoice, then, in the emancipation given to them.

Pour Out Thy Love, O Venus!

Now, then, let us fix the coordinates. Let us fix the coordinate to the right. Let us fix the coordinate to the left. Let us fix the coordinate point of light to the rear. On this triad of light let us tie in the grids and forcefields of the Holy Kumaras.

Flame of each Kumara, radiate into the triad.

Flame of each Kumara, radiate into the triad.

Flame of each Kumara, radiate into the triad.

The triad now glows. It glows with a violet-pink light. Draw back the thunderbolt.

[15-second pause]




Pour out thy love, O Venus, onto the earth.

And now a radiant pink pathway of beautiful light is pouring down upon the planetary body, spilling over into this focus of light. It is pouring out to the west, to the east, to the north and to the south and the channel is open.

The love of the Kumaras will continue to pour. For seventeen days, we will rain our love upon the earth and at the end of that time we will evaluate. And if by cosmic law it becomes the will of the Karmic Board, we will furnish another seventeen days of cosmic light magnificence unto the earth.

If it does not, we will cease and desist for the time being. But that which we have sent forth has been granted by the Karmic Lords. And the firestar of Venus is beginning to pulsate now with blue, with violet, with pink, with purity’s radiance. It resembles a giant sparkler, as scintillating stars are pouring forth from the center and mingling and commingling with all of the color rings. The beauty of that descent is indescribable in human words; it must be witnessed by the inward consciousness to be understood.

Now the light increases. Now we step it up. Now more energy is pouring down. And now the angels of the Holy Kumaras are gathering round the triad and the star and they are singing, and all of the little electrons are beginning to dance. In the descent the electrons are dancing.

Open your hearts!  Open your hearts!  Open your hearts  and receive this light!

Open your hearts!  Open your hearts!  Open your hearts and receive this light!

Open your hearts!  Open your hearts!  Open your hearts and receive this light!

Feel the purity flow. Feel the pink glow. Feel the love increase, love that flows through your cells, through your whole being. Does it not tend to wash out resentment?  Does it not tend to wash out fear? Does it not tend to wash out doubt?

Does it not tend to increase faith?  Does it not tend to increase awareness? Does it not tend to direct into your being a sense of the lineaments of the divine form, of the Christ forming within you his magnificence?

The Irritations of the World

Well, precious ones of the light, how marvelous it is that you are able to understand!  I want to say, then, to you, We want to always increase the beauty and perfection of the light. We want to increase the beauty and perfection of the light in everyone.

You do not understand how from time to time tremendous negative forces build up through millions and millions of people. I feel, therefore, constrained* to speak to you about

the awful carnage on the highways. I feel constrained to speak to you about the emotions of people driving automobiles and pouring out resentment against others, often for the mistake that they themselves have made.

I feel constrained to speak to you about the irritations of the world and the irritations of the marketplace. The world is filled with irritation, and each irritation becomes a negative focus that often goes out into the world as a grid and forcefield and from time to time becomes a disturbing effect on the minds and beings of others.

How many times are people destroyed by the thoughts of others, tramp thoughts that float through the atmosphere and enter their minds because they are receptive to them. If they would always keep their mind upon love, if they would understand the power of love, if they would understand the power of grace, of the divine yoga, if they would understand this and keep themselves completely oriented to the grace of God, do you suppose that they would be troubled by these trivial things that occur in the world from time to time?

I think not. For you see, beloved hearts of light, the true devotee of the Spirit does not want to exist in a vacuum. The true devotee of the Spirit does not want to exist in a state of hatred. He does not want to exist in a state of doubt. Mankind does not enjoy existing in a vacuum. They want the light to pour out upon them.

Often when they become irritated and angry with others it is really because they are angry with themselves. And often they do not understand that they are only adding to the weight of their own karma, for every idea and thought of negativity that flows forth into the world against another becomes a weight and a cudgel against the one sending it forth.

The whole idea, then, is to forsake the habit of exercising these strange human prerogatives and begin to exercise divine prerogatives in their place. And then, you see, the great muscle of the brain, the great muscle of the feeling world, the great muscle of divine love springs into action and the individual’s whole body becomes a manifestation of the divine will. And when many are banded together in cosmic service, what do you think it means? 

It means an electrifying experience. It means the electrifying experience of divine joy.

Angels of Joy Come from Venus

I would like the angels of joy from Venus to start on that side of the room and then create great ripples of joy in this section over here, and then begin to come in like the waves of the ocean into this room here, and then, passing through this room, head over into this room to my left. Watch, then.           Angels of love, angels of joy, angels of the cosmic miracle power, radiate into that room and, as a nectar, let the ocean of divine happiness fill the hearts there with God’s bliss.

Let bliss increase!  Let bliss increase!  Let bliss sweep! Let bliss come forward!  Let bliss come into this room. Let bliss come forward. Let bliss move!  Let bliss live!  Let bliss sweep!  Let bliss rejoice!

Move!  Move!  Move!  Bubble over the hearts. Let hearts feel the great divine champagne, the great cosmic joy, till the whole soul laughs within itself at all of the outer circumstances of the world and understand the great love ray that God pours upon the world. A divine experience, a cosmic blessing, radiating, comforting and sweeping the consciousness into the lap of God!

O Divine Mother, Divine Mother, Divine Mother, take these babes in Christ’s arms and transfer them to thy lap. Hold them close to thy heart of light and let the diamond-shining Mind of God confer peace upon their minds.

Let their hearts, infused by the fire of the Divine Mother, feel the compassion of her outreach. Let pain and doubt and all negative conditions cease in their bodies and beings and let the abundant life exist in them and grow from a seed into a root until it takes hold in the very subconscious mind of their being and permeates every cell and thought. Let it expand as a plant into the glow of the cosmic sun. Let the radiance of our planet particularly enfold the earth and all of the students of the light everywhere.

Let grace abound! Let grace be magnified! Let grace rejoice! Let joy be without containment!

O beloved Terra, how long did I hold thee in my embrace? O beloved mankind of this world, how long did you sing praise to me and to God as the Ancient of Days?  How long, then, must I be the Regent Lord of the World?

I cannot forget thee, so long as thou lovest God. Nor can Venus, so long as thou lovest the sacred fire and understandeth clearly that God is the author of your faith, the eternal Father-Mother-Son-Holy-Spirit consciousness, infusing all with a banner of hope and caressing all with a kiss of his peace.

[Angelic tongues chanted 1 minute, 17 seconds]

* constrained: obliged, compelled


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Sanat Kumara was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on July 4, 1970, at Freedom Rally 1970, held at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado,

1. These lines evoke the scene in the painting, The Angelus, by Jean Francois Millet, which depicts two French farmers who have heard the ringing of the Angelus bell and stand side by side in a field with their heads bowed in prayer.

2. Saint Thérèse of Lisieux (1873-1897), French Carmelite nun, took the name Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. She saw the Holy Face as the depiction of Jesus’ humility and love expressed through suffering and desired to live like him, hidden and unrecognized. She considered it her mission to teach souls her “little way,” the way of “spiritual childhood, the way of trust and absolute self-surrender.”  Her path was a path of love, for, she wrote, “it is only love which makes us acceptable to God.”

3. Ultima Thule is an expression  meaning the ultimate goal of man’s endeavors.