Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 42  No. 31 - Beloved Sanat Kumara - August 1, 1999


Harvest Festival of Light and Gratitude

God Is Willing to Shorten the Time
 of Man’s Travail


      Like the resounding of a giant bell in consciousness do I come, that the planet may feel a spirit of uplift and be raised above the thought of the mass consciousness--yes, the whole planet, some [of its people] knowingly and some un-knowingly.

I bring, then, a cup of God-delight for the refreshment and craving of the soul long surfeited in the long night of senseless and useless struggle. Yes, ours is not a matter of condemnation but a matter of assistance, whereby the realities of the Spirit are born afresh in the heart that has hungered and thirsted after righteousness that he may be filled, that she may be filled. <1>

That all may be filled is our prayer;  and it is a prayer, beloved ones, of earnest effort made on behalf of all humanity. For our measure, our gauge, of the human panorama is not as men see it, in small segments, but is a larger adventure than even the more ambitious among you would bite off as a piece of reality, a fragment of God-delight.

We Come to Dust Off the Astral Dust

The cultivation of the realization of the feelings of millions of hearts is not common to all. But those of us who have spent our lives and life in a state of first becoming master of ourselves and later, mind you, of becoming the arbiter of the destiny of man are determined to assist him in his present plight wherever we can and to dust off, as it were, from this entire planet the astral dust, the psychic dust and the delusions that have kept humanity bound for so long.

It is most unfortunate, beloved hearts of light, that some doubt our existence. Perhaps they also doubt their own existence, and then again they have many other doubts that seem to require reinforcing. Let them choose whatever they will, for they do have the quality of freedom here. This we have seen to, because it is a matter of cosmic law.

Yet we came here, not with cynicism concerning the manifestation of humanity but with the full realization that humanity is literally drenched with astral substance, with the psychic substance of human criticism, for example, that has actually extended itself, because it becomes a vehicle whereby astral expressions themselves are critical of the manifestation of human life.

People are critical of one another when, in reality, they can most simply drink in the radiance of the Christ and become filled with the east wind of becoming. For out of the East there comes a beautiful wind, the wind of the Spirit, and it creates patterns in the minds and hearts of men that are themselves complete as eye-pictures of that which shall be. Yet [they] are latent images, not always readily apparent in the soul of men at the time of planting, but at a later time they shall manifest, and men will seize upon them and say, “They are my own.” 

We do not care, for what we are concerned with is humanity, and our planting is for all. Yet all do not choose to accept our planting or the planning of the Divine for and on behalf of mankind. Shall we lament?

Beloved ones, of what value is lamentation? 

We shall simply allow them, as some of you have said, to stew in their own juice. For they have created out of light, darkness, and that which should be light within them is  darkness and truly great darkness, <2>for it is the darkness of imagination; it is the confusion of the natural mind.

People Govern the Vibration of Their Actions

The Spirit is free of confusion and filled with that benign attitude that always trembles as it approaches the brink of discovery,  and in the trembling of the cup of Life, we find a sense of high adventure and longing. But when the moment of expectancy becomes the moment of reality--as you have said, “the moment of truth”--at that specific moment all is changed into love and delight, and people do not understand that the vibratory quality of their actions is governed by themselves.

In engineering, you have what is known as a governor. And throughout life you have a manifestation of that quality of governing yourselves, that quality of governing conditions, of manifesting power over Matter. And you do not realize, of course, that this is also a manifestation of a spiritual quality.        We are not concerned, then, with the opposition to our speaking to you. We come from our planetary home upon Hesper and the delight of his Law is in our mind and we come here as strangers and pilgrims in your midst.       Some of you welcome us with great delight. Some of you are glad that we have descended into the planetary atmosphere. Others create opposition, knowing not what they do, and for them we say, Father, forgive them. They are concerned with finite triviality. Let it be so.

“Resist the Devil?” or “Resist Not Evil?”

We are concerned with the Spirit. And men must understand the solemnity of this occasion as one whereby they are God-taught to resist the forces of darkness. And naturally people are confused by it,  for first of all, we hear the word that clearly speaks, saying, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you” and then again, “Resist not evil.” <3>

Humanity does not understand the nature of these occasions. There is a time when men should resist evil because God within them chooses to act and to create the reality of his Good in their consciousness. Then, again, there is a time when they should not, in dignity, lower their head to that which is less than the perfection and beauty of our presence.

We have thought upon our manner of coming to you this evening and we have said, Oh, yes, we can come with great power. We can, if we wish, give you that staccato manifestation that is sometimes a disturbing condition to the outer self.

But we have said, We will come to you with quietude and with cosmic majesty and we will come to you with the new sense of the greatness of Almighty God. We will not choose to dramatize our position this evening, as we have become accustomed to doing by coming into the atmosphere of earth with a shattering experience so necessary to man. For when we shatter the human matrices, we want you to thoroughly understand that the moment we shatter those matrices, then God appears because he is already there.

Tonight we will not overdramatize the experience, for some have said in their heart, “They are overdramatizing.”  And so tonight we will do exactly as you have dictated; we will speak to you in quietness, in relative quietness, for we understand the speaking of the heart. But we want you to understand why it is that some of the Masters on various occasions choose to speak to humanity in a staccato manner, in what you may term almost a strident manner, that the human matrices may themselves be shattered.

This is necessary because there is a hard shard around mankind, an accumulation of outer substance, of ideas, of thoughts, of feelings. Now in their natural state these are not so terrible. In fact, they are very ordinary. They are almost like ripe apples or cherries, they fall from every tree; and, in fact, they bring down many a tree because of their weight.

But we are not concerned with that, we are concerned instead with the description of how we strip away the feeling humanity has that actually prevents the manifestation of the great, blazing reality of Selfhood.

The Vital Experience of Selfhood

Selfhood is a vital experience. It is an experience that comes to those who seek it. It is not, although it is everywhere, readily obtained by man. It is necessary that man should seek it, that he should hunger for it, that he should strive for it, that he should enter into it and become all of that.

You have called me the Lord of the World. I want no such title for myself, nor do any of the Ascended Masters choose to create these titles. They are meaningless to us. What we are concerned with is what we call, or term, the fruit of endeavor. It is the reality of bringing to God many souls, of making those souls know the meaning of true love, of enhancing the quality of the inner thoughts and feelings of men, of creating a new awareness of the Christ consciousness, of stimulating the fashion of the world to come in those who are fully aware of that which is [the  fashion] of the present age.

They read about it in their newspapers. They hear about it on their radios. They see it and hear it on the screens of their televisions, and none of that which they see or hear or read is particularly stimulating to the soul. In fact, it does not even, at the present time, stimulate humanity to become better people.     Although we will admit in some few cases that individuals, horrified by the various reporting agencies of life, have actually turned to the light because of the darkness of the world. But this may be a temporary action or, of course, in some cases if they come close enough to the great magnet, it may be the dazzling reality that they seek.

Now we are concerned with the development of soul evolution, of the spirit of reality that is in the heart. We know the purpose of having these classes [is] to bring you together and to bring forth to you a realization of our awareness. For there are truly many factions of the Spirit that manifest upon the planetary body.   Some of these are almost unwilling workers of the great light.

Sheep Who Are Not of This Fold

 I speak of those who are in the outer world, whom we contact in dreams or visions or by the vibratory action of our love, which may not be clearly defined to them. They are of the Spirit also. Jesus referred to them as “Other sheep I have which are not of this fold.” <4>  And the application of his remark may indeed be transferred to various ideas. We are speaking of one of the aspects of this manifestation.

Let us then recognize that the other sheep which are not of this fold are many in the world who at present may be termed  “unawakened.”  They are also, in the eyes of God, lambs without blemish because their souls are without blemish. They may manifest qualities that some of you may feel certainly do not fit the action of an Ascended Master student, of a student of the light.

Well, precious hearts of light, tomorrow may be different and they may suddenly choose to turn to the light and embrace it. And when they do, they will be one of you or they will be allied with us in some other endeavor or realm of thought and feeling.

We are not, then, overly concerned with just what action humanity may take because we know that ultimately the soul will reach a state where it will continually come toward the light, point by point, until at last one day its feet will be upon the same pathway you are upon.

Of course, it would be better if they would accept our teachings and our endeavors now. Of course they would make greater advancement. Of course they would be wiser and they would eliminate many phases of their karmic experience, and because they would eliminate many phases of their karmic experience, they would shorten the days that actually stand between them and Divine Reality.

This can be done. Let those who are here understand this, and let the thought be conveyed to the world in bell-like tones. Let it resound. Let it ring out. Let it be heard by men: God is willing to shorten the time of man’s travail.  He is willing to awaken the consciousness of humanity until, at last, humanity recognizes that it [the awakened consciousness] is a very real part of him and of his blessed bliss.

Ask for My Assistance and You Will Have It

Some have thought on certain manners of my appearing this evening. They have conceived that I would come and do certain things. Well, precious ones, it is my wish to do certain things but I do not have to make an outer display in order to create; for inwardly I have the power (as you also have when you understand it) to create a new life for you all. And you have the same power to create life for yourselves.

I would accelerate your evolution, if you will permit me. And so, right while I am speaking to you, if you will accept in your heart that I AM and [accept] the reality of yourself, I can safely promise you that a certain quickening action will take place within you. This quickening action will come about because you have requested it.

And therefore, tonight, will you, in the quietude of your own mind and heart, in your own feeling world, simply express to me a desire to have my assistance and I will give it. And the assistance that I will give will make you a better person than you have ever been before, yes, almost without effort, [just] the simple effort of accepting my words.

Do you understand that this is the promise of an Ascended Being to those who will take it literally, to those who will do it, to those who will take action, to those who will say, “Yes, beloved Sanat Kumara, it is my wish to become a better person, and therefore I ask you to help me.”  Or just simply, “Help me, Sanat Kumara!” 

And I will do so, and I will do it tonight, for the Great Cosmic Law has allowed me to do it. It has permitted me to accelerate your evolutionary pattern. But some do not understand that to actually have this opportunity and to deny yourself this opportunity will also establish a certain pattern that I deeply regret. Therefore I do not wish to speak about it.         For I would like to say to you that I am ready to assist you because I love you, and my love is not restricted to one of you,  ignoring another. It is a universal love that flows out into the world, and therefore, whosoever shall read this will have the same privilege and I will not place a time limit upon it at all.

I will make it available to humanity because humanity is developing the quality of faith. And the quality of faith is a transcendent quality; it can transform the lives of all who pay heed to it. Now, if humanity chooses to ignore it, that is something else; they have their own mind.

God himself has spoken through many prophets and teachers throughout the centuries. Many who have heeded these various prophets and teachers have also gained greatly in the fruit that is called “soul fruit” by those who know. They have also had a door opened in their understanding that no man can shut.

After all, beloved hearts of light, is it not necessary to open your own heart’s door in order to have the great realization that we want to bring to you? 

Then do it. Open up your heart’s door to God.

Your Responsibility to Do Good

I do not say that it is necessary to place your attention upon my outer self, even though it is ascended and is really an inner self. You may ignore me if you will and simply call to God and I will still answer the call. Or God will answer it if you will, for I have a right to bind <*> him. And when you understand the Great Law just a little bit better than you now do, many of you will understand that you too can bind the Lord of the Universe to do your bidding. And so, in a way, you become more [capable of invoking miracles] than Aladdin.

But do you sense the great responsibility involved in all of this?  For you could, perchance, actually invoke the light on behalf of millions of people. Or you could invoke the light on behalf of those who are not yet born in physical form but are standing at the portals of birth waiting to come. Do you see how there are endless possibilities before humanity to do good?

Some individuals feel that their good is limited to this point in time. We seek to make men understand that they are not limited but are able to reach forward in time and create and imagine those great things of which Jesus spake when he said, “Greater things shall ye do because I go unto my Father.” <5>  Do you think, perchance, that at that blessed moment  he was fooling the people or in some way deceiving them?  Did he speak truth? Or did he simply speak into the air a passing fancy of his head?   I think otherwise, for I know that it was a delightful manifestation of the Law of Love.

He was trying to assist future humanity. And therefore loving the men of today, he said of them that they would do greater things than the apostles did in that day. I want you to understand that you have the spiritual right to actually speak the Word on behalf of generations yet unborn and it will be done.

Will you, then, ignore the present generation?  Will you ignore those hearts of light who are already here?  Will you ignore the searching of the human soul to find more of God? 

Do you understand that right while I am talking to you, there is an action taking place of great assistance to your outer selves and to your inner selves, which you may not even realize but which is functioning now for those who have asked, so that certain changes that will take place in your consciousness in the future are already manifesting and are a great part of the cosmic adventure of Life, which is One?

Our Spiritual Alchemy

Now how do we do this?  How do we weld together the many lives of each individual and make him an integrated or whole person?            We do it by spiritual alchemy. We do it by the chemistry of God, by the realization that there is yet power in the spoken Word to do those greater things.

How can men then suppose that God was limiting creation when in the beginning he said, “The Word went forth”? <6> Was the Word he then spoke not potent to humanity? 

Let me make clear to you that that Word is still active in the world and is still active to create a newness of life in you. It is active and functional even in realms of time yet unborn. You are waiting for the manifestation of the great sand in the hourglass.

Let me tell you the potential is here. Let me explain to humanity that all of the darkness that now manifests in the world is really a chimera. It is a shadow. It is a manifestation of darkness. It is a trembling in the cup.   It is not completion or life as it was intended to be, but is an imperfect manifestation.  

Now, then, we speak of the things of the Spirit that will manifest in time to come. If they will manifest in time to come as potential, then someone now living must exhibit control of his divine faculties and that living person must simply become a majority of one with God. Through the great power of the Spirit, he is now able to invoke for the coming age a greater radiance than is now manifest. Will you do this for humanity?

Will You Make a Call for Humanity?

    May I pause in my speech for a moment and ask you to join together in a call to God, to me, to the ascended host, to your great God Self--a rose known by any other name smells just as sweet. Will you make the call for humanity not yet upon the earth but who will one day manifest, that they may be given a richness of inheritance?  If you will, I believe that it will bear fruit in the Eternal Now. I pause.

[28-second pause] 

It is done.

When the Magi came out of the East and said, “We have seen his star,” <7>it was a moment of transcendent rejoicing for humanity. And now the world is at the crossroads, for the conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere upon the planetary body are becoming an anathema to humanity. And well might the masses tire of it, for even back in the Napoleonic era we find that humanity en masse were putting one another to death and destruction.

Now, throughout the world, turmoil still goes on. This unrest is a condition of human violence; it is not a condition of spiritual reality, of men who are whole. They in the kingdom of God are not interested in doing harm to one another but in bearing the fruit of the Spirit as love, joy, peace and the development of a divine culture.

The Flower Kingdom

And now, I tell you, the time has come when it is my desire to fashion anew in the consciousness of men the culture of the New Age.   Therefore for the next twenty-four months we are going to release to those who are receptive to it the elements of a greater culture, a greater awareness, a greater strength, a greater reality, a greater passion and love for one another. Those who will not choose to receive it, let them go, for they will become a part of the dark and eventually they will cease to be unless they embrace the kingdom of God and the kingdom of love.

In the beginning we had a term amongst ourselves that I would like you to know about. And this is rather amusing, I think, to some among humanity today, for we referred to the kingdom of heaven as the flower kingdom. Humanity does not understand this but, in reality, it was the blossoming forth of the fruit of a new age. And the fruit of a new age is always brought about in the flower kingdom.

The question before humanity is, must men wait until they have passed into some other world before they begin the creation of it?  I think not. And therefore humanity should understand quite naturally that they, possessing this power, are expected to use it. When they use it properly for the edification of humanity, they must also include themselves, for they are a key part of it.

Let individuals then understand that they themselves are expected to manifest new qualities of the Spirit and to forsake the old conditions. This means that there must be the renaissance of a spiritual culture, which we term the culture of the New Age, or the culture of the Great White Brotherhood, or the culture of the hastening ones.

We want humanity to understand that there must be embodied upon this earth a quality that will start the ball rolling, as you have called it. Humanity is interested in a certain type of progress, and we are interested in another. The progress we are interested in is the development of the deficiencies in the human nature, and these have to do with the understanding of man’s id, or human ego.

The Image of the Hastening One

We want you, then, to understand that man must understand that he is of the divine nature, a partaker or a communicant of it. If he will understand this, he will be creating a new heaven upon earth, and this is the desire of the cosmic ones, who desire to create also the image of the hastening one and put that image in the heart and mind of man. This means a fruitful condition will begin to erupt upon the planetary body.

Why do I use this term erupt?

Blessed hearts of light, it is because that which for so long has seemed slow in manifestation will suddenly actually bloom in the heart and mind as though it were what we call a full-blown condition. It will blossom fully very quickly, almost overnight in the consciousness of some, and they will suddenly find themselves possessed of this new awareness and of an eagerness to enter into the fray and assist the planetary body in a way they have never assisted before.

They will feel as Saint Paul said he felt long ago. They will very gladly spend themselves and all that they are for humanity and the development of the age and the overcoming of the crisis of the present age. Only humanity itself can actually overcome this crisis.

Only humanity can exhibit the [necessary] qualities, for the gods, though they be much concerned, must still obey and follow the laws of manifestation. Free will was given to man, and free will he has. Through it he has literally wrecked the planet. Let him now understand the need to  reinforce the bastions of light so that those bastions may become focuses of greater light everywhere upon the planetary body. And as the focuses expand, can you just see what is happening?

Why, people will be drawn to them. They will be magnetized to the light, and eventually we will create an entirely new form of ecology upon earth. It will be a manifestation of such beauty as has never been dreamed of by humanity. We will be able to create a new concept in living. Humanity will look forward to it, for they will understand that it represents the care and consideration of the Great Ones.     

 I Am Aware That Some Would Like Me to Stop

O yes, I am quite aware that as I am speaking to you there are a few in your midst who would like me to stop. <8>  I do not think, beloved hearts of light, and you are all beloved, that I should stop just now because I believe that there are certain manifestations that must come forth, and the action is not an outer one but an inner one. And, therefore, for the sake of the great light, I will continue for a certain span in order to actually posit in the consciousness of man a realization of the great depth, height and breadth of his Real Being.

We are interested also in many souls who are not here. They are actually tuning in, as they have called it, to this conference. They come here in thought from many parts of the world and they come with hope. They hold out what we have termed a cup of hope for the manifestation of the victory of our love, and therefore that love must also be dispensed.

We must see to it that throughout the world, throughout the entire planetary body, there is a sense of urgency about the creation of light in the heart that will also reach out into the world with the compassion that is divinely ordained. For, you see, if humanity do not have a sense of destiny regarding themselves, they have no sense at all. For the outer sense itself can only bring to them those pittances of life that were somewhat described by Mr. Charles Dickens in his writings. Let all understand, then, that a mere worded description of the little things of life is not the intention of God. Instead it is to give to humanity the great spiritual heritage that is their portion and thus transmit to them the reality for which their hearts long.

Some of you have made a more than ordinary effort to actually try to develop in your heart those qualities that you have longed for. Others have been content to coast downhill. And some do not even recognize the hill. Therefore they actually glide along the plane or sit right where they are, as the case may be, making little effort on their own behalf to expand their consciousness.

We want to develop in man a sense of the hastening ones, so that he will recognize his actual potential and thus bear greater fruit. After all, who or what is the Body of God upon earth?  The Body of God upon earth is [made up of] those individuals who recognize that they are a part of God, a part of his Reality and that there is a need to actually serve with Hierarchy, a need to serve with the forces of light, a need to gather power when all seems to be lost.

You are living now in an age when darkness is in many places upon the planetary body. It is also a mockery when humanity casts down its rods as the magicians did at pharaoh’s court. Let all then understand that [although]  humanity may say, “This and that is good, and this and that is evil,”  this is a  duality consciousness.

It is not our desire to create in the human consciousness a feeling that this and that is good. We want instead to create  the consciousness of good only, without the realization of evil,  yet evil itself is a product of the human environment. It is spawned and developed by man. It has a transitory life span; it will vanish in the light of pure reason, pure truth and harmony.

Do you see, beloved ones?  All darkness, all the conditions you resent must themselves yield to the light of the Presence, to the light of sanity,  to the light of honor--the light of the God Self when it is called forth and not dampened and extinguished.

We have upon the planetary body today some who have lampooned the Holy Spirit in its very ramifications, for the Holy Spirit has sought to develop the quality in man of God-realization. It has sought to create a condition resembling the wise virgins who trimmed their lamps and prepared for the coming of the Bridegroom. Now we are concerned that humanity should understand that [to have] oil in the human lamps is the requirement of every hour. From a spiritual standpoint, individuals are the only ones who can buy the oil.

Individuals are the only ones who can put on the garment of the Lord. When humanity understands this and reaches out for it, their expression becomes one of asking and they shall receive, of reaching forth and they shall be fed, of recognizing and they shall see. Humanity will then become different, and the passions of the Lord will become the passions of man. They [humanity] will no longer be a manifestation of the vicissitudes of man, the vicissitudes of darkness. They will instead be structured according to the great light.

Like rings on trees, man has wielded the power of evil, a duality consciousness. Now we will bring all to a realization of the God flame upon this earth, and the God flame is the flame of perfection.

Here upon Venus, our planetary home, we are able at will to radiate into the forcefield of another the great God flame. Upon your planetary body, the quality of free will sometimes interferes with the manifestation of that flame, and various Masters have from time to time withdrawn from mankind’s consciousness. Do you understand?

Cooperation with Hierarchy

Now we are entering into a pact with those who choose to observe that pact and we shall see in twenty-four months what the fruit of that pact will be. Humanity is being given a new opportunity for assistance, for acceleration, for cooperation with Hierarchy in the coming age. Let humanity then understand. Let the heart rejoice and let all be glad. And I shall continue to speak to you throughout the night.

I shall continue to speak to you and it shall not be of necessity by worded expression. I may speak in symbols. I may speak in worded expression. I may speak to you in dreams. I may speak to you in visions. I may speak to you in diverse ways, for mine is the privilege [to give] and yours is the privilege to receive.

I will speak to no one who resists me; I will only speak to those who are receptive to me, for it is my will that I be welcomed. I have returned to the earth. I have momentarily strengthened the bond between your sister planet, Hesper, and earth herself. I come from Venus, or Hesper--a word that means the same thing--and I manifest the quality of our planet here, that men, living men, may become more than men. This is our wish. This is our design. This is our reality.

I thank you.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Sanat Kumara was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on October 10, 1970, at the Harvest Festival of Light and Gratitude, held at the Motherhouse, Santa Barbara, California.

* bind, put under an obligation, constrain.

1. Matt. 5:6.

2. Matt. 6:23.

3. James. 4:7; Matt. 5:39.

4. John 10:16.

5. John 14:12: “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my Father.”

6. See John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.”

7.  Matt. 2:2.

8. At the conclusion of this dictation, the Messenger said: “As a Messenger of the great Masters, I want you to understand that individuals have the power to direct the Master’s thoughts to a degree. Even the people in the audience have the potential to affect what the Master says or does. You should understand this. From time to time, then, the Master will act according to the pattern of the simplest person. I know of one time in Los Angeles when one person caused the Master to stop speaking to everyone. Just think of that. We do have a tremendous responsibility to the Law, and I know what I am talking about.”