Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 42  No. 12 - Beloved Sanat Kumara - March  21, 1999


Freedom ’83 in the Heart
Of the Coming Race


O ye who wither and wait, I summon the forces of the interior light that the withered fig tree might be bound, that the waiting consciousness might be pierced of its hesitancy and that the active lightbearer and the green tree might come forth.

I AM Sanat Kumara, your Lord.

I rebuke the encroachment you allow of the not-self upon the true manifestation of the vine of Christ within you. I stand before you and I address the soul naked before God and clothed with a robe of light before man. I address the soul wed unto Christ and I bid you, O souls, brides of the Bridegroom, come enter my heart, for I would speak to you of the coming race.

Mothers and fathers of lifewaves unborn, hearken, for I speak to the very soul of life within you and the Sun behind the sun. I speak in the name Elohim. And by the light of the Seven Holy Kumaras, I AM come to deliver to you a mandate of destiny that you shall choose either to accept or not to accept.

In the name I AM THAT I AM, the sign of Israel, be sealed now in the virgin heart of the Cosmic Mother and attend thine ear to my word.

The Meaning of Being a Parent in the New Age

I speak of the descending I AM Race and your own desire to set up a family to conceive and bring forth children of the seed of Christ. Therefore I call to your attention that it must needs be that you acquire an understanding of the meaning of being a parent in the new age and the qualifications for this office.

I speak to every soul here, for each and every one is in the process of giving birth to the Divine Manchild within the heart. Therefore, to raise up a soul in the likeness of the living Christ each individual must be the manifestation of the Light of Alpha and Omega.

Children of the heart of the Sun, I have come to transfer to you an incomparable blessing--one that you require. And I find that in many matters you are superstitious, self-indulgent and inattentive to the word already given, disrespectful of our vessel and non-listening to the voice of your own heart.

The hour of a transfer of light is come. Let those who are ready receive it, for the Word is selective.

The Responsibility of Sponsoring Life

Procrastination to do the will of God, self-knowledge that reveals self-indulgence not corrected will leave a stain upon the garment that ought to be the wedding garment.  I have compassion for all of your woes, but the Great Law cannot indulge indulgence. If you tolerate human selfishness, I assure you that the Great Law does not; therefore, do not consider that spiritual blindness is the fault of the Most High.

Those who have the highest teaching and who would climb the highest mountain must cease their self-delusions and leave off listening to the voices of the night who would tear from you the best gift and the best instrument for the fulfillment of your highest crown. Heed not the destroyers and the spoilers, for the Circle of the One is drawn, and you are included therein if you will it so.

Now, I would speak on the point and the matter of the responsibility of sponsoring life. You have heard the scriptures read. You have heard of the presence of three wise men, Manoah, Elkanah, Zacharias, guarding the light of the woman, guarding the light and the faith, each in his office and service, each in his own way. <1>

Understand that in these three examples these individuals were not necessarily unique as favorite sons but they made themselves unique by officiating at the altar of God, by their attentiveness to the messenger of God and by a willingness to accommodate the Law, to care for the Mother, to be obedient.

I would bring to your attention that those who are lawfully married before God and man, those who are mutually joined together in like-mindedness in the light and on the path of discipleship, contemplating therefore the bringing forth of children, should realize that there is a spiritualization of consciousness that must take place as well as obedience to dietary laws.

You may not slough over these details, ignore them or think somehow that they do not apply to you or that the Ascended Masters will make up the difference in your indulgences. Why would the Lord God send an angel from the very courts of heaven to speak upon pure diet if it were not of ultimate importance?  A study of diet teaches many corollaries of the Law, most of all that the physical chalice must be a magnet by the right physical elements and the right elements of consciousness to bring forth the spiritual qualities.

The purification of the mind and heart of mother and father is the purification of the vessel of the genes, and the purification of the very soul of the sponsoring ones allows this process to continue in the one who is to incarnate.

The Lesson of  Peninnah and Hannah

Understand the lesson of the two wives of Elkanah--one fruitful in matter but barren in spirit, who must first overcome her resentment of her barrenness spiritually, her self-pity, her accusation and her aloneness. The condition of consciousness of the mother-to-be must become receptive so that the state of barrenness may be healed by the Lord.

Therefore, the Lord loved Hannah much, but Hannah herself must needs pass initiations to receive the mandate of the Lord and his prophecy, for this was the coming of Saint Germain into incarnation to deliver the people Israel by the Spirit of the Lord. And the child Samuel was the forerunner of an age to come. He would prepare the Israelites by the alchemy of the seventh dispensation to receive both Christ the King in the person of David and Christ the King in the person of Jesus--a very special moment in the light-descent of that soul and in the conception by the Holy Spirit through the father’s vessel prepared, through the mother’s receptivity. <2>

Now in this hour and in this age when many bodies have been polluted by impure substances, chemicals, drugs, psychedelics, poisons of every kind, you understand that these chemicals have interfered with the necessary propagation of the lightbearers and of the species itself. Therefore, to fast and to pray as did Zacharias and Elizabeth becomes mandatory for parents who would bring forth the Manchild in purity.

The Karma of Zacharias

Understand how Zacharias could be called of God yet  also obliged to deal with his own karma, a momentum of disobedience unto the Lord. Therefore he is made dumb until the day when he does surrender his son, not desiring to have his own name continue but the name of the child that already preexisted his incarnation. “His name shall be called John…. His name is John.” <3>

Therefore, in the surrender of the parental possessiveness

of the incarnation--the coming again of the prophet Elijah--Zacharias speaks in the praise of the Lord by the spirit of prophecy of what this child shall accomplish. O ye diligent ones, understand all that has gone before and all that is to come, for truly a line has been drawn on that which is past and that which is the New Day.

The begetting of children after the old generation must be replaced by the new generation, by light, by attunement, by the infilling of father and mother with the Power, Wisdom and Love of the Godhead, by a diligent seeking after the expansion of the threefold flame. Seeking first the kingdom of God, his consciousness, his righteousness as the right use of the Law, you will come to an understanding of the vessel of Christ.

Each of these three sets of parents played a grand role in the destiny of the incarnation of their sons. May you realize that the work of Samson holding the light against the darkness of the Philistines, the work of Samuel holding the Spirit of the Lord and his Word unto Israel and that of the forerunner of the living Christ in John the Baptist--these are the roles of the Manchild and may be found all together in the children of light who are born to those chelas who have dedicated themselves to the path of light sometimes for years before bringing forth the promised one.

Therefore let marriage as a sacrament of our church be the dedication of souls of the highest order, who walk with God first and foremost to be priests and priestesses before the altar, to be servants of Christ in the entire Community and to expand their love as the love of the Immensity--glorifying God in their souls, bodies and minds in the Community and in the waiting chalice of the incoming child.

Withdraw from the World and Its Ways

It is necessary to withdraw from the world and its ways. Need we discuss the whys and wherefores and practices of worldly marriages?  I think not. I think that if you desire to do so, it is not necessary to go to the Seven Kumaras for information, for the world is replete with and saturated with the lower order of union and procreation with which it has been engaged for centuries.

Therefore, I speak to those who desire to hear the lost teaching of the Great Silent Watchers and those who have sent forth lightbearers for the deliverance of the ages. Whether or not these souls of light will come into embodiment is dependent upon the offering and the  dedication of mothers and fathers together.

You will note that John the Baptist remained in the desert until the hour of his mission and call, his presentation to Israel. Therefore, we see that as great and as necessary as is the spiritual and physical preparation of the parents, if the waiting chalice of community and the correct education of the child be not at hand, then the Lords of Karma cannot contemplate the entrusting of souls when their early years become years of neglect by parents, by sponsors and by teachers who must work together in the science of love and the science of being to assist children, to assist the soul in the internalization and the externalization of the Christ consciousness.

We look for greater effort and greater immersion in the Holy Spirit by those who are presently parents and teachers and who are responsible for all the children of our Community. We look for a greater understanding and sense of holiness within themselves, guardians of the light of purity who respect the grand process of becoming that is taking place as a sacred event in the life of a child.

Recognize the Not-Self in Both Mother and Father

As in the case of the two wives--one representing the synthetic self and the pleasurable self, and the other the attendant of the Mother of the World--everyone holding an office vis-à-vis the child must recognize that the synthetic self standing with pride polarized in the intellect does not wear in the physical octave the mantle on behalf of the sponsoring angels and World Teachers.

Within the father, the not-self must be overcome else it will be procreated, and this has already occurred in some who have taken the teachings and thought that God would sanctify them as they were. These have thought that they did not require change or transmutation or effort to root out those elements that were not fit for propagation--elements in the character, in the consciousness, in the desire body.

Some have sought to follow the call of Maitreya, the Great Initiator, for the bringing forth of the avatars by continuing in the old ways of human creation and procreation and have thought that by the mere ritual, idolatrous as it is, of presenting these children before the altar, that somehow Merlin would wave his magic wand and that which is after the flesh would suddenly become that which is after the Spirit.

An Idolatrous State of Consciousness

I speak to you because of this misassessment of some. It is an idolatrous state of consciousness to think that if one be merely physically present and physically engaged in this Community, the process of the great alchemy of transformation of self will go on independent of any personal effort or pain or striving or determination to go to the very heart and core of that human creation and root it out.

Blessed ones, I speak to you because I already see and know the subconscious anger that is at the core of some who will blame Almighty God, the Church or the Messenger for all the problems of their offspring, even those whom they  have brought forth since beginning to attend this activity.

Well, I tell you, beloved ones, no one in all of cosmos can violate the cosmic law of your karma, and that law is irrevocable until you yourself internalize change by the violet flame of transmutation. You cannot suddenly become Gods because you will it so, and your human will will bring forth nothing but more human will; for like begets like, and that is the first tenet of understanding. You may sow the wind of anger and reap the whirlwind,and if you sow it in your offspring, it will return to rend you.

Now, blessed hearts, the violet flame is able to overcome anything, but the violet flame, together with the angels of the violet flame, is respectful of free will. For the flame of freedom will not move against free will;  it is antithetical to its nature to do so. Therefore, the violet flame cannot transmute within you that which you yourself do not surrender, that which you do not cast off.

If you hold back the surrender of your rebellion and do not cast it into the flame and correct your spiritual, physical, mental and emotional attitudes in this area of your life-- fooling yourself but no one else--then, you see, not only your child but your work, your profession, your livelihood, the seeds you sow in the ground that bear fruit will contain the vibration of the nonsurrendered rebellion.

You may be proud of the increase in your land and in your garden, but the angel of the Lord will not partake of your offering.

Cast  Out the Dweller of the Four O’Clock Line

You have been called by the Messenger to work diligently to cast out the dweller-on-the-threshold of the four o’clock line. Well, I tell you, some chelas who have been serving for years have carefully preserved, embalmed and wrapped in grave clothes that dweller, not casting it out but thinking to retain it, while on the surface giving the appearance of chelaship. Then they wonder why they have not soared to the Sun and are not ready for the advanced initiations that ought to be theirs by right.

Unfortunately, by the mere tenure of service, no initiation can be guaranteed. And there are those who come at the eleventh hour who are given the same wage or better than those who have toiled all the day, <4>simply because their hearts have surrendered and they have entered in to the bridal chamber, much to the consternation and jealousy of others.

This is God’s corporation. It is not run after the human intent, albeit there are parallels. In the world you can expect promotion only when you deserve promotion, except in those Communist economies and those of a socialistic bent where there is a guaranteed salary or a guaranteed increase of salary whether you work or not. This distorts the entire path of initiation and of the abundant life.

But in the system of rewards yet retained in this nation you will find that for sincere and honest effort there is reward, and when your job is not done well, termination of your employment may come about. Many think this is unjust in an Ascended Masters’ activity, as though all should be run according to  their  concept of love forever and forever, and that to smile sweetly and assume the proper posture of prayer is enough to gain the grace and the approbation of the Most High.

It is not so, beloved ones. The angels of the Lord know your heart. I know your heart. And the Lord does indeed see in secret and you are rewarded openly, whether for good or for ill. <5>

Let us cease, then, the disillusioning sense of nonfulfill-ment because of the absence of necessary input. Whatever you beget within your life and world will be a product of your entire consciousness.

I Speak of the New Race

By the grace of God incoming souls of light have often overcome the drawbacks of their parents. But, beloved ones, when it comes to a new age by laying the foundation thereof and a new race that can be brought forth in this Community, I tell you, we must have more.

We expect more and we expect a return to the fundamentals of preparation that were given by God not as recommendation but as command: If you will do thus and so, you will therefore be given this opportunity.   Disobedience on the part of any of these three servants would have resulted either in not bringing forth the child or in receiving another not worthy of the calling.

I speak of the new race, because the cradle must be set and the cycles are upon us. More important than all other purposes of the dedication of this land must be the consideration of the protection of souls aborning, souls descending and souls preparing for their mission, living apart from the onslaughts of the world that from the very beginning impinge upon most lifestreams to their hurt and to the limiting of their destiny.

We desire to see brought into this Community and its educational system and its cultural awareness a key knowledge of all those things that are taking place in the world, so that our children are not reared in a state of naïveté or in a state of incubation where they will not survive when they must go forth.

It is almost a development within an etheric temple in the etheric cities that we desire, except it will be the period of the putting on by the soul of the four lower bodies in the flesh.

An Organized Course for Children

In the etheric temples and schools of light, the World Teachers give to those who are in the process of embodying an organized course on all the conditions present on this planetary home, and this is true of many other systems. We therefore desire that children should come to know and understand the perversions of life from analysis in the laboratory, from the presentation of films, from teachings that contain not condemnation but compassion for the evolutions of this planet.

We want them to have a knowledge of Light and Darkness, of the seed of Christ and the seed of the wicked that they might understand as little children, as did the boy Samuel, the office of serving at the altar of God. For children, as you know, have great devotion to the Lord Christ and the I AM Presence whence they have descended and they know the Ascended Masters face to face.

Therefore, not to shield but to give that instruction and already to begin the prayer, the decrees and the path of overcoming, instead of the child’s receiving on his own inner being of purity shock waves and sudden jarring and a literal rape of the sheath of white-fire consciousness through the bombardment of the media.

In the years of formation, children’s eyes must not be violated by vile scenes of corruption, depravity, degradation or the exposure to perversions of the life force--all these things tear the veil of innocence, which is a veil of divine alchemy. This is not to remove the child; it is only to create  mastery and to give the child at the appointed hour those things that are necessary for his development.

If children do not enter the program of Montessori instruction until the age of two-and-a-half or older, much is already set in the development of the child from preconception to conception through gestation and the first two to three years of the child’s life. Many patterns of psychology are set in those years  and these patterns are set in the four lower bodies. And the soul of light must therefore overcome these before it can move forward, straight as an arrow, following the cycles of the hours of the clock year upon year.

Therefore I call for the establishment within this Community of a committee for child guidance and parental guidance, so that parents, teachers and sponsors may come together with a loving understanding of those things that ought to be and those things that must be rooted out, torn down and built up within the parents so that they might have a circle of love and comfort to impart.

The Hatred of the Child

Too much psychological abuse of the child exists, beloved ones, all over the world. The subconscious momentums opposing the age of Aquarius--the line of Saint Germain, as you know--are the momentums of world hatred, and the hatred of the child is most prominent in this age.

Individuals who have not resolved the inner subconscious patterns and brought to resolution within themselves the love for the Trinity and the Mother, those who therefore yet retain vestiges of hatred of the Godhead in any form are the ones most likely to express this hatred toward the child and often toward animal life.

Therefore we see coming forth from individuals those things that are not expressed between adults but toward children. We see expressions of cowardice and bullying where one’s own self-condemnation, which is the hatred of the Godhead within, is heaped upon innocent life to become physical abuse, child molestation and other unnamed horrors occurring on this planet in this hour.

Understand, therefore, that in preparation for the bringing forth of children, a keen understanding of one’s own psychology is necessary, that life be not injured and that those souls who in truth do not have the attainment that their offspring will have will not make the karma of injuring a soul who is above them in the order of Hierarchy.

This is often the reason why the Lords of Karma do not give advanced souls to parents who are unready, because the karma is frightful for impinging upon the consciousness of an avatar these psychological momentums.

I Speak of the Coming Race

I speak, therefore, of the coming race. I speak, therefore, of the training up of the child in the way that he should go. I speak of love and love and love.

This pouring out of love for loved ones and all life and peoples can only be done in purity if within oneself one understands the chastening love of the Divine Parent and the actual struggle in which one must engage to rid oneself of age-old momentums that have been tolerated for far too long.    I speak to you of all this only to prepare you, my beloved, for the receiving of that initiation that is so necessary.

The Need for the Preparation of Parents

The wombs of the three women were barren. How often it has been so, even in the history of Sarai, Abram’s wife. The barrenness shows that there must be a period of cycles, of initiation, of learning to deal with  world karma and with the fallen ones, who will set themselves against the Divine Manchild to take him as soon as he is born.

How can we give to parents a child so holy, when the parents themselves will be overcome and fall by the wayside and leave that child alone to fend for himself because they did not first cast out the inner dweller of rebellion and therefore retain the focal point within themselves, not only of world rebellion but also of a rebellion systemwide that has penetrated even the galaxy?

Wherever the fallen angels are on this earth or beyond this solar system, they always know the hour and the moment of the descent of avatars into incarnation. And they will move against the parents as they moved against Saint Germain and Mother Mary, who heeded the angel and the warning and immediately fled with the child into Egypt, protected from the slaughter of the innocents.

Had these parents not prepared diligently--not underestimating but truly assessing the enemy, not overestimating their spiritual strength but working diligently to sustain it--the avatar of the Piscean age might have been lost as soon as three to seven days following his birth.

Thus you see, dear hearts, the path of chelaship these many years has been for a divine purpose. Let not the carnal mind deprive you of the victory by causing you to allow yourself to defer the slaying of the dweller-on-the-threshold, the Antichrist of the Manchild, which would be the cumulative negative substance of the electronic belt pitted against the holy one of God.

Be not neglectful, therefore, to entertain Ascended-Master Teachers of Light who come again and again and turn your attention to these points of the Law. The Law and the Teaching that is spoken and written and to which you listen is for one supreme purpose: action.

An Era of the Action of the Holy Spirit

We have entered an era that is very physical, that is the action of the Holy Spirit. All of a sudden, the precepts and the teachings are seen in the land, with all that can be accomplished in the fruits of the earth and the building of a City Foursquare. All of a sudden, everything you know must be brought to bear on the physical alchemy of preparing the temple of souls of light, not merely in the womb but in an entire city of light to be the replica of the etheric city above.

Therefore, you might say the past is prologue, if indeed you have done with the past and its unreality. Let us say that those who have not been as diligent as they might have been may now catch up, may now see the seriousness of emotional and mental indulgences, may realize that things don’t work when their consciousness is not right in the plumb line of Truth. And no matter how much professional skill or training you may have, if your heart is not right with the Ascended Masters, with the heart of Christ and the heart of the Messengers, all your efforts will come to naught, and you will not be successful in this land.

I say this and it is written by the Keeper of the Scrolls in the record of your lifestream, for the Lord God Almighty will not allow you to blame his best servants for your own failure to pursue the Path as it has been taught to you. Neglect of the precepts deprives you of advanced teachings and advanced initiations.

Approach the Altar with Joy

Therefore, approach the altar with joy. For this day, I,  the Lord of Hosts, Sanat Kumara, shall serve to you the wafer that I have charged with light for the righting of consciousness, for the opening of the barren womb, for the perfecting of the seed and the egg, for the penetration of the genes all the way back to your own Christhood.

I shall transfer to you physically a wafer that can become a seed of light for the preparation of your lifestream to bring forth fruit of the Christ consciousness whether in your family or in your sacred labor or in your calling as priest and priestess of the Most High God. For as surely as I live, I will not allow subconscious patterns of witchcraft, of hatred of the Father, of the Son, of the Mother and of the Holy Spirit to be placed upon the work of the Father that becomes the work of your life.

I draw the line. And those who do not surrender this substance will therefore also be judged by the light of the wafer itself. For it is the quickening, it is the awakening, it is the impartation of light that you may know that we have established the office of the physical incarnation of the Messenger because God is able to transmit light through physical substance and to consecrate physical temples for the physical precipitation of God’s kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

The work of the Lord by this method and this alchemy is dependent upon the freewill integration of the soul with the living Christ. And if you neglect these things, it will not come to pass that it shall be spoken, “Blessed are ye, the blessed of the Lord.” For it takes the consecration of Almighty God, of your I AM Presence and of your own free will to reach the state of the beatitude of the saints and the acceptability of the offering, the offering that is given before the Most High God at the altar.

Therefore, pray thy offering be acceptable and make it so by a willing heart, a purified desire and a mind brilliant with the Mind of Christ. What you shall become in the beginning and in the ending, my beloved, is up to you. You will perform it as the zeal of the Lord God of Hosts in you does perform it, and it will not come as a result of your tagging along with the Messenger.

Therefore I place upon this Community and those who serve the World Teachers the setting up of this committee for the advising, the teaching and the counseling of parents and of how parents ought to prepare in every way for the thirty-three-year cycle of their sponsorship of children brought forth through their lifestreams. Let it be so, that you understand that the ways of the world are not the ways of the Great White Brotherhood, else we should not have come apart but stayed in the cities below.

We have come apart because the world’s consciousness is displeasing unto the Most High God, and his position this day is one of noncompromise. Either certain ones be raised up by raising themselves or the descent of light and the lifewaves to come and the golden age will not appear as scheduled.

I bless you in this offering and I send you forth, convinced that you shall prevail over all unreality. When you have received this wafer, you may partake of the grape juice and then meditate upon the communion of Alpha and Omega within your heart and being and maintain this day the harmony of the receptive mode of a blessing that can be forged and won by you by right effort.

Through the heart of Gautama Buddha, I lower this blessing physically into manifestation within you. Every child who can walk unassisted to the altar may receive it.

[Holy Communion is served.]


 “The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

 This dictation by Sanat Kumara was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Sunday, July 3, 1983, at the seven–day conference Freedom ’83 in the Heart held June 29 through July 5, 1983, at the Heart of the Inner Retreat, Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.

1.. Before the dictation, the Messenger gave the following scriptural readings: Judges 13:1-25; 1 Samuel 1:1-28; 2:1-11; Luke 1:5-25, 57-80.

2. 1 Samuel 1:1-19

3. Luke 1:60, 63.

4. Matt. 20: 1-16.

5. Matt. 6: 4, 6, 18.