Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 41 No. 46 - Beloved God Tabor and Mother Mary - November 15, 1998


Nurturing the Soul of Community
Help Elementals Gain Their Threefold Flame


I come out from the Great Central Sun for the abiding manifestation of your own heart flame, for the strengthening of that heart flame and for the universal awareness of that heart flame pulsating within.

Now understand the great burdens of elemental life, as you have pondered them in greater depth.<1>  Think of all that has transpired even in the thousands of years that you have been a part of the planetary body.

Look now, as day upon day and night upon night you find yourself confronted by calamity, by horrendous acts of nature that cannot be turned back because elemental life has not the ability to so accelerate, to so intensify and to so be that full manifestation in God.

Some have given up. Some continue on. But, beloved ones, remember this statement: If you do not tend the sheep of elemental life, if you do not care for them and bring them surcease through the Holy Spirit, then you will find what is already happening everywhere--a loss of life, a loss of integrity, a loss of the hope of everlasting union with God.

Now then, rise early in the morning. Greet the elementals of fire, air, water and earth. Give them hope, faith and charity. Give them the knowledge that they have the capacity to heal the sins of the world and those of the teens and of the children.

When you look at the trinity of life (elementals, angels and men), elementals are pivotal. You cannot let a single day go by without seeing to the elementals, serving with them, assisting them. You must also come to the realization that there are elementals who penetrate the fiery core of the planetary sphere.

Remember this too, beloved: There have been life-waves who have come and gone, who have entered into the interior of the earth and whose civilizations have then returned once again to the surface of the earth. Know, then, know from the very depths of your heart that Elohim and Archangels come to you daily to empower you and intensify you.

Think of it, beloved: If all who are in this movement will minister to elemental life for thirty minutes each day at five or six o’clock in the morning, how ye shall find in that very experience such a lessening of darkness in the earth.

How Long, O Lord, Must We Endure?

These are the days of Genesis. These are the days when    darkness returns to the dark ones. These are the days when many walk the earth yet they are not honorable before their God--this is true for the president of this nation in this very hour.

Blessed ones, it is a travesty indeed that the fallen angels are allowed to run throughout the planetary body and that the Four Hierarchs of the Elements are not able to take hold of the momentums of the fiery elementals because those fiery elementals have so intensified their energies--often not for good but for ill--as they have been imprisoned for so long.

They cry out again and again as you would cry out, be-loved: “How long, O Lord, must we endure?”And the answer comes forth from the Great Central Sun: “You shall endure to the end. You shall endure unto the end.”

Therefore, call for Helios and Vesta to come forth. Call for my mantle--the mantle of God Tabor. Know and under-stand, beloved, that when you heal elementals and you bring them to the point of understanding how they might one day receive the chalice of a threefold flame--this is indeed the greatest gift that you could ever give to elemental life.

You Must Teach Elementals to Believe in Themselves

So, beloved, you are all very busy. The Lords of Karma are busy. The hierarchs are busy--all have so many things to do. But you must stop and say, “We cannot neglect elemental life; indeed, we must serve elemental life and bring them to the place where they can once again believe in themselves and call forth their threefold flame.”

If elementals felt they could earn that threefold flame, they would work diligently with you. But in some cases they have again lost all hope for recovering that manifestation. Thus, as you know, elementals pass from the screen of life never to return, for they do not have that threefold flame.

Sometimes it is nice to go into the forests and the mountains throughout the world to see the scenery. As you do this, always remember the four kingdoms of elemental beings and consider what you can and shall do with them and for them.

Help the Youth Overcome Drugs and Alcohol

Now then, beloved, it is a wondrous thing to commune with the hearts of the youth of the world, even though you may never meet them. But I, Tabor, ask you to make calls for the youth that they might see the things of great darkness that come upon them when they use drugs, when they take in such a quantity of alcohol that they indeed pass from the screen of life.

These things are terrific to behold, for, beloved ones, when these young people do this and then pass from the screen of life, they must start all over again. Will they, then, choose to be warriors of the Spirit?  Or will they go down to levels that are not fit for any son or daughter of God to enter?

Wherever you look throughout the world you will see pain, yet you will also see triumph in many souls of light who simply will not give up the fight for freedom, for victory and for all that this planet needs for that victory to take place.

Now, in this moment, all elemental life, the Gods and Goddesses and mighty beings of light are awaiting your prayers and the forgiveness of elemental life for when they themselves did not outpicture perfection in their manifes-tations. Will you not kneel now in prayer on behalf of these beings of the elements and call also for the purification--the purification, beloved ones, of so many souls of beauty who are being lost and might be lost forever.

[Congregation kneels and gives personal prayers.]

The blessed Mother Mary enters now this hall to reassure elemental life through you that there is hope and there is that manifestation of the everlasting light.

Mother Mary

Wherever you are throughout the world, give hope to the elementals, beloved. For I AM Mary your Mother and I stand in the very presence of Kuan Yin.

 I AM here. I AM there. I AM everywhere in God!

Now go from that point of interior intensity of prayer to the levels of the highest and most powerful fiats that you can send forth in audible manifestation, so that the Lord God Almighty and the Elohim and Archangels will see and know that you are determined to rescue the youth of the world.

Let the power, wisdom and love that you carry in your heart now be sent forth to the four corners of the earth that all might know and realize your earnestness in the salvation of  the culture of the youth this day.

[Congregation gives powerful fiats]

In the name of Helios and Vesta, let us affirm with Kuthumi and Djwal Kul the song,  “I AM Light.”  Please stand in the joy of the light.

[Messenger and congregation sing “I AM Light” by Kuthumi.]

I AM Light


I AM Light, glowing Light,
Radiating Light, intensified Light.
God consumes my darkness,
Transmuting it into Light.

This day I AM a focus of the Central Sun.
Flowing through me is a crystal river,
A living fountain of Light
That can never be qualified
By human thought and feeling.
I AM an outpost of the Divine.
Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up
By the mighty river of Light which I AM.

I AM, I AM, I AM Light;
I live, I live, I live in Light.
I AM Light’s fullest dimension;
I AM Light’s purest intention.
I AM Light, Light, Light
Flooding the world everywhere I move,
Blessing, strengthening, and conveying
The purpose of the kingdom of heaven.



God  Tabor


In the intensity of the white-fire light from the heart of the Great Central Sun, accept the

manifestation of the power of God to allay, to set aside, to cast into the sacred fire all that is not of the light.

Let the power of El Morya, Kuthumi, Djwal Kul and of all of us who are servant Sons and Daughters of God--from the ruby-ray core of the heart of the earth to light-years beyond and beyond--salute the sons and daughters of God!

And I for one, God Tabor, release you now to go forth and give this song daily that you might know you are truly flooding forth the light of this world and many worlds beyond this one as you seek to serve and cut free the little children.

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.



“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds it’s Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by God Tabor and Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Friday, October 9, 1998, at the 4-day Harvest Class Nurturing the Soul of Community, held October 9-12, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. (1) Prior to the dictation, the Messenger delivered the lecture “Our Changing World: How You and Elemental Life Can Make All the Difference,” on the plight of the elementals today and the dispensations we have been given for them.