Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 41 No. 36 - The Three Kings - September 6, 1998


Family--The Heart of Community


Now Is the Hour for a Great Leap in Consciousness


Now we send throughout the planetary body and to its core the invincible manifestation of the ruby ray.

Therefore, O Buddha of the Ruby Ray and many ruby-ray Buddhas, come forth now. Come forth and manifest yourselves that the people of earth may understand that there is a law of the Logos whereby the Three Wise Men, who we are, <1> may bring forth tremendous alchemy in this hour.

As you look at the advances in technology, as you look at the pace of science know, then, beloved, that we, the Three Kings, hold the balance for this. Come, then, and understand how much we can do for the children, the adults, the avatars and the simple folk throughout the land.

This is a land teeming with great life, with great intelligence, with great ability to sponsor life. But we need your help, beloved. We do not hear you. You do not hear us. We must be heard.

Hear us, then. Hear us again and again. Let us reach out to you and tell you that some things that move swiftly in technology work for the good; other things do not necessarily work for the good.

Therefore draw the line between the Real and the Unreal. Come to the understanding, beloved, that each and every one of you in this room and on the telephone patch must realize that a vital victory must come to pass.

We have come to the day and the hour of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray. Now is the time to bring back those decree sheets so that you may give the ruby-ray calls, <2> even if for but five minutes, ten minutes, beloved, or for two hours a day. Trust us. And understand that it is the action of the ruby ray that will take you to great heights of consciousness and will bring you, beloved, beyond the 51 percent of karma balanced that you must have, and beyond that and beyond and beyond. For we would have you graduate from this planet 100 percent karma free.

[30-second standing ovation]

So you can give the calls in the green section, the pink section and the blue section of the “Invocations to the Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray.” And then the world belongs to you, beloved, because the living Saviour dwells in your heart, the Holy Christ Self dwells in your heart, and that victory is yours to claim over and over and over again. And, beloved, when you see it happening, and when you see your children being elevated by Mighty Cosmos’ Secret Rays, you will understand just what I am talking about.

Atlantis Rising

I am talking about the fact that throughout the world many of you and your children have the capacity for far greater achievements in the fields of science, engineering, art, design, architecture and in the understanding of all that must go forward in a new civilization. That new civilization is being created again, as it were, in the sense that Atlantis is rising.

Do you see, beloved? The old forms, the old monuments that are beneath the waves—so they come back full circle. And you understand that again and again through karma, through your nonresolution of karma, you have allowed yourselves to remain on the planetary body. And in so doing, you have kept your children with you.

Now is the hour for the great leap—the great leap in consciousness. For you need to move beyond the minutiae of this octave and go on and on and farther on. Look back, beloved, and see what were the things that never should have been but were a part of your lifestream. Do not lament them. Go to work with the violet flame. Bring forth the transmutation of these actions and transfer it here, there and everywhere on the planetary body.

Yes, bring forth the violet flame, for we are determined that this entire planetary body will change. And it will change because you live on earth, beloved. What will take place is this: a change for the good—the highest good.

We are the Three Kings and we make up the threefold flame for this planetary body! [28-second standing ovation]

See What You Have Done for the Lord

and See What the Lord Will Do for You

Now we speak to our beloved Russian students. We speak to our beloved students in the United States and in every continent,  and we say to you: Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! See what you have done for the Lord. See what the Lord will do for you.

For the day is coming, and the time is coming upon the earth when, as it were, Noah himself shall return. A

ll the great lights of the centuries are returning, for these great ones would come forth. And even though they manifest as Ascended Masters, they would move with you in the streets of the great cities of the world. And they will see the pain of the children and the pain of the sick, and they will also see the abuses in the medical profession.

Beloved hearts, those who are wounded, let them be made whole. Let those hearts reach now for the Godhead to attain their ascension in the Light whereby they might bring themselves out of the levels of the earth and rise unto the vast consciousness of Mighty Cosmos.

See, beloved, the worlds are turning. Discern what you can and move on. Accelerate now. For truly, now is the hour of Victory.

And Mighty Victory places his canopy over you today. Today he is here. Today he says: “I AM come. I AM Mighty Victory. And I will not allow this earth or any part of it to be undone. For my legions are here until the finish!” [46-second standing ovation]

Two Full Hours of Violet Flame Each Day

Beloved ones, it behooves us all to dedicate two full hours each day to violet-flame dynamic decrees. This we call for. And all the hosts of the Lord who have graduated from earth’s schoolroom have always hoped for this. Understand that when you do it, when all of us do it, those two hours of violet flame daily become such a momentum that that very momentum itself will carry you unto the exaltation of your soul, unto the manifestation of a higher way of life, even unto the alchemical marriage of the soul with God.

O beloved, there is so much more that you can do to bring about intense compassion, caring, understanding among men. There is so much that you can contribute through technology—so much that you can do each and every step of the way. Know that this earth must be turned around.

As you have seen the upheavals in the weather, realize that these upheavals have come from the personal upheavals of each and every individual on this earth who has made karma. Listen as I say this: Every individual on earth who has made karma will pay that price, is now paying that price and has been paying that price for karma that goes back as far as 25,800 years.

Today is a new day. If you will take seriously the giving of two full hours of violet flame per day, you will come to such a liberation that you will wonder why you ever had any burdens, any distractions—anything that took you away from your absolute God-Victory.

Therefore, beloved, see what we must do globally for Church Universal and Triumphant. Let us understand that everywhere in the world people must have the taste of the violet flame. For they are parched. They know not where to go to receive that elixir of everlasting life. And you have it, beloved.

You have this essence. You have us, the Three Wise Men. And we carry wisdom’s flame. We carry the ruby ray. We carry levels of being you know not of. And we say to you, with all the hosts of the Lord, with Enoch, with each and every one ascended: Know that by your absolute determination you can, you shall, you will have your victory.

And you will have it because you will put all your heart and soul and mind into it. Therefore it shall come to pass. It shall be.

 [35-second standing ovation]

Now we give to you Helios and Vesta. Beloved hearts, extend tremendous love in this moment to Helios and Vesta, your Father-Mother God.

 [23-second standing ovation]



“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

The six-day conference Family--The Heart of Community was held July 4 through July 9, 1998, at San Diego, California. This dictation by the Three Wise Men was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Thursday, July 9, 1998.

1. Three Wise Men. The Messenger has told us that beginning January 6, 1998, the Three Kings, or Three Wise Men (El Morya, Kuthumi and Djwal Kul) would sponsor all who desire to make their ascension in this life. She announced before the dictation that for the first time they would speak together.

2. The ruby-ray calls. These can include decree 33.00, “The Lord’s Judgment by the Ruby Ray through Archangel Chamuel and Charity,” and “The Lord’s Ritual of Exorcism.” Also the “Invocations to the Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet” are printed in the 80.00 through 110.00 sections of the decree book, Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness.