Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 41 No. 35 - The Beloved Goddess of Liberty - August 30, 1998


Family--The Heart of Community


Give Your Love to the Little Ones


From the Beginning unto the Ending, I AM your Goddess of Liberty. I place upon each Keeper of the Flame of Liberty this day that manifestation of God’s grace, God’s perfection that can be internalized within you.

I come, beloved, that those who are the downtrodden may be raised up and those who are raised up may be put down until they enter into world transmutation of their human pride. Therefore, let pride not be the stumbling block of those who think they know more than they do.

Realize, beloved, that the Statue of Liberty is more than a statue. It is almost the embodiment of a great soul who has been with us from the time of Atlantis and has returned again to this nation.

Know, then, beloved, that the reality of the great Mother Goddess is with you throughout the nations and throughout the planetary body. And know that some images carved in those ancient times do return in the same likeness to the etheric plane. This is so that you might know that God has placed before you even a replica of your perfected soul, your own Holy Christ Self, and the way in which you must walk.

Therefore, let your gaze be upon me. Let your gaze, beloved, bring to you the understanding that unless you transfer your love to the little ones who have nothing, there will not be a civilization to follow this one. Therefore, take care of your children, for they are profoundly burdened and grieved.

So many of them are homeless. So many of them know not the way to go. Having left their homes and parents, they are adrift. Know this, beloved. And let all the love of your being and of your families for whom you care go to those who truly, truly walk and talk with the children of the world who have nothing.

The Flame of Victory Is in Every Heart

Now then, in this the greatest nation of our time and in other nations throughout the earth who may be even greater than these  United States, we say: Let all those who are in the process of learning and entering in to higher education know that the flame of Victory is in every heart. The flame of Victory is in every nation.

Let there be the overturning this day of war, of evil, of darkness, of abuse and of abuse of the children. Let it be done, beloved. For if you do not tend to your children, what shall be said of you in generations to come?

What shall you say when someone asks, “What did you do to help bring these lowly ones to the fullness of their understanding?” 

O beloved, each precious child upon earth—no matter who or where or how or why—they all deserve tremendous love.

Therefore when you go to see the statue of the Goddess of Liberty, remember that many who came to these shores came first to Ellis Island. <1> They came as immigrants from various parts of the world, the majority from European nations. Some were interned at Ellis Island and then released at the end of World War II.

Know this, beloved. And realize that some of the very best citizens of this nation came from Eastern Europe and other areas of Europe. See, beloved, how these individuals have become pillars in our nation today and some of the finest people to bringthis nation forward.

You can never know, as you walk down the streets of this country or other countries around the world, what is the attainment of the heart that is beating in the child who is lonely. Or that is in those who draw apart and seek their ultimate oneness with God.

Have you asked yourselves how many children in the world are moving toward that standard, that elevation, that oneness? Have you asked yourselves, beloved, are there those from higher realms of Light expressing their Causal Bodies here?

Are they also expressing the highest manifestation of their ability there—some of them being Buddhas and Bodhisattvas?

This world is not all bad, but bad things happen here. You can turn these things around if you will remember the empowerment given to you by the Seven Mighty Elohim of God. <2>

We Have Planted Seeds in the Earth

We come, beloved, because we have planted seeds in the earth, in every nation and upon every continent. We have done this and we see that these seeds are growing. They are multiplying, and from them many lightbearers are coming to the fore.

Therefore, rejoice. Rejoice, O holy ones of God, for as you move on, millions upon millions of souls will also follow you. Thus the tired, the poor and those who are yearning to be free, let them know that you care. Enter into the flame of hospice recommended by Mother Mary <3> and go farther and farther into it until you reach the stars—the stars being the greatest lights that you have on planet earth today.

Think now upon the burdens that are upon the United States. Think about the devastation in Florida as a result of the fires. <4> Think upon those who do not know the way to go and whose life cycle will end prematurely because they have never understood the meaning of the oneness of the flame in Liberty’s torch.

Know, then, that the major changes of the world, the changes in weather patterns and conditions will come and will go. Yet from the beginning unto the ending, this planet must fulfill her reason for being. You are the mighty pillars. You are the ones who must see to it.

You are the ones who must say daily: “I cannot simply go here and there, for I am my brother’s keeper. I am the keeper of the Flame for the Lords of Karma. I am the keeper of the Flame for the hosts of the Lord. I must be vigilant. I must see ahead. I must know what is to be done before I achieve my ascension in the Light.”

Let the children of all ages who are quickened now in the heart of the Christ consciousness recognize this as well. Let a part of your day be an intense action of prayer for every child of God throughout all manifestations.

Therefore, in the name of all great hierarchs of Light, I seal you. Let the patterns of your Causal Body descend into the earth now that you might seek and bring these children to the utmost fulfillment of their God-Reality.

Remember me, beloved, throughout the day and the night. Remember me, for I am your Goddess of Liberty. Call upon me, and I will answer with joy. [38-second standing ovation]



“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

The six-day conference Family--The Heart of Community was held July 4 through July 9, 1998, at San Diego, California. This dictation by the Goddess of Liberty was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Thursday, July 9, 1998.

1.  Ellis Island, located about a mile southwest of Manhattan Island, New York, was the United States’ principal immigration center from 1892 to 1943. During this time, an estimated 17 million to 20 million people passed through Ellis Island as they went through the immigration process. After the immigration center was moved to New York City in 1943, Ellis Island functioned as a detention and deportation station until 1954. During World War II, aliens from enemy nations were interned there. In 1965 the island became part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument. The buildings were restored in the 1980s and opened to the public in 1990 as the Ellis Island Immigration Museum.

2. The empowerment of Elohim. On March 28, 1997, the Elohim Astrea and Purity said: “If you are willing to give your dynamic decrees to the Seven Mighty Elohim daily, giving nine repetitions of each of the seven decrees (one for each of the Seven Elohim), and you do this in the full fervor of your heart chakra, you will have the empowerment of our Causal Bodies to continually move against the dark ones.” See 1997 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 25,  p. 159.

3. See 1997 Pearls of Wisdom, no. 26, p. 167.

4. Fires in Florida. From May 25 through July 7, 1998, wildfires burned more than 480,000 acres in Florida, causing close to $300 million in damages and $116 million in firefighting costs. In Florida’s Flagler County, more than 40,000 residents were issued mandatory evacuation orders as officials feared that four fires would merge together and burn all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. Three days later on July 6, as rain showers brought some relief to the area, residents were allowed to return to their homes.