Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 41 No. 20 - Beloved Jesus Christ - May 17, 1998


Building Community from the Heart


Turn This World Around through Your Holy Christ Self


I am in the heart of every Christ Child. Look to your right and to your left. Look upon the child that is your own or one that you know not. For in this day and hour, I, Jesus, place a  balanced threefold flame in every precious heart of the little ones and those of you who have matured and ripened fully unto the Tree of Life.

Now look within and look at the world, and see how the special ones have received that gift of my heart flame for the service they have rendered or for the poverty that they have experienced for many lifetimes. All of this is designed for  acceleration in the children--acceleration, beloved, whereby many might hold the balance for those throughout the world.

 In these days and hours, the civilization of materialism is driven by fallen ones who manipulate Wall Street and the money marts, by things that people ought not to dwell on. But rather they should dwell on the manger scene and center within the heartbeat of their Holy Christ Self.

Now then, beloved, there are places throughout the earth where many children are not taught and do not have this teaching of the Path. Some of you have taught your children and some of you have not. I have come, for I would say to you, I will transfer that essence and that energy to all the little ones who serve me and the living God. I will give the portion wherein the threefold flame is balanced.

Thus, for a moment, let your eyes be closed tightly so that you might see even beyond my work and the work of these little ones. The entire world looks to them, beloved. Thus you must also look to them to rescue them and bring them to new heights of God-awareness.

Rise above Materialism

Let the civilization of materialism go down! And let the universal light of the Universal Christ rise up! Either this earth is to enter into a period of darkness or else the inhabitants of the Light in the earth must rise to those levels of consciousness where the money beast shall no longer reign nor the darkness beneath the earth hold sway.

I count on those of you who see what is coming upon the earth to challenge it, bind it, drive it back and be certain that all that is not of the Light, all that is evil, is removed and consumed. When you call upon the Seven Archangels, so you shall have the return of that call. Move with that, beloved. And know and understand that you do have the opportunity to turn this world around and to do it by the empowerment of your own Holy Christ Self.

There is an alchemy taking place in the earth. See it through now as you allow the glorious light of your Causal Body to pass through you, to pass through your chakras. [13-second pause]

Now make it your determination that you will call upon God for this alchemy. And see such a transformation in this earth as to enable you to understand that in other planetary homes where there was no Christhood, no love, no affection and no moving toward God-victory, those planetary homes became barren.

See to it that the earth does not become barren for want of your watering the flowers and the trees and every part of life. For these are the things of which souls are made.

Thus, let those who do not contribute to the well-being of the planet or to the victorious manifestation of it, let them be challenged! Let them be bound! And let yourselves become servants of God with such high attainment that you can hold in check the darkness that covers some areas of the land.

Now I, Jesus, ask you to give your judgment calls. If you could give 72 or 144, you would do well. For you must understand that the fallen angels who move in the earth and among the children of the Light still must be bound. And you also know very well that the Messenger and the chelas throughout the world must continue and continue and continue to bind these fallen angels until there is not a single fallen angel left upon the planetary body. This is my desire. It is my goal for you. For you are the ones who are well equipped for this mission.

Win Your Final Victory

Let the earth return to her pristine purity! Let the Ascended Masters return, walking and talking in the streets of the world. Let there be new dimensions of oneness with God. And let all love one another as I have loved you.

In the fullness of my joy and my rejoicing, remember that you are becoming the Christ and the Christ lives in your heart. Balance that threefold flame. And know, beloved, that these fallen ones must be challenged. And as you challenge them, you will know your victory and it will be a final one. And when you see that day, that glorious day, and you can say, “I was a part of that victory,” you will know how precious is life. Indeed, how precious is life!

Win the war in self, and show the magnitude of the Divine Mother. In this, beloved, in this, thus go forth to conquer.

Now hear, hear, beloved, the sounds of Elohim as they come from other levels. And even in this octave, hear the sounds of Elohim.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

The four-day conference Building Community from the Heart was held April 9, 1998, through April 12, 1998, at the Wyndham Hotel Northwest Chicago in Itasca, Illinois. The dictation by Jesus Christ printed in this Pearl of Wisdom was given by the Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Sunday, April 12, 1998.