Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 41 No. 13 - Beloved Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary - March 29, 1998


Valentine’s Day Seminar 1998


Do Not Forget the Children


Let the world receive the souls of light and all souls who are aborning on earth. Let them be received ere they are taken, ere they are removed from the planetary home without fulfilling their reason for being and becoming one with the Blessed Mother and Raphael.

Therefore we come. We come with the fierceness of all great mothers of all systems of worlds. We speak to you in every continent and we say: Let those who must come forth, who must have free will, who must have the opportunity to be educated and to become a part of God’s love, let them be known amongst you.

And may you realize that even in this day and in this hour, many souls are being cast aside. For the powers that be in this planetary home do not want more children, more of those who could populate the earth and bring such richness of the spirit and such technology as has already come to this very earth.

Therefore we, Raphael and Mother Mary, send forth the plea and our plea is for you to assist all children of the Light to come forth, to make their way on the Path, to return to the home of Mighty Victory and legions of light, even as you are moving toward that light.

A Stern Warning

Until and unless there is a safe reception for every child who comes out of the womb, there will be an imbalance, and balance must be restored sometime, somewhere. This imbalance cannot go on, beloved ones.

Even as you accelerate the patterns of your heart and understand the meditations of your heart, so you must know that you have the capability to transfer the love of your heart to all souls who hunger and thirst after righteousness. Therefore do not neglect the little ones, including those of the streets in South America or Asia or Africa. For these crimes against the humanity of the children of God must not go unchecked.

Thus, beloved, realize that this planetary home cannot reach its ultimate manifestation without the balancing factor of the healing of the children. For this end your own Clara Louise Kieninger, who hovers near to you this day, did give her life for the children.

If, then, there is, and indeed there is, a wholesale slaughter of children on this planetary body, remember that we have told you that if you do not do something about the situation of the children, especially those in this hemisphere, you will pay the price and the world will pay that price also.

Thus, beloved, think about the children. Think about the fact that they bring joy. They bring happiness. They bring the wonder of this world. Remember also that they are burdened with pain, and so many of their mothers do not have the wherewithal to feed them.

Yes, you know these things, beloved, but Raphael and I have come to tell you once again: Do not neglect the world’s children. They are indeed the most precious commodity of the entire planet.

Thus, as you look upon these faces, so look upon the faces of your own children. Whatever you do, beloved, make way for them. For one day when you are no longer in embodiment or too old to bear children or involved in complex situations, the moment will have passed and you will not see that precious child that you carry in your heart, that you would carry in your womb.

Something Must Impel You to Care for These Children

We speak of this subject today because we do not anticipate speaking of it again and again and again. Something in your heart, something in your being, something in the very core of self must impel you to care for these children. May you find this, beloved, for many in this world have gone astray and not understood that this is a path that we must all walk together. I trust you will consider my remarks so that you will not forget the children.

This is a day and an hour when Raphael also does enter in with me. This is a day and an hour when you must look and see to it that all things in your lives as Keepers of the Flame are in the right order of priority.

As the Blessed Mother Mary and her offspring descend into your midst and as you sense the presence of Clara Louise, come now, come in the flowering of this moment, and realize that you can save a world and a planet and that it must be done.

Now meditate and speak to me and ask me: “What can I do? What can I do for you, beloved Mother Mary? What can I do for the children of South America and for all children?”

[22-second pause]

The tragedy upon tragedy is that there is little care for the reality of the infinite manifestation of the true and living God, who is present with every mother-to-be and who has ordained each one to bring forth children.

Where do you think, beloved ones, these children will go if they are removed from planet earth? This is their home star. This is the place where they must have their victory. This is the place where there must be those who care enough to supply the food and medicine that will keep these children and these mothers in good health.

Sometimes it is hard for you to see and acknowledge how great is my pain and burden. But I tell you of it now that you may know how great is my pain concerning the mothers of the world and their children. I find it difficult to depart from this subject, as I am certain you understand, because of how much I care for the children of the world.

Thus, beloved, something must be done, and swiftly, to right the imbalances of the world, the hardness of heart, the inordinate desire for things and money, all within the framework of self. Let that selfishness be no more, and let selflessness be a part of your bringing the children back to my heart.

Raphael and I ask you now to give calls to the Godhead that millions upon millions of children might be saved during your term of office, as it were, when you yet have the opportunity to receive these children into your households.

[Congregation gives calls for saving the children. Congregation then joins Raphael and Mother Mary:]


Hail, Mary, full of grace
   the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women
   and blessed is the fruit
   of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us, sons and daughters of God,
Now and at the hour of our victory
Over sin, disease and death. (given 4x)

With the sign of the cosmic cross of white fire, with the sign of the Presence of Archangel Raphael in our midst, I seal you in this one chalice of light and sacred fire. May you bring the children of the world, all of them, back to the very heart of Raphael and myself.

For this calling and for this sacrifice that you may be determined to make, we give you our promise that you shall have a multiplication of surrender, selflessness and service. You shall have the manifestation of the greatest light toward the victory of your ascension and, of course, the sweetest joy of knowing how precious are the little ones.

Therefore, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, we ask you to give daily even fifteen minutes of decrees for the cutting free of every father, mother and child on planet earth.

We thank you profoundly for your consideration and for your presence in our worldwide communities.