Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 41 No. 12 - Beloved Goddess of Liberty - March 22, 1998


Valentine’s Day Seminar 1998


Uphold the Economy As I Uphold the Torch of Liberty


Let the action of Mighty Victory descend upon your heart chakra. And let this action permeate the earth to consume fanaticism and enter the hearts of billions of souls. Let that focus of Victory be within you and let it remain. And let your heart be a chalice for all who would rise level upon level upon level until they return to the level of Lady Master Venus, Lord Sanat Kumara and the fulfillment of their star.

Blessed ones, today you wrestle with the economy. Tomorrow you may wrestle with war--war within and war across the planetary body. Today you have challengers who are not of the Light and tomorrow they shall indeed be exposed.

Therefore, let the All-Seeing Eye of God be with you, even today and as you return to your homes. For in this hour, beloved, the economy is misused and compromised by heads of state, even the head of this very nation.

So, beloved ones, if you desire to see appropriate action, remember that the United States of America is the place that Saint Germain has chosen for this victory. This victory must take place across the states of the union. This victory must be a sacred fire that descends from above into the heart of each one who shares this day’s victory.

A Golden Standard for the Golden Age

Blessed ones, to have the victory of the economy requires tremendous diligence. Even we do not know the outcome, for we have been without the stability of a gold standard for many, many years. Therefore you desire to reverse this, and this is the ultimate challenge. But you must look at other aspects of the economy as well, for the absence of the gold standard is not the only problem with the economy.

Therefore, blessed ones, it is important that you study what is at hand, what truly causes this nation to be compromised as well as what causes it to move forward. Many of you understand this and it is indeed very important for you to understand what is happening beneath the surface, what is happening in those places where the economy is compromised.

There is also compromise at the level of the president of the United States. There is compromise in all areas. A gold standard is not sustained when there is compromise, for a gold standard means a golden standard. This golden standard requires every son and daughter of Liberty within this nation to carry the standard of truth, the standard of the God of Gold, the standard by which they say, “We will raise our civilization to the heights of a golden age.”

This is a tall order, as you know. But since you desire to take it upon yourselves, I, the Goddess of Liberty, intend to assist you in this calling and in this mighty mission.

[34-second standing ovation]

Please be seated.

Quite a few individuals have occupied the office of president of the United States. But not all of them have served with honor, with victory and with an understanding of what it truly means to be an American at the helm of the ship of state.

Uphold My Torch

Understand this, beloved, and look to your children. Look to your sons and daughters. Look to those who have the capacity to challenge Darkness, to bring forth the Light, to raise their arm up and hold the torch of freedom, the torch of liberty.

Understand that if you would reverse the tide of economic manipulation, many situations within the economy must be addressed. This is no small challenge that you are accepting. Remember this and contemplate what will take place if you assume positions, especially positions of leadership, in economic affairs and also what will take place if you neglect to meet the economic challenges of this age.

Now, beloved, it would be well for some of you who are engaged in serving with me, with Saint Germain and with Archangel Raphael to understand that if you would turn around this nation and the nations of the world, you must have a great understanding of what is going on, not only that which is before you but that which is subliminal, which you do not see and which is being put against this nation itself.

Therefore we look for those of you who have the best skills to bring to the attention of Keepers of the Flame what can be done to move against that which has been coming upon this nation since the gold standard was set aside.

Therefore, if you will, come together this day. Make your pledges to one another and bring before the Darjeeling Council as well as to the Mother of the Flame what you think can be done for the victory in this situation.

May all of you who are serving on the ray of Raphael and Mother Mary have the tremendous victory that you are seeking today in this hall and in this nation.

Heavenly hosts are with you. May you continue your prayer vigil.

Therefore, I seal you in the heart of your beloved El Morya and your beloved Lanello. By Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays, let the action of the Great Central Sun reach every heart in this room and every heart of love and light throughout the planet.

With joy in my heart I seal you, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.