Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 41 No. 8 - Beloved Godfre and Lanello - February 22, 1998


New Beginnings


This Is the Moment! This Is the Magic!


In the Light of Godfre and Lanello, claim your victory in this hour of the turning of the cycles of the years. Oh, what joy as light descends, as so many souls of light come to purify the earth before it is further contaminated by darkness.

I AM Godfre. I come with Lanello. We move round this planetary home. We seek to take from the nations all that is dark and dank, all that never should have been. We come, for it is an hour of tremendous victory. It is an hour of victory for our Messenger. It is an hour of victory for you.

Will you not claim the victory, beloved? For that great victory must become your own.

Therefore, rise and give shouts of joy.

[Congregation rises and gives shouts of joy.]

Thus, your beloved Lanello and Godfre are present. For again and again you have determined to draw down the Light for this city, for the nations and for the planetary home.

Therefore, be seated, beloved ones.

I desire to see you intensify forgiveness and give that forgiveness to all nations. Forgiveness is not something that many accept or give to others. But I say unto you, forgive again and again, for you do not know the burden of another who may be seated next to you or in just another room.

Think about these things, beloved, and think of how the world might be if it were saturated with the flame of mercy’s forgiveness, with that God-victorious flame which descends into our midst and brings us to that moment when all things are possible.

Have you experienced that moment, beloved? Have you said to yourself: “This is the moment! This is the magic! This is the time when all things are possible, when all of my soul may come back into the coil of my being and I can know the strategy of my present, past and future”?

What is the manifestation and the tremendous energy that you feel, that I feel, going out and now returning, going out and now returning?

It is the energy of God that you have applied to the flame of forgiveness, the flame of the Holy Spirit. This energy, beloved, is there for you to draw down from the magnificence of your own Great Causal Body.

I commend many of you for your expansion of your Causal Bodies. And I speak to others and I say, you also must come forward. You must create a momentum of expansion that takes in the planetary home and encompasses the planetary spheres and beyond.

Consider the worlds within worlds. Consider your Lord Gautama Buddha. Then go to the streets of the world and do something to turn around the planetary body.

We Would Work Hand in Hand with You

We come, therefore, for we are knights of the flame. And both Lanello and I have been knights on earth. We have made our transition, yet we are in this time and space ready to go forth with you in higher levels of consciousness to deal with the burdens of the past and burdens of the future. We are here to use the violet flame to wipe away all that the Great Law will allow to be transmuted.

We come in this hour because there are situations that you can correct within the earth and above the earth, such as abortion, substandard education, child abuse and the misuse of technology. These things must be considered.

Blessed ones, there are many, many situations throughout the world, even right in your own neighborhood, where you can bring healing. We counsel you to do this. We counsel you to call for the judgment of those who take life through abortion.

We come for the manifestation of light where you are. We come for the victory of light where you are. We come for this action that many, many of you might say, “Thus far and no farther!” We come that you might help us, for we are determined to help the souls who must come into embodiment.

A Call from the Lords of Karma

Now, beloved ones, there are so many areas on planet earth that need your attention that it would be well for you to prioritize them. Then determine what you can do for the planetary body and what you are not able to do so easily. This call comes from the Lords of Karma.

 The Lords of Karma were present in the life of Godfre. They were present in the life of the Messengers. Understand how far you may go into the depths of true being even wh8ile you are on this planetary body.

I call now for the Holy Spirit to descend upon all of you. For each and every one of you gathered here knows the Holy Spirit and has a certain momentum of that Spirit. Therefore we together call you to come again and again to know the Holy Spirit, to give life through the Holy Spirit, to pass on to the children of the world the life, consciousness and energy of the Holy Spirit.

We speak to you in the most profound understanding of what must happen in the affairs of Korea, China and all parts of the world. Concentrate on those areas where people are not being directed aright. We simply cannot ignore those energies that are not right, that must be transmuted, that must be bound, such as hunger and starvation and the consciousness of leaders who turn a deaf ear to the cries of their people.

Change Is Yours to Accomplish

We have come to you because we understand that if the nations are to accelerate, to go upward and onward in the Light, there must be a transforming change. And that change is yours to accomplish. You can accomplish it! You can accomplish it city by city, day by day.

I ask you to schedule your time and space to make your mark. Make your mark on civilization and do not let a day go by that you do not call for the descent of children of light, avatars and those who must come streaming down the crystal cord, enter into their mother’s womb and have an absolutely successful birth.

We also call, beloved ones, for you to direct your attention to the situation of hunger throughout the world.

Recognize that God in his great manifestation kneels before you, so to speak, and says to you: “Here, I give you my Causal Body. I AM the Lord of the World. I AM the manifestation of the Buddha. Now give back to me what I have given to you.”

I call upon you, beloved, in this hour. I call for the victory of the God-flame. And I ask for you to now sing to Mighty Victory that you might anchor here in this very spot that flame of Victory, for the legions of victory await your call.