Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 40 No. 49 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - December 7, 1997


Celebration of the Thirty-Ninth Anniversary
 of the Founding of The Summit Lighthouse


The Nobility of the Heart


I now seal The Summit Lighthouse in the heart of Gautama Buddha. I AM Gautama Buddha, and I speak to you from the other side of the globe. I speak of war. I speak of evil. I speak of envy. I speak of the Tibetans who have lost their lives and for whom we seek placements, even here at the Royal Teton Ranch.

The world is in turmoil in many places. Hold the stability of the world. Enter my heart, for I am in your heart.

As industry and commerce move on in the Orient, remain competitive. Remember the United States, remember your homelands, remember your point of origin. And remember that while you are on earth, you can raise up many lifewaves who are truly of the Light. Follow them, nurture them, care for them, bring them to the Teachings.

Give your mantras, whether from Hinduism or Buddhism. Come to the shore of being. Know the elements of cosmos. Expand eternity. Know that life is real, that death is not real, that none can steal from you a perfect thought, a presence dear, a knowledge high, a victory that circles a cosmos.

There is neither death nor dying for the departed but only successions of rounds of entering the rays of glory. So shall the glory of God be for The Summit Lighthouse, for eternity merges where there are souls of light.

Be not afraid. Be not disturbed. Challenge what you dislike in yourself. Replace it with roses, pink roses of the love of Nada. Get beyond the not-self, beloved, so that you might endure as well as endear the world with your love. Do so, beloved. Make this, our beloved Summit Lighthouse, a bouquet of many, many flowers. Let us do it, beloved, for the whole world is poised for the victory.

I say to you, go for it now. Now is the moment when you can claim the cosmos.

I AM Gautama. I AM here, for I AM determined to see this race through from the beginning to the end.

In the nobility of the heart, I seal you with all of my love.

[16-second standing ovation]



“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

The celebration of the thirty-ninth anniversary of the founding of The Summit Lighthouse was held August 10, 1997, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation by Gautama Buddha printed in this Pearl of Wisdom was given by the Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Sunday, August 10, 1997.

[N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Gautama Buddha’s direction.]