Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 40 No. 45 - Beloved Elohim Peace - November 9, 1997


Celebration of the Thirty-Ninth Anniversary
 of the Founding of The Summit Lighthouse


Enter In to the Heart of Peace


Heart of Peace, enter in to the heart of Peace!

Peace in all chakras! Peace in the Causal Body!

Peace in the great rings of light of your Causal Body.

Peace, be still!  Peace, be still!  Peace, be still!

I have come, for I have known from the beginning that unless there be Peace in your house, Peace in your members, Peace in your very bones, this Summit Lighthouse should not prevail.

Therefore, in the beginning I took upon myself to register Cosmic Christ Peace in all who would receive it. And to those who would not receive it I have prophesied that there would ultimately come a clash between the forces of Peace and the forces of anti-Peace.

Make your choice, then. Will you continually allow your solar plexus to churn as momentums of anti-Peace lodge in your being and cause war again and again ad nauseam? Or shall you put it all aside, cast it into the lake of fire and embrace Peace by the power of the Godhead?

Oh, how God has bestowed upon each of you such beauty and such glory! Yes, such beauty and such glory! Such is the flame of the Elohim of Peace.

Aloha with me does circle the earth many times a day, stripping the planetary home of planetary debris, purifying the winds, the rain, the seas, the energies, the lands, that which is beneath, that which is above.

Peace, be still and know that I AM the God of Peace who dwells within each devotee of Peace. This is your key, beloved.

We came in the beginning of The Summit Lighthouse and we gave you seven keys. Take them. Take them. Put them on your key chain. For sometime, somewhere, the hour of Peace must come upon you. It must rest upon you. And naught else should be allowed to enter in to that glorious presence of your Holy Christ Self.

Now meditate upon the flame of Peace and Aloha, beloved, and also entertain in your mind the feelings of nonpeace that you must also become aware of. [15-second pause]

Now I will speak to you of perfect Peace. Perfect Peace, beloved, gives you an invincibility that very few keep. You, therefore, must know how to keep the Peace. You must know the power of the Word and of the Elohim of Peace. Therefore I remind you that when you misuse the power of the Word in the solar plexus, you also make karma. And, as you know, if you have balanced less than 51 percent of your karma in this life, you will come back again.

Therefore, I say to you, hold the balance of Peace in the earth, in all octaves, in the sea, the air, the fire, the wind. But most especially, see rings upon rings upon rings of Peace around yourself and the planetary home.

Know that there is a body of peace which surrounds the solar plexus. And the power of that body and that energy are sufficient to dispel and transmute, by the energy of the Sixth Ray, those elements that lodge within your four lower bodies and truly hold you back.

If you do continue to entertain states of anti-Peace, by and by the Lady Master Nada, Uriel and Aurora, Elohim Peace and Aloha must say: “Enough is enough! We may not give to individuals who compromise world Peace more momentums of Peace and more momentums and more momentums which they have not rightfully earned.” Let these go forth into the world and discover how difficult it is, how difficult it is, indeed, to maintain the elements of Cosmic Christ Peace in their lives.

Cosmic Christ Peace is akin to the flame of the Maha Chohan, who is also one of the sponsors of The Summit Lighthouse. You see, beloved, when you receive the elixir of Christ-Peace and you receive the essence of the Holy Spirit, then there is a coming together, an invincible presence and a sharing of the bread and the wine symbolized in the celebration of the Communion cup.

Call upon the Maha Chohan. For you, above all, should be a people who know the Holy Ghost, who know the cloven tongues of fire that descended at Pentecost and who know that the Peace of understanding is the all-power of God.

Now, beloved, I trust you will have the opportunity to listen to our words again and again and to write them down so that you will know that there are prerequisites to your victory. Now move on the winds of the Lord and Saviour as you imbibe the following music.

[Musical meditation, “Rakoczy March” by Franz Liszt played.]

Now, beloved, see how Elohim of Peace and all angels of Peace hold the tight rein upon the quality of Peace. For they know what damage can be done to a world, the world of yourself, even the world of the solar system, when the misused power of Peace does descend upon a civilization.

So you see, Peace is not necessarily a condition, but it is the power to hold the forces of the sun. Take this to heart, beloved. For to hold such power, you must be God-centered. And though you may think she is in error, the Messenger has often told you that it is in part what you partake of that prevents you from living for a century and more.

And so, precious ones, let Peace abide at many levels. And may you imbibe that Peace and know that when you knock upon the door wearing your seamless garments, it is the Christ your Lord who shall open it. He shall open and you shall enter, nevermore to go out again. For you have truly embodied the flame of the Prince of Peace.

Inasmuch as the world has called for it, move in the flame of Peace, beloved, for this is truly the joy of God.



“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

The celebration of the thirty-ninth anniversary of the founding of The Summit Lighthouse was held August 10, 1997, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation by Elohim Peace printed in this Pearl of Wisdom was given by the Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Sunday, August 10, 1997.

[N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Elohim Peace’s direction.]