Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 40 No. 37 - Angels of the Cosmic Cross of White Fire & the Ruby Ray - September 14, 1997


Easter Retreat 1997


The Joy of Forgiveness


Angels of the cosmic cross of white fire and the ruby ray, angels of light descending from all octaves of the universe, draw nigh to earth, O angels. Draw nigh to earth, for it is the hour of the coming of the Lord, the Holy Christ Self.

O ye people, receive these angels now. O ye people, know the internalization of this flame of the ruby ray, this flame of the white fire. Thus we celebrate the inner sanctum of our Lord and Saviour that we might follow him to be his servants forever and forever.

We come now. We touch you with the fire of the ruby ray, with the fire of the whiteness of the glory of God. Enter in, O beloved. Enter in. Our message again and again: Accelerate, intensify, rise into God-dominion.

O blessed of all hearts! O blessed of all hearts, we the angels of the white fire and the ruby ray are here to tend you. And this tending will commence from the second quadrant of the year to the third and move on to the fourth. In each quadrant of the year, we shall intensify the sacred fire of being. We shall come. We shall assist you. We shall bring you vials of mercy.

In this hour vials of mercy as violet flame are upon you as you continue your vigil this night. For you truly need the violet flame of forgiveness for yourself and all lightbearers of the world. This is so needed, beloved. Therefore, let us give that call of forgiveness again and again and again and again as you give your decrees to Mercy’s flame.

The Joy of Forgiveness

You would do well to think of your past, present and future as you meditate and ask yourself, “Is there someone whom I have wronged from whom I have not asked for forgiveness?” If so, approach that one when the service has ended. And even if your concern is just a little thing, embrace that one and say: “I will not defile your being, your God or your heart flame again. This, my friend, I vow to you. Please forgive me and let us walk on the road of life together.”

Know this joy, beloved, for it is your liberation. It will liberate you whether you are harboring sin, disease and death or the evils of the underworld. Harbor the light and the greater light, until you ascend on that light and you say to yourself, “What a waste of time it was to dislike this one and to dislike that one when our God is the indwelling God who lives within all!”

Let the Ruby Ray Be the Source of Your Being

We call upon the Buddha of the Ruby Ray. We call upon those who serve the ruby ray. And we tell you that for those of you who can contain the ruby ray of God and give the ruby-ray calls, that ray is a most extraordinary manifestation.

In his service to the sons and daughters of God, the Buddha of the Ruby Ray walks from the center of the earth to the surface and returns once again to the center. He is a magnificent being! We are in awe of him. We move with him. He is a being that you will want to get to know, for you can only benefit from his presence.

Let all-consuming joy fill your hearts. Let sorrow cease. Let pain cease. Let suffering cease. Let the violet flame entwined with the ruby ray be the source of your being as consolation, as transformation, as beatitude.

O blessed ruby-ray fire of God, heal the heart. Heal the heart that is broken. Heal the heart that is saddened. Heal the heart that has lost a loved one. Heal the hearts, beloved. Heal the hearts.

Visualize the ruby ray around you now.

That which we give you today is for your internalization of the ruby ray and for the filling of the cups of your cells and molecules with ruby-ray essence--essence of being and essence of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray. Contemplate this.

Ascended Lady Masters Come for Your Healing

The Ascended Lady Masters are assembling here. They bring greetings of love and joy and the intensity of the ruby ray. They move in the vastnesses of time and space. They come to nurture you and to restore you to your spiritual mother, who has been with you in this life and in past lives. They come to heal the fragments of your soul, for you have not truly had the oneness and the wholeness that you thought you would receive from your earthly mother.

The Lady Masters caress you. They cradle you in their arms. They use their chakras to heal the records, beginning with conception, of your sense of separation from God. They draw you back to your wholeness, back to your origin in our Father-Mother God.

For everyone on earth there is a special abiding Mother presence, a Lady Master who rocks you and cradles you and cares for you. This Lady Master heals you at a very deep level, for her healing comes from the very core of the ruby ray. In the very depths of your being, where you have known sorrow and pain, this ray fills in the gaps, does its work and then seals you as you rise to a holier place.

This we have done and this we increase in intensity on behalf of you who know the violet flame and the Ascended Masters, you who know the Path and realize that it is entirely possible that an Ascended Lady Master may come to you and comfort you and bring you to the highest conception of your own true being. It is the work of the Mother to tell her children what they can do if they will study and work hard. And this they ought to do. This is a process of alchemy. It is the violet flame entwined with the ruby ray. Breathe deeply and take in the sweetness of the love of the Mother.

The Lords of Karma have reviewed your participation in darshan and they have directed these Divine Mothers to come to you. The Lords of Karma have recommended this, for they see how you have blocked the pain in your four lower bodies and thus it does not move. It is like the crumbling Berlin Wall. Some want it to remain and others would bring it down. Even so, some parts of you want to retain your pain, your out-of-alignment state, and others want to transmute it. That is why the white fire, the violet flame and the ruby ray of God are needed. These will reconcile those differences and restore wholeness.

The Ascended Lady Masters serve with beloved Omega, with beloved Vesta and with the Goddess Meru. As you meditate, think of the most beautiful presence of Mother that you can outpicture. Rejoice to greet this beloved Mother. Do not see her as a human mother. See her as an Ascended Lady Master Mother.

When you are in the arms of your Ascended Lady Master Mother, you are so very safe. She tucks your secrets in her heart-- your unspoken pains, words too hard to say aloud. This Ascended Lady Master will never betray you, will never lead you astray, and she will always care for you.

And this Ascended Lady Master will be with you through childhood and adolescence, through your teens and twenties and so on so that your karmic burdens can be transmuted by the violet flame and soul fragments drawn back to their proper places.

I Will Be a Divine Mother

To ascend, you must be whole. Thus, the Lords of Karma thought it the best of all possible gifts to give you an Ascended Lady Master Mother until all unresolved issues with the mother are resolved. Accept this blessed Mother, whoever she may be, and resolve that you will not be stuck or left behind. For this blessed Mother will enfold you, and your cares will drop away and in their place will arise the white fire, the ruby ray and the violet flame.

And one day you will say to yourself: “I have no more sorrow. I have no more pain. I have only joy. I know my real and eternal Mother. I send love to the one who bore me in this life and all past lives. For I know an eternal Mother who will be there for me. And when I am fulfilled and fully come of age, I myself will be a Divine Mother.”

Week by week in the Messenger’s darshan, we will bring you teachings based on fragments of self unfulfilled, unredeemed. You may bring your own issues to darshan and make calls. Some of you will have the opportunity to speak and receive answers, but many of you will not. Yet as you pursue your healing, you will have the comfort and the consolation of the Mother presence until by and by your universe will be filled with those with whom you have had resolution and joy. And this will lead you to untold worlds of Divine Love.

Let your peace be upon you this day and let it continue unto your victory.



“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

The five-day conference Easter Retreat 1997 was held March 26, 1997, through March 30, 1997, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation by Angels of the Cosmic Cross of White Fire and the Ruby Ray printed in this Pearl of Wisdom was given by the Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Sunday, March 30, 1997.

[N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the Angels of the Cosmic Cross of White Fire and the Ruby Ray’s direction.]