Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 40 No. 36 - Beloved Magda - September 7, 1997


Easter Retreat 1997


Transmute the Past and the Future


My beloved brothers and sisters, may the All-Seeing Eye of God be upon you now. And may you enter into that single-eyed vision that will bring you into unity with God.

I rejoice to be in this place with you and with my beloved. <1>  I rejoice in our wholeness. I rejoice to have experienced the arduous years during which I was balancing my karma. And those years were indeed arduous, for I had not embraced the violet flame that was being released when I was serving in California.

Thus, with all that I had of Jesus’ love and all of the service I gave throughout the world (even traveling by ship to Australia and to the far corners of the earth), when I passed from the screen of life, I still had my karma to deal with. And then it was that I saw and understood and accepted the violet flame.

But for many decades I had to apply the violet flame, not only to my immediate past life but to many prior lifetimes. And this was simply because I was never given the knowledge of the violet flame when I was embodied. The clergy of Christianity, both Protestant and Catholic, never accepted Saint Germain or his gift of the violet flame and therefore they never taught it.

Do you realize that I served in the Angelus Temple in Los Angeles at the same time that Guy and Mama Ballard were also preaching and giving the teachings of the violet flame?

How tragic it is that so many have become locked in to orthodoxy so that they cannot open their minds and see the shafts of violet flame that permeated the auras of the saints who came out of the “I AM” movement and made their ascensions precisely because they accepted Saint Germain’s violet flame.

Transmute the Past and the Future

Thus, I will say it again and again! How wondrous it is to invoke the violet flame while you are here on earth. How wondrous it is that you can project the violet flame into the distant past and the distant future. How wondrous it is that the violet flame has saved so many souls, that it has lightened their load and brought them to that place where they could make their ascensions.

This could never have happened, nor could it be an option for you today, if Saint Germain and Godfre and Lotus had not been willing to bear the utter persecution, the trial, the lies in the newspapers regarding the “I AM” movement. You have also been persecuted in your time, but those days of the “I AM” movement were horrific and without parallel.

Today you are recognized, you have centers around the world and you are becoming mainstream. I congratulate you on this and on all of your many accomplishments. I congratulate Saint Germain and Portia that the technology is here whereby many of you are hearing the Messenger on the phone patch today. Think of it, beloved, the Messenger does not even need to move from the high altar in order to speak to the people of the world.

Jesus’ Perpetual Joy

Think of how I, too, was persecuted and bowed down by the weight of condemnation. <2> Beloved, there were days and weeks and months in my life when I was greatly burdened. I felt so alone. And I allowed myself to be moved from the centeredness of my being and my service.

Nonetheless, through those many years of service, I was the perpetual instrument of Jesus’ healing. I was there for Jesus’ flock and I comforted them with his words: “Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” <3> And they left behind their crutches and I often bore the weight of those crutches in my own body. For I did not realize that for the asking Saint Germain’s all-consuming violet singing flame could and would transform that weight into a burden of light.

Thus, in my final incarnation I knew great sorrow even as I knew great rejoicing in the perpetual joy of my Saviour. I tell you these things, beloved, because when you become a saint in heaven, you will also know the fullness of the joy of your Saviour. For a saint in heaven is someone who has internalized their threefold flame and their Christhood.

And so, as I have had the experience of being in the healing ministry, I urge you to enter the ministry of the Seventh Ray. Give the violet flame to others. Show them how to give dynamic decrees to the violet flame, how to sing and move and dance with the violet flame and, ultimately, to transcend the burdens of life by extending the violet flame to others that their cups might also run over with joy.

Transcend the Via Dolorosa

Yes, we walk the via dolorosa, but we transcend it. And when we are counted among the saints robed in white <4> with our Lord and with all avatars who have gone before us, we truly know that we have found our home. And in finding it, we only want to bring our chelas up to our level so that, come what may upon earth, they will be firmly rooted in their path to becoming an Ascended Master. This is your goal. Recite it daily:

“I AM going to be an Ascended Master!”

“I AM going to be an Ascended Master!”

“I AM going to be an Ascended Master!”

“I will become an Ascended Master!”

And if I will be one, it means that I AM an Ascended Master in the making. That is who I am. And if I have my problems and my burdens, so what?  I am becoming an Ascended Master and I am learning from my foibles. I am learning that out-of-the-way statements I have made are neither in me nor of me.

Cycles on the Path of Initiation

Blessed hearts, this day I count each and every one of you a saint robed in white as choirs upon choirs of angels sing with you as you know that Jesus Christ is risen in your heart.

Cherish his presence within you. Please do not offend him. And if you ask Jesus to be your Guru, be prepared. For he will start you gently on the Path, and then he will intensify and intensify that path of initiation until you wonder if you can stand in the presence of the Prince of Peace any longer.

Therefore, some of you will find that you must go out from the presence of the Lord for a time and use the violet flame to smooth the rough edges. Perform your service, balance chunks of your karma and seek the Lord again and again as you embrace the next step and the next.

Life’s victory isn’t won in a moment, as I think you realize. Many of you recall personal experiences in ancient civilizations and therefore you know that the Path is a process. Obey the rules and you will get there quickly. When you do not obey them, though you might be the best of the Lord’s servants, you will have to go back down the stairs again and again. And if your life span runs out, then what will you do if you haven’t balanced that 51 percent of your karma?

Well, you will be back, beloved. That is the Law. And the Law is the Law.  You will return, starting as a child in the womb all over again.

These are times to consider profoundly:  Who are my companions?  With whom do I have a spiritual resonance whereby together we can conquer worlds better than we can alone?

Better that all of you come together and bury the hatchet. There cannot be anything so bad as to have to reject someone who has already entered the Path but is not fit for the Path. The Messenger should be involved when disputes are not being settled and when some take advantage of situations but do not truly become spiritual. These must be asked to leave, whether they are from North or South Glastonbury or the ranch or other centers around the world.

Don’t Hold On to Your Pain

We cannot carry deadweight, can we now?  No!  And that means we cannot carry our own deadweight. It has to go into the flame. We cannot hold on to the pain. It is not worth it, beloved. It is just not worth it.

God forbid that you land on the astral plane after you have made your transition! Have you thought about that? I think most of you think you will go to the etheric octave, and I trust you will. But if you do not work for it, you may not get to the first rung of the ladder.

Ponder these things. For as Jesus and I have walked and talked together in the hours preceding our discourses, we have looked at these matters. And we have concluded, as Jesus said, that you need a Messenger, you need a Guru and you need to know that the rules of heaven are strict. And if you would get there, you must strictly obey them.

There is very little lenience when you are seeking perfection, and perfection is what an Ascended Master is all about. This being the case, beloved, tidy up those matters that seem so hard to take apart and put together again. Ask your Holy Christ Self to carry on this victory march to your home of light.

Tackle Your Knottiest Problem

As Jesus asked you to meditate, so I also ask you to meditate. And I ask you now to meditate specifically on the knottiest problem in your life that simply doesn’t go away, most probably because you are not letting go of it. What is the knot that you do not get past?  Think about it now. Are you going to take it apart, piece by piece?  Or are you going to take your sword and cut it right through the center?

At the conclusion of this conference, write down what you think is the highest priority on your spiritual path. And in a descending scale, list all priorities beneath it. Make sure that your priorities are valid, are worth the expense of time and money to achieve and will take you where you want to go.    Prioritize them, beloved.

The Remorse of Missed Opportunity

I AM Magda and I tell you that many beautiful souls who have passed from the screen of life are now with me. And I give them training as Jesus so instructs me. Indeed, I have given training to many at inner levels. And I instruct those who have newly entered the etheric octave, those who have come out of the Pentecostal churches, even the Foursquare Gospel church that I founded. And even up to today their burden is so great that they, alas, did not have the Teachings of the Ascended Masters when it counted for much and would have aided them in their ascent to God when the time came.

And we would weep with them, beloved. For by not invoking the violet flame, they missed an opportunity to make their ascension. For the violet flame was offered to them, but it was accepted only by those who became the “I AM” students.

Thus, some became distraught. Some became angry. Some sank into oblivion for a time. For they had believed, as their pastors had told them, that they would make their ascension as long as they walked the path that was shown to them. Yet they were misled. And therefore a very high percentage of these beautiful and wondrous souls must come back again to balance their karma.

We do not send them back without teaching them about the violet flame and the I AM Presence and the experiences of Godfre and Lotus. No, beloved, we send them back equipped, and we even supply them with a road map to be sure they will find someone who has heard of the violet flame and Saint Germain and the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

Now that group of souls is reincarnating. Some return with joy, for they have captured the joy of the violet flame and they have believed in it. Others return as cynics. They come back angry. And they say, “We have been cheated!”  And, of course, those of us who train them urge them to let go of their resentment and to know how glorious is their opportunity to have their victory in this life.

Many souls in the orthodox churches will not make their ascensions and will have to come back, whereas a greater percentage of those from the “I AM” movement will make their ascensions. What does this point to, beloved?  It tells us that when people pass from the screen of life without having invoked the violet flame, they may be looking to reincarnating again to fulfill their reason for being.

Sponsor Souls of Light

We speak, then, of abortion. If there is wholesale abortion and people do not offer themselves to give birth to souls of light, then where and when will these children appear who were denied opportunity when their turn came to reincarnate?

You can see that there is a timetable in every cycle of every century for souls to return to earth. I pray that all of you who are willing and able will consider having children so that you might bring to God those who have just missed making their ascension.

Now enter the secret chamber of your heart. Kneel before your altar. Call on the law of forgiveness. And let these days of the spring equinox be an open door for you to start afresh, to lay out the guidelines of who and what you want to be for this quadrant and the quadrants that will continue until your hour of fulfillment is come.

Daily we pray fervently for you that you might know that the hour of your ascension is nigh. For we have assignments for you that will take you throughout the earth once you have become Ascended Masters.

We seal you now in the love flame of our hearts. Go with God and be at peace.

[21-second standing ovation]


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

The five-day conference Easter Retreat 1997 was held March 26, 1997, through March 30, 1997, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation by Magda printed in this Pearl of Wisdom was given by the Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Sunday, March 30, 1997.

[N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Magda’s direction.]

1. Magda is the twin flame of Jesus, who gave his dictation immediately preceding Magda’s dictation. During Jesus’ Galilean ministry, Magda was incarnated as Mary Magdalene.

2. Magda incarnated as Aimee Semple McPherson (1890-1944). She enthusiastically preached Jesus’ message of healing and salvation worldwide. Thousands flocked to her revival meetings where they were caught up in the rapture of her soaring devotion to her Lord. Read more about Aimee in: Aimee Semple McPherson, This Is That (Los Angeles: Echo Park Evangelistic Association, Inc., 1923); Daniel Mark Epstein, Sister Aimee (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993).

3. Luke 12:32.

4. Rev. 6:11; 7:9.