Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 40 No. 28 - The Angel Who Rolled Away the Stone - July 13, 1997


Easter Retreat 1997


Roll Away the Boulders of Pride!


Yes! I AM the Angel Who Rolled Away the Stone!

Would you have me roll back your stones of stumbling, your boulders of pride, your mountains of fear and doubt?

If the answer is yes, then call to me!  For I am the roller of the stones that prevent the children of the Light and the sons and daughters of God from going straight to the mark of Sirius, to the Great Central Sun and to the sun of Helios and Vesta. [15-second standing ovation]

Think now, as I speak to you, where have you erected boulders that you can no longer roll away because they have become so great? Is it not so, that an angel must rescue even the Lord by rolling the stone away? This is the meaning of the incomparable service of the angelic hosts of light. We move--indeed, we move, as it is our assignment--to care for the sons and daughters of God who are undergoing the initiations of the Passion of our Lord. <1>

If you would remove 10 percent of your pride, we would multiply the light that you could use to consume the remaining 90 percent of your pride. Understand, beloved, that you must play your part and not sit back and wait for your boulders of pride to remove themselves!

Get help, beloved, while you have it here and now in King Arthur’s Court! For that is why the angels are here in numberless numbers, even as seraphim, as cherubim, as angels who serve on the seven rays assemble from many planetary homes and from across the galaxies. It is, as it were, almost impossible to number them.

That is why they always ask, “How many angels can fit on the head of a pin?” The answer is that an infinite number can. Nobody knows, beloved, for it is an infinite number. Yet the single dot that becomes an infinite number reveals that angels are spiritual beings who tend to ascend to exalted realms unless they are pulled down to earth to deal with difficult situations on earth.

Therefore, beloved, when you are in the physical body, you must deal with the physical body, even as Jesus had to deal with his body. And in order for him to deal with the agony of his physical body, it was incumbent upon me to roll away the stone.

Down through the ages you have played many roles, some important, some not. Some have walked under the mantle of the priesthood of Atlantis or Lemuria, some have had the rare experience of walking with the Ancient of Days in the Far East.

There have been times, beloved, when you played the role of the boy who held his finger in the dike and saved a nation. Only you were there to seal that hole and save your country. Many of you have experienced similar episodes. And because many of you are angels, you take for granted the service you render. Of course you take it for granted, for this is your perpetual service.

The Violet Flame Can Move Your Boulders

And so, beloved, as we gather this day, we ask you to inscribe in your notebook a reminder to look at the boulders around you and say to yourself: “Now, what am I going to do with these boulders?  I cannot move them. Jesus needed help to move his boulders. Who will help me to move mine?”

Well, smart ones of Saint Germain will say: “We have the violet flame!  We have the alchemy of violet-flame transmutation whereby we may consume our boulders of pride. We can move those boulders, as Merlin did at Stonehenge centuries ago!”

He moved the boulders, beloved, as he saw fit. Whether he levitated them, whether he himself levitated, he was and is the Magician par excellence. Therefore, call to Saint Germain that you too might achieve mastery through his eye magic. Yes, call to Saint Germain to remove anything and everything in your life that is stopping you from serving the Great White Brotherhood.

Get out and exercise and strengthen those muscles, even as you enter the fray!  If you exercise daily, beloved, you will create a whiteness in your aura that you may not visibly or tangibly see or feel, but it will be there. And at a certain level of your being, as you touch the hem of your garment of light, you will know that purification is taking place and that it will continue to take place until your ascension as long as you exercise the four lower bodies and the chakras. By and by you will come to those places where there is such a bright whiteness through the purging of the not-self that you will automatically receive blessings of gentle purifying rain descending from the levels of seraphic bands.

Powerful Be-Attitudes for God

Beloved, this is the moment for you to remember the positives and the negatives that you have carried in your right and left kidneys (and other organs) but that you have overlooked lifetime after lifetime. You have incorporated these conditions and they will not go away until you thoroughly purge your four lower bodies. Many of you have never changed your attitudes about health and disease and right living. Yet these ought to have been changed long ago, even embodiments ago, into powerful be-attitudes for God. You have not changed them but have preferred instead to just loll along, content to be as you were a couple of thousand years ago, when you were not much more effective on the world scene than you are today.

Think of these things in the reality of today, in the concrete, so that when you go back to your hometowns and you walk the streets, you can say:

What have I given to Saint Germain? What have I received from Saint Germain? What will I dispose of because it is no longer a part of me?

Above all, I must pursue Saint Germain’s Studies in Alchemy. For this boulder is going, and it is going to go today!  And when it goes, I will step forth from my tomb. I will vanquish the clutches of Death and Hell. I will become the son, the daughter of God. For I have found the key to immortal life and I will no longer allow the boulders of pride to stop me.

For I am the immortal, living son of God, daughter of God!  I am walking right through that boulder!  I am cleaving that boulder asunder! I divide the way and I move on.

And I am moving on to the Great Central Sun, and I will not stop until I get there!  And when I get there, I will salute Alpha and Omega. Then I will salute Helios and Vesta in the sun of this system. And I will walk all the way back to planet earth. And I will say: “Here I am, planet earth!  Here I am!  I am going to turn you around until you are right side up and all the people of light will take dominion over the earth!”

 Will you do it?  [”Yes!”  20-second standing ovation]

This has been my way of introducing to you Serapis Bey at this altar, beloved. Will you not bow to him in the fullness of your heart’s love for his very special discipline that has brought you to this place of self-conquering.



“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

The five-day conference Easter Retreat 1997 was held March 26, 1997, through March 30, 1997, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation by The Angel Who Rolled Away the Stone printed in this Pearl of Wisdom was given by the Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Friday, March 28, 1997. The Angel Who Rolled Away the Stone’s dictation along with the dictations from Astrea and Purity and from Legions of Justinius and Seraphic Bands and from Serapis Bey and from Archangel Gabriel and Hope are available on audiocassette B97062P (1 hr. 32 min., $7.50 plus $2.75 postage and handling).

[N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under the direction of The Angel Who Rolled Away the Stone.]

1. The initiations of the Passion of Our Lord. During the Passion week, Jesus submitted to the initiation of the dark night of the soul in the garden of Gethsemane. He proved his humility at the last supper when he washed his disciples’ feet, and in so doing he took on a percentage of their karma. He served communion to his disciples at the last supper. He submitted to the crucifixion, and thereby he took upon himself the sins of the world. He descended into hell where he preached to the fallen angels. In his Dark Night of the Spirit he exclaimed, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” as he died on the cross. He entered into the resurrection.

   Angel who roll thestone