Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 40 No. 20 - Beloved Cyclopea - May 18, 1997


Easter Retreat 1997


The Beacon of the All-Seeing Eye of God Be with You!

Part 2


Think of a deed you have done for another that required going the extra mile. Perhaps it was inconvenient, something you would have rather not had to do at the time. Think, beloved, of how you did that deed unselfishly, without even a thought. You did it, perhaps, to bear another’s burden. You did it not only for the sake of balancing karma but also for the sake of blessing all life. Or you may have even done it not knowing you would receive a heavenly reward that would far exceed your earthly service--even a glimpse of the beautiful face of your Holy Christ Self shining down upon you, projecting those glorious rays of yellow, pink, blue and white.

Beloved hearts, not one among you has a legitimate cause to be lonely. For ever since you placed your feet on planet earth for the first time, you have been overshadowed by the World Teachers. They have been your Mentors since you stepped forth from the Great Central Sun and placed your feet on planet earth.

Scientists Cannot Clone a Threefold Flame

The Fifth Ray is the ray of precipitation. It embraces the fields of science, technology, the computer revolution and life that begets life unending. It is the chlorophyll green that sustains all life, even as it is the necessary ingredient for the existence of all life, from the amoeba to space-age man.

And so, now we address the matter of cloning. Cloning is the means whereby science has learned to create man-made robots. But cloning can never create a threefold flame. Only God can create a threefold flame. And God is the threefold flame that pulsates on the altar of your heart. If cloning ever becomes commonplace, and cloning is becoming commonplace, the face of the world could change overnight.

This fiddling with life that is sacred is being conducted in laboratories worldwide. In March 1997, a Scottish research team announced the successful cloning of a sheep. And now the world is abuzz, wondering how long it will take for humans to follow the sheep. Yet all people would do well to ponder Time’s headline “Can Souls Be Xeroxed?” <1>

While the obvious answer is a resounding no! other questions are giving pause even to some observers who are already on the moral high ground. For instance, they ask, “Why not create a clone from a person with leukemia to provide the bone marrow desperately needed for a cure?” Or “Why not clone super-smart physicists, talented medical innovators or Nobel laureates to enrich the raw materials available for ‘improving’ mankind?” “Why not create a replacement for a dying, dearly loved child?” “Why not give infertile couples a chance at ‘parenthood’?”

And some people would use cloning for less salutary pursuits: the egotist who would perpetuate his pride beyond the grave or the ruthless dictator who wants to ensure that his successor doesn’t turn out to be a wimp. However, even from the human standpoint, that such clones will reproduce the desired qualities is mere wishful thinking. For environmental and other social factors play a major role in shaping a human life. An Einsteinian clone baby could easily degenerate into a demented dud.

Be it known here and now: all arguments that justify cloning are gross equivocation that cannot stand in the flame of living Truth. The cloning we see resurfacing is the abomination of Atlantean desolation, revisiting that fallen continent’s rebellion upon the godly of today.

You, Above All, Have No Need for Cloning!

Cloning is a dangerous practice no matter who does it. But you, the lightbearers, have no need of it, for the patterns in the heavens are reflected in the patterns of your four lower bodies. You are on ascension’s highway to reunion with God, and you are taking with you all of the glory of your personal Christhood that you have stored in your Causal Body. The apostle Paul said:


      And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

      Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

      The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.

      As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.

      And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

      Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

      Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

      In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

      For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

      So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

I Cor. 15:45-54

No matter how humanly helpful it may seem to be, this trend must be checked. So wherever the discussion of cloning arises, remind those present that the clone of an individual, if indeed one is ever created, can never replicate the God who dwells in the heart of his highest creation: man.

Beloved Keepers of the Flame, before you take your leave of this planetary home, I require that you check out the issue of cloning. For it is necessary that you warn your progeny about cloning so that they will not condone it. For many who come after you, who will be the contemporaries of your great, great grandchildren, may not understand the difference between a clone and a son or daughter of God endowed with a threefold flame.

It is stupendous to think of all the momentums that a son of God must master on the path that leads to his ascension. Think of the great strides you will have made by the time you are ready to attain union with God in the ritual of your ascension. Then some scientist comes along and convinces you of the advantages of cloning. And so you look at yourself and your body parts and you say to yourself, “Well, what part of me are they going to take?  What part indeed?”

The Fiery Ovoid God Gave Us in the Beginning

 Establishes Our God-Reality

Beware, beloved, for as remnants of Atlantean experiments, human clones already exist and they perpetuate themselves as soulless ones. Often they remove themselves from real people, that is, those who have a threefold flame, preferring to move among the godless. Reptilian in nature, they hobnob with the superrich, and take up with the high and the mighty.

Thus, generations of clones move with an insatiable desire to live forever, as hollowed out gods. They seek eternal death until they are consumed by it, while their perceptions of divine reality are mere maya.

Clones are the enemies of God and his immortal creation. Clones say: “We don’t need you. We have all the necessary parts. We will go out and do what we will do with you. We will manipulate souls. We will torment and destroy them. And, yes, we will destroy this civilization, when and if we please.”

Indeed, let us consider what we will bequeath to our sons and daughters in an age when they will surely encounter clones who will parade before them their maya, glamour and karma. Better we expose the stench of the astral plane and cast it into the lake of sacred fire than allow such foul vibrations to permeate the planet.

Yes, better that we teach our children today of the ancient Watchers and the Nephilim who yet walk the earth “seeking whom they may devour.” <2> Do not leave them as fair game to the fallen angels, who will surely sacrifice them to the God of Moloch. <3> But do give fierce calls on behalf of all children that they might triumph over evil and consume the very fires of hell. Moreover, apply the science of the spoken Word by giving fiery implorations to God that the godless be taken to planets where they can be quarantined as they wait in line for their judgment to descend.

Therefore, to that end we accept the eternal life that God, Elohim, gave us in the Beginning. We affirm that we are created male and female out of the womb of the Cosmic Virgin. Therefore, it is our premise that the fiery ovoid God gave us establishes our God-Reality, including all of our spiritual faculties and the rings upon rings upon rings of our Causal Bodies.

You who knew I AM THAT I AM before you descended into matter now know that you made the horrendous mistake of following the lead of the fallen angels. For some of you snuffed out that flame and some of you got it back through tremendous effort and hardship. But there is one thing for certain: you have not lost the awareness that you are sons and daughters of God and that you are not clones!”  [7-second applause]

You Have the Opportunity to Re-create Yourself Every Day

Let the evildoers parade their evil deeds before you. Let their pride be exposed; for their pride, as has been said, goeth before their fall. <4> Yes, let them show themselves, “For by their words they shall be justified and by their words they shall be condemned.” <5> Let them be brought to judgment before the Court of the Sacred Fire by the power of the Word spoken by the saints and by the tremendous energy that you can invoke in the name of God, Elohim. Yes, let them be exposed!  Let them carry out one more decree of darkness and let them see their entire house of cards crumble before them. For the end of their Atlantean chicanery is come and their time is truly up. You have only to make the call to the Great Central Sun and the misqualified energy of Darkness shall be turned to Light. Let them come to the fore and let them be counted. Let them be seen for what they are--phonies! And let all lightbearers remember to make their move when the fallen angels are the most vulnerable.

Yes, you can do this! You can do it because God lives in you, because Jesus Christ lives in you, because you are real in God and there is none other quite like you. And thus you have the opportunity to be satisfied with who and what you are and to transcend yourself day by day. For you have the opportunity and the ability through Alpha and Omega to re-create yourself in the image and likeness of your Creator every single day of your life.

This factor alone is why planet earth is the most important planet going right now, for planet earth has more lightbearers in or out of incarnation ready to make their ascension than many other systems of worlds. Indeed, earth is a proving ground for graduates who are determined to fly solo back to the great Great Central Sun.

Will You Take This Opportunity to Make Your Ascension?

Beloved ones, let what I tell you be known to you in the innermost recesses of your heart of hearts: it is that you can make your ascension from Maitreya’s Mountain. Yes! And you can do it from this place and from this planet. The Lord God beckons and you must give answer to him: Will you or will you not take this opportunity to make your ascension?

We bid you work toward that goal, for we know many things, things that you do not know. And if you did know them, you would be on fire for God as never before. There is a time and a ripe time to say, “I’m throwing away all my garbage, all my stuff, and I am mounting Olympus that I might arrive at the throne of the one true God--yes, the God of very gods.”

I, Cyclopea, say to you with Saint Germain: “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all of the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.” <6>

Keepers of the Flame: Take the tide at its flood, then have your victory and no one shall steal it from you. I promise you!

With the love of my heart, I seal you in the single-eyed vision of Cyclopea!  [22-second standing ovation]



“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

The five-day conference Easter Retreat 1997 was held March 26, 1997, through March 30, 1997, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation by Elohim Cyclopea printed in this Pearl of Wisdom was given by the Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Wednesday, March 26, 1997. Cyclopea’s dictation along with the dictations from Lanello and K-17 and from Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary are available on audiocassette B97060P (1 hr. 17 min., $7.50 plus $2.75 postage and handling).

[N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Cyclopea’s direction.]

1. Robert Wright, Time, March 10, 1997, 73.

2. I Pet. 5:8.

3. Moloch. Ancient Semitic deity to whom children were offered as a propitiatory sacrifice by their parents (see Lev. 18:21; 20:2-5; II Kings 23:10; Jer. 32:35; Amos 5:26; Acts 7:43); a tyrannical power propitiated by human subservience.

4. Prov. 16:18.

5. Matt. 12:37.

6. William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, 4.3.217-20.