Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 40 No. 12 - Beloved Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary - March 23, 1997


The Messenger Stumps South America


The Seven Archangels Sponsor Healing
in the Aquarian Age

Saint Germain Sends His Messenger and the Seven Archangels
to South America to Inaugurate the Aquarian Age on Earth

Part 1


Ho! I AM Raphael Archangel. I come to heal you. I come to heal the mind and the heart. I come to heal the sorrow of a mother’s heart for her sons and daughters.

Yes, I AM Raphael and the Blessed Mother of our Lord stands with me on this platform. Some of you may be able to see her. Others may not. But in either case we come to anoint you with our healing light that we may bring you into alignment with the original blueprint of your soul. For out of that blueprint your soul was created in the Beginning in the white fire of God--as it is written, “male and female created he them.”<1>

Let your twin flames unite, which is to say, allow your twin flames to unite as each one accelerates the balancing of his karma. Let there be nothing of strife between you but only love toward one another as our Father-Mother God so loved you in the very moment of your creation.

I would, therefore, prevail upon you that from this day forward you focus on balancing your karma with your twin flame with dispatch. And whether your twin flame is in embodiment on earth or is in the heaven-world, you must make it your business to work on balancing your karma as well as the karma of your twin flame by giving lavishly of your momentum on your violet-flame decrees to your twin flame. And if you are fortunate to have in your twin flame one who has greater spiritual attainment than you have--even one who is a saint in heaven or an Ascended Master--you then have a great boon. For “your better half” is constantly pulling you up that you might attain union with God and your twin flame in this life.

We Come for the Healing of Hearts

We come, then, for the healing of hearts and for the healing of the brokenhearted and those who are bowed down and cannot raise themselves up. We come for the many who are crisscrossing the globe, for whom no one cares. They are without food or water or medicine. And worst of all they are without hope. For almost no one cares for them.

Will you turn your backs on them and say, “Well, it must be their karma,” and harden your hearts toward them? Or will you offer prayers and invocations in their behalf as well as providing sustenance and medicine? There is much you can do for these displaced persons even from your armchair. For you can send tangibles and staples and you can send the light of healing by invoking the healing thoughtform and visualizing its spheres of white, blue and green, revitalizing the body, mind and soul of  millions with your love. Likewise, you may join forces with those who are dedicated to helping the children of the world.

When You Are Ready to Be God-Taught,
 Call Upon Us and We Will Answer!

We, then, are the Archangels and legions of light of whom you have heard tell!  We stand before you and we salute you that you might have a glimpse of how ancient the Archangels truly are. When you were born, we held you in our arms and presented you to your Father-Mother God in the Great Central Sun. We succored you. We moved with you wherever you went, just as a father or mother on earth would care for their child.

At other times, though we tried to help you, you pulled against us, “kicking against the pricks” as did Saul of Tarsus before he embraced the Lord. <2> In those days we surrendered you to your free will and your experimentations with life, knowing well that in your stubbornness you would make karma and ultimately be subjected to the karmas of the centuries.

Many times we removed ourselves from the circle of oneness we shared with you so that you might experiment with the opportunity our Father-Mother God has given you, and we have said, “When you are ready to be God-taught, when you are ready to be instruments of healing, call upon us and we will answer. For we are ready to teach you--yes, we are ready now and each hour of the day.”

How to Serve with Archangel Raphael during Soul Travel

Now I will tell you a sure way to make contact with me. Before you go to sleep tonight, or any night, write a simple note to me requesting that you might serve with my legions of the Fifth Ray and learn their healing techniques. Practitioners of the healing arts may also receive training in our retreat. But they must come up to standard by giving much violet flame decrees ere they earn their stripes in this field.

On rare occasions we have chosen to honor one among you, such as Marie Curie (discovered radium and organized radiological service for hospitals), Louis Pasteur (discovered the cause of anthrax), Sir Alexander Fleming (discovered and developed penicillin), Jonas Salk (developed the polio vaccine), Walter Reed (showed how to eradicate yellow fever) and Charles Herbert Best (discovered insulin) by giving that one the cure for one or more of humanity’s dread diseases for which there was no cure. When one such scientist is so honored in the inner retreats, that one must bring down from his Causal Body the formula for the dispensation given to him that it might bless all humanity.

Thus, the work of one great pioneer brings blessings to millions of souls. The precipitation of this boon depends, in part, upon the many and the few who are willing to render sacrificial service to life by diligently balancing their karma day by day.

Make Known the Healing Power of the Archangels

Thus, we the Archangel and Archeia of the Fifth Ray summon you to purify your third eye. This will enhance the transmutation of many layers of misuses of the Fifth Ray such as impure seeing of others or having a jaded view of life, or even using the “evil eye.” This includes the hideous practice of criticism, condemnation and judgment of others--a sure way to pile up karma and never get off the wheel of rebirth.

As devotees of Saint Germain accelerate the transmutation of their karma through the fiery action of the violet flame, once again the healing abilities of the Archangels may be made known to the world. And through stalwart souls of the Fourth Ray, the Lords of Karma may give you cures for serious diseases that have not been released simply because mankind have not learned how to balance their karma by applying the scrubbing action of the white fire of the white ray as well as the violet flame to mankind’s problems, small and great.

And so we say, “Is anything too hard for the Lord? For Saint Germain? For the angels of the Violet Flame?” Our answer rings clear! No! Nothing is too hard for the Lord and his servant-sons and -daughters, for Saint Germain or for the angels of the violet flame. Therefore enter in, beloved, and know that there is a way to victory and that you can most certainly have that victory.

Oneness with Kindred Souls Can Make All the Difference

I urge you to study under the disciples of the Ascended Masters here in Ecuador, for they will further impart to you the foundations of our teachings as delivered to you by our Messenger this evening. My beloved friends, you have not only received a teaching, but you have been bathed in the Holy Spirit. And the light of your Lord and Saviour has descended upon you.

Thus, as you kneel at your bedside this night, pray that you make contact with the angels. For you should awaken in the morning with a far greater sense of just how much the angels truly care for you hour by hour, day by day. Yes, we attend you and we await your calls to us that we might answer your prayers and unite you with your beloved twin flame at inner levels.

In addition we will bring you to the place where you become reacquainted with those souls who are a part of your soul evolution, whose unity we strengthen as you band together. Truly, such oneness in the Lord Christ, such oneness with kindred souls, can make all the difference for this nation and the world.

Your attendance at this monumental event this evening can be an about-face for many of you. It can be the turning point whereby you enter the highway of our God and you permanently reject the low road of human sensuality which ultimately leads to the death of the body and even the death of the soul.

The Gates of Heaven Are Open

For you who have been looking for the teachings of the Ascended Masters for centuries, we open the gates of heaven through which many saints shall enter the age of Aquarius. Yes, beloved, these are the days when the portals of heaven (the etheric octave) are opened to those who while yet on earth would go to the retreats of the heaven-world, who would study in the universities of the Spirit “by night” and then return to their responsibilities on earth “by day,” carrying with them the higher knowledge they have garnered in their souls.

This can happen to you, beloved. There are many testimonies on file in the Messenger’s office regarding those who have remembered what they brought back from the temples of learning in the heaven-world. Aspire to this! For one day you shall aspire and you shall attain.

Beloved ones, recognize that you have been living in a lowly  estate of consciousness for thousands of years and that now the Lords of Karma and your mentors of the Spirit have said: “We open the gates. We welcome you. Come and study in our retreats. Then go back to your nations and bring this information to your people. Bring the understanding of healing. Bring the understanding of God-government and the balancing of the economies of the nations.”

Saint Germain Sponsors Your Efforts to Attain Union with God

Yes, beloved, Aquarius is an age when many souls can achieve union with God through the ritual of the ascension. This has not necessarily been the case in past dispensations handed down by the Karmic Board. For you have not always had the sponsorship of Saint Germain as you do today. And the great majority have found it absolutely impossible to attain union with God without his support.

Tonight our beloved Master, who for centuries has made untold sacrifices to bring in the golden age of Aquarius, stands before you that he might personally transfer to you the gift of the violet flame. Now, therefore, he bids you enter his heart that you might experience the wondrous communion that he keeps with the Mighty I AM Presence of each and every son and daughter of God.

Hasten the Acceleration of Your Chakras

As the days of light may be opened, so the days of light may be closed. And you who know that dark ages may come upon the earth once again--when no Ascended Master will sponsor any but the top 5 percent of the chelas in embodiment--would do well to hasten the acceleration of your chakras and your four lower bodies so that when you are called by God to take your ascension, you will be prepared.

to be continued