Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 40 No. 7 - Beloved Archangel Uriel and Aurora - February 16, 1997


The Messenger Stumps South America


Command Ye Me to Bind the Fallen Angels!

Saint Germain Sends His Messenger and the Seven Archangels
to South America to Inaugurate the Aquarian Age on Earth

Part 1


So, I AM Uriel Archangel! And who are you? In case you do not know, I declare unto you that you are the issue of Alpha and Omega, sons and daughters of the Most High! Therefore, I, Uriel, salute you in the flame of cosmic peace. My legions gather in your name not only over this city but over the entire continent.

So, beloved, receive us! For in Saint Germain’s name, we have come for your liberation! [25-second standing ovation]

So you have never seen an Archangel! Well, this night you shall see one. For whether you are in the body or out of the body, I shall show myself to you. So you have never heard the voice of an Archangel! And it is so. But you have heard my words through the Messenger.

Therefore, know, beloved, that there is communication through the agency of the Holy Spirit, between the Messengers we have anointed on earth and those of us who are in the heaven-world. For our God has taken pity on the human race, and therefore he has opened the mouths of his Archangels, his prophets and his messengers that they might comfort his people.

The Spirit of Prophecy Is Yet Abroad in the Land

And so the stalwart have come. Saint Stephen <1> who was stoned to death, Daniel who tamed the lions in their den, <2> and the three Hebrew boys who survived their ordeal in the fiery furnace. <3>These and other holy ones of God, from ancient times to the present, suffered untold persecutions. Even so, the glory of the Lord and the spirit of prophecy is yet abroad in the land!

Therefore my legions of angels who serve you, who are the sons and daughters of God, now bow to the light within you.

Thank you for your standing ovation.

I ask you, then, to be seated.

In this day the great wonder of the hosts of heaven is upon you, even in your very midst. Therefore I show you a marvel. It is the marvel of the brooding ones and of the saints robed in white who gather round the throne of God and of the Lamb. They draw nigh to you. They press in and among you; they even pass through you, for they desire to give you of their light, to raise your consciousness, to balance and purify your chakras and to lift up your four lower bodies.

An Age of Opportunity from Saint Germain

Blessed ones, this age of opportunity is sponsored by Saint Germain and his consort, the Lady Master Portia, and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. It is an opportunity that earth’s people have not seen in ten thousand years.

 Why is this so?

It is so because the Ascended Master Saint Germain, who has just concluded his address, has determined to give a percentage of his Causal Body to the top ten percent of the lightbearers of the world.

Meanwhile, the Hierarch of the Aquarian Age is in the process of assembling a host of beings of light who come from far-off worlds and other planetary systems to see what they can do to turn around what could be an age of total darkness.

Yes, beloved, Saint Germain has knocked on the door of every friend he has in this cosmos. And, believe me, Saint Germain has unlimited numbers of friends, for he is the friend of friends of all ages.

We Will Go All the Way with Saint Germain
Challenge the Fallen Angels in My Name!

You may ask, and I will tell you, what is the work of Archangel Uriel and the seven Archangels with me. And I will tell you. Our work is to teach you, to raise your consciousness, to expose the aliens that have come from other systems of worlds to corrupt the diverse peoples of earth.

Well, my friends, I know that you have the determination, that you have the gumption, and that you have the will to say to these aliens:

“Thus far and no farther! In the name Jesus Christ, you shall not pass! We take our stand for the protection of the world’s children. We will not allow you to corrupt our children with your drug smuggling, to ruin our cities along with the quality of life and the quality of education.

“No, we will not allow you who are the godless aliens, you who sit at the highest levels of the governments and the economies of the nations to bilk the people of what is lawfully theirs--the abundant life God guaranteed them in the Beginning.” Therefore, let the servants of God keep the trust of the nations.

Yes, beloved, you are a part of those who have said, “We will go all the way with Saint Germain.” And so I, Uriel, have summoned my legions. We are going after the fallen angels who have taken up arms against the servants of God. And these very servants of God must have their day--yes, they must have their victory!

I count you among those who are capable of winning that prize. For today you have touched the hem of Saint Germain’s garment as you have listened intently to the Messenger’s application of his teachings. Yes, beloved, you have touched that hem. Now I urge you to claim his robe, for one day you may be chosen to wear that robe. This will come to pass when in valor you shall have earned that right through meritorious deeds.

Balance Your Daily Package of Karma--and More!

And so, I say, direct your soul to travel to Lake Titicaca while out of the body that she may study in the retreat of the God and Goddess Meru. And when the blessed hierarchs of the retreat invite you to sit at their feet, take advantage of this sacred opportunity to shore up the weak links in your psychology even as you capitalize on your strengths. Thus little by little, compensate for your highs and your lows and concentrate on removing the impediments that you have allowed to stand in your way for centuries.

Now is the hour to balance your karma. It is definitely not the hour to make karma. For the world is heavy with karma, and those who bear heavy karmas are usually burdened to the nth. Many have terminal diseases and the weight of the world is upon them.

Indeed, one never knows when one will be called before the Lords of Karma for a life review, whether midpoint in one’s life, or at its conclusion. Therefore, make the most of each twenty-four-hour cycle. For as you greet the dawn, your guardian angel deposits a package of karma on your doorstep. This package represents your karmic accountability for the day. It contains karmic records of the recent and ancient past that have fallen due.

Your assignment is to balance not only the package of the day but also additional negative karma that you have accumulated over the centuries. The more you take on the serious assignment of balancing the aggregate fifty-one percent of your karma in this life, the lighter will be your burden.

If in addition to this assignment you give violet-flame decrees one hour a day and you earnestly strive to sow good seeds of good karma everywhere you go, you will increase the size of the spheres of your Causal Body and accelerate the patterns of your Christhood.

to be continued


1. Acts 7:54-60.

2. Dan. 6:16-24.

3. Dan. 3.