Pearls of Wisdom

Witness No. 6 - I AM the Witness - 1996

I AM the Witness

Turn Off the TV and Save the World!

Dear Mother,

I would like to bear witness to the power of Jesus wielded through his dictation given Sunday, October 8, 1995 (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 38, no. 38), in which he sternly addressed the Keepers of the Flame about our movie watching habits.

My husband and I were sitting together in the sanctuary of the Detroit Teaching Center listening to this dictation, delivered during the Harvest 1995 conference (our center’s first phone patch conference). At beloved Jesus’ words:  “I, Jesus, state for the record that it is my desire that you not watch motion pictures more than twice a month,” we looked at each other. I immediately knew that we were cut free of a video and TV addiction that had been literally engulfing us the past several months.

I could feel the power of Jesus cut me free, in a way I had never experienced before during a dictation!  I was so relieved, so grateful— words cannot express my emotions in that moment.

In our eight years of marriage we had not watched TV excessively, although any TV time at all could have been put to much better use in decree work. But about a year ago we purchased our first VCR, and soon thereafter we “discovered” the world of the local video rental store. Little by little, we started renting videos. One here, one there. Innocently enough, or so it seemed.

As time went by, we found ourselves renting a video once per week, sometimes even more. The “rent one, get one free” coupons would come in the mail, and we’d get two videos at once. Then we discovered the local library video collection, renting for just $1.00 each, which made it even more attractive. Plus, it seemed like once we started watching videos, this led to watching more TV as well.

There were insidious aspects to this video watching, besides the total wasting of time. We would watch movies at night, get to bed late and not get up for morning decrees. As we browsed the video rental store, we became interested in all the movies we’d missed over all these years and found ourselves with lists of movies we wanted to rent. And worst of all, we began watching movies that were violent, astral and that definitely did not fit the second half of Jesus’ admonishment on movie watching, which was, “It is also my desire that the videotapes you bring into your homes be quality entertainment suitable for family members of all ages.”

We were acutely aware that we were becoming more and more addicted to videos, but it was such a delicious animal magnetism that we were not fighting it. It’s a vicious ploy of the force, because watching videos takes you from your decrees, puts your consciousness in the astral plane and you begin to sink beneath the waves of the astral sea instead of skimming the top of those waves.

In his dictation, Jesus said:

   I should not have to speak to you about what you should be doing with your so-called free time, when the world is in such pain, when innocent children are victims in a useless war and are left maimed and dying for want of medical care and when the diseases of the last plagues are taking the lives of millions daily.

Think about this:  Each time you take in a worldly motion picture, it takes you a minimum of five days to transmute it if you have a good momentum on giving your violet-flame decrees—and much longer if you don’t.

   That really gave me pause. Watching six movies per month, not excessive by worldly standards and definitely within the range of our viewing schedule at that time, meant that thirty days of violet flame each month were being utilized to transmute those movies!  I, for one, want my violet-flame decrees to be used to transmute the karma of my past lives and to save the planet rather than to be wasted cleaning up my movie messes!

Mother, I witness to you that our lives have been totally turned around since this dictation was delivered. We’ve watched very few movies in the months since we heard it. The TV is only turned on in our house now for news and an occasional National Geographic program. Best of all, my desire to watch movies and TV is nearly 100 percent gone!  I can hardly believe it—it’s like a miracle!

Previously, watching movies was a treat I anticipated. Now I use my evenings for decrees and projects and look forward to fitting in those decrees I just couldn’t get to during the day. At FREEDOM 1995, El Morya told us that our formula for victory is to be sure that each day we have at least one more victory than we have defeats. Often I feel my evening decree session has secured the final victory to tip the scale for that day.

My overall path of chelaship is benefiting in a way that is exciting to behold. It’s as if the set of my sail has been completely altered. I’ve started new projects, I’m giving more decrees daily and I’m feeling much closer to God and to my Holy Christ Self. At night, I retire with a ritual consciousness, set by a forcefield of decrees and prayers, instead of sullied by movies. I’m getting up earlier, giving my morning decrees and striving each day to fulfill my complete decree matrix. I’m finding it easier to hold my harmony and am making progress in areas of my personal psychology that have been blocking my progress for years.

So much has changed, and I know it’s a direct result of Jesus’ dictation, of being cut free from this video addiction. The Masters have repeatedly told us to extricate ourselves from the astral plane, to not let even one toe remain there. And Jesus reminded us of this in his dictation:  “I tell you, no one who keeps one foot in the astral plane will make his ascension in this life unless he determines to engage in a fierce battle against the entities of his addictions.”

I feel that beloved Jesus came to me through his magnificent dictation and pulled me out of the astral plane, by God’s great grace and mercy.

I am so grateful to beloved Jesus, and to you, Mother, as the instrument through which he delivered this powerful healing light which cut me free. I pray that many Keepers of the Flame will take to heart this message of our Lord and Saviour, turn off the TV and VCR and become the Christ for the saving of the world.

In the love of Jesus,


TV-Free America


The Second Annual


April 24-30, 1996

During the last week in April 1996, thousands of families, schools, libraries and community organizations will join together in a coordinated effort in which millions of individuals will leave their TV sets off for seven days. In exchange, participants in the second annual National TV-Turnoff Week will engage in a broad range of substitute activities that foster greater social, physical, academic and creative development.

The average American watches more than four hours of TV each day. At this rate, by age 65 that person will have spent nine years of their life watching television. Upon graduation from high school, the average American child will have spent more time watching TV than in school.

The huge success of the 1995 TV-Turnoff (more than one million people participated) demonstrated that a solid one-week recess from TV helps establish conditions that allow for more family interaction, reading, volunteering, exercising, enjoyment of nature, playing of sports, taking part in community affairs, thinking, creating and doing!

To learn how to organize a local Turnoff in your school, library or community, contact:

TV-Free America
1322 18th Street N.W., Suite 300
Washington, D.C. 20036
telephone:  202-887-0436
fax:  202-887-0438

TVFA will help get you started and, for a $5 donation, send you an “Organizer’s Kit” that includes a guidebook, poster, bumper stickers, pledge cards and an information packet.

Reprinted from an announcement distributed by TV-Free America.

TV-Free America is a national nonprofit organization that encourages Americans to reduce, voluntarily and dramatically, the amount of television they watch in order to promote richer, healthier and more connected lives, families and communities. TVFA is nonpartisan, nonsectarian and supported by both its membership and foundation grants.

A temporary TV-Turnoff is a fun opportunity for schools and households to promote a voluntary break from the medium that most often interferes with reading, family interaction, creative development, academic growth and healthy physical activity.

The U.S. Department of Education also advocates a reduction in television watching by children. Education Secretary Richard Riley has stated that “the teenager who is perpetually glued to the tube is well on the way to having a very dull mind—and perhaps risky future.”

Already, thousands of schools and community groups are preparing for a week without TV. To reach our goal of 20,000 local Turnoffs in schools, libraries, congregations and neighborhoods nationwide, your assistance organizing a Turnoff in your community is essential.

It’s not hard to do and doesn’t require a great deal of time. Simply speak with a parent, PTA member, teacher, school administrator or librarian you know and encourage them to join this important event. We’ll send posters and supporting materials upon request. If you’d like to support TV-Free America’s other programs and receive regular updates about our activities, please become a member—we need your help!

Consider these statistics:

  • Number of TV sets in the average U.S. household: 2.24
  • Percentage of Americans that regularly watch television while eating dinner: 66
  • Number of hours of TV watched annually by Americans: 250 billion
  • Value of that time, assuming an average wage of $5 per hour: $1.25 trillion
  • Number of videos rented daily in the U.S.: 6 million
  • Number of public library items checked out daily: 3 million
  • Number of minutes per week that the average working parent spends in meaningful conversation with his or her children: 3.5
  • Number of minutes per week that the average child watches  television: 1,680
  • Percentage of children ages 6-17 who have TVs in their bedrooms:  50
  • Percentage of day care centers that use TV during a typical day: 70
  • Percentage of parents who would like to limit their children’s TV watching: 73
  • Percentage of Americans who believe TV violence helps precipitate real-life mayhem: 79
  • Percentage of ten best-selling toys in 1985 that were tied to TV shows: 100

Reprinted from an announcement distributed by TV-Free America

The Messenger invites you, your family and Teaching Center or Study Group to have your own TV-Turnoff Week whenever it fits best into your schedule.