Pearls of Wisdom

Witness No. 5 - I AM the Witness - 1996

I AM the Witness

Hold On to the Rope

Dear Mother,

I would like to witness to you a series of events that began over twelve years ago that proved to me El Morya’s love and concern for me— and that he is indeed here, caring personally for each of us.

It started back in 1983 when I had an inner retreat experience with El Morya. When I woke up, I remembered being seated in front of El Morya on a thick, plush carpet with other chelas seated nearby. Extending from his hand to my hand was a beautiful golden rope. He was instructing me, saying that whenever I was in need of him I could pull on this golden rope and that he would be there immediately to assist me. I then proceeded to pull on the rope. El Morya very lovingly chided me by saying that just now I did not need his help but that he wanted me to know just how close and accessible he was to me.

I awoke feeling profound love for El Morya and his presence in my life. However, in the months following this experience I struggled through a difficult period of my life. I gradually slid into states of selfishness and self-concern. I needed a realignment with El Morya’s heart. He provided it in a dictation he gave on June 24, 1984, in the Heart of the Inner Retreat.

During the decree service I had been sitting near the back of the tent. Just preceding the dictation, I was asked by the usher if I would like to sit up front. I agreed and was led to the first seat in the first row.

Right before the dictation, the congregation was singing a song to El Morya. I remembered my rope dream and visualized myself pulling hard on a taut rope stretched between myself and El Morya. A few minutes into his dictation he said, “There is a sense of slack in the rope, as though a little slack will not hurt.”  I was shocked to hear those words, especially in light of my visualization of a tight rope extending from my hand to his.

He then continued his discourse by asking, “When was the last time you listened to my dictation on the Gemini Mind of God?” (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24, no. 43)  I thought to myself, “Why, I read this Pearl of Wisdom often. He isn’t talking to me.”  El Morya continued, “...and its sequel?”  I suddenly felt very humbled because I had no idea there were two dictations on the Gemini Mind.

The entire dictation had a deep impact on me, for I felt like an open book that he was reading from. No thoughts or feelings could be hidden.

A few years later El Morya was scheduled to give a dictation on August 9, 1987 (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30, no. 48). That afternoon preceding the dictation, I told two close friends about my “slack rope” experience back in 1984. They enjoyed hearing my story.

Later that night we were thrilled to hear the end of El Morya’s dictation, for he said:

            Meditate upon the cadences of my mind, for they are a rope that you pick up at the beginning of a tunnel. And you follow the rope, and beyond its cadences and the paces through the tunnel you will reach the secret chamber of my heart. Hold on to the rope. Do not let go of it. My sentences form this strong hemp.

   I was so happy to hear those words, for to me they had a special, personal meaning and were so filled with love and encouragement.

I am so grateful for El Morya’s presence in our Community and lives. Come what may, by God’s grace, I plan to hang on to that rope that leads to his heart.
