Pearls of Wisdom

Witness No. 1 - I AM the Witness - 1996

I AM the Witness

Resentment Blocks the Victory

Beloved Mother,

I am joyous to announce the healing of 90 percent of the asthmatic condition that has plagued me for over thirty years. I experienced gradual healing as the result of my use of the power of the spoken Word and an increasingly better diet.

Still, as of three months ago I was gripped daily and nightly with attacks of asthma which required the use of an inhaler and sometimes a pulmo-aide and medicine. My condition was exacerbated by just about everything. As I once heard you say in one of your videos, it is as if “something within us does not fight and...therefore we are participating in the choice of death rather than the choice of life.”  I was allergic to life.

I am sharing my awareness of this psychological pattern to help not only asthmatics but anyone with chronic conditions because, truly, for those souls my experience brings hope.

The revelation that brought about my healing came while I was watching for the sixth time “The Alchemy of Jesus’ Healing” from your cable TV series The Everlasting Gospel (series 3, program 7). Some old hurts that I thought I had long ago put into the flame surfaced again.

First, I realized that I had held a lot of long-standing resentment toward someone for many years. Second, I had a sense of injustice about the fact that I had made myself over, hoping to please and gain love from this person, but he had refused to appreciate or even notice my efforts.

Third, I had a lot of self-pity because I had tried everything I could possibly think of and nothing seemed to work.  In addition, I saw that I had made this person a god and kept him as a god. If this were not so, I would not have retained the above-mentioned feelings.

I immediately fell to my knees and called on the law of forgiveness for my first-commandment blunder and my substance on the eleven, eight and six o’clock lines of the Cosmic Clock, <*> and I gave about ninety minutes of violet-flame decrees before going to bed.

About two days later, I was thinking it was time to get a refill for my inhaler. That’s when I realized that I hadn’t even used it in two days!  This in itself was dramatic enough, but in the four months since then I have not had an asthma attack.

What’s more, I’ve been exposed to house dust, fall pollens, and chemicals; I’ve choked on food, laughed with abandon and even gone for walks—all with no problem. In short, I am like a normal person, free to breathe the breath of life again. When the cold weather came, I caught a cold and had bronchitis, but I still didn’t have asthma attacks. This is truly a miracle.

No words can express my gratitude for the teaching on the Cosmic Clock and the great gift of the violet flame. I now have firsthand knowledge that resentment blocks the victory; that a sense of injustice is the reactive pattern that blocks the calm observation that, as the beloved Goddess of Justice has taught us, “In reality, there is no injustice anywhere in the universe”; and, clearly, that self-pity robs one of the harmony necessary for wholeness.

I continue to search the past with Kuthumi, the Master Psychologist, to find other relationships in my life which have followed the previous pattern so that, by God’s grace, I can release every last bit of this substance into the violet flame.

My feeling is that those who, because of fear or ignorance, neglect the opportunity to work on their personal psychology are hurting themselves more than they can ever know. What’s more, they are robbing the planet of themselves at their best—God-free beings whose words will move the mountain of adversity we all face in these times.

My thanks to you and Mark Prophet for making God’s Truth available to the many.


* The science of the Cosmic Clock, taught to the Messenger by Mother Mary, provides the means for charting the cycles of the soul’s karma and initiations on the twelve lines of the Clock. For further study on the Cosmic Clock, see “The Cosmic Clock: Psychology for the Aquarian Man and Woman,” in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 173-206.