Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 39 No. 32 - Beloved Saint Germain - August 11, 1996

The Messenger Stumps South America
Seize the Torch of Aquarius and Run with It!
Saint Germain Sends His Messenger and the Seven Archangels
to South America to Inaugurate the Aquarian Age on Earth
Part 4

You have come from the far reaches of time, ancient time, to enter present and future time. And you have known deep within your soul that I have sealed you unto this hour.

Thus I announce to you on this day of days, March 23, 1996, that your mission is fully upon you. It can wait no longer. And to future readers of my dictation who will grasp the import of my message, I say, may you also capture the day and date when you initially received my call and answered it without a moment’s hesitation.

Your choices are to enter in to the joy of your Lord or to be a bystander who sees his coming but engages not the mystery of the moment of personal empowerment. On the other hand, those who capture the momentum as well as the moment must respond. They cannot turn back nor would they. For with this realization comes the awareness that the chela must yet earn his stripes if he would know and internalize true empowerment.

Ever since time began you have known that you have a mission. Now you are ready to take on that mission and all that it can mean to those who have yet to define and refine their role in it. And by taking on this mission, you will have demonstrated that your love of the Lord Christ, the Blessed Mother and your families and children can expand to include the whole world.

Let this love increase, I say! For your love is as gold in my hand–not as the coin of the realm but as the wealth of the spirit, the wealth of the heart, the wealth of the mind.

Tether Your Soul to the Compassionate Heart

Where shall I go to find those who remember me as Saint Joseph, nurturing the Christ Child and caring for the Blessed Mother? Yes, I was there with Mary and Jesus and I was there with a number of you in the Holy Land.

And as we walked along life’s way, I taught you about the saints who embodied the Compassionate Heart–saints of the Far East such as the one called Lord Maitreya, who was and still is the Guru of our Lord in the lineage of Sanat Kumara. And do you know that to this day Jesus calls him Father? Thus, may you also benefit by addressing Lord Maitreya as Father.

Let each disciple tether his soul to the Compassionate Heart and daily define his mission to be first and foremost centered in that Heart. For the flames of that Heart shall engulf the world, purging the old order and building the new.

But take heed: wherever the Compassionate Heart is not adored, civilization comes to a standstill. And where it is adored, all that is good and beautiful prospers and all positive momentums are multiplied. Thus seek and find within yourself the fount of everlasting compassion and you shall be joined by the spiritual builders who direct the beginning and the ending of civilizations.

Do you see? Where nations do not maintain a universal devotion to the Blessed Mother and to the Saviour, hardness of heart enters in. And unless this hardness of heart be broken, I cannot build anew temples made without hands, structured as chalices to contain civilizations yet unborn.

Therefore, let the tenderness of your hearts increase. Purify the heart and the heart chakra. Expand love! Give love! And see how your love joined with others’ will establish the foundation of the age of Aquarius.

Aquarius is the age of freedom, but it is also the age of love. And that love personified in the people of earth gives us the wherewithal to carry the momentum of this civilization into new heights of attainment beyond their fondest dreams.

My friends, it is up to you. The birth of Aquarius can take but a short time or it can labor long and can languish for want of the people’s fervor in the Holy Spirit. But one thing is certain: when you diligently exercise your dynamic decrees and embrace the living Word, you are linked to a power higher than your own. And that power, which is the all-power of God, will never fail you as long as you are right with God, your Mighty I AM Presence, and right with your fellow man.

You have been hearing the Messenger deliver my teachings and my dictation and you will be hearing the dictations of Archangel Uriel and Holy Justinius this evening. The archives at our headquarters in Montana include reams of transcripts and audio- and videotapes of dictations and teachings that both Messengers have given from 1952 to the present.

The Ascended Masters have delivered thousands of dictations through their Messengers. These dictations hold the keys to the New Age. Therefore, let those who would delve deeply into the mysteries of God ponder the truths that are to be found therein. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten you as you study our teachings.

As many of you know, the Lord Maha Chohan is the representative of the Holy Spirit. You may apply to be tutored by him. And if he finds you worthy, you would do well to accept his disciplines, for he does not take on many chelas in a given cycle.

Your Willingness to Try Counts for Everything

You must quickly come to an understanding of this Path and this Teaching, beloved! For we must defeat the negative astrology that looms as a black cloud over the earth. We must amass thousands of stalwart souls who will run with this vision, who will invoke the violet flame because they understand that it is the violet flame that will sweep through the earth and consume level upon level of mankind’s density in answer to their call.

Know, then, that though you walk in the flesh, you may also walk in the spirit in the heaven-world. Yes, this is possible, beloved, when you perform rituals for the purification of your four lower bodies and your chakras and keep the disciplines of the violet flame.

I say, try me, beloved. Try me. Trying is an element of alchemy, and your willingness to try counts for everything. Test me. Assess the principles I have taught you in “Studies in Alchemy” <1>and see how you can make them work for you.

See how you can use the principles of alchemy to elevate your consciousness and the consciousness of your family. See how you can use these principles to raise the vibrations of your home, your neighborhood, your city, your nation and your entire world.

Soon you will come to the place where, by the sheer momentum and weight of your service, you will have wrought planetary change, buttressed by thousands upon thousands of others who, in my name, do not fear to take on the ills of the world and heal them! Yes, I said heal them!

This is the challenge I hurl to you! And if you do not take up the gauntlet, someone else will–and that someone may be a black knight. And then you will have to deal with the black knight on his terms. And because you hesitated, you may no longer have a choice. For if you fail to define your territory, the black knights will define it for themselves.

The potential for global war is still very much present. And the potential for global cataclysm is still very much present. Therefore I have sent my Messenger to you in person, and I am gratified that you have so graciously received her. For in receiving her, you have received me and many of the saints who hover near during our presentations.

Thus, I say to you, my compatriots, run with the Teachings! Run with the violet flame! Run with the legions of Saint Michael the Archangel! Run with the legions of the Seven Archangels! And know that I AM Saint Germain, near as heartbeat and always responsive to your call.

I bid you adieu.

I am with you always,

Your Saint Joseph. - [22-second standing ovation]

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

On a 33-day stumping tour of South America, the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, delivered a dictation by Saint Germain and one of the Seven Archangels in each of the seven cities she and the Stump team visited: Buenos Aires, Argentina; Pôrto Alegre, Santos and São Paulo, Brazil; Bogotá and Medellín, Colombia; and Quito, Ecuador. The dictation by Saint Germain printed in this Pearl of Wisdom was given on Saturday, March 23, 1996, at the University of Medellín in Medellín, Colombia. Before the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lectures “Saint Germain’s Prophecy for the Aquarian Age” (see pp. 27-38, this volume) and “How Angels Help You to Effect Personal and Planetary Change.” Following Saint Germain’s dictation, the Messenger delivered dictations by Archangel Uriel and Holy Justinius. [N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Saint Germain’s direction.]

1. See “Studies in Alchemy,” Book 1 in Saint Germain On Alchemy.