Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 39 No. 14 - Beloved Saint Germain - April 7, 1996

The Messenger Stumps South America
Preparing for the Seventh Root Race
and the Golden Age

Saint Germain Sends His Messenger and the Seven Archangels
to South America to Inaugurate the Aquarian Age on Earth

Part 3

Once you have enlisted the aid of the Seven Chohans–who will never fail you, beloved, unless you fail them–let your desiring be to fulfill God’s divine plan under my direction. For God has ordained me Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius and given me the assignment to do all in my power to make the coming age a golden age.

In order for me to accomplish this great task, I must enlist the aid of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, including, and most especially, dedicated servants of God and country who will pledge to me “their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor.” <1>

My beloved friends, old and new, I ask of you nothing less than to be myself in action here on earth–yes, not only to be my hands and feet but to be my purple fiery heart twenty-four hours a day, waking and sleeping.

The Darjeeling Council has asked me, “Saint Germain, who will go to the nations for us?”  And my answer to them will depend on your response to my plea. For I cannot speak in your behalf. Only you can speak in your behalf.

Therefore I commend you to the path of the patriots of the centuries who have stood apart from the rank and file because they could see the end from the beginning. They knew what they must do to hold together their civilizations, and they did not shirk their responsibilities.

Patriots of all nations, hear me!  If we succeed in multiplying our numbers here in South America and throughout the nations–and that with the help of the Seven Archangels and their legions–I tell you, there will be a golden age of Aquarius and you shall live to see its dawn!

A Rare Dispensation:  Saint Germain Almost Physical

 You are the foundation stones, beloved. You look neither to the right nor to the left, for you know that only you, the individual, one by one, can have the victory. Others cannot have your victory and you cannot have theirs. When it comes to winning the victory, the soul must fly solo.

Remember Charles Lindbergh and the Spirit of St. Louis!  Remember his solo (soul) flight from New York to Paris. Exhausted after two days and nights without sleep, Lindbergh temporarily left his body. During this interval, his soul, one with his Higher Self, continued piloting the plane across the Atlantic. <2>

You are the spiritual devotees who desire attunement with your Higher Self–today, tomorrow and forever. You have left the beaten path of organized religion and launched out on your own. And yes, you are the ones who have known me down the corridors of the centuries.

You have recognized me in many guises as our paths have crisscrossed lifetime after lifetime. Some of you have found me by “coincidence” as you pored over ancient texts, not knowing what or whom you were looking for, but knowing you were looking for something–or someone.

Others know me through the Rosicrucians, the Rosicrosse Literary Society, the Freemasons, Theosophy or the I AM Movement. Some know me through the story of my life as Francis Bacon, which I embedded in cipher in the Shakespearean plays. For I, as Francis Bacon, was the true author of those plays.

Well, beloved, it really doesn’t matter who I was. What counts is that I AM Saint Germain and I AM here!  And in this moment I occupy the flesh and blood body of my Messenger. And, try as you may, you will not experience me, for some time to come, as tangibly as you now do. For such dispensations are rare.

But at this moment you may drink in the special concentration of the violet light that I pour into her aura and know that one day you, too, may qualify for such a blessing. And it shall come about because you dedicate your life’s calling to the Seventh-Ray Masters and to the violet flame, as the Messenger has done these thirty-five years.

Command the Archangels and Their Legions
   to Right the Wrongs of Society

And you shall come to know the Archangels!  And not only shall you know them but you shall command them according to the will of God. And they shall obey you, for it is written:

“Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world?  And if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?  Know ye not that we shall judge angels?” <3>

Indeed, in the name of God and his Son Jesus Christ, you are empowered to command the Archangels and the numberless numbers of their legions of light to right the wrongs of society. And, once and for all, you shall know that you have the wherewithal to fulfill the injunction of our Lord to “heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils.”  As Jesus said, “Freely ye have received, freely give.” <4>

Yes, you can bring the poor, the hungry, the homeless and the disenfranchised into the glory of God through the mighty works of his Archangels as you call to them each day. And then you will behold what God and his angels can accomplish when a people who have freely received pull together to freely give of their substance to the less fortunate.

Establish a Foundation for the Homeless

I tell you, until you lift the burdens that are upon the homeless children who have nowhere to go–who have no mothers or fathers or caregivers, who go for days without food, sniffing glue to appease their gnawing hunger–you will bear the karma of gross neglect, for which you will pay dearly in this life and the next.

And therefore, to save your own souls as well as the souls of the homeless children, I, Saint Germain, recommend that you establish a foundation for the homeless children and the homeless of all ages. And as your sacrifice to this cause, I ask that you give one day a week or four to five consecutive days a month ministering to the street children, the poor and the homeless. Let them receive from you food, clothing, medical care and love.

Remember the alchemy taught to you long ago by the Preacher of preachers:  “Cast thy bread upon the waters, for thou shalt find it after many days.” <5>And taught to you again centuries later by the Teacher of teachers:  “Take no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.” <6>

Appeal, then, to your countrymen and urge them to contribute the surplus funds that they can easily do without. And in my name, tell them:

      Contribute funds that you have on hand as a selfless gift of love to the children. Do not hoard your wealth, but give liberally while you have the opportunity to open doors and give the children hope for a meaningful life. Adopt them. Educate them. Treat them as your own. And one day they shall rise up and call you blessed.

      You do not give to the poor for the sake of merit or that all men may behold your charity. You give to the poor because you say:  “There but for the grace of God go I. I will help my brothers and my sisters. Yes, I will give 10 percent of my wealth annually to support orphanages, hospitals and schools. Yes, I will follow in the footsteps of Mother Teresa and give of myself for the care of these children.”

   And I tell you that among these children you will come across advanced souls in the guise of beggars. Truly, you never know when you may be turning away a Christ Child. But if you care for all children without discrimination, you shall not miss a single soul who has the potential to contribute mightily to the flourishing of this civilization.

Watered with love and nourished with wisdom, these precious flowers of God’s heart will know that you have empowered them with God’s grace–so much so that they will carry their communities and their countries to new levels of opportunity for all. No, you must not neglect the children!  For they are your most priceless heritage. And you must acknowledge that they are the hope of the future.

Maria Montessori’s Miracles with the Children of Rome

Dr. Maria Montessori is one who recognized that no child is beyond hope. In 1899 in Rome, shortly after becoming the first woman in Italy to receive a medical doctorate, she was put in charge of a school for children who were regarded as “hopelessly deficient.” <7>

In the words of E. M. Standing, Dr. Montessori’s friend and biographer:  “Under her skillful direction the inferior mentality of these defective children...developed to a remarkable and unexpected extent. Such indeed was her success that a number of idiot children from the asylums learned to read and write so well that they were able to present themselves with success at a public examination taken together with normal children.” <8>

Dr. Montessori eventually went on to work miracles among children considered to be of normal mental capacity. She described these children, who were from among the poorest families of Rome, as

sixty tearful, frightened children, so shy that it was impossible to get them to speak; their faces were expressionless, with bewildered eyes as though they had never seen anything in their lives,...poor abandoned children who had grown up in dark tumbledown cottages without anything to stimulate their minds–dejected, uncared for. It was not necessary to be a doctor to see that they suffered from malnutrition, lack of fresh air and sunlight. They were indeed closed flowers, but without the freshness of buds, souls concealed in a hermetic cell. <9>

   Dr. Montessori described her work with these children:

I set to work like a peasant woman who, having set aside a good store of seed corn, has found a fertile field in which she may freely sow it. But I was wrong. I had hardly turned over the clods of my field, when I found gold instead of wheat:  the clods concealed a precious treasure. I was not the peasant I had thought myself. Rather I was like foolish Aladdin, who, without knowing it, had in his hand a key that would open hidden treasures....

      It took time for me to convince myself that all this was not an illusion. After each new experience proving such a truth I said to myself, “I won’t believe yet; I’ll believe in it next time.”  Thus for a long time I remained incredulous, and at the same time deeply stirred and trepidant....

      One day, in great emotion, I took my heart in my two hands as though to encourage it to rise to the heights of faith, and I stood respectfully before the children, saying to myself:  “Who are you then?  Have I perhaps met with the children who were held in Christ’s arms and to whom the divine words were spoken?  I will follow you, to enter with you into the Kingdom of Heaven.”

      And holding in my hands the torch of faith I went on my way. <10>

- to be continued


1. “...We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”  Concluding words of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

2. Lindbergh’s solo flight. See Charles A. Lindbergh, Autobiography of Values (New York:  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978), pp. 394-95. Excerpted in Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, pp. 231-32 in hardbound and softbound; or pocketbook edition, Book 2, p. 76.

3. I Cor. 6:2, 3.

4. Matt. 10:8.

5. Eccles. 11:1.

6. Matt. 6:34.

7. E. M. Standing, Maria Montessori:  Her Life and Work (New York:  New American Library, Mentor Books, 1962), p. 29.

8. Ibid., p. 30.

9. Ibid., pp. 37-38.

10. Ibid., pp. 39, 53.