Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 39 No. 8 - Beloved Saint Germain - February 25, 1996

The Messenger Stumps South America
Make the Golden Age of Aquarius a Reality!
Saint Germain Sends His Messenger and the Seven Archangels
to South America to Inaugurate the Aquarian Age on Earth

Part 2

Blessed ones, I needn’t tell you what unexpected setbacks could come to planet earth if you who now know better–because you have the violet flame and violet-flame decrees–do not seek early to balance the karma of the day (both personal and planetary). Five a.m. is truly the ideal time to balance that karma before it descends upon your households and your nations.

Yes, if you who know better do not engage in serious karma balancing, giving powerful fiats to the violet flame for world transmutation, you could very well see come to pass that cataclysm that has been predicted for so long.

And if it come to pass, the advances civilization has achieved to this hour could take thousands of years to regain, depending on the severity of earth changes. Continents could be severed and nations divided.

People ask, “Why are cataclysm and earth changes predicted?” They are predicted, beloved, because of mankind’s unbalanced karma that has been on the ledger of the Keeper of the Scrolls for thousands upon thousands of years. Therefore Almighty God has spoken and has said to the mankind of earth: “Thus far and no farther!”

The Seven Mighty Elohim and cosmic councils have determined that the karmic debt of 25,800 years <1>must be paid. And the sons and daughters of God must invoke the transmutation of this debt by the violet flame! They must also transmute it by good works, long-suffering, bearing one another’s karmic burdens and preaching the Everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ and Saint Germain to the lightbearers of every nation.

Yes, beloved, you can accomplish this because Lord Maitreya received from the Godhead many years ago the gift of the power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand, which he now gives to you who are gathered here in Buenos Aires. This means that from this day forward every time you give a decree that decree will be multiplied by the Godhead by the power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand. <2>Think of that!

And when you do think of it, remind yourselves not to weary in well doing. <3> You must not say to yourselves, “How can we, a mere handful of people, make the difference?”

Well, handfuls of people around the world who are known of me and whom I shall call and who shall recognize the Messenger will begin to gather in their homes, in the town squares and in major population centers. And by and by they will gather on every shore and throughout the continents.

And you will see with your very eyes how the multiplication of your violet-flame decrees can and will make all the difference as to whether or not this age descends into a dark age like the Dark Ages that followed a few centuries after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

If a Dark Age Should Come,
You Would Remain Captives of the Centuries

  Understand this, beloved:  If a dark age should come because of the tremendous weight of karma that burdens every lifestream on earth, it could be prolonged and compounded for thousands of years. Then what would become of you?

Well, I will tell you what would become of you. You would remain captives of this century and future centuries, which you would be compelled by your own bad karma to enter. And therein you would remain until your own good karma should set you free.

For thousands of years, your soul has been compelled by her own karmic mandates to reincarnate within slices of the finite worlds so that she might run to greet her karma, overtake it, balance it and return to inner planes until another curtain call should bid her descend once again to the stage of life for another opportunity to engage in personal and world transmutation.

But woe to those who are caught in the warp of a Dark Cycle, for once an age of darkness sets in, the avalanche of humanity’s karma cannot be turned back–until it come full circle.

Some of you have indeed come full circle to the very place in time and space where you committed your first act of negative karma. Take heed, I say, that you do not accrue to your record another round of karma making. For today you who have been born on the South American continent have a maximum opportunity to wipe clean your karmic slate and to make only good karma as you build anew a golden-age civilization in preparation for the coming of the seventh root race.

Furthermore, the twenty-first century will open the door for all to renew past ties, both positive and negative, so that all might greet their karma with this one and that one, balance the negatives, accentuate the positives and achieve the goal of absolute karmic freedom at the conclusion of this life.

This is indeed a goal worth striving for!

God in You Can Conquer the Challenges
of the Twenty-First Century

Keepers of the Flame: Attention! Recognize the challenges of the hour, but above all recognize the power of God that is in your hearts as the threefold flame of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Recognize the mighty Atman that impels your soul to espouse her Divinity. Water the seed of your emergent Buddhahood. And bow to your Lord Ishvara (the personification of Brahman), who has ensconced himself within your temple.

God lives in you, beloved!  And because he lives in you, surely you can and you will stand, face and conquer the challenges of the twenty-first century!

For, of a truth, beloved, what else can you do?

And for that matter, what else can the Ascended Masters do?

As the moving finger writes, may it be so that each one of you shall have your personal victory and that the nations shall also have their victory and that they shall have it in the age of Aquarius.

May you succeed, beloved, for many souls have been called to make their ascension in this life. They have been chosen, but now they themselves must choose to qualify themselves for the ascent to their Mighty I AM Presence and for eternal life. For the Cosmic Clock has struck, signifying that the hour of their graduation from earth’s schoolroom is at hand.

And when they do graduate, it will afford lebensraum for the entire seventh root race and many others whose time on the stage of life will have finally come. And Maitreya’s enlightened ones will return to earth, teaching in the temples as they did during the golden ages of Atlantis and Lemuria, when their pupils had self-knowledge of their psychology as well as of the pluses and minuses of their karma.

Move with the Sine Wave of the Victory of Aquarius

Understand this, beloved:  The sine wave of the ages continues regardless of the comings and goings of humanity. It is irrevocable. It can no more be stopped than the rising and the setting of the sun or the rotation of the earth around the sun. But the course that humanity takes in the cycles of the night (the cycles of returning karma) and the cycles of the day (the cycles of opportunity to sow seeds of good karma and to balance negative karma) will determine how the ages are outplayed.

It is an axiom of cosmic law that the weight of the individual’s positive karma does not neutralize the weight of the individual’s negative karma. This law applies to every one of the 5.7 billion souls evolving on planet earth. Therefore, in order for humanity to triumph over their returning negative karma that has been accumulating for 25,800 years, they must collectively row upstream, so to speak.

Yes, humanity must reverse the tide of their descending karma so that they might transmute that karma by their violet-flame decrees before it crystallizes in the physical octave. For once humanity’s negative karma does crystallize in the earth, in the four lower bodies of the people and in all life, animate and inanimate, it will take a tremendous effort on the part of the enlightened ones of earth to purify the world of its human effluvia.

If this should come to pass, then planetary cataclysm will become the solution of God and Nature to humanity’s misuse of their material and spiritual resources. And humanity’s self-created nightmare will be irreversible.

As you have gathered to hear me through my Messenger, some for the very first time, I welcome you to the Path and the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. I bid you study my teachings that are available to you in print and on audio- and videocassette.

And I invite you to attend services and lectures at our Teaching Centers and Study Groups and to join with my chelas who faithfully apply the sacred fire and the violet flame to transmute the layers upon layers of negative karma that must ultimately be consumed if earth and her evolutions are to enter the golden age that is prophesied.

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM, I tell you that by your diligent application of the violet flame you can not only forestall cataclysm but also accelerate world enlightenment. Beloved, if you can keep ahead of the descending avalanche of negative world karma through your violet-flame decrees and your service to me and to the Darjeeling Council, then we may have a victory that is without precedent in the annals of the Great White Brotherhood!

There is indeed “a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.” <4> Therefore, as you would move with the waves of the ocean and the sands on the seashore, so move with the sine wave of the victory of Aquarius. Yes, catch the wave of Light and let it engulf the wave of Darkness before the Darkness becomes physical.

Pledge That You Will Not Allow This Age
to Go Down into a Dark Age

Guard your freedom, yet stoop to give of yourself to the lowly. Do not be obstinate or self-centered. This is a time to give of yourself to those closest to you and to humanity at large.

And it is certainly a time to guard the precious elixir of everlasting life that is sealed in the secret chamber of your heart.

As you do so, watch how the spirals of your being unfold the fairest flower of your immortality–the threefold flame, which is the signature that Father, Son and Holy Spirit have inscribed upon your heart.

Immortality rises as you raise the sacred fire of the Kundalini on your spinal altar. Immortality rises as you commune with your Mighty I AM Presence. And through these practices you are ultimately bonded to your Holy Christ Self, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and then to your Mighty I AM Presence.

All things are possible to you in God!  All things are possible unto you as you study my teachings for the Aquarian age and put them into practice in your daily life. Yes, all things are possible unto you when you reject defeat and accept your victory in every arena!

I remind you, as I reminded the Israelites when I was embodied as the prophet Samuel, “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us!” <5> Yes, the Lord has helped us in the beginning, he has helped us in the middle and he will help us in the ending.

Thus, I gather you today, even as I gathered the Israelites at Mizpeh. <6>  I ask you, as I asked them, to forsake your false gods  and at the same time to make a pledge to me, if you will. I ask you to pledge to me that you will not allow this age to go down into base materialism or into a dark age or into the depths of Death and Hell. For I must revisit the Lords of Karma this night, and I must report to them how many souls here tonight will make this pledge.

And my angels will escort many souls from around the world who are not in attendance here to gather at the Cave of Symbols in their finer bodies tonight that they also may make this pledge to me. For when millions of souls make this pledge to me in earnest, then, beloved, I will have their combined momentum, multiplied by the heavenly hosts, to save this planet and this people.

Therefore, by your free will, stand and be counted!

For you can make this Opportunity your own and you can make this Victory your own!

[Congregation stands.]

Knock upon the Doors of Heaven Night and Day
for Dispensations to Make the Golden Age of Aquarius a Reality

I thank you, my beloved friends. I will keep the promises that I have made to you this night. May you also keep the promises you have made to me. Therefore keep the flame of Life!

I am the Knight Commander of the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity. I founded this fraternity for the saving of your souls and for the saving of the nations. As you keep the flame of Life and study the lessons of this fraternity, you will understand in a profound way what I have given to the world, century upon century.

Now, concerning world events, you are all players on the stage of your country and of your civilization. I tell you, beloved, my determination to have this victory is great and my vision is vast. May yours be the same.

And when it comes to bringing in the golden age, do not take no for an answer. If you must, knock upon the doors of heaven night and day for dispensations that will assist me in fulfilling the dream of heaven and earth to make the golden age of Aquarius a reality.

I look forward to returning to this city twelve months hence that I might see how the Light has waxed and the Darkness has waned. And whatever you accomplish, remember, it shall be your effort, your victory and therefore your blessing!

I AM Saint Germain, your Knight Commander and the Hierarch of the Aquarian Age. In the name of your Mighty I AM Presence, I bow to the Light within you. - [20-second standing ovation]

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

On a 33-day stumping tour of South America, the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, delivered a dictation by Saint Germain and one of the Seven Archangels in each of the seven cities she visited: Buenos Aires, Argentina; Pôrto Alegre, Santos and São Paulo, Brazil; Bogotá and Medellín, Colombia; and Quito, Ecuador. The dictation by Saint Germain printed in this Pearl of Wisdom was given on Saturday, March 2, 1996, at the Central Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Before Saint Germain’s dictation, the Messenger delivered her lecture “Saint Germain’s Prophecy for the Aquarian Age” (see pp. 27-38, this volume) and gave teachings on the seventh root race and the embodiments of Saint Germain. “Rakoczy March” from Hungarian Rhapsody no. 15 by Liszt was played as the meditation music in preparation for the dictation.

[N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Saint Germain’s direction.]  Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

Sections printed in bold italic type highlight fiats, mantras, affirmations, prayers and decrees that you can use in your daily decree sessions. The Messenger recommends that each week when you receive your Pearl of Wisdom, you type or write these out and place them in a special section in your decree book. The Messenger also encourages you to compose your own fiats and affirmations based on the Teachings of the Ascended Masters given in the Pearls of Wisdom.

1. Karmic debt of 25,800 years. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Meeting the Challenge of World Karma on the Cusp of the Twenty-First Century,” in 1993 PoW, pp. 585-86, 597 n. 5; and “Saint Germain’s Prophecy for the Aquarian Age,” pp. 30-32, this volume.

2. The power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand.  On July 1, 1961, in Washington, D.C., Lord Maitreya announced:  “From this day henceforward, every decree that you utter shall be increased by the power of the ten thousand-times-ten thousand!”  (See 1984 PoW, Book I, p. 63, and Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word, pp. 78-79.)  Additionally, at any decree session, the power is multiplied by the number of people present.

3. Gal. 6:9; II Thess. 3:13; I Cor. 15:58.

4. “There is a tide in the affairs of men . . .”  Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, act 4, scene 3, lines 218-21.

5. I Sam. 7:12.

6. I Sam. 7.