Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 38 No. 27 - I AM the Witness - June 25, 1995


I AM the Witness

The New Music


Dear Mother,

The recent New Year’s class was so uplifting to me that I felt remiss in not thanking you and the Brotherhood. I can’t remember when I have felt such an acceleration, renewed vision and intensification of purpose. You might say that a sense of hope and of the possible was part of what the dictations and releases of light conveyed to me. However it happened, I have found it easier to get past obstacles at my jobs as well as obstacles to decrees, devotion and prayer.

Part of the alchemy seems to be the new music—it’s transcendent!  I can feel it lift me up every time I hear it, and when I am not hearing it audibly, I find I am often hearing it in my head. Each and every song is very special, but the meditation to the Maha Chohan, Come, Holy Dove! is so magnificent I can’t hear and sing it enough.

The first time I heard it at the conference I had just rushed to Kuan Yin’s Chapel from my conference work assignment. Even though I had not prepared myself with decrees, I felt a tremendous release of light and expansion upon hearing the music. It stirred my soul as it seemed to touch a familiar chord, yet new to me in this life. Truly it brought tears of joy to my eyes. I can’t think of a more motivating reason to get up at 5:00 a.m. than to have the blessing of meditating upon this piece.

The Angels’ Song at Twilight has also been a great comfort to me. Its beautiful melody and words describing the true test of love and its enduring nature have additional personal meaning for me since I lost my husband of two weeks and two days to a sudden fatal illness. I have cried almost every time I have heard this song, as it has been so deeply moving and comforting to my soul. I could go on and on about how much I love all of the other songs, but I think you would most enjoy hearing how much our elementary children responded to El Morya’s Excalibur.

One of my fellow teachers told me that she played this song for the first grade at lunch and that they were excited about it and bobbed in their seats. I decided to sing it during my next morning decree session with the fourth grade. They loved it, insisting that we sing it again before lunch. Here and there afterward as we went to lunch I would hear one of them spontaneously break into part of the song and others would follow. Returning from lunch on the bus, they wanted to sing it again, and we did, amazingly well—a cappella and from memory to boot!  They look forward to the next time, as do I. I can’t wait to hear what’s next.

In gratitude,