Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 38 No. 24 - I AM the Witness - June 4, 1995


I AM the Witness

Let’s Balance Our Ledgers


Dear Mother,

Recently I remembered an experience I thought would be helpful to share with Pearls readers.

Ten years ago I worked for Keepers who owned a restaurant. The work was extremely difficult for me. I did not enjoy it and everything seemed to go wrong. I had intense back pain and a bad relationship with the hostess. I tried to make it work but finally realized I had to quit. My boss said I couldn’t quit!  I was exasperated but I stayed on.

One night as I was working, the “Ode to Joy” from Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony was playing on the speakers. I paused and looked up, elated by the music. I felt Saint Germain’s presence as tears welled up in my eyes. Saint Germain intimately told me at that moment that I had balanced an old karma from when I had deserted an army in the midst of the battle!  I felt so happy, and the reason for the previous months of seeming toil and unexplainable problems became clear. It was a time of the joy of the violet flame and work.

Sometimes things do not appear to make sense to us in our outer understanding—why we are where we are or why we are with who we are with. But, being blessed with the violet flame in this life, we have such a great opportunity to “balance our ledgers.”  I just wanted to encourage others to “keep on keeping on” and to give the violet flame, knowing in childlike faith that the Law works, sometimes in strange ways.

In eternal gratitude for your presence and Saint Germain’s beautiful violet flame,