Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 38 No. 20 - I AM the Witness - May 7, 1995


I AM the Witness

How Good Can Overcome Evil
The Story of a Little Boy Who Went to Heaven

Some years ago I had an experience that emphasized the importance of making the call when you find yourself in a situation you are not sure how to handle. I was traveling on the East Coast for an herbal company and I was in the home city of the company’s broker. He had a little boy, about eight years old, who was stricken with leukemia.

This broker was quite concerned because the doctors had been treating his son with conventional methods to no avail. He asked me to come to dinner at his home and talk to his wife about giving the boy some herbal remedies. I told him I would be happy to come to dinner and that I would pray for the will of God in this matter.

When I arrived at his home that evening and met his little boy, I felt that I knew him. There seemed to be a soul contact. I sat next to him at dinner and found that he was a very bright little fellow. He asked me what I did. When I told him that I sold herbs, he began asking me questions about the herbs. I told him some of the uses for the herbal remedies.

He looked up at me and said, “Are there some that will help me?”  I said, “Perhaps.”  Then he looked at his mother and asked, “Can I take them?”   She said, “Yes.”

Well, I had prayed about the situation, so I didn’t have to say a word to the mother. The little boy took care of it for me.

After dinner he asked if I would like to see his room. When I walked through the door, I was shocked to see the posters he had on the walls. There were rock stars, heavy metal types, and a Frankenstein monster over his bed. I thought to myself, “He has this disease which is debilitating and these horrible images around him, which must drain his energy even more.”  His two-year-old sister shared the room with him. I made an intense silent call to Mother Mary and my Mighty I AM Presence to give me the words to say to this little boy that would help him see how harmful the pictures were.

No sooner had I made the call than I heard myself say, “Do you know that everything is energy?”  He said, “No.”  I said, “Well, it is. You are energy and I am energy. Even your desk is energy. It’s made of atoms and molecules. It looks solid but it’s really not. Everything is energy and light. And energy can be negative or positive. Even pictures have energy.” 

I said, “For instance, that picture above your bed,” as I pointed to the Frankenstein monster, “do you think that is negative or positive?”  He looked at the picture and I watched his face change. He screwed up his face with a distasteful look and said, “Negative.”  Then he looked at the next picture and said, “Negative.”  His eyes went around the walls looking at each picture and saying “negative” each time. He couldn’t find one positive picture on the walls.

At that point he got very excited and rushed to his desk. He picked up a handful of cards and came over and put them in my hand. He said, “What do you think these are—negative or positive?”  I tried not to show my distaste as I looked at the cards. I had never seen pictures of the Garbage Pail Kids before and, believe me, they belonged in the garbage!  They were gross images of children with all manner of garbage hanging on them. I looked at him and said, “What do you think?”  He said quite emphatically, “Negative!”  I said, “Yes, they are pretty bad.”

He put them back on his desk and came over to me with some papers. He said, “I’ve written a story. Would you like to read it?”  I said I’d love to read it. The story was about a very evil man who lived in a small village and who made everyone who lived there miserable. He was cruel to the villagers and they didn’t know what to do about him. They were all afraid. One day a knight with a flaming sword rode into the village on his white horse (Archangel Michael’s boy). The knight rode up to the evil man and touched him with the sword (he didn’t say that the knight stabbed him but that he touched him) and, poof, the evil man was gone. The people in the village were so happy to be free of this evil man!

As I finished reading the story, the little fellow looked at me and said, “What do you think of my story?”  I asked him, “What were you trying to say?  Were you saying that good can overcome evil?”  He said, “Yes!”  I smiled and said, “That’s what we are here for!”

At that point his father walked in and said it was time to go. I had some of the small cards of the Chart of the Presence with me and I asked the father if I could give one to his son. He said I could, and the little boy put it over his bed, right under the Frankenstein picture—which helped considerably.

As I was leaving, the little fellow looked up at me and said, “When will I see you again?”  My heart was burdened because I didn’t think I would see him again. I kissed him on the forehead and said, “Soon I hope.”

About two weeks later I was back home in my office when I received a call from the father. He asked if I would send his son some pictures. I said, “Sure, but why?”  He said he had been away on a business trip and when he returned home his son asked him to come help him with something in his room. When he went to the room, his son asked him to take down all his posters. He asked him why and he said, “I don’t like them anymore. I don’t want them anymore.”  So he said to me that his son needed some new pictures.

I sent him a picture of Sir Galahad standing by his horse holding his sword, which reminded me of the story of the knight. I included in the package a large Chart of the Presence, a picture of Jesus blessing the children and some nature scenes. I also sent him the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull. I told him he could soar above his illness, just as Jonathan soared above the flock. I told him the pictures were his to use as he pleased and sent him my love.

His father said he put up all the pictures. He put the knight over his bed and the picture of Jesus over his sister’s bed. The little boy passed on about a year later, but I had the comfort of knowing he had seen the Chart of the Presence. The Messenger has said that if a person sees the Chart of the Presence, his soul will always remember it.

I was amazed at how quickly Mother Mary and my Presence gave me the perfect words for this dear soul. So always remember to make the call, for the call truly does compel the answer.


In gratitude and love to God,
the Ascended Hosts of Light
and our dear Messenger,