Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 38 No. 17a - Elizabeth Clare Prophet - April 19, 1995


Easter Retreat 1995
A Special Teaching
“Oh, If I Could Only Tell Them!”
A Profile of Daniel and Nada Rayborn

Much of what we know of the lives of Daniel Rayborn and Nada Rayborn is from Godfré Ray King’s book The Magic Presence.  Godfré Ray King was the pseudonym of Guy Ballard. And Lotus Ray King was the pseudonym of his wife, Edna Ballard. In the 1930s Saint Germain contacted Guy Ballard and Edna Ballard and trained them to be his Messengers. Through them, he founded the I AM Activity.

Godfré first met Daniel Rayborn in the summer of 1930 at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, after receiving a letter of introduction to him from Saint Germain. He wrote in The Magic Presence:  “My impression of Rayborn was very pleasant, for his whole attitude was one of harmony and kindliness, and at the same time, I felt that he was a man of strong character with a keen sense of honor. He had a finely shaped head, classic features, iron-gray hair, and clear, piercing blue-gray eyes. He stood erect and was fully six feet two inches in height.” <1>

The day after they met, Godfré accompanied Daniel to his Diamond K Ranch in Wyoming, which was one of Daniel’s mining properties. When later visiting another of Daniel’s mining operations, Godfré remarked that he had never seen so fine a camp of men. He wrote:  “Everything possible had been done for their comfort and convenience....Everywhere it was plainly evident that Rayborn was much loved by his men. The entire atmosphere was one of harmonious cooperation, and there was a total absence of all coarse or undesirable elements.” <2>

At the Diamond K Ranch, Godfré met Daniel’s two children—his eighteen-year-old son, Rex, and his sixteen-year-old daughter, Nada. Rex and Nada had remarkable singing voices and they performed for Godfré after dinner one night. That evening Nada told Godfré about her mother, whose name was also Nada. <3> (As you know, neither of these Nadas is the Nada who is the Chohan of the Sixth Ray.)

Nada said she and her brother had inherited their voices from their mother, who had been an opera singer. She went on to tell Godfré that her mother and father were “twin rays,” or twin flames; and she related to him the story of her mother’s passing:


Mother’s father was an Englishman and her mother, who was educated in England, was the daughter of an Arab sheik. Two years ago, mother was taken ill and passed on within a few weeks, although everything possible was done to save her life. During the last four weeks she received transcendent revelations that have explained many things to us....

      Saint Germain first came to mother one night at the beginning of her career in grand opera. She had been singing only a few months, when one evening she became almost speechless with stage fright. She was in her dressing room shortly before the performance when a frantic fear seized her, making her forget everything. Saint Germain stepped through in his tangible body, introduced himself, and touched her forehead with the fingers of his right hand. Instantly, all nervousness left, the memory of her part returned, and she was calm and at ease. That night her success was tremendous, and it continued to increase, becoming brilliant beyond her fondest dreams.

      He told her she had earned the right to the protecting presence of the Ascended Masters and from that time on it would be permanent. <4>

   We should realize that it is possible to earn the protecting presence of the Ascended Masters and that there comes a time when that protection is made permanent. We should tailor our lives, our thoughts, our meditations and our prayers to the goal of receiving the Masters’ protecting presence and to earning the right to have it as a permanent manifestation in our lives.

Remember that the Rayborns were real people who were embodied on earth in the twentieth century. They wore the same kind of bodies we wear and lived in the United States, in the neighboring state of Wyoming. They received training directly from Saint Germain, no doubt because of many previous lifetimes in which they were loyal to him and to his cause.

All sincere devotees can work to earn their chelaship under Saint Germain. You know what you can and cannot do if you desire above all to be a chela and to enjoy the protection of the Ascended Masters. I need not tell you what you must do to earn that protection, for you know what you must do. And you have every right to pray that that protection might be made permanent. It’s just a question of how close you want to be to the Ascended Masters, what you are willing to give up for that closeness and if you are willing to maintain your harmony, compassion, kindness and love toward all people.

Nada continued:


[Saint Germain] described the man [Mother] was to marry [and] the son and daughter who were to come to her. After this, he came at regular intervals and taught her many inner laws which she was able to comprehend and apply with astonishing results. <5>

   As we read the major works from the I AM Activity—Unveiled Mysteries, The Magic Presence and The “I AM” Discourses—and as we contemplate the teachings the Ascended Masters have given through Mark and me, we realize that we ourselves have assimilated the inner laws of God and that we are able to comprehend them. The test is to apply those laws “with astonishing results.”  This everyone here can do. We just need to decide to do it.

Nada told Godfré:  “Shortly after I was born, our Beloved Master, Saint Germain, came to [Mother]. He explained that she had work to do on the higher planes of life and that he would always hold Rex and me in his great, loving, protecting care....Father, Saint Germain said, was not sufficiently awakened to be told of [the Higher Law] until about a year ago, when...Saint Germain came to him.” <6>

After dinner the next evening, Daniel Rayborn met with Godfré, Rex and Nada. He told them that Saint Germain had awakened him at 4:00 a.m. that morning and had taught him for at least two hours. Saint Germain revealed to him that he would soon make his ascension. <7>

There is no one here who does not have some contact with Saint Germain. Your very love for him establishes that. You can increase and intensify that tie by directing your thoughts and love to him throughout the day and at night as you prepare to take leave of your body to go in soul travel to the retreats of the Masters.

Just think:  you can one day have the blessings and initiations that the Rayborns had, if you work at it one-pointedly. This is why their story is so meaningful to us. Saint Germain will propel you forward. Yet you must not come with begging bowl in hand but with a platter piled high with the fruits of many lifetimes of service. Yes, you can seek and find the Master’s companionship if you truly want it.

In a dictation given through Mark Prophet on October 14, 1963, the Ascended Master Daniel Rayborn explained how his contact with Saint Germain prior to his ascension had propelled him forward on the spiritual path:


It was such a wonderful experience for me when I first came into contact with Saint Germain—when I realized that he was a vibrant, living person, a great Ascended Master, one who could come from the great cosmic ethers with the swiftness of blue lightning and make himself known and felt. The tangibility of this great Master flooded my being, and I was wholly aware of the fact that I was in the presence of great divinity.

      But the one particular concept that he imparted to me above all others, which floods my soul at this moment with wonder, was that the God within me held the same desire of transformation for me as was resident within the being of Saint Germain.

   This is a stupendous statement. Apply it to yourself:  God within you holds the same desire of transformation as is resident within the being of Saint Germain.

This concept closes the distance between you and any Ascended Master. Think of the beauty of the God that beats your heart—the threefold flame that is pulsating within you, that leaps in the desire to be multiplied by your decrees and meditations.

Continuing now with the dictation of the Ascended Master Daniel Rayborn:


[Saint Germain] made known to me that it was the wonder of God’s love that would impart to me also the full stature of an Ascended Master. He engendered in me great faith and courage so that I had hope, when faced with many vicissitudes in the business world and in family situations..., that the great Light of God would safely pull me through all those conditions and that ultimately I would be given the gift of my ascension.

   In this same dictation Daniel Rayborn taught us a mantra we can use in times of trial. He said:


Many of you who are at times afflicted by elements of doubt and shadow must recognize the constancy of the Sun of your being that shines behind each cloud. You have heard it said that every cloud has a silver lining. But at times these words seem poor consolation to those going through their moments of trial. Men must recognize the need not to necessarily make decisions during moments of trial but to wait until the clouds have rolled away and the cycle has passed.

      The words “This too shall pass!” are a fiat of authority that Saint Germain taught me as a mantram. When correctly understood and applied to life, this fiat tends to act as an eraser to wipe the slate of life clean and to remove unwanted pictures from the consciousness.

      “This too shall pass!” stated three times and followed three times by “The Light of God never fails!” creates a mantram of Christ consciousness to clean the consciousness of unwanted conditions and bring forth a positive victory over negative elements that may at times be projected into one’s consciousness.

   Let us give this fiat together:

This too shall pass!  This too shall pass!  This too shall pass!

The Light of God never fails!

The Light of God never fails!

The Light of God never fails!

And to this we add:

And the beloved Mighty I AM Presence is that Light!

This teaching was an amazing find for me as I prepared this lecture because when I was in my teens I decided to make my motto “This too shall pass!” <8> My soul knew that I was going through karma, and this motto always gave me the courage and vision to keep on keeping on.

I can see now how this fiat truly clears the slate. As the Ascended Master Daniel Rayborn said, “When correctly understood and applied to life, this fiat tends to act as an eraser to wipe the slate of life clean and to remove unwanted pictures from the consciousness.”  This is exactly what it did for me.

I wrote it on my high school textbooks, and I would always say to myself, “This thing you’re going through right now, it will pass. There will be better days. You will get beyond this. This too shall pass!”  I hadn’t read the I AM books at that time. I had nothing in print to go by. But this mantra was a sustaining presence as I went forth to make my way in the world.

So I invite you to also use it, because it really works. When you say it, you are declaring that this human creation, this human nonsense will pass and that the glory of the Lord will be in you and upon you.

Let’s return now to the story in The Magic Presence.

A few days after Saint Germain had awakened Daniel Rayborn and instructed him, the Master spent three days with Daniel, Rex and Nada Rayborn and Godfré at the Cave of Symbols, his retreat near the Rayborn ranch. He gave them a tour of the retreat and showed them marvelous inventions, including a device called the atomic accelerator.

Saint Germain explained that the atomic accelerator was


a mechanical way of quickening the atomic vibration of the human body...and assisting to raise it into the pure Electronic Body which Jesus referred to as the seamless [garment] or the bridal garment of the Spirit....

   ...It will be used a great deal in the future to assist in raising the physical flesh atom into its divine purity and structure—the Electronic Body. This [Electronic] Body remains forever, eternally youthful, beautiful, strong, perfect, and free from every conceivable limitation. In  this body, individuals can and do function wherever they choose in the universe, for in it there are no barriers of time, place, space, nor condition....

...This amazing, real, physical machine is a mighty healing agent—as well as a means by which the body can be raised. It also quickly establishes perfect equilibrium in the brain structure, and through the balancing of the mental and emotional activities of a human being, dishonesty and crime of every kind can be prevented. It was used on Atlantis, although it was less perfect. [We read in Phylos the Tibetan’s book of this very machine on Atlantis. <9>]...There is no invention or discovery that has [blessed] or ever will bless mankind to so great a degree. <10>

During the Rayborns’ visit to the Cave of Symbols, Saint Germain asked Daniel Rayborn to sit in the atomic accelerator, which was aglow with currents of light.

Godfré wrote:


In an instant, the light within Rayborn’s body began to increase, and his face revealed great joy. Within the light around him were particles of substance continually rising as the impurities in his physical body were thrown off and consumed. This lasted about ten minutes. Then I saw his hair gradually return to its natural color, a dark brown, and his face become radiant and youthful. The light within the chair gradually disappeared, and the laboratory was again as usual.

      Saint Germain extended his hand to Mr. Rayborn and he stepped down lightly, as if scarcely conscious of any weight. For more than an hour, the radiance about his face and the brilliant light within his eyes was most remarkable. <11>

   After this experience, Rayborn said, “Words can never describe the marvels I have experienced,...and for the first time in my life, I am beginning to know the real meaning of life.” <12> That life is the life eternal, the life everlasting.

The next day Rayborn once again sat in the atomic accelerator:

A dazzling blue-white light blazed forth crystal clear. In perhaps ten minutes, his flesh looked perfectly transparent. Slowly, a current of vivid blue moved up his spine and met the combined currents of the pineal gland, pituitary body, and the base of the brain, forming into a dazzling golden light, encircled by the most vivid blue....Then, by the very power of his own light, he arose and stepped forth from the chair, and as he did so, he seemed to float rather than walk. <13>

Godfré, Rex and Nada were also allowed to sit in the atomic accelerator for a few minutes. Then Saint Germain took them all to another chamber, where he unveiled a mirror.


“This,” he explained, “is a Cosmic Mirror in which any individual, having reached a certain height of attainment, may see his complete series of lives, the cause and effect of his conscious activity, and how the gradual process of mastery is attained. Then, seeing the divine plan of his future, he will understand how to...increase his power of service and usefulness by consciously expanding the Love, Light, Wisdom, and Power of the Mighty I AM Presence through himself.” <14>

   Saint Germain allowed Daniel Rayborn to look into the mirror. “Immediately, a spot of sapphire blue light appeared upon the milky-white surface of the mirror and steadily expanded until [the mirror] became crystal clear,” wrote Godfré. “The screen revealed Rayborn’s experiences, including even those of his present life and our recent association.”

Saint Germain said:


You see, extension has been granted to this good Brother until he has finished certain outer work and the children are through school. These [life] extensions are given only where it is possible to raise the atomic structure of the physical body into the Electronic. When this takes place, he will be united with his beautiful twin ray, the mother of Rex and Nada. Then will they reveal their true service through the Mighty...Presence of the I AM as their radiance grows brighter and brighter. At an appointed time [after their ascension], they will come forth with their Ascended Master authority and serve in their visible, tangible ascended bodies, holding positions as great teachers of the Light in high governmental offices, being direct Messengers of the Most High Living God. <15>


      Saint Germain said that one year from that day, on July 28, 1931, they would all meet again in the Cave of Symbols, where Daniel Rayborn would make his ascension. <16>

      At Christmastime, Saint Germain met the Rayborns, Godfré, and Bob and Pearl Singleton in Washington, D.C. Bob was the superintendent of Rayborn’s mining operations. He and his sister, Pearl, were students of Saint Germain.

      On the night of December 21, winter solstice, Saint Germain told them he wanted them to attend a concert on Christmas Eve. He said two of the performers would be indisposed and he would arrange for Rex, Nada, Bob and Pearl to perform in their place.

      On Christmas Eve, the four sang as a quartet, and Rex and Nada also performed solos. After they had finished their performance, the manager stepped to the front of the stage and announced a surprise for the closing number. “Allow me to present our guest artist of the evening,” he said as he introduced “Prima Donna Nada,” who would sing “I Come on the Wings of Light.”


The mother of Nada and Rex entered, wearing a gown glittering with jewels. Her own beauty far transcended that of the gown she wore. The applause and greeting from the audience were tremendous. She raised her hand for silence, the audience responded instantly, and she began.

      She sang with tremendous power and glory, as her radiation was released to flood out over the audience and the city of Washington in blessing....At the close of her song, the audience was gripped in silence [for] a few seconds and then burst forth showering their deep appreciation and joy in loving gratitude upon her. They called for her again and again. After she had sung...for the third time, she raised her hand for silence and spoke to them.

      “Your joy and gratitude is so sweet, so sincere, that I shall sing for you something I love, which expresses my feeling for you. It is called ‘I Love You.’”  In this, her voice took on a beauty and power that acted like magic. She sang as only an Ascended Master can sing, and it was no wonder the audience in its enthusiasm and appreciation tried to call her back again and again.

      However, at a signal from Saint Germain, the final curtain was lowered. <17>

   Saint Germain, Nada, her family and Bob and Pearl rushed off to a hotel. In a few moments, reporters besieged the place, wanting to know the identity of the singer.

Saint Germain stepped to the door, and greeted them. “Prima Donna Nada,” he said, “is the wife of a western mining man, Daniel Rayborn, and the two soloists...are her son and daughter. That is all,” and he dismissed them. <18>

Later Saint Germain explained:  “Tonight I have shown you the higher ideal of entertainment. It is not only very enjoyable but tremendously uplifting because of the Magic Presence, whose limitless power it releases. You see, when the proper channel is opened, there is no limit to the blessings an audience may receive wherever the condition is made possible.” <19>

That evening Nada told her family, Godfré, Bob and Pearl of her experiences as an Ascended Lady Master and some of the most important lessons she had learned. Nada said that after her passing, twelve Ascended Masters, including Saint Germain, had surrounded her. (You can visualize those twelve Masters standing on the twelve lines of the Cosmic Clock.)  They showed her how she could raise the atomic structure of her physical body into the “pure Electronic Body.”

She said:


As the process of raising gradually took place, I became more and more aware of blazing light filling my entire body....I felt the most marvelous radiant energy surge in and through me, sweeping away every vestige of resistance and imperfection and quickening my consciousness.

      I became more and more aware of my Mighty I AM Presence until finally it stood before me visible, tangible, and very real. Steadily and powerfully, I felt my physical body drawn into and enveloped by my glorious God-Self, and when I stepped out of the cemetery, I could scarcely realize how transcendent I had become. The old human, limited activities of my consciousness were raised into that alert sense of freedom and unlimited use of wisdom and power....Now [that] I was aware of this greater activity,...I was shown very clearly...that I must put it to use. Then came a still fuller sense of the freedom, beauty, joy, and service that I must render to those who still remain unascended.

      My first desire was that I might know more of these Ascended Masters who had so lovingly ministered to me. Instantly, one after another stood before me and, without a word being spoken, conveyed their names and thoughts to me. With this marvelous thought-language, there came certain attendant pictures in color and the true interpretation of them....

      My first experiences, that seemed to me so marvelous, proved to be but fragmentary, compared with what has been revealed since my ascension into this far greater and more wonderful activity of life....

      You, beloved ones, do not realize how fortunate you are in having the blessing of the wonderful atomic accelerator, one marvelous result of the love and work of our blessed Saint Germain. Great has been his love, his service, and the gift of himself to humanity.

      The beauty and rapid progress of each of you is due to your sincere and intense gratitude. [Gratitude to God and the universe for every single small and great gift you receive daily is truly the key to everlasting life. Cultivate the constant celebration of the virtue of gratitude.]  It is the certain pathway to great heights of attainment and the easiest method by which to achieve every good thing....

      It is because humanity has forgotten to be grateful to Life for all the blessings upon this earth that it has shut the door to peace and become bound by the chains of its own selfishness....

      The Law of Life is to give, for only by giving one’s self can one expand....

      ...One of the tremendous blessings of the ascended state is the entire absence of any criticism or condemnation of human frailties or mistakes. If the student of Light will train himself to forget everything that is useless or that is in any way undesirable, he will...make rapid progress....For the student to drag after him unpleasant memories is but one of the many ways by which he creates, over and over again, the same experiences of misery from which he is really seeking to be free. <20>

   In a dictation delivered on May 13, 1962, through Mark Prophet, Nada Rayborn spoke of her service as an Ascended Lady Master:


Some of you will recall that I was a prima donna and did a great deal of work in connection with opera....My song today is a song of the Spirit and my voice may be heard at night in the various retreats when the members of the Great White Brotherhood are assembled together.

For ever so frequently, at the request of beloved Saint Germain and beloved Daniel Rayborn and my son and daughter and others of the ascended hosts, I still stand before the multitude of the hosts ascended and give a rendering to the heart of my own Presence. I pour forth my melodic interpretations of the universe, and I rejoice continually in the privilege of so doing.

Your talents, beloved ones, are never removed from you by your ascension in the Light. They are enhanced, and limitation is removed from them.

   The next summer, as Saint Germain had foretold, Daniel Rayborn made his ascension. He prepared for several days at the Cave of Symbols in what Saint Germain called the Chamber of Light. Rex and Nada, Bob and Pearl arrived at the Cave of Symbols on July 26.

Godfré wrote:


During the twenty-seventh, many of the Ascended Masters came, singly and in groups, until all who were to take part in the work had arrived.

      At eleven o’clock that night, we were escorted into the electrical chamber, where the marvelous atomic accelerator was waiting....

      As we entered the chamber, the light within it was intense, yet it held tiny points of more dazzling light that darted to and fro in the atmosphere continually. Rayborn seated himself in the chair, and the twenty-four present formed a circle about the accelerator [twelve pairs of Ascended Masters, perhaps twin flames], Saint Germain standing directly behind him and I just in front. Nada, his twin ray, stood within the circle. When all were ready, Saint Germain commanded the individual attention of each one to be held steady upon the Presence and supremacy of the I AM and that of the Master Jesus.

      Suddenly, like a flash of lightning, a circle of the most intense, dazzling, white light surrounded us, drawing steadily toward the chair until it was only about ten feet across. The light within Daniel Rayborn expanded and met the circle of light without. As they touched, he began to rise slowly to a distance of about his own height above the accelerator, the light within him continuing to increase.

      Nada, his own twin ray, rose also and drew toward him, passing within the smaller circle of light. They met in divine embrace for a moment. The next instant the face of the Master Jesus shone out in an aura of gold, pink, and blue above them. Inclining their heads toward us and smiling radiantly, they looked upward as a great ray of intense white light descended. [It enveloped] them both in its protecting radiance, blessing their glorious union and hiding them from our sight while they passed beyond all care and limitation into their eternal perfection of Being, clothed in bodies of everlasting light—the robe of immortality—that shines brighter than the sun at noonday. <21>

   The Ascended Master Daniel Rayborn, in his dictation of October 14, 1963, described what he experienced in that glorious moment of his ascension:


Oh, the glory and the surge of power, the supreme blessing, the contact with the angelic host!  But above all the great feeling of union with my own Mighty I AM Presence!

I recall the thought that passed through my mind. It was like standing under the sun at noonday and gazing up into the heavens, where not a star was visible, and then suddenly experiencing the hour of midnight and the sky filled with beautiful points of light.

I became aware of regions of the cosmos which up to that moment I had not conceived of. And I felt a wonderful kinship with minds and hearts, a reunion with those from whom I had long suffered absence....I knew on the instant that nothing in this world could be compared to the ascension.

...The final thought that passed through my mind as I rose into the great light to be absorbed by it was “Oh, if I could only tell them!”...And I realized afterward, by reflection, that this thought has filled the mind and consciousness of everyone who has ascended. For all have had the same desire:  “Oh, if I could only tell them!”

This is the desire that we of the ascended hosts feel—the desire to reach down into the human consciousness with all of its density, with its suffocating conditions, and to say, “Oh, do put all that you have into your search for your divinity that you might receive the blessing of the ascension at the conclusion of this life!”

   Daniel Rayborn concluded his dictation with a special gift. He asked that a golden chair be placed before the altar and said:


I call to the Great Divine Director for the resurgent energies of Christ-accomplishment to be magnified and a beam of direct light-substance to pass through the substance of this chair and to energize it for the space of one hour.

      Ladies and gentlemen, we have received permission from the Great White Brotherhood for an action of one percent radiation of the atomic accelerator to be anchored in this chair. We ask you to share it with one another for the coming hour.

   This dictation was given at the Dodge House, a hotel in Washington, D.C., where we held our conferences when we lived in Washington. The hotel was later torn down. When the Ascended Master Daniel Rayborn announced this dispensation, the golden chair was placed in front of the lectern, and for a period of one hour everyone who attended the class took turns sitting in it for perhaps a minute or thirty seconds.

It’s happened before, it can happen again. Let’s pray for such a dispensation. However, if the dispensation is for only an hour, it will be like musical chairs!



Elizabeth Clare Prophet delivered this lecture, “Oh, If I Could Only Tell Them!” before the dictations by the Ascended Master Daniel Rayborn and the Ascended Lady Master Nada Rayborn on April 14, 1995, at Easter Retreat 1995.  It has been edited for publication in the Pearls of Wisdom.

1. Godfré Ray King, The Magic Presence (Chicago:  Saint Germain Press, 1935), p. 2.

2. Ibid., pp. 43, 44.

3. Ibid., pp. 2-3, 4-8.

4. Ibid., pp. 5, 7.

5. Ibid., p. 7.

6. Ibid., pp. 5, 8.

7. Ibid., pp. 17, 18.

8. “This too shall pass.”  “It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence, to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words:  ‘And this, too, shall pass away.’  How much it expresses!  How chastening in the hour of pride!  How consoling in the depths of affliction!”  Abraham Lincoln, Address to the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, Milwaukee, September 30, 1859.

9. See “Curing Crime,” chapter 9 of Book I in A Dweller on Two Planets by Phylos the Tibetan (New York:  Harper and Row, 1974).

10.. The Magic Presence, pp. 62, 64-65, 86.

11.. Ibid., pp. 105, 106.

12. Ibid., p. 106.

13. Ibid., pp. 119-20.

14. Ibid., pp. 121-22.

15. Ibid., pp. 123-24.

16. Ibid., p. 132.

17. Ibid., pp. 245-46.

18. Ibid., p. 246.

19. Ibid., p. 256.

20. Ibid., pp. 248-49, 251-52, 253-54.

21. Ibid., pp. 287-89.