Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 38 No. 14 - I AM the Witness - March 26, 1995


I AM the Witness

The Beauty of Confession


Dearest Mother of My Heart,

You have taught that the Masters give us presents on our birthday. I would like to share my birthday present this year and witness to the tremendous power of confession. My daughter received her First Holy Communion in the Heart at the July 1994 Freedom conference. One requirement was that the applicants and their parents each write a confession letter. You would read these letters and establish a penance.

I was raised Protestant and knew nothing about the ritual of confession until I joined Church Universal and Triumphant in 1976. Since that time I have written many confession letters, but this one was different.

About a month before the First Holy Communion ceremony, I sat down at my home computer and started to type. I asked my Holy Christ Self to remind me of all the things that I needed to confess. It was so difficult a task that each time I finished telling about an event, I gave a big sigh, glad that I was through. Then yet another scene would flash before me and more would need to be written. Eight hours and many tears later, I finished. There was nothing left to tell. I felt totally empty and at peace.

In the ensuing weeks I was busy with the end of the school year events and with preparations for the conference. I was in my six-week birthday cycle, and summer solstice was approaching. Normally this time of year can be pretty tough for me. Yet the day before solstice I felt incredibly light. I was joyous. I danced through the day, passing my tests, feeling on top of the world. At first I thought it was a fluke. It was highly unusual. (Funny how sometimes we identify with the difficulties of the Path and not the joys!)  It took two days of basking in this freedom to realize that something significant had indeed happened. When I asked my Holy Christ Self what, the answer was the confession letter.

The next day I received a telephone call from one of your secretaries. You had read my letter and given me a penance. You thanked me for unburdening my heart.   And unburdened my heart I had!  In writing the letter I had to confront my sins and accept the need for forgiveness. There were no longer any barriers between you and me—real or imagined. You knew it all and loved me anyway. Such indescribable joy!

On my birthday, June 30, both Jesus and the Maha Chohan gave dictations through you and spoke of the process of confession and forgiveness. Beloved Jesus said:


      I come, therefore, to impart to you the washing of the waters by the Word, a profound acceptance from my heart, giving unto you the true spirit of forgiveness—forgiveness as the open door of opportunity to correct the wrongs and to intensify the rights.

      None of you here or anywhere on earth who knows the Way, the Truth and the Life should ever doubt for a moment that forgiveness is forthcoming when you ask for it, when you repent of your misdoings, when you desire to be baptized not only with water but with the Holy Ghost and with fire. Let none dwell for a moment in the sense “My wrongs are so great I cannot seek forgiveness.”  This frame of mind smacks of spiritual pride, beloved.

      Therefore, accept the need for forgiveness. Ask for it. Put sin and the sense of sin behind you and know that I AM truly with you always, especially in your deepest moments of despair, in your deviations from your chosen path, whatever that path might be, beloved....

      But should you slip and fall, blessed hearts, never, never fall for the lie that you cannot be forgiven. For as long as you continue to forsake whatever sin, whatever aberration you may have committed or you think you may have committed, our Father will forgive you. It is true that some, repeating the condemnations put upon them by authority figures, condemn themselves and accept that they have done wrong when they have done no wrong.

      Therefore I, Jesus, come to you in this hour so that you may have the opportunity for full absorption in the Mind of God, full oneness with the comfort flame of the Maha Chohan. Thereby you may receive absolution from me and truly be a part of my Sacred Heart. [Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 37, no. 30]

   The beloved Maha Chohan said:


   But I tell you, beloved, the greatest mistake you could ever make in life is to fault yourself for your sins and not realize that your sins are not what I am looking at. I am looking at the quality of the heart, the purity of the mind, the devotion, the path. I am looking for what counts and not for a human being in a straitjacket who is always materially perfect but misses the mark of spiritual perfection for want of seeing clearly.

Therefore, get on with plucking out the tares from your consciousness, the tares of gossip and criticism and condemnation and judgment and faultfinding with yourself and others....

So, then, remember the mantra. Remember the mantra that Jesus gave to your Catherine of Siena. And Catherine repeatedit and said to Jesus, “Thou the All; I the nothing. Thou the All; I the nothing.”  And each time she said, “I the nothing,” she would be emptied and then emptied again and again until her entire vessel was a fitting habitation for me and for Jesus. This is the formula, beloved. Know it well. Know it well. [Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 37, no. 31]

This was a birthday present I will never forget!

I am so grateful that you required me to write a letter of confession in preparation for the sacrament of my daughter’s First Holy Communion. Otherwise, this experience might have been postponed.

Now each Sunday before I take Communion I write a letter of confession. I want to maintain the state of openness between my heart and the heart of the Holy Spirit, the Maha Chohan.

Thank you, Mother, for loving me and encouraging me all the way Home.

With all of the love of my heart forever,