Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 38 No. 8 - I AM the Witness - February 19, 1995


I AM the Witness

The Will of God Is Love


Beloved Mother,

I wanted to share with you a wonderful blessing that came to me yesterday. I was driving to work and had just finished doing fiery, heartfelt decrees to Surya, making calls on many issues, both personal and planetary. I have for some weeks been feeling the love and presence of beloved El Morya in my life. I have chosen him as my God-father in my inner child work and visualizations, and I daily ask him to take my hand and walk with me.

I was praying to El Morya about the many hard situations in my life and relationships and in the world when suddenly but gently my heart was totally on fire with his blue and white flame. I was filled with a buoyant joy and love and an overwhelming sense of victory. In my heart I heard the words “The will of God is Love.”  I instantaneously realized that the people and situations about which I was praying were totally in God’s hands and that the best thing I could do on their behalf was to make the calls for them. I realized how God was loving them through me.

Human effort seemed to melt away and I spent the next twenty minutes or so deeply aware of the beloved Master’s love and light and joy. I had a profound sense of being the will of God right where I was. Truly I was physically experiencing El Morya’s blessed Electronic Presence. He said he would be with us and he is!

I am so grateful for beloved El Morya. I used to be terrified of him!  I never understood the sweet love and tender care he has had for my soul for these many years. As he has healed me of that fear, he has also become my true father and greatest advocate. He has touched my heart and voice and soul with his fiery determination, and he is helping me find out who I AM. He has infused me with such a love of God’s will and such a determination to keep on, no matter what, that I can scarcely put it into words. All I know is I am where I am supposed to be and I would not be anywhere else on the planet unless he asked me to go there!

All my love to you and our blessed Guru. It has been so long and I love you both so!



An Out-of-the-Body Experience in Chechnya

Beloved Mother,

This morning I woke up with the distinct memory of having been in Chechnya, which, in my dream, was a flat plain surrounded by beautiful, jagged, high mountains. The sky was full of dark, ominous storm clouds and the air was very heavy with an ongoing battle. I was walking with two men in their late twenties or early thirties. They had bright, shiny, intent faces filled with a light that came from their great hearts. The air around them was filled with a sense of victory.

I had just arrived, having “dropped in” from somewhere. I asked them how it was going and they said, “It is going OK. We are outnumbered, but we are not going to give up!”  I was carrying in my right hand a small white rifle. I was aware that this rifle did not shoot regular bullets but something unique. It seemed to be an etheric firearm, and I felt it was something the Divine Mother had given me.

We walked a little way and encountered some friends of theirs. I sat down on a rock near them and observed their sweet and courageous faces. They all looked to be young men and women, but there was a look of maturity about their faces. Something told me that I was not seeing their physical ages and faces but the faces of their souls. A few of them had small children and babies with them. I was aware of all this as it was happening, and when I woke up I realized that I had just left them as suddenly as I had “dropped in.”  I didn’t feel that I had woken up as much as that I had come back into my body. I had to get ready for the daily outer battle—get up, get ready and go to work.

My heart aches for these wonderful souls and all those who are in similar situations around this planet. I am grateful to the Masters for the opportunity they have given us to serve out of the body while we sleep at night, as I know we probably all do most of the time. But I am especially grateful to have such a vivid, although brief, memory of this service as a confirmation of this glorious opportunity fulfilled!

All my love,